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Do you guys have a resolution over these past two weeks and thought, maybe I can stick to this? I want to work on being more confident.Okay.That's my brother. I love that for you.


What does that look like for you?Facts, yeah.


Let's get into it.


Let's? By the way, what the does that look like for you, LS? Let's really get deep. Just like...


It's just little stuff. Socially and stuff.It's freeing, isn't it?Crap. It's freeing, though.


This is a real... We're bonded today. It's an episode. Keep going, I have to.Yeah. I was trying to hold it. It was a game of chicken, isn't it? I was like, Are you getting close to Chris's lips? I was off. I was sweating. Sorry, Alice. Sorry, sorry, sorry.