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So the five minute Soda qualifying begins now.


So obviously, I've never been behind a wheel before, but from my understanding, it was hit the green to go and hit the red to stop. And obviously, all from my understanding, I hit the green, but then I hit the tire and then I had a bet in front of everyone. And then I was removed for being a danger to everyone on the track. And I've obviously brought a lot of shame to team Fuhal, and I'm extremely embarrassed. Do you think Fuhal will be upset with you? I think it's time for me to go home, actually, guys. I don't want to have that conversation.


So drivers are starting to complete their first couple of laps, and it is apparently Aaron Daly on the pole position. And obviously, depending on where they qualify in this session, decides where they start start for their race. 34, Lewis Pertland makes his way to the grid in pole position. That will be a massive boost to his confidence. Aaron Daley making his way to the grid, warming his tires, trying to make sure he has optimum heat in those tires, ready for the race start.


Lewis, he was a demon out there, fam. He fucking anihilated.


I am very competitive. Most things that I do, I want to win, and I'm not happy if I don't give it a good go.


Five lights on green flag and away we go for this 15-minute race. It is Lewis Pertin who's leading the way, followedseen, and I nearly asked for his notice. I nearly asked him to give me his resignation about the performance that he gave on that track.There was a moment where, to be fair, I thought I almost killed him. We were going around the bend near the pits, and just as we were going around, I bumped him and he flew off into the pits.Oh, dear. Big crash into the pit lane for the number 31 of Jack Davidson. And that is definitely not gone to plan. Opted for the wrong piece in these latter moments here. It's coming around the last corner, and it's going to be Lewis Kirtland taking the victory here in the Jips & Kids Soda Race.Even though he was on my team, I felt like Jacob was my closest competitor, so I needed to beat him as well. Me and Jacob made a gentleman's agreement that as long as both of us perform as well as we can, it doesn't matter because we're on the same team. But secretly, I needed to put my foot down and... Bro, I was this close to overtaking Jacob, bro. I was two turns out. I fucking span out second to last lap. Livid. I cooked him nicely. No, brother. Wait till next time, bro. Next, I was fucking livid, bro. Next race, bro. It's on.Who span into the pitch straight away? Me. Inside the pitch? Yeah. On the first turn?Yeah.Oh, my God. I started eighth. I think I overtook threeSo I was just focused on on time. Bro. I was focused on on time.I was this close to brother.It's really fucking hard. And it's so hard because you actually have to be really fit because you're going on these bends and it's like it's fucking work on your arms. It's ridiculous. It's really hard when you're out there, you don't know who's who. You're just driving and it's just I can just see helmets and shoes. I'm just trying to keep eyes on everyone's shoes. I'm just like, Do I know that guy? Do I know that guy who just overtook me? You see someone spin out and it's just like, you're always trying to keep score with somebody else. But it's tough. It's very tough.I'm taking this very seriously. Ready, ready, ready.So you're going to turn one, keeping it nice and tight. We're out here, coming out wide, break in, measuring your break in against the lines on the ground and the light box. So turn one, yeah.You can go flat off and then just ease off a little bit.Quick lift, and keep it tight. Do not touch the curve. Definitely don't touch the curve. It just caused you to hop around massively. Coming out, slowly departing away from the white line. Get all your break in done suddenly and all at the same time, keeping it tight throughout all of turn two. Then ready late turn in for turn three here. Use all the track available on the exit. Heading into turn four, break in just before the change of surface. Get most of your break in