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I said, No, it's just impossible. When I say the condensation on my window was going crazy.


You were breathing.


I'm breathing. Guys. Girls. Welcome in. Welcome back. Right. Before we get into the question of the week, I have stuff to get off my chest. Cool. Pause. As many of you will have seen, and A lot of you may not have seen that on our most recent Log Cabin episode... Well, by the time this comes out, on one of our most recent Log Cabin episodes, we went and did a Ninja Warrior challenge. Yes. Well, go on. I'm just going to put it all on the table. I think I discussed this briefly with you guys before, but the time is now to really get it off my chest. Okay. I was too concerned about looking good, and Una reverse made myself look bad. The comments concurred. The comments concurred. They agreed and it's unaligned. Someone said, James skipped every PE lesson. I said, Hang on. They don't know I'm athletically gifted. I let my crest down. Crest. I let my house down.


I went in there and I said it before. I went As soon as I saw... I went in there with all the intention.


Actually, no. Let me start from the beginning. We went in there and I thought, to start off with, that it was just a me and you thing. Okay. And I I knew it was an open invitation for all of the rest of the team. In my head, it was, we'll go head to head, and then whoever's not behind the cam, bring some kit, and then we've got the place, you might have to go around while we figure this thing out. Rem came dressed as Spider-Man. Yeah, Miles Morales start. I was like, Right. What's going on? It felt a little light-hearted. Lawrence rolled his sleeves up to here. He did. Yeah, and I was like, Right? What's actually all this about? So I thought, All right, cool. And now it's a 1v1v1v1. I was like, Okay, cool. So now it's not just second place, it's second, coming, fourth. So I thought, All right, I'm ready to actually put some effort in. Let me actually try. I'm a very competitive person. Let me just put it. Let's just leave it all on the table. As soon as I saw in that first round, that ring twelled you like that, I said, I promise you there's literally no way.


That happened and then went like, no one spoke about it again. No one spoke about it again. I thought it was going to be the forefront of the entire day. No. Your limbs weren't your own. I was like, I said to you, I'm not doing that. So it'll take my sweet time. Thank you very much. I made up for it. Of course Yeah, you did fantastically well.


I saw the end product.


First of all, Ellis is now back in my good books and Alex is out. Why? Because the way the content was curated. The spin. Yeah, he spanned the... The way we finished on, obviously, we're supposed to finish on me not making it to the top of the stage. I did make it. The way I was like, he made me look terrible.


But it's good for the narrative.


But I will say, after I saw that happen to you, I thought, I'm not going to try. And then that carried on too long. And by the time it was time to try, that it was already too tired to try. I look terrible. I look sloppy and ugly and fat. Most of all, silly. And a bottom boy and a pussy. But so off the back of that, I thought, as a new Log Cabin I am going to set a challenge for you, man. Okay. To redeem myself, I'm nervous to recommend it because it could fuck me up. You, Rem, and my brother Lawrence can design an entire gym workout based on your strengths.




You can choose to pick an exercise each that you know that you're the best at or the strongest at or whatever, or two exercises each, whatever the fuck you want to do. Then I will not contribute a single exercise to this workout, and I will beat all of you at this thing. Exercise or workout? Sorry. The exercise is curated by the three of you. For example, if you have to think he's strongest at bench, he can put bench in. If you think you're strongest at squats, you can put squats in. If Lawrence thinks he's strongest at pull-ups, he can put pull-ups in. I won't put anything in. Okay, pause. Pause. Yeah, I'll put one thing in. The only pick. The one that matters. The only thing that matters, yeah.


I'll put it in.


But and then I will partake in this. Obviously, we'll all have to do the entire workout. But once you get to your selected exercise, God willing, you should be able to beat me at it. I'll beat all of us at it. I'm confident that I will do this and I will beat all of you. Beat us all at the specific weights that we all do at our own exercises. Yeah. Interesting. It'll be like a crossover in the same workout. Yeah. It's going to end up dependent on what everyone's strengths are. Everyone might all decide their best at chest, and then it's just a chest workout. Everyone might all decide their best at back or whatever. Yeah, true. It's going to be different body parts. Different body parts. It doesn't have to be different body parts.


This is you, man's workout. Whatever you want to do, I'm going to come in there and I'm going to smack all of you. Okay. Cool. Cool. Cool.


I already know one thing I'll beat you at. Yeah? Chin-ups. Yeah, I was thinking pull-ups from you. Do you know what's funny? Is that you, man, think I just decided to come in here today and just start saying stuff. You, man, think I haven't already started doing pull-ups every day. You've been training. You think Ninja Warrior?


You think everyone's going to watch that and assume I can't do pull-ups? I've been doing pull-ups.


All right. So wait.


You knew it wasn't going to be the one thing that I knew you might want to choose. Let's go, bro. All right. Let's go. Pull-ups was the first on my head.


All right.I've.


Been doing pull-ups. Wide grip. Why this grip? Yeah, facts, bro. Why grip, bro? All right, bro. Bro, I've pull-ups.


Pull-ups is a dangerous one to challenge me at, though, because I've been slacking at it.


Rem will tell you, back in the day, I was the king of pull-ups. Okay. I used to pull up to body power and just to meet with anyone who was ready. So I'm down, bro. You're not lying. Good to hear. I like this ego boost. I didn't like what I saw. Neither did I. I didn't lie to you. I didn't like my red eye, though. I was reading this like, not my boy.


Not my boy, not my boy, not my boy.


They were praising us three.


And then left, they kicked it to the curb. Yeah. They kicked it to the curb. I saw what I said, raw. That was your own demise. I deserved it. I deserved it.


So now I'm willing to back myself. I'm not going down like that. Okay. So I will challenge all you, man. If I lose, I won't call myself Daddy for six months. I mean, I won't have it. Three months. I was going to say that would happen. Three whole months. All right, cool. I'm not going to use the D-word. Cool? Cool, man. Cool. Yeah, fair enough.


