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Am I the asshole for announcing our pregnancy at my brother's wedding after he proposed at mine? My brother said he was going to propose at my wedding. I told him no, that it was a day about myself and my wife, and we didn't want any distractions. My mom lost her. She said that he wanted the family that might not be able to see again be part of the proposal. I said I didn't give a and that if he did it, I would have him kicked out.


Okay, calm down.He did it.Oh, shit.


My mom said if I tried to kick him out, she would leave, too. I remember being seething inside. My brother got married last week. Instead of a welcome to the family toast, I used that time to announce that we're expecting our first baby.


Gang moves.


My mom was upset, but my grandmother told her to sit the fuck down and shut up. We spent most of the reception talking to family we wouldn't see again for a while about our upcoming baby. My mom says I was an asshole for taking attention away from my brother on his wedding day. She got really mad when I reminded her that she threatened to leave my wedding if I kicked him out after he proposed. After he proposed, sorry. I have the screenshots and the text to prove this.


I don't think he's an asshole whatsoever.


Not at all.


If that's what we're doing, that's what we're doing.


The mom's an asshole. The mom's a prick.


She needs to stop picking favorites.


Yeah, she has a favorite. She has a favorite, which is peak.


Obviously, that being said, though, trying to kick your brother out your wedding is insane.


It's not something I would ever do, but I would also like to believe that my sibling wouldn't propose at my wedding.


Yeah, 100%. I want to believe that my sibling wouldn't propose I think it's fair that... I think it's nice that the brother was like, This is what I want to do. This is why I want to do it. I think that's fair. But if he says, No, you're not doing that, then it's charged.


You have to respect that as well.


This is my day in my wedding.


It's my partner's day as well.


Don't fuck it around. Facts, man. But yeah, I think it depends. I think I would have time. Personally, I'm really not precious about weddings. Okay. Mine would be like, if my brother said, Look, there's family that's going to be at this wedding that I don't know if we're ever going to see again. It would be really important to me if I could propose when they're all there. I would compromise with him. I think I would say, Bro, that's fine. Do it at the end.




Do it at the end. If that's how you feel, I agree that there's... Because if my brother was like, This is what I want to do, and the reason I want to do it is because there's family members I don't think we're ever going to see again. I'm not going to turn around, but I don't give a fuck. What the fuck is that? I would say, All right, cool. I'm not happy about it, but if you're going to do it, do it after we're done We're going to do it after the cake's been cut. The first dance has been done, everyone's having a good time. The pressure's now off me and my wife. We've done all the celebrating that we're going to do. Then find a spot on the dance floor and just get on one knee. Then everyone's going to see it. Everyone's going to clap, and it's not going to ruin my wedding. My wedding's done. The day is done. I'm going to leave here in a half an hour anyway.


Let's say that has happened now and it's now time for your brother's wedding, and everyone that was at your wedding is at his wedding. Same scenario, you and your mistress are expecting. Are you announcing your baby at his wedding?


No, because I'm not bitter like that. But if I was bitter like that, then yeah. I'm standing on business. I'm standing up. I'll scream it.


What would you say to your mom? In the first scenario. In the first scenario. Your brother's trying to do the thing and you're like, maybe at the end. But your mom's like, why can't you just do it now?


I would say, who are you? Sorry. Sorry. Who are you? Why are you speaking? Respectfully, because you're my mom. But also, why are you speaking? This is nothing to do with you. That right there would piss me That may want to flip a table or two. Yeah, speak. But yeah, about you?


I would be very angry with my mom more so than my brother. Because clearly, she's picking favorites. I think that would then frustrate me even more and not be able to get off my mind on my special day. I'll be waiting for it. I'll be so annoyed and I'll whisper in my wife's ear, Listen, stuff's finna go down. It's not my fault.


I've tried to prevent it. I warned him about this, but I think he's going to do something.


Yeah, I've I had to prevent it. But yeah, it will definitely, definitely piss me off.


Yeah. I'm also even, like I said, I really struggle emotionally about... Even though I understand, I think Let's just take away from the scenario. I think I have a real issue with spotlight.


Same. I hear you.


A real issue with spotlight. When these things come about, sometimes I struggle to be completely empathetic because There's nothing that makes me feel more sick to my stomach than ever saying the words, This is my day. Yeah. Do you know? Yeah. I would never be able to say with confidence, This is about me. This is my day. Stop trying to take attention away from me. I wouldn't be able to verbalize those things. I wouldn't be able to feel those feelings because all I ever want to do is move attention away from me. I can only imagine if my brother was like, This is what I want to do in your wedding. This is the perfect time for me to do it. If anything, part of me would be like, Gang, do Do it. But I do struggle when everything's like, This is my day. It's about me. Why are you trying to ruin it? Sometimes when I was like, Bro, we all know it's about you, man. Chill. Not everything is about you. I also think weddings are more about the guests than the wedding group.




I'm not precious about weddings. That shit, I always struggle. I'm pretty sure any time we've ever, ever, ever had a wedding-based dilemma or something, and it always comes up to the topic of this is my day, this is her day, this is his day, whatever. I'm always like, go over it, man. But I do understand it is their thing, man.


Anyway. Hopefully, that helps a little bit.


I don't think it did, but it was all good.