in a straight line, turning in nice and late. Clip the apex right late right here. Come out wide a little bit, but not too much because you've got to worry about this corner. So come back to the left a little bit. Come all the way around this uphill right. Use all the surface. Break in again all at once and quick flick on the wheel, quick change of rotation. Carry the slide, controlling the slide throughout. Grab this flat curve and then again, don't run in too deep for this corner because otherwise you're going to make this corner very hard. You've got to leave a bit of space like this.Then just before the curb end, changing direction again for the last corner. Little bit of curb, little bit of curb. Don't to go too crazy in other ways. Cool. Say less. All about controlling the rig. That's what she said. Ready for it?All right. 75 miles an hour next. I feel like we got this as a unit, as a team. Yeah. Jack. Don't look at me. Come on, man.Where did Josh finish?Sorry. Just find Lawrence. All right, cool. You can Lawrence. I'm going to need that.Yeah, we're going to need that.Remesky, going to need to lead that charge. Lawrence, you're sick. You are sick. So I know there's competition there. So yeah, I'm going to need you to bob and weave and just help the team out. If you want me to take them out, I'll take them out. Help the team out.And I'll have to say, best tactic for you is just hold Jack off. Just give Jack issues.How do I do that? I can't even go around the corner.That's fine. You guys are going to be starting off close to each other. Just focus on him and just give him Just a little bumpy-buffy.He can't handle it.Okay. And he'll spin out again.I need you to secure that mid-range of the park. You see what I'm saying? Secure that mid-range of the park. I want you to battle at least three people on the Ops team. At least three people. I know you got this.I spin out four times, so I need to not do that.Yeah, consistency, we need that for you. If one of you-Consistency, we work together, you guys can Metro Lawrence.You can mug Lawrence. Yeah, just work together. Let's take the turns. Let's take the turns seriously. Serious. Let's take the turns absolutely seriously. 75 miles an hour is not a joke.Who had this as a target? Because he's the only one that's fucking with the... I don't think we can... We can't really do anything about rem. This is the You versus rem race. If we're We're lucky.I'm going to spin out. Yeah. I'm going to spin out. Get him angry. I'm going to spin out once.Just play your game.If he drives like he does in the 50, he's spinning.He'll spin out. He's spinning.We just want to make sure we're not spinning out early. That's all that matters. As long as we're not spinning out early and we can overtake at least It's one person each, depending on where we start. If we can overtake one person. We're nice. We're nice. I feel like we got this. Let's go. One, two, three, four. Let's go.You got this, man. Honestly, you fucking got this. Don't count yourself out. What are you saying? No, I'm just saying because there's a lot going-I need front three. We will, but there's a lot going on from the start. There's a lot going on middle ground. First couple of corners are going to be like this. You and Rem will already be gone.The quality is first, though.Oh, yes, it's Qualis. I fucking forgot about what I was always saying.That's the whole need, too.That's just timing.If we get front three, whatever order.So we should just crack this conversation we just had.Yeah, we'll reconvene after.At this point, morale was lacking a bit. We'd seen some of the times on there. They were not giving. One of our team members immediately disqualified. We were shaken. Fu had brought us together. He was trying to prop up the team as a good captain should, and I respect him for it because it was a hard job. But we knew what task we had ahead of us, and I don't think any of us thought that we could manage it. The difference between the Sodies at 50 miles an hour tops and the DMAX at 70, boys and men.It's like three times as fast. This might be a slight exaggeration, but it's nothing compared to the first car.