I'm happy with that. Sounds like regardless of the outcome, it will be a very good episode because we're all working out. Yeah, exactly, bro.


We're bonding as men, sweating together, cuddling and stuff. It's going to be a sick episode regardless. All right. Pumped up and shit.


It has to be a very good gym.


Yeah, I was thinking to go old school, potentially, and maybe go Futures in Coventry. Wow. That'd be awesome. That would be cool.


That would be sick. That would be cool. That would be sick.


Throwback. Yeah.


I'll speak to Kev.Yeah. See what's up.


I think that'll be cool. Cool. You're heading in first, guys.


Yeah.potential gym workout Log Cabin episode coming soon, where it's 1v3, and we'll see the outcome. Yeah, man. Excited. 10 times.


All right, say it. I've got all of America to train for it as well.


Very good point. Very good point because it will be post-American. So yeah, tail in the summer.


Here we go.


That day, I'm going to be so nervous. I know.


Yeah, I know.


I'm going to be very nervous that day.


I know. What's your leg press game saying?


Leg press? Not seat like...


The incline press up thing? The last time I did it, I did with my PT. It wasn't fun. I think I did eight plates aside. Twenty-fives? It was a mix of 20s and 25s. I don't know. Let's say they were all 20s. Let's say they were all 20s.


That's four. Okay, cool. Nice.


What's your saying? Four something.


I can do four something for four.


With a set It could be just you have to beat us for however many reps and sets.


It can be whatever. If we're aiming, you guys will set the weight, not the weight, you guys will set the rep range on the set. We're doing this exercise for three sets of eight. I have to have more completed reps, either more completed reps with the same weight as you or same completed reps with more weight.


Yeah, cool. Sounds good.


I think leg presser and chin ups will be my two pros.


Yeah. Gang. Cool. Exciting. I'm excited.


Goodlet's do it. That's going to be a good episode. It's going to be a good episode. I can see the testosterone in you building when you're like, okay.It's.


Going to be a good episode, bro.Okay. Cool. Gang, right. So question of the week? Question of the week, yes. And the question of the week this week was, drum roll, please.


What's a question that's guaranteed to start an argument?


This was actually a really good one. This is a really good question.


I've got two, four, six. I've got eight. I got 10, I think.




I'll let you go first. Right. What's a question that's guaranteed to start an argument? This is facts.


I thought you were on a diet.


I'm just asking. I'm literally just asking.


I thought you were on a diet. Yeah. I fucking hate that. Allow it. I know I'm on a diet, but I'm clearly weak right now, and I need this. Bro, allow it is right, bro. I need this. Just let me carry on. All right. What's a question that's guaranteed to start an argument?


If I die first and you remarry, who are you going to get buried next to?


I've never even thought about that. When I saw it, I was like, wow.


Wow, indeed. Who are you going to get buried next to?


It's such an easy get-out as well because you just say, I won't remarry.


I won't remarry.


But she's been like, Hypothetically. Hypothetically, just say, come on. It's always because she'll premise it with, I won't get angry. It's not even real. Red flag number one. Yeah, I won't get angry. I promise you I won't get angry. It's just answer the question.


Just answer. Yeah, cool. What's the question?


Is guaranteed to start an argument? What are we? Yeah.


I packed my bags out. What are we? You have to ask and you don't know. Facts. Just to piggyback on what I said previously, what's the question that's guaranteed to start an argument?


Any question that starts with babe, hypothetically speaking. Yeah, 100%. Hypothetically, yeah. You know it's long. Next. This one. Yeah. First off, has anyone seen my socks? Mom, where did you put them? You think I won't scrap you on the spot? I'm obviously late for something.


Don't ask me stupid questions. Where did you put them?


If I knew where I put them, would I put that question out? That'd be on my feet, wouldn't they?


Silly cow. Silly cow is the one. You silly cow is the one. That's hilarious. What's a question that's It's guaranteed to start an argument? What did you say? What did you say?


Brother, question that's guaranteed to start an argument. Why is Pizza Hut calling you at 3 AM? Yeah. Charge. Yeah, the whole thing is charged.




You know what's jokes? It takes so long to turn off an iPhone these days. She would watch me go through the whole process and turn off. Yeah, true. Why is pizza calling you at 3:00 AM? She'll see me go, sentence, general, scroll down, shut down, face off, go back to sleep. Shut down. It's crazy. I'm not having this conversation. Oh, God.


What's the question that's guaranteed start an argument? Why can't I see your phone? Not, can I see your phone? Why can't I see your phone? It's the twist of that question.


Why can't I see your phone?


Don't put me in that position. Facts. Why?


Why can't I see your phone?


You know why. Let's not do this dance. Yeah. Blissfully ignorant. Let's not do this dance. You know why?


Crazy. Crazy. Fuck it, Al. Crazy. All right. All right. Question that's guaranteed to start an argument. Can I go out with the boys? The fact that he has to even ask for Mission. Yeah, it's nasty. The dog house is imminent. It's nasty.


What's the question that's guaranteed to start an argument? What's that on your neck?


What's that on your neck?


No, I was squatting. I've been there. Yeah, I was squatting. The ting was wrapped.


Right, this one. While showering, do you piss in the shower or do you get out to piss in the toilet? That would make me angry. Yeah, fam. Why you ask me dumb? Of course, I piss in the shower. Then there's a fight. That's why she asked me because she wants to fight because everyone pisses in the shower.


When I was getting out.


I think I've got out twice in my life and I regret it. I don't think I've ever got. The only time I've ever gotten out, which I'm livin' about, is when I forget that I've run out of shower gel or something and I have to run to the utility to get it.


I'm just soaking. Boaz.


There's no... It's jarring. The air has never been colder. Colder. It doesn't make...


The physics doesn't make sense.


