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She's so funny. Her humor makes her go from a 6 to a 10. I appreciate even being a 6. What would you rate yourself? If I'm being dead honest? Yeah. Are you going to say something crazy? Like a 9? No, you're stupid. A 9? I'd have to be 6,3 minimum. Yeah, facts. Minimum? Okay, cool. Amongst guys that are taller than me, I'd probably say a 5. But fair. I'm just being honest. Yeah, fair. They don't look at me. They don't look at me. They're looking up. Why are they looking straight? What was the other question? Just below 6, gang. On a strong day, like a Below six, gang, you're a seven.I would say I'm a seven.My bro. Yeah, bro. You're like a 9.5 below six, guy. You're being generous. That's what the streets are saying, bro. I've read your comments. Shut up. I've read your comments.