seen, and I nearly asked for his notice. I nearly asked him to give me his resignation about the performance that he gave on that track.


There was a moment where, to be fair, I thought I almost killed him. We were going around the bend near the pits, and just as we were going around, I bumped him and he flew off into the pits.


Oh, dear. Big crash into the pit lane for the number 31 of Jack Davidson. And that is definitely not gone to plan. Opted for the wrong piece in these latter moments here. It's coming around the last corner, and it's going to be Lewis Kirtland taking the victory here in the Jips & Kids Soda Race.Even though he was on my team, I felt like Jacob was my closest competitor, so I needed to beat him as well. Me and Jacob made a gentleman's agreement that as long as both of us perform as well as we can, it doesn't matter because we're on the same team. But secretly, I needed to put my foot down and... Bro, I was this close to overtaking Jacob, bro. I was two turns out. I fucking span out second to last lap. Livid. I cooked him nicely. No, brother. Wait till next time, bro. Next, I was fucking livid, bro. Next race, bro. It's on.Who span into the pitch straight away? Me. Inside the pitch? Yeah. On the first turn?Yeah.Oh, my God. I started eighth. I think I overtook threeSo I was just focused on on time. Bro. I was focused on on time.I was this close to brother.It's really fucking hard. And it's so hard because you actually have to be really fit because you're going on these bends and it's like it's fucking work on your arms. It's ridiculous. It's really hard when you're out there, you don't know who's who. You're just driving and it's just I can just see helmets and shoes. I'm just trying to keep eyes on everyone's shoes. I'm just like, Do I know that guy? Do I know that guy who just overtook me? You see someone spin out and it's just like, you're always trying to keep score with somebody else. But it's tough. It's very tough.I'm taking this very seriously. Ready, ready, ready.So you're going to turn one, keeping it nice and tight. We're out here, coming out wide, break in, measuring your break in against the lines on the ground and the light box. So turn one, yeah.You can go flat off and then just ease off a little bit.Quick lift, and keep it tight. Do not touch the curve. Definitely don't touch the curve. It just caused you to hop around massively. Coming out, slowly departing away from the white line. Get all your break in done suddenly and all at the same time, keeping it tight throughout all of turn two. Then ready late turn in for turn three here. Use all the track available on the exit. Heading into turn four, break in just before the change of surface. Get most of your break in in a straight line, turning in nice and late. Clip the apex right late right here. Come out wide a little bit, but not too much because you've got to worry about this corner. So come back to the left a little bit. Come all the way around this uphill right. Use all the surface. Break in again all at once and quick flick on the wheel, quick change of rotation. Carry the slide, controlling the slide throughout. Grab this flat curve and then again, don't run in too deep for this corner because otherwise you're going to make this corner very hard. You've got to leave a bit of space like this.Then just before the curb end, changing direction again for the last corner. Little bit of curb, little bit of curb. Don't to go too crazy in other ways. Cool. Say less. All about controlling the rig. That's what she said. Ready for it?All right. 75 miles an hour next. I feel like we got this as a unit, as a team. Yeah. Jack. Don't look at me. Come on, man.Where did Josh finish?Sorry. Just find Lawrence. All right, cool. You can Lawrence. I'm going to need that.Yeah, we're going to need that.Remesky, going to need to lead that charge. Lawrence, you're sick. You are sick. So I know there's competition there. So yeah, I'm going to need you to bob and weave and just help the team out. If you want me to take them out, I'll take them out. Help the team out.And I'll have to say, best tactic for you is just hold Jack off. Just give Jack issues.How do I do that? I can't even go around the corner.That's fine. You guys are going to be starting off close to each other. Just focus on him and just give him Just a little bumpy-buffy.He can't handle it.Okay. And he'll spin out again.I need you to secure that mid-range of the park. You see what I'm saying? Secure that mid-range of the park. I want you to battle at least three people on the Ops team. At least three people. I know you got this.I spin out four times, so I need to not do that.Yeah, consistency, we need that for you. If one of you-Consistency, we work together, you guys can Metro Lawrence.You can mug Lawrence. Yeah, just work together. Let's take the turns. Let's take the turns seriously. Serious. Let's take the turns absolutely seriously. 75 miles an hour is not a joke.Who had this as a target? Because he's the only one that's fucking with the... I don't think we can... We can't really do anything about rem. This is the You versus rem race. If we're We're lucky.I'm going to spin out. Yeah. I'm going to spin out. Get him angry. I'm going to spin out once.Just play your game.If he drives like he does in the 50, he's spinning.He'll spin out. He's spinning.We just want to make sure we're not spinning out early. That's all that matters. As long as we're not spinning out early and we can overtake at least It's one person each, depending on where we start. If we can overtake one person. We're nice. We're nice. I feel like we got this. Let's go. One, two, three, four. Let's go.You got this, man. Honestly, you fucking got this. Don't count yourself out. What are you saying? No, I'm just saying because there's a lot going-I need front three. We will, but there's a lot going on from the start. There's a lot going on middle ground. First couple of corners are going to be like this. You and Rem will already be gone.The quality is first, though.Oh, yes, it's Qualis. I fucking forgot about what I was always saying.That's the whole need, too.That's just timing.If we get front three, whatever order.So we should just crack this conversation we just had.Yeah, we'll reconvene after.At this point, morale was lacking a bit. We'd seen some of the times on there. They were not giving. One of our team members immediately disqualified. We were shaken. Fu had brought us together. He was trying to prop up the team as a good captain should, and I respect him for it because it was a hard job. But we knew what task we had ahead of us, and I don't think any of us thought that we could manage it. The difference between the Sodies at 50 miles an hour tops and the DMAX at 70, boys and men.It's like three times as fast. This might be a slight exaggeration, but it's nothing compared to the first car.


in these latter moments here. It's coming around the last corner, and it's going to be Lewis Kirtland taking the victory here in the Jips & Kids Soda Race.


Even though he was on my team, I felt like Jacob was my closest competitor, so I needed to beat him as well. Me and Jacob made a gentleman's agreement that as long as both of us perform as well as we can, it doesn't matter because we're on the same team. But secretly, I needed to put my foot down and... Bro, I was this close to overtaking Jacob, bro. I was two turns out. I fucking span out second to last lap. Livid. I cooked him nicely. No, brother. Wait till next time, bro. Next, I was fucking livid, bro. Next race, bro. It's on.


Who span into the pitch straight away? Me. Inside the pitch? Yeah. On the first turn?