It's never been colder. And then when you get in the shower again, it's not the same thing because wet and wet for some reason doesn't…It doesn't translate. I need wet and dry. It just doesn't translate. It's just a bogus shower now. Yeah, I hear it. I don't know why. I think I've got out of the shower twice to piss on the toilet. It was just hell.


I don't know why you did that.


I don't remember why I did it. I remember doing it. I don't remember what the reason was. Maybe the plug was not draining as fast as I needed to drain.


That would be a reason.


That would be a reason. Because you think I'm pissing in my feet? And then paddle pulling it. No, I'll burn a house down. I'll burn a house down, bro.


That would be a reason.


All right, cool.


I want to ask you something, but can you please be honest? I want to ask you something, but can you please be honest?


It depends on what you're asking, bro. Factual. Don't ask me for stuff before you've asked a question. Factual. And I'll decide if I'm going to lie or tell the truth because I know what's best for the both of us. Right. Who's got you smiling at your phone like that?Not you.


It's not you.




What's the question that's guaranteed to start an argument? Why has your Insta following increased?


Who's asking that?


Why has your Insta following increased? Shut up. Get a job.


100%. You don't have enough requirements.


Requirements is the word.


Yeah, you don't have enough requirements or responsibilities to be asking, Why is my following without that? Right. This one I can imagine to be the number one argument starter in the world. I've seen women love to do this because I know women have, again, no fear of consequence. What's the question that's guaranteed to start an argument? Bitches can't say Excuse me? Bro. Excuse me? Bitches can't say Excuse me? Them ones. And also when a girl holds the door open for another girl, and then they go, What's through and you hear that, You're welcome. Yeah, you're welcome. Yeah.


Peek. Beef. That's always beef.


Bitches can't say Excuse me?


That's always beef. All right, last one I got. What's a question that's guaranteed to start an argument? I I saw you smiling at my married friend. Why?


That's a rollover. Why? Stuff like that is where you actually question who you've chosen to spend the rest of your life with. Factual.


Factual. Because I don't need this stress and this anxiety that you induce on me.


It's too much. That's where just a simple thing of driving the car alone one day and you're just like, This could be better.


This is better.


This is actually better. Why am I choosing this? Why am I choosing that option?


When I could be singing in the car happily.


No one's here telling me to shut up.


Fax, I'm doing me. I can smile at who I want.


I'm doing me. Because I'm polite. Fax, bro. It's horrible. Next one. Question that's guaranteed to start an argument. Are you done with your little tantrum now?


Okay, okay, okay. Don't patronize me when I'm livid.


100%, bro. Don't do Are you done with your little tantrum now? And it's dread because that's already after we've made up. Facts. That's after we've made up.


You're bringing me back to where I was.


And you're literally reducing me back to the guy I don't want to be. That would annoy me. Are you done with your little tantrum now? That would annoy me. Oh, 100%. Last one. Question is guaranteed to start an argument. So you watch Japanese cartoons?


If you're uneducated, just say so.


Just say so. Ignorant. Just be ignorant over It's there.


Yeah, that.


Japanese cartoons.


And they do that on purpose because they know it's anime. Yeah, of course they do. Who doesn't know it's anime? That would annoy me. That would annoy me.


So uncultured.


That would annoy me, bro. Uncultured is the word. 100% that would annoy me. But anyway, welcome back, guys.


Welcome back, indeed.


Hope you're enjoying yourself so far. If you enjoy the show and you want to watch more and you want to watch some really exciting stuff, head over to Patreon. Com/schitsngeeks. If you're wondering, why is James talk about Ninja War? That doesn't even make sense. Patreon. Com/schitsngeeks. If you're wondering, I keep seeing all these clips of James, if you had in this sick, like wooden, log cabin-y-looking set, Patreon. Com/schitsngeeks. Yes, sir. Head on over there and enjoy our brand new, thriving show, The Log Cabin. It's a lot of fun, and everyone seems to enjoy it so far. Yes, sir. We are currently sat in 16th place in the world on Patreon. Wow. It's amazing. It's not amazing enough.


You can do better, guys.


If we get to top five, you know your boys are just going to start smacking people in public. That's what we want.


Facts, because we're obnoxious like that. If you're top five, we're obnoxious.


Bro, if you ever wondered, I wonder what James and Fia's dicks look like. Get to top five, you'll see it swinging.


You'll see stars. You'll see that drink thing with that extra.


That hang low, that reverb. Bro, you'll see my thing swinging at top five. Because what are they What's this for? Facts. Top five in the world. Facts. Anyway, head on to petro. Com. Four times, sitting in the gigs. Zero. Right now, £3 a month. Ten be a day. Run the P. S&g. Let's get top five, top five, top five. Indeed, indeed.




Getting into vibes now. Yeah, yeah. I have a story for you, man, that I've been holding on to for two weeks.


You mentioned.


Oh my God. Let me lick my lips and drink my water.


I'm ready. All right. I'm locked.


You, man, lock in. This happened to me the other day. Basically, the day before we went to... It was the night before we went to do the other log cabin. It hasn't come out yet. I was in a hotel. Across from this hotel, I won't say where it was, across from this hotel was apartment blocks. Anyway, I've had a good time. I've eaten my dinner. I'm chilling now. I'm just about to go to bed, turn my lights off, and I'm seeing some London scenery, and it was lovely. I was like, cool. I'm staring out the window and I could see these apartment blocks. Right in front of me, I'm seeing a light on, isn't it? I was like, oh, it's bedtime. It's 11 o'clock here. I was thinking, Oh, it's bedtime. I wonder what people's bedtime routines are. I'm seeing one light on. There's a million lights off. There's a light on. There's a couple of lights on over here. But straight down the middle to my true north, one light on. I see a rare sitting there and there's a distance. So Daddy had to squint a little bit. I thought, Oh, this is people watching that.


