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If you were the last female on Earth, what male would you pick to repopulate the Earth with?My God.We're looking for the alpha male on this planet in your eyes.To.


Just breed me.To breed you. God.


Is it weird that I had a name in my head already?


Yeah. Kind.


Yeah, it is.


As soon as you said, I was thinking,. Who? Michael B. Jordan.




I don't think it's a terrible I don't know if he's the alpha one. The alpha male on Earth. He's pretty.


He's very pretty.


He's very pretty. The last man standing.


I'll choose Michael B.


Yeah, your man is your man at the end of the day. My man, my man, my man. Fair, Michael B. One man for my pom-pum, yeah. What prayer would I choose to actually repopulate the Earth?


It's not an easy question.


It's not an easy question.


Jason Momoa.


I do think that, but also It's a weird one. I'm getting into technicalities, but the roles he plays are that. He's also a man who dresses up and pretends to be someone else for a living. If we're really getting down to bare bones, he dresses up as Aquaman.


You don't think it can be Alpha by dressing up as Aquaman?


I don't know. Dressing up like a superhero is what gets you to repopulate Earth. Okay. To be the savior of the human race. But he does fucking cool shit outside of dressing up like an aquaman, though.


I scoffed with Instagram before.


Yeah, bro. He rides bikes and throws axes and drinks beer and like a fucking champ. Yeah.


That's a great shout.


I'm not going to lie. When I said, When is it weird to have someone in my head already? I already had just someone in my head. So you did have someone in your head? Yeah, and I'm also weird. That's why I'm going against the green. I don't want to choose him. But fuck, is there no one else? I'm like, damn, it's a fucking man. Edison, you think of anyone?


For some reason, his name, the guy who played Superman and Witcher, Henry Cavill. Henry Cavill. He's a fucking man. Henry, yeah. It does a lot of charity work and shit. He seems like a cool guy. Fucking hench.


I'm pretty sure he's expecting a baby right now, actually.


Oh, really? Yeah. It just seems like a guy. You know what I mean? Fair play.


He does.


He really does.




I don't know. Like you said, Jason Momoa, Aquaman. The The way that I'm getting of this alpha male is only coming to me by people who are... Of people when they act or when they pretend to be that. Is it who they actually are? Yeah. Who lives it? Yeah. Who is actually it? Because that's who I want to say, but I don't know them personally.


My go-to is David Gargans or something, but he's not laying in the slightest.


It's not always about looks, though.


If I'm getting fucked constantly, I'm breading To repop. To repop. One, you out. Fuck me again. Another, you out. Fuck me again. Looks plays a massive part.


Yeah, looks play a pop, bro.


You're the first place. This is the first element of foreplay. Fair. Come on, man. Let me see something. But I am struggling. I'm struggling. I'm trying to think, are there any Leng UFC fighters? Tell you what, he's not Leng in the slightest, and I bet he's got a fucking hammer on him. But probably like Francis and Garnu or some shit.


That's a beast.


Bro's a man. Bro's a mad. That's a little piece.


That's a little piece.


Wow. Jesus fucking Christ.


I'll split you in four. Yeah.


That's a man. If I could handle what's under there, then it's probably a good choice. But I wouldn't find him attractive. Okay. But actually, to be fair, I don't know. I don't know if I would. You might. Because I only judge man by facing them thing there. If I was a girl, I might look at him and think, Fuck.


True. You might.


Good question, though.


Good question.


Very good question. Maybe Odel Beckham Jr. He could breathe the shit out of me. He's a cool kid. Yeah. He's a cool kid. Yeah.


He's a cool kid.


Odel Bex? Yeah.


You can dress as well. Yeah.


He's got all Yeah, actually, I changed my mind. Oh, no, Beckham Jr. In France, this is taken. In France, this is taken. All right, then. Favorite show/movie villain and why?


I will say The Joker in Dark Knight Rises because No villain has ever instilled that weird fear.


Dark Knight.


Dark Knight, yeah. Sorry, what's his name? He passed away.He's Ledger.He's Ledger. The way that he was able to tap into that character and portray the Joker as he was. You get fear from movies when you see something, I don't know, big in size or whatever, like a It's scary or it's jump scared, something like that. You know what I'm saying? The typical scared. But that scared was like, psychological, I'm questioning a lot of what's going on right now. It's a different fear. I would say, yeah, the Joker in Dark Knight, for sure.


Interesting. Who I actually loved as a villain at the time was Grimjo from Bleach.


What a shout.


He was a Fucking sick, sick guy. Yeah, I loved him at the time. Same. He's up there. He's probably not my number one, but right now I can't think of my human number one is. But he's coming to mind.


That's a rogue one anyway. So fair play.


I would probably say, again, I can't think of number one, but someone that made a serious, serious impact, I would say Gus Fring in Breaking Bad. He was a very good villain. Gustavo Fring is a sick villain. Yeah, he's just a great actor. I like him as an actor, but the roles he plays, especially that character, was a successful villain. And he was in, obviously, Better Call to All as well. Yeah, really good.


Gus Fring is a fucking shout.


Really good. Well played.


Alice, anyone for you? The first film that popped in my head was... I just find his character really interesting because you don't know much about him. Lou Bloom from Night Crawler. He was the main dude from Night Crawler because you don't know a lot about him and he's very twisted and dark. He's tapped. He's fucking tapped. But I just find it interesting. I found that film fucking amazing. The film is amazing. I love that film. I found that film really good. It was amazing. I just found it really interesting because you don't know much about him. I found it really cool.Sick.Fair play.Yeah, man. Fair play.


Good question. Very nice.


If you could relive one childhood memory, what would it be?Mines being a police dog. Jesus Christ.Blan-a-plan-a-plan..


Jesus Christ.


This is a hot take, but I remember the enjoyment I had my year 10 sports day.


Did you murk everybody?


It was just one of the best days, bro. It was so fun. I remember, I think I won the relay and I won the 200 meters as well. Well, my team won the relay and I won the 200 meters as well. They were just sat in about how gassy that day was, bro. Everyone was having a good time. No one really cared about school or whatever. Everyone was just out there to compete, and it was just so fucking sick, bro. So fucking sick. I remember it well.


It was weather was banging as well.


The weather was blissful. It was one of those ones where... Because I think Sports Day wasn't a whole day. I think we had half of the lessons during the day, then Sports Day all afternoon. Obviously, after that, there was just motives. Like, Gallia Manning was making up. I just remembered it was motive after because Gallia finally saw he's really fast and he really isn't. So yeah, people were paring up after that. Yeah, that was an afternoon. Yeah, I'll say my year 10 sports day.




It doesn't necessarily count as childhood, but the first phone party that me and Rem went to, we were 18. Brother?


What a time.


Oh my God. I had the most fun, bro.


That's when you found, 50 pound on the floor.


Yeah. Bro, the most fun. Like the absolute most fun, bro. I had such a fucking sick time. I remember thinking, this night can't end. This is the best night ever. It physically can't end, bro. I hear that. It just can't. I hear that. I loved it so much. So, yeah, not technically childhood, but I felt... How I feel now, I was a child then. Fair. For sure.


Fair, fair, fair.