Oh, my God. I started eighth. I think I overtook threeSo I was just focused on on time. Bro. I was focused on on time.I was this close to brother.It's really fucking hard. And it's so hard because you actually have to be really fit because you're going on these bends and it's like it's fucking work on your arms. It's ridiculous. It's really hard when you're out there, you don't know who's who. You're just driving and it's just I can just see helmets and shoes. I'm just trying to keep eyes on everyone's shoes. I'm just like, Do I know that guy? Do I know that guy who just overtook me? You see someone spin out and it's just like, you're always trying to keep score with somebody else. But it's tough. It's very tough.I'm taking this very seriously. Ready, ready, ready.So you're going to turn one, keeping it nice and tight. We're out here, coming out wide, break in, measuring your break in against the lines on the ground and the light box. So turn one, yeah.You can go flat off and then just ease off a little bit.Quick lift, and keep it tight. Do not touch the curve. Definitely don't touch the curve. It just caused you to hop around massively. Coming out, slowly departing away from the white line. Get all your break in done suddenly and all at the same time, keeping it tight throughout all of turn two. Then ready late turn in for turn three here. Use all the track available on the exit. Heading into turn four, break in just before the change of surface. Get most of your break in in a straight line, turning in nice and late. Clip the apex right late right here. Come out wide a little bit, but not too much because you've got to worry about this corner. So come back to the left a little bit. Come all the way around this uphill right. Use all the surface. Break in again all at once and quick flick on the wheel, quick change of rotation. Carry the slide, controlling the slide throughout. Grab this flat curve and then again, don't run in too deep for this corner because otherwise you're going to make this corner very hard. You've got to leave a bit of space like this.Then just before the curb end, changing direction again for the last corner. Little bit of curb, little bit of curb. Don't to go too crazy in other ways. Cool. Say less. All about controlling the rig. That's what she said. Ready for it?All right. 75 miles an hour next. I feel like we got this as a unit, as a team. Yeah. Jack. Don't look at me. Come on, man.Where did Josh finish?Sorry. Just find Lawrence. All right, cool. You can Lawrence. I'm going to need that.Yeah, we're going to need that.Remesky, going to need to lead that charge. Lawrence, you're sick. You are sick. So I know there's competition there. So yeah, I'm going to need you to bob and weave and just help the team out. If you want me to take them out, I'll take them out. Help the team out.And I'll have to say, best tactic for you is just hold Jack off. Just give Jack issues.How do I do that? I can't even go around the corner.That's fine. You guys are going to be starting off close to each other. Just focus on him and just give him Just a little bumpy-buffy.He can't handle it.Okay. And he'll spin out again.I need you to secure that mid-range of the park. You see what I'm saying? Secure that mid-range of the park. I want you to battle at least three people on the Ops team. At least three people. I know you got this.I spin out four times, so I need to not do that.Yeah, consistency, we need that for you. If one of you-Consistency, we work together, you guys can Metro Lawrence.You can mug Lawrence. Yeah, just work together. Let's take the turns. Let's take the turns seriously. Serious. Let's take the turns absolutely seriously. 75 miles an hour is not a joke.Who had this as a target? Because he's the only one that's fucking with the... I don't think we can... We can't really do anything about rem. This is the You versus rem race. If we're We're lucky.I'm going to spin out. Yeah. I'm going to spin out. Get him angry. I'm going to spin out once.Just play your game.If he drives like he does in the 50, he's spinning.He'll spin out. He's spinning.We just want to make sure we're not spinning out early. That's all that matters. As long as we're not spinning out early and we can overtake at least It's one person each, depending on where we start. If we can overtake one person. We're nice. We're nice. I feel like we got this. Let's go. One, two, three, four. Let's go.You got this, man. Honestly, you fucking got this. Don't count yourself out. What are you saying? No, I'm just saying because there's a lot going-I need front three. We will, but there's a lot going on from the start. There's a lot going on middle ground. First couple of corners are going to be like this. You and Rem will already be gone.The quality is first, though.Oh, yes, it's Qualis. I fucking forgot about what I was always saying.That's the whole need, too.That's just timing.If we get front three, whatever order.So we should just crack this conversation we just had.Yeah, we'll reconvene after.At this point, morale was lacking a bit. We'd seen some of the times on there. They were not giving. One of our team members immediately disqualified. We were shaken. Fu had brought us together. He was trying to prop up the team as a good captain should, and I respect him for it because it was a hard job. But we knew what task we had ahead of us, and I don't think any of us thought that we could manage it. The difference between the Sodies at 50 miles an hour tops and the DMAX at 70, boys and men.It's like three times as fast. This might be a slight exaggeration, but it's nothing compared to the first car.


So I was just focused on on time. Bro. I was focused on on time.


I was this close to brother.