It's the finest. Let me people watch. So I'm leaning on this thing like this, watching Brosky, and he's sitting in his gaming chair, and he's rocking back and forth a little bit. And I was thinking, I wonder what he's watching. I see his hand moving, you man. I see his hand moving up and down. I said, that's impossible. I said, that's impossible, bro. I see Donny's jacking it. I was like, I'm rock. As he's jacking it, he leaned back in the seat. I saw he was half naked, you man. I saw the light change and reflect on his skin. This nigger was half naked. Just, I said, Hey, yo, that's a Brosky wankin. That's nuts. And he's naked in a gaming chair. He lives alone for sure. Bro, For sure. Bro, this guy nutded and just sat in it. The only reason I know he nutded because he stopped. And then he just sat there for a minute and I was thinking, Why are we going for a cleanup crew? Anyway, it must have been a solid minute before this guy wiped up. Then this is how you know he lived alone. He wiped up and he went like this.


He wiped up, grabbed the tissue and hit the three. He didn't even look at the bin. He wiped up, scrunched the tissue, just went like that. I said, raw. Then he got his naked ass up and walked into the kitchen. You can't see him in the kitchen, but you can see the fridge open. You see the light from the fridge open. This is like a movie. Bro, and I was like, No, that's crazy. Anyway, as he's closed the fridge, he's come back in, and he's coming back in with naked, you man. Still naked, if you can believe it. He He's come in with a can of drink and a packet of crisps. He sits straight back down in the gaming chair, naked, feet up on the desk, scrambling crisps. Naked. I said, raw. Let's see what else is going on in this apartment. Northwestern quadrant. I look up another light's on. I'm looking over there, wouldn't believe it. Another guy, gaming chair. I was like, okay, cool. This is the singles thing. Yeah, this is the singles block. I see a hand.


No, shut the fuck up.


Shut the fuck up.


No way. This bro was taking it as well.


No way. I promise you, man, this guy's fapping one out as well. I said, no, it's impossible. When I say the condensation on my window is going crazy. You were breathing. I was breathing. I was breathing, bro. I said, This motherfucker's wanking as well.


Oh my God.


This is impossible. This bro weren't naked, though. So he jacked it, finished, kicked out as well. I was thinking, This is nuts. Ogie is still eating Chris with his feet up naked. I said, this is impossible. Southern quadrant. You, man. Southeastern quadrant. I watched a brer walk into his living room in a Superman stance. Wait for it.


Naked. I'm done. She's fucking stupid.


I said, That's impossible. He can't be naked. The light must be deceiving me. He can't be naked. Then I saw from the silhouette in between his legs, a woman arrives from the carpet. Tease. Raw. Naked.




I said, What? There's no way. Were they just banging on the floor? I was thinking, that's impossible. They can't be banging on the floor. They live together. Clearly, there's bedrooms and sofas galore. Why are they banging on the carpet? I mean, I've banged on a few carpets. You can't help yourself sometimes. Yeah, that's lunchtime activities. This is midnight. Anyway, so I'm watching them for a minute, both naked, and they're walking around the apartment. They walk back into the living room, and when I say home girl drops into a squat and just sits there, sits in the squat. I said, she's about to give him top. There's no way. There's no way I'm about to catch this. There's just no way. Brother, she wasn't about to give him top. These men were doing naked yoga. No, they were not. She goes into downward dog stance. Donny starts stretching. He unrolls a yoga mat. These motherfuckers are doing naked yoga.


Were the windows open?


If you can record. The curtains were open. You I mean, to help the stank?


No, because they might have been doing that hot yoga thing. They might have like, keying up the room.


No, I didn't see anything. I just saw tits and yoga mats. Jesus. Naked yoga. Naked yoga. In the space of four minutes, I saw a naked yoga couple, OG naked wanking guy, and Northwestern quadrant gamer wanking guy.


Flipping hell.


It was an experience.


Wow. People watch it. It's different.


Different, bro. Wow. I've never seen anything like it. I couldn't believe this was real life.




I didn't go to bed for ages. I didn't go to bed for ages. You were scanning. I was scanning, bro. I was looking at every angle.


It's interesting. Let me see more.


Yes, it's interesting. Bro, I felt like I was in Friends.


Yeah, across the way.


It was the best four minutes of my life. Wow. People shouldn't have access to that. Fuck. Because I'm going to say, these two brahars had no idea they were fapping at the same time. Do you know how much of a violation that is? That only one person on this planet knows that these guys were wanking it was me. They didn't know that these men were both jacking it at the same time, and I was watching both of them. Do you know what that would do to my mind? If someone told me, by the way, I saw you wanking last night in your apartment. Fyi, three floors above, Another guy was ranking at the same time. You finished first, and you stayed naked.


I saw you eating the Chris.


Yeah, I saw you eating Chris naked. You're a dog. You're a dirty, dirty dog. He also dropped two on the floor and he ate like that. I swear to God, he dropped two on the floor, ate off before. This is that. Yeah, he did.


He probably didn't wipe his hands or nothing.


Bro, this is when I'm saying there's stats that come out that say 30% of men aged 18 to 35 haven't had sex in over a year. I'm like, that's cap. Then I saw that and I was like, this guy hasn't had sex in multiple years. The level of comfort. Do you know how comfortable you have to be to wank naked, go to the kitchen naked, come back and sit in the same chair naked and eat crisps?


After hitting the three.


After hitting the sperm bank three.


No look.


The no look. The no look. The no look. The sperm bank three. Yeah, that's crazy.


The windows just open as well.


Yeah, you haven't been in the company of another human in a while, bro. That's crazy. I couldn't believe what I saw.


That's crazy. That hot yoga one would have sent me because I would have been praying for intercourse.


Oh, so beside, bro.


I would have been praying for intercourse.


