Transcribe your podcast

What is something your parents lie to you about that you believed?


That if I look at a full moon, I'll wet the bed. Bro, there's no incentive to tell a child you can't look at the moon.


If you cross your eyes whilst the wind hits you, you will remain cross-eye'd forever. That was the eyelid one for me. People used to say back in the day, If the wind hits you doing that, you'll stay there or you go blind. You'll go blind? Yeah, one of them. I stopped doing it that day. My mother told me she had a brain tumor, so I do my chores. Oh my God. That's trauma.


That's not funny.


That's trauma.


The two don't even come inside. They don't, bro. Oh, God. That's just guilt.


That Jesus was on the roof watching to see if we were being naughty. Jesus? Jesus was on the roof. If you whistle during the night, you're calling out for ghosts. What?