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Do you remember that picture I took the other day with the pigeons that cornered me off? I'm not trying to get here. You didn't even see it. Bro, an army of pigeons. These fuckers, man. Was crossing the bridge about 60 n. Was on the path, bro, blocking it. What did you do? I can't even tell you, man, what I embarrassed myself. Honestly, I was 20 meters away and I was like this. I said, man, I said, I had nothing to throw, nothing to do anything. That's when I took the picture and said it to you. What am I going to do? What am I going to do? Bro, so I had to just run really loudly towards them. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Intentionally, yeah. Then some of them flattered. I made some noise. I'm not going to try and recreate it, but then eventually, they did dip. It was terrifying.