I couldn't believe what I see. When she drops into that squad, I was like, Oh, these men are getting inventive with it. That's nuts. Also, again, comfort. Do you know how much I need to trust that you love me for me to drop ass naked into a squat? You're just seeing everything, bro. You can see insertion points. Everything.




That's comfortability.


That's comfortable, bro. Comfortability. Comfortability in his own skin as well as the relationship.


So, yeah, fair play. I can't let you... Because I need to know we're going to die together because you're not leaving with that image in your head. So you can just go tell people.


I've seen him in position. Yeah. Now we have to smash.


Yeah, 100 %.


You just have to forget this yoga. We have to smash.


Yeah, 100%, bro. That's the only way to say it. I'll bang out your head. Banging the image out your head, bro.


Flipping out. I thought I saw someone having sex in a window once. Do you remember what it was? Do you remember your Birmingham studio? Yeah. Do you remember that cut out in the window? There was a cut out in a window. Yes. Do you remember? I think I remember. It's like a cut out of a woman like this on the window, and it literally looked like someone was getting banged.


I do remember. I do remember. I do remember.


I remember.


Oh, In the tall apartment block.


Yeah, I remember. Fuck.


I thought the same thing multiple times.


If you see it for a split second, you're like, Oh, my fucking God. It literally looks like someone's getting banged.


To this day, I've never seen anyone get banged.


I've never, ever, ever seen anyone get banged, ever.


Have you? No. Trying to see it. Not even on a perf, though. To be fair, I've seen people fuck in a car. Really?


I was young as well. I was like 13. That's a dark thing to see. I was playing out with... No, it wasn't like... I didn't even see, but it was just steaming silhouettes. That's what it was.Steaming silhouettes.What.


A name.


Yeah, it was 13. I was playing out with my mates and we went to, I don't know, fuck around in some car park. We noticed this car was moving in a corner. What the fuck? Obviously, we're old enough to understand. So I was like, What the fuck? And we got closer and it was literally all steamed. It didn't crack a window or anything. It was just silhouettes. And then they were just banging.


Nice. I've got experience with that. People loving people, bro. I'm here for it.


Yeah, man. Yeah, man. That's sexy.


That is sexy. Yeah. Yeah. Gang. I'm trying to think. I lived with you, man. I've heard both of you bang, actually.


I've heard you bang. Well, I've not heard you.


I've heard the perp. Yeah, I've never heard your voice. I've never heard your voice. I've heard their voices. Yeah.


We spoke about this not too long ago, right? Did we? Yeah. You and I did. I overheard... We were in the living room one time and Forrest was playing music super loud. I called him a few times and then just put two and two together. It was like, yeah.


I don't remember.


I remember that conversation. Definitely I think it was definitely third year. Third year, for sure.


Third year. Nice. I heard Rem hit in the shower. That echo was nuts. I remember that. Echo was crazy.


Oh, wait. That was in Callice? Yeah. I was thinking about a different time.


I don't know that time.


Yeah, I was thinking about a different time.


I heard Rem clapping cheeks cheeks in the shower. I said, raw. It was not quick as in quick, but in terms of we were in the living room together. Okay. Then by the time I made it to my bedroom, I can hear the shower and I hear you clapping. I was like, How did that even happen? No warm up. They were both leaking already. Nuts, bro. That is nuts. Yeah, That is nuts. Yeah, very nuts.


Yeah.what a time.Fam?What.


A time indeed.What a time.Great time.


You just can't hold it in anymore.Great time. You just have to bang. What a time.


Insane stuff.Fuck sake. Gang, man. We're taking a break. Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to announce that smooth, sack summer is officially upon us. Let's go. Finally, I've been waiting. When you're playing in the summer sun, make sure you're groomed from pubes to bum. Ayo. Thanks to our friends at manscaped, you can make this season your smoothest yet. The performance package 5.0 Ultra is the ultimate bundle to keep your boys downstairs cool while looking hot. Let's go. Join the 10 million men worldwide who trust manscaped with our exclusive offer. Get 20% off plus free shipping when you go to manscaped. Com and use the code. You know it, you guessed it. Here it comes, S&G.Cierra, November, go.Sumertime, and the trimming is easy.Right, I have a show recommendation.Nice. I was scouring Netflix the other day, and I saw a show, stumbled across a science fiction show, an animator show.


It's probably the same show as I wanted to recommend. Scavengers Reign?




Let's go.


Nice. Yeah. Damn.


Have you finished it? Not yet.


Very good show.


Fucking show, you, man. I'm going to give you guys a synopsis, and then I'm going to do one spoiler. It follows five different stories all at once. I'm going to give you a little spoiler about one character which is so fucking nuts. Do you know what you're on about? Yeah, of course, bro. Yeah, of course. You, man, so basically scavengers Rainier, HBO Max T. It's a sci-fi. Basically, it's set in the future. People are on this massive... I don't even know what they're doing up there.


It's It's called a Dementia. I think that they are trying to repopulate a new Earth, but they've crash landed into a-On a different planet. On a different planet completely.


Yeah. While they crashed there, there's so many... There's like 100 people still in a cryo sleep, and there's like a handful of people that took an escape pod while the thing was crashing, and they're alive, and they're all in different parts of the planet just trying to figure shit out. When I say this planet is like Pandora times a million, every animal, every plant, every microorganism is out for blood, bro. It's trippy, bro. When I say it's crazy, and the one thing I will say is the way they interact with the species on this planet and what they can do for you, what they can do to you, bro, it's crazy.


They've acclimatized.


They've acclimatized, bro. There was one bit in there, just to give an example of how crazy this is. There's one character called Kamen on there. We get introduced to this one species who use fucking mind control. They have telekinetic powers, and they use mind control to basically hypnotize their prey into just getting food for them. They just create a little army of foot soldiers. It's usually like little bugs and shit like that, and they'll grab them berries, and they just sit there. They're quite passive. They mind control them, and they feed them this black goo. Then once they're in that mind control, that little insect runs off and starts collecting berries to just feed this fucking animal. Brother, one of these animals stumbles across Cayman just minding his business one day, and he's like, I don't know what this creature is, but I'm going to hypnotize the fuck out of him.


