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Question 11. How many oceans are there on Earth? Again, you will receive one mark for the total amount, and you will also receive a mark for each one you can name.


He's scribbling. I have no idea.Catch.


Up.oh, man. How many oceans are there on Earth?


Now I'm starting to write stuff.


Wow, my mind's gone blank.


I hate those ones. I really do.


I've written as many as I can possibly remember, and I've written a number of how many oceans I think there are. That's fine.


Same. Locked? Yeah, I'm not sure about one of them. What's one?


I'm literally because you wrote them the same number I wrote. I saw it from the-You saw it from the-The click?


Yeah. From the calligraphy.


From the calligraphy. From the click.


That's right. Okay, cool.


Revealing three, two, one. Seven. Oh, Rob, we weren't.


Pretty much the same. Oh, no. Interesting. I forgot about that. I wrote Indian Pacific Atlantic and Oceanic, even though I don't feel like Oceanic is not an ocean because I know that's Australia area. The Oceanic Ocean.


Yeah. Interesting.


And seven oceans.


Don't you fucking dare.




He's doing the thing because he knows the answer. He's looking down on you.


I'm not doing anything It's fine.


He's being passive aggressive. That's the power you get from being James Bond. In my defense, that doesn't make sense, though.


He would write Frank for one of them. That doesn't actually make sense.


I know. That's why I just write it just because I couldn't remember what ocean it was. Okay, fair. Closer to. All right.


Indian, Arctic, Pacific, and I can't remember the last one. Atlantic, sorry. And seven.


The correct answer is five oceans, the Pacific, Indian, Atlantic, Arctic, and Southern.


Southern. Southern is Southern Ocean.


I shouldn't be allowed. So I get three. Indian Pacific Atlantic. Yeah.


So the total amount is incorrect with the seven, but I think you both got three.


No, I got four.


You got four. Sorry. You got everything by Southern. He didn't write Southern.




So why are they talking about the seven Cs, bro? Why are they lying? I thought seven off the car. Yeah, that's the first week I thought. Seven.


Seas and oceans are different.


Are they? Can anyone name a sea? Yeah. The red C? The Agenian sea. The Agen. I was going to write Agen on there. Mediterranean.


Fair play. That's a difference. Let me shot.


How about we shot?


All right, cool. All right, next question. Question 12. What scale is an earthquake measured on?


Oh, no.


I used to love my geographical shows, bro. I'm such a geek for that shit. I am correct.Few heads locked.Mmm-hmm..


I don't know how to spell, so is that fine?


I think I will know what you're trying to say. All right. Revealing three, two, one. Correct. The Richter scale.


Fair. Honesty with you, man, guess. Yeah. That was a guess. That's the only scale that I know. They're just overboard.


Yeah, fair. Good guess, bro.


I nearly wrote tectonic scale.


Fair. I would have laughed. That would have been funny. Question 13. When was the hair dryer invented? A, 1888, B, 1928, C, 1948, or D, 1968?


I'm trying to think.


I know what you're trying to think as well. I feel like I'm trying to think the same thing. I'm going to stick with it. It's a guess, by the way.




Reveal in three, two, one. If you had to say C, James says D, the answer is A. Wow. 1888.


1888. That's a minute ago. I was thinking it. It seems like a really easy invention, but you never know, isn't it?


Fair play.


Really? I don't feel like they've developed it enough then. It's been around for a minute.


Well, we need to see the state of the first one, to be fair.


We do need to see the state of the first one.


It's probably the same size as the studio.


Yeah, probably. To be fair, we do need to see the state of the first one. But I got to say, I'm not impressed. I hear GHDs are expensive as well.


Ghds are spending.


And this invention has been around since 1888. It should cost a five, I know. Yeah.


All right, fair play. It's been out there.


Fair play.


Question 14. Is the jalapeno pepper a fruit or a vegetable?




I love these questions because if you get it wrong...


Trying to think how do they decide what fruit or vegetable is.


We did speak about this in my trash news.We did.With bananas. Not a month ago.


We fucking did. I know it's something to do with the seeds and how they grow. Shit. Right. I'm just going to go with this.


Reveal in three, two, one.


It's a vegetable, isn't it? Oh, thank God.Correct.Fruit..


Fair play. Jalapeno peppers are a fruit.


Nice. Nice. Random.


Go back. Don't you think it's just weird looking at the word fruit? You can't believe that that's how it's spelled. Fruit. Fruit. You're just looking at it like, Fuck. Fruit. What English is that?


Yeah, bro. It doesn't look normal. Nothing like English. Yeah, it doesn't.


Question 15. Who was the ancient Greek God of the Sun?


Livid. He just write straight away. I've been thinking about it. I have no idea.Locked?


Are you still thinking? Sorry, folks.


I told you, man, before, Greek mythology is in my bag. Yeah, it is.


I have no idea, bro.


Guess if I'm Just write a Greek God. If it's right, you get the point. If it's wrong, it's content.


All right. I know this is wrong, so I'm just writing it.


Revealing in three, two, one.


Oh, ra.


You got it right. I wrote Apollo, yeah. I could see by the way you're right. I think it's the right one. Correct. Nice. Fair play. That's pissed me off. That's pissed me off.


Next question. Question 16. How many minutes are in a full week?


Oh, no. All right.


If neither of you get it correct, I will give the point to the person who is closest.


Okay, fair play.


It's one of those questions.I.


Can't bother, bro.


Yeah, it's one of those questions where you either randomly know it or you want to do the maths right now.


Yeah, I can't bother for the maths. That long multiplication, I ain't got it in me. Cool.


Revealing three, two, one. Who had written Is that 1,088 minutes? James has written 300,000 minutes.In.


A week.How.


Many minutes in a week?


I'm assuming I won based on your reactions.


You definitely won based on my reaction.


But you're not condoning my answer either.


You don't deserve. Nobody deserves to win. Alex was closer. If you did 24 hours multiplied by 60 minutes, that gives you 14, 14, 40 times that by seven days of the week.


Yeah, 300K.


Question 17. What character have both Robert Downey Jr. And Benedict Cumberbatch played?


Have they both played? They've both played. I can see it in my head right now. What's it called? It's a really good show as well. What's it called? I'm so livid.




I'm annoyed because I know it, but I can't remember the fucking name, man. The thing is, I know it's the Inspector thing. Back in the day in England, I can't remember what it's called. I can't remember the name. For the life of me, I can't remember the name. I know exactly who it is. I've seen them both. I know the movie and I've seen the series. I prefer the series.


Sherlock, fucking Holmes. The answer is Sherlock Holmes.


Livid. I'm assuming you wrote Sherlock Holmes.


Yeah, I wrote Sherlock Holmes.


I wrote, showed me.


I wrote it, showed him, and then rubbed it out while you were stressing.


Oh, fair.


Next question. Did you say, Can you show me?


Yeah. I didn't know you flipped. I didn't know you showed anyone.


You did. You were stressing.