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Would you rather do 100 meters as fast as you can on a Dodo bike or do 100 miles all uphill on a bike and you have to complete it?100 miles?100 miles.Uphill?Yeah. Or 100 meters. Or just quick 100 meters on a Dodo bike. It's like... Yeah, every time... You're gaped at the end of it. When you've crossed the finish line, you're gaped. What's the incline of the hill? It's like 40%. A hundred miles, bro. Yeah, 100 miles. I'm never making it. You can set up camp. There's no time. You just got to get through it. I would do the 100 miles because I see that as a challenge. I think you'll die. I'm not going to lie to you. Because of the 40%? We're talking London to Kov. 110. Okay, so yeah, maybe like a young nun eating. Yes, a nun eating. Okay, I'm not deep. Yeah, give me the Dino bike. My arm will be healed by the time you finish this thing. I'm going Dino bike.