How they hypnotize you is they show you your best bits. It makes it seem as if what you're seeing is so real, but it's so positive within the same-It's your dream. It's your dream, long story short.


But yeah, this is fucked. For example, while they're feeding you this Gloop, you'll be imagining you're having in the best roast dinner of your life. So you're back in it.


You're back in it.


And, brother, basically, Kamen's feeding this animal, and he starts He's feeding him bigger prey and bigger prey and bigger prey and bigger prey. And the bigger these animals get, the stronger their telekinetic powers get, bro. And when I say Kamen, the more he feeds the animal, the more powerful the animal gets, which means the more bliss the animal puts him under, and it's a vicious cycle. When I say, Kamen's addicted to this black nut like his heroine.


Yeah, Kamen goes through it. He has an ordeal on this planet. Bro. Or he goes through it, Ram, on this planet.


It gets fucking dark, you, man. Oh, my God.


What episode are you up to, if you can recall?


Like six or seven.


Okay, it goes up to twelve. It goes up to twelve, yeah. I said this before about Shogun, where I read that they weren't going to do other seasons, but they are now doing season two or season three. I've also read about this, that they aren't doing any more seasons. I don't want to speculate. I'm just going to wait and see.


Was it Cliffhanger?






I want to say it's like the buffest Cliffhanger, but there is more to happen. There's so much more to happen. Yeah, bro.


I was good. When I watched the first two episodes, I was thinking, I don't know how this is making it to episode 12 because there's shit going on.


Yeah, there is shit going on.


Bro, you, man, this show is nuts. I put it on at literally half past 11:00 the other night, expecting to watch maybe one episode and fall asleep and have a good night's sleep. I was up till 3:00 AM.


Locked in, isn't it? Locked in.


The fucking, bro.


Because James said, every organism on this planet will blow your mind. You're literally locked into the beauty and the art of this planet and how it's... The animation as well is perfect for this show. Absolutely perfect for this show.


The writers of this, they were smoking stuff. Yeah, they were. To even think about the concepts that they've come up with, they were smoking stuff.


It reminds me of, what's that trippy Netflix podcast show? Midnight Gospel. Midnight Gospel.


It reminded me of that as well.


Yeah, on Steads. It's Midnight Gospel on Steads. Yeah, bro. Because these men show some stuff in this.


Scavengers Rain, you, man.


It's beautiful. Fuck, bro. It's beautiful. The planet is incredible.


Planet is incredible. I would not want to step foot on that, though.


Never ever. That thing.


You've seen this Yeah. Terrifying. Yeah. Bro, terrifying.




You say episode 6, so you're about to see a couple of new people. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I've seen the episode where, spoiler if you don't want to hear it, I've seen the episode where one Donny wakes up, he gets lost, he bumps into Cayman. I've seen that. I've seen Cayman get sucked in, boss. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I've seen... What's her name, the black girl?


I can't remember. I know exactly who you're talking. Iza. Yeah, Iza or something like that.


Iza or something like that. I've seen her scrap Cayman's boss. Okay. That's about where I'm at, I think.


So you've seen Levi intervene? You must have the same episode, surely. Because if my goal, Avi or Azzy, Azzy?




Azzy. Azzy fighting That ting.


Yes, I saw Levi intervene. Yes, I saw what happened. Yeah, I forgot about that.


Also, again, spoiler alert. What happens to Levi on that planet? For context, Levi is a robot. He's there to help whoever his or her master is. But Levi slowly starts to gain human feelings and Emotions. Emotions is the word. Thank you. It sends him or her on a trip. It does. On a trip.


You get locked in on Levi.


Yeah, you get locked in on Levi. It doesn't make sense to Levi and it doesn't make sense to Arzia either. They're trying to figure it out. I I hated the way Arzie was speaking to Levi at the beginning. She was commanding him or her like some bullshit. I hated it.


The kick? No, no, no, no, no. I hated it.




I didn't like it one bit.


Until Levi starts to get emotions.


Yeah, it picks up. Disrespected. I'm expecting robots in this show. It's a very, very, very good show. It's a very, very fucking good show.


I knew this was going to be your recommendation. Yeah? Yeah.


I love it, bro. I need to watch some more.


So good, bro. Good show. What was the other show that was I recommend it to me from you guys after we spoke about the three body problem thing. I recommended that to you, man, in the Log cabin. Did you start watching it, by the way?


No, I've watched two episodes of it.What's it like?Yeah. Fair. No, it's.


Oh, really? But it wasn't that though. It was something else, I'm sure. We spoke about it. It was after you said Invincible.


That you recommend it to us?


No, you recommend it to me.




Yes. Because you said someone said that you saw a part of Xmen97 is better than...


Yeah, Chike said that, and I don't agree. I strongly disagree.


It's good. I hate when that happens. I've seen four episodes of it.


It gets better. Yeah, it does. I think there's maybe 10 episodes. It gets better.


Oh, are you? Yeah. All right. Cool.


It's not Invisible level.


It's nowhere near Invisible level.


Especially where you're right, you'd say that predominantly. But it gets juicy, don't get me wrong. There's some arms house in there, but it's not better than Invisible.


Fair play. Right, Ram, have we got trash news? Yes, we do.


Have you, man, heard about this?


Yes, I have.


Baby Reindee in court. The two words that might have saved Netflix, $170 million worth of grief.


Oh, no.