It's really fucking hard. And it's so hard because you actually have to be really fit because you're going on these bends and it's like it's fucking work on your arms. It's ridiculous. It's really hard when you're out there, you don't know who's who. You're just driving and it's just I can just see helmets and shoes. I'm just trying to keep eyes on everyone's shoes. I'm just like, Do I know that guy? Do I know that guy who just overtook me? You see someone spin out and it's just like, you're always trying to keep score with somebody else. But it's tough. It's very tough.


I'm taking this very seriously. Ready, ready, ready.


So you're going to turn one, keeping it nice and tight. We're out here, coming out wide, break in, measuring your break in against the lines on the ground and the light box. So turn one, yeah.


You can go flat off and then just ease off a little bit.


Quick lift, and keep it tight. Do not touch the curve. Definitely don't touch the curve. It just caused you to hop around massively. Coming out, slowly departing away from the white line. Get all your break in done suddenly and all at the same time, keeping it tight throughout all of turn two. Then ready late turn in for turn three here. Use all the track available on the exit. Heading into turn four, break in just before the change of surface. Get most of your break in in a straight line, turning in nice and late. Clip the apex right late right here. Come out wide a little bit, but not too much because you've got to worry about this corner. So come back to the left a little bit. Come all the way around this uphill right. Use all the surface. Break in again all at once and quick flick on the wheel, quick change of rotation. Carry the slide, controlling the slide throughout. Grab this flat curve and then again, don't run in too deep for this corner because otherwise you're going to make this corner very hard. You've got to leave a bit of space like this.


Then just before the curb end, changing direction again for the last corner. Little bit of curb, little bit of curb. Don't to go too crazy in other ways. Cool. Say less. All about controlling the rig. That's what she said. Ready for it?


All right. 75 miles an hour next. I feel like we got this as a unit, as a team. Yeah. Jack. Don't look at me. Come on, man.


Where did Josh finish?


Sorry. Just find Lawrence. All right, cool. You can Lawrence. I'm going to need that.


Yeah, we're going to need that.


Remesky, going to need to lead that charge. Lawrence, you're sick. You are sick. So I know there's competition there. So yeah, I'm going to need you to bob and weave and just help the team out. If you want me to take them out, I'll take them out. Help the team out.


And I'll have to say, best tactic for you is just hold Jack off. Just give Jack issues.


How do I do that? I can't even go around the corner.


That's fine. You guys are going to be starting off close to each other. Just focus on him and just give him Just a little bumpy-buffy.


He can't handle it.


Okay. And he'll spin out again.


I need you to secure that mid-range of the park. You see what I'm saying? Secure that mid-range of the park. I want you to battle at least three people on the Ops team. At least three people. I know you got this.


I spin out four times, so I need to not do that.


Yeah, consistency, we need that for you. If one of you-Consistency, we work together, you guys can Metro Lawrence.


You can mug Lawrence. Yeah, just work together. Let's take the turns. Let's take the turns seriously. Serious. Let's take the turns absolutely seriously. 75 miles an hour is not a joke.


Who had this as a target? Because he's the only one that's fucking with the... I don't think we can... We can't really do anything about rem. This is the You versus rem race. If we're We're lucky.


I'm going to spin out. Yeah. I'm going to spin out. Get him angry. I'm going to spin out once.


Just play your game.


If he drives like he does in the 50, he's spinning.


He'll spin out. He's spinning.


We just want to make sure we're not spinning out early. That's all that matters. As long as we're not spinning out early and we can overtake at least It's one person each, depending on where we start. If we can overtake one person. We're nice. We're nice. I feel like we got this. Let's go. One, two, three, four. Let's go.


You got this, man. Honestly, you fucking got this. Don't count yourself out. What are you saying? No, I'm just saying because there's a lot going-I need front three. We will, but there's a lot going on from the start. There's a lot going on middle ground. First couple of corners are going to be like this. You and Rem will already be gone.


The quality is first, though.


Oh, yes, it's Qualis. I fucking forgot about what I was always saying.


That's the whole need, too.


That's just timing.


If we get front three, whatever order.


So we should just crack this conversation we just had.


Yeah, we'll reconvene after.


At this point, morale was lacking a bit. We'd seen some of the times on there. They were not giving. One of our team members immediately disqualified. We were shaken. Fu had brought us together. He was trying to prop up the team as a good captain should, and I respect him for it because it was a hard job. But we knew what task we had ahead of us, and I don't think any of us thought that we could manage it. The difference between the Sodies at 50 miles an hour tops and the DMAX at 70, boys and men.


It's like three times as fast. This might be a slight exaggeration, but it's nothing compared to the first car.