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Uk is officially world's second most miserable country. Happiest. Dominican Republic. Might have to pop there.


That is literally what I was thinking.DR might have to see me.Might have to pop there. They're the happiest in the world. Yeah, we're going to DR. Yeah?


Yes.pinky.yes. Twist. Would you ever do that? Pinky and a kiss? I don't think so, no. Do you know what to do?


I don't know what you're talking about, brother.


All right, so we would have to go opposite hands, and then we would pinky, and then we would put the thumbies in our mouth, and we'd kiss the tip of the thumb. We'd just kiss the tip.


What does this symbolize? Friendship. Is it a primary school team?


I don't know what it is. Where'd you learn this?


It doesn't matter.


Are you kissing the tip or not?


No, because what will happen is I will kiss the tip and it will suck his thumb. Yeah. And it will look in my eyes. You're the kiss the tip.


I won't move. I'm good at that, man.