Fiona Harvey sued the swimming giant over its hit show, What does it mean for TV? Braced for plenty of fudging of the facts and a lot more carefully worded disclaimers. At the start of the year, nobody could have predicted that Baby Reindee, a British drama from a creator nobody had heard of, would end up being the most significant television program of our age, and yet it increasingly looks like it will be the case. Ever since a small band of online slews watched the show, noted that it was billed as a true story. And attempted to track down the real-life inspiration of one of its characters, Baby Reindier has gone supernova. In Fiona Harvey, they found a woman who not only matched the physical description of Martha, the character who stalks the lead, but whose social media output strongly resembled the character's dialog on the show. Appearing on Piers Morgan's YouTube channel, Harvey threatened to sue Netflix for defamation and gross negligence. She wants to sue Netflix for $170 million.


Jesus Christ.


Yesterday, that came to pass. Harvey had filed for a $17 million, which is £133 million, lawsuit against Netflix in California, accusing the company of defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligence, gross negligence, and violations of her right of publicity. The sum includes totals for damages, loss of enjoyment, and loss of business, plus all profits from Baby Reindier. Netflix has said that it intends to defend this matter vigorously and stand by Richard Gads' right to sell his story. Whatever the verdict, the entire television industry will be paying close attention.


Yeah, I'm sure there's a lot of facts in the rest of this shit that I'm not going to read, but I struggle to believe that a company as big as Netflix didn't have air tight lawyers figure out how to make this potential backup. Because they must have known they're going to find her.


Okay, yeah, fine.


When they find her, she's going to be vex and she may sue us. There must have been a lawyer that was like, This is a thing. We need to make sure that it's so completely air tight.


Someone might have missed it. I don't know.


I refuse to believe that someone's missed that.


Well, I'll read this and see what you think. All right, go on. The consensus seems to be that just two words could have spared Netflix this hassle. At the very start of the series, Baby Reindia bills itself as a true story. A decision that seems more and more reckless as time goes on. Had someone involved in the production and distribution of the show thought to have added the words 'based on' to that description, then they would have found themselves with a lot more cover.


Oh, really? It didn't say 'based on'?


It just didn't say 'based on'.


They always say 'based on'.


All of them say 'based on'. It's saying...


It says, This is a true story.It.


Said, yeah, there's a world of difference. It said, Yeah, there's a world of difference. 'Based on a true story means that there might be a kernel of real-life inspiration there. But the writers have chosen to manipulate events for dramatic purposes. For instance, HBO's winning time caused an enormous stink when it was first broadcast, a drama about the rise of the LA Lakers basketball team took such liberties with the truth that players and coaches loudly voiced their dissatisfaction with the portrayal. However, the disclaimer up top read, This series is a dramatization of certain facts and events which protects it. Hbo offered a statement saying that it has a history of making shows that have been drawn from actual facts and events that are fictionalized in for dramatic purposes, and the fuss went away. Interesting. Based on a true story and a... I don't know. The difference literally goes from it being just a fictional show to a documentary. Is what this article is saying. You can't, as a show, say a true story to cover yourself. It needs to be based on a true story. Now, apparently, Martha's got grounds to do an absolute maza.


Sorry, go on.


You say the lawyer's missed. Whatever lawyer missed that based on, another lawyer has approached Martha said, The fact that didn't say based on, you've got something. We can cook. Yeah, we're cooking now. We're in the kitchen.


Oh, dear.


Because I think this makes sense now because watching Baby Reindee, I was sitting there refusing to believe everything was true. Yeah. Refusing to believe.


That's the thing. No one's story ever is 100% true.True.So why he wouldn't... Also true. Why they wouldn't just put based on purely for that fact? Because it's not a documentary. No. It's not like they've gone back and got all the research on it. This is just my man's reenactment of his own thoughts and feelings. It's like the fact that he even talks about being fucking R-worded whilst in a drug-induced state. Even stuff like that, surely, because again, not even just for Martha, just for the fact that he's accusing a producer and writer from a big television show, et cetera, et cetera, surely even that someone must have been like, This could get techy. Maybe you're already talking about you were hired. Maybe we can just say based on, or maybe we can just say some of this is not necessarily-It's dramatized. It's dramatized, or this is just how he remembers it. Or this is his... I don't even know. His rendition.


Like a faint recollection.


Yeah, this is his faint recollection of what happened in a very serious It's like traumatizing moment of his life, as opposed to saying, This is all fact. This is a true story. Yeah, that's techy because I remember being there like, There's no way all this is true. Well, I'm sure Netflix will get out of it. I think so. Without coughing up-I'm sure they were. Without coughing up 170 ems, impossible.


They might have to cough of something.


That was way more than whatever Richard Gead would get from the show.


One thing I would say, if she was going to sue for defamation, I'm not a lawyer, obviously, so I'm just chatting out my ass, is one angle that I would say that I would actually agree with Homegirl on is one angle is just the duty of care that Netflix didn't do in that regard. Just like the internet found it like that. Bro, the internet found it like that.


Yeah, she would have gotten spam.


Because it was even based on his old Twitter. They were finding old tweets.


Yeah, there's old tweets.


It was like, Bro, before this comes out, clean this Twitter out.


The trails were just there.


Yeah, the trails were for everyone to find, bro. The duty of Care was crazy. But game is the game, man. It is. The game is the game. But yeah, we'll see how. I doubt they're going to pay up 17.


They won't.


They literally won't. No way.


She'll get something though.


She'll get something.


Yeah, just to make it go away. Yeah. They'll give her a little something just to make it go away. To keep quiet.


I'll follow it anyways, and if it comes up again, then I'll have that read.


Bro, just based on is merking them.


Based on, bro. That's all it takes, apparently.


Fair play. Very nice. Fair play. Cool. Right. Just before we wrap, I have something to see. Basically, on Twitch, me and Lewis recently started a little series. Oh, nice. Where we were playing Plate Up. Nice. Yes. Sometimes, as I explained before, Plate Up is a game where basically you create a restaurant, you decide what you're going to serve, what food you're going to... You good?


Yeah, I hiccuped on that. I hiccuped on one of them ones. It merced me.


Play us a game where basically you create a restaurant, you decide what restaurant is going to be. Is it a pizza restaurant, a salad restaurant, a fucking coffee shop or whatever. Then you obviously serve customers come in. You got someone in the kitchen, the cooking, you got someone serving, or you can be everything. You can have two chefs, you can have whatever. It's up to four players, right? Yeah. Me and Lewis went through the other day, and we got... The aim is to get your restaurant to five stars. Okay. It's difficult. It's difficult, bro. Very difficult. I need to remember to download this. Yeah, it's so much fun. After a couple of tries, a couple of days of trying, I should say, we finally got to the point where we got to five stars. Then we learned that you can integrate, play up with Twitch so that your chat is actually your customers.


Wow. You're sick, yeah.


You will have your chat come in. Your viewers will come in and they will be customers in your restaurant and they'll order and you'll serve them and they can even tip real money.




That's sick. I didn't know that.


Yeah, bro, they tip bits.


Oh, shit.


You were there.


I know, but I wasn't really concentrating like that.


You were getting my tips, bro. So we did it. It was super fun. And then we opened up the restaurant the other day and it was me, Lewis, Rem, and nick were running a restaurant. Rem fucked it for us. I'm just going to say. I did not. It was his first time playing, so I'll give him the benefit of that. Shut the fuck It was a mouthy little shit, and he fucked it for us. He fucked it.


I was on fire, bro. I was on fire.


It's tough because real people also can make a mess on the floor. I'm pretty sure they can decide to throw their shit on the floor. Because the AI customers versus the real customers, shit was messy in there. You have to also clean up the mess as you're serving and all this shit. It's the most fun you can have with your clothes on, bro. I want to say you lock in.


Like I said to you before, I've played a hospital version of this game. For the life of me, I can't remember what the game it's called. I used to play on my PC, and I would lock the fucking- Bro, it's crazy because it literally turns into the bear.


Bro, it turns into the bear because you only have a specific amount of plates, a specific amount of tables. So if someone's come in, they've made their order, they have a certain amount of time to take their order. Once you've taken their order, you have a certain amount of time to give them their food. Once you've given them their food, there could be people standing outside waiting. You got no tables left. If they're waiting outside too long, your restaurant's closed, bro. So you need to get these people to eat, clear their plates. Once they clear their plates, then people can come in.


I feel like I think I'll be good at this game. I think you are good. Can you, whilst serving, can you expand your restaurant? Like the size of your restaurant.


Not while serving. You get through each day. See that yellow Timer at the top? You need to get through a service. Once you got through your service, you can expand. I see. You can put more tables in there, and then you get to that level of craziness. I don't even know how you get there.


I don't know how you get there.


That's wild. That's insane. But I want us to get to that level. I want us to be the girth and turf of play up.


Remind me to download this today. Yeah? Yeah.


You're going to jump in?


I'll be good at this game. I've got experience, so I'll be very good at this game.


You're going to jump in? Yeah. To be fair, that's the thing. You don't even need to be streaming. Yeah, I know. You can just play and then hop on Discord and then we'll play as well.


I'll be good at this game.


Bro. Don't just tease it, though.


Remind me to download it. I'll forget to download it.


All right, gang, gang, gang, gang, It's exciting, bro, because when I say, shit gets nasty. Philly came into our restaurant the other day. Yeah, it was nice. No way. Yeah, didn't tip, though. He didn't fucking tip. Say less. But yeah, if you're seeing this now, come and see us. We're going to be the girf and turf of fucking plate up. We're going to have a beasty restaurant. We're going to have loads of chefs, loads of waiters, and shit like that. When I say comms is important.Of.


Course it is.I know.


Obviously, you know. I know. Bro.


I was in the house screaming.


You were front of house, what were you?I.


Was chef.Chef. I was Head Chef. Lewis is Sue.


Who else was playing?Nic.Nic.


Was front of house.Nic was front of house as well.


So two front of house, two back of house.


Yeah. And that's just four players. Yeah. Nick was front of house manager.


Then-remus server.Remus.


Server.okay. I was executive head chef. Lewis is my Sue. When I say me and Lewis were a well-o-all machine, we didn't even need to talk. We were just going like this, bro. We were going like this. Then there'll be times where these men had taken order and I'll be like, I need two Dummies, and you can have one with fried seaweed and one with Val. I need the comms, bro. It was like, We're just cooking, cooking, cooking, cooking. Then there's two without seaweed, and I'm like, Bro, I need how many? I need to know how many. Tell me how many. Tell me how Me.


This is the expo. You need the expo, bro.


Come on, man. I'm there screaming, Service, bro. I need the counter space.


Drinks involved or not? Is it just Scrum?


Sometimes. Basically, each level that you go through, you'll have the option of... It will give you an option, and it'll be like, We need you to either add fucking strawberry lemonade to the menu, or it could be cheesecake as a dessert or soup as a starter. You need to add this to the menu and learn the recipe because everything has a recipe. You can't just click it and it's made. I see. Everything has a recipe. If you want to make pizza, for example, you need to need it, add the oil, spread it, add the tomatoes, all this stuff. But if you need it too much, it turns from a pizza to a pie. You have to be on job. You leave it in the oven too long, it's burnt.


Yeah, that makes sense.


That makes sense.


But yeah, if you chop the tomatoes once, it's salad tomato.


If you want a purée, you have to keep chopping it. So everything is a process, bro. So if you fuck up them, the more things they add to the fucking menu, the harder it is to remember the recipes.


That makes perfect sense. That makes perfect sense. I'm locked in. It's a game. I'm locked in. All right, I'm going to download it.


Yeah, you heard it first. Gang. Right, guys, let's start the episode there. Thank you again, as always. Love of love.


Gang, gang, gang.