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I'd be concerned.


Obviously you're gonna be concerned.


I'd be very concerned. Like we're about would you say, james.


I'm concerned, or would you do something about it?


I'd fling you off.


Yeah. Okay, guys, welcome back.


Welcome back, indeed.


Feeling good. Feeling great.


How are you?


One thing I will say is, over the last four years, you and I have got so in sync, it's absolutely unreal, even when we're doing, like, the ad reads and stuff.


Yeah, true.


There's times where we'll decide to take, like, a paragraph each, and then sometimes I'll just randomly stop in the middle of the paragraph and you'll immediately pick it up. It's juicy. No one's doing connections and stuff like that. Right. So, guys, it is time for our scoopy dupe update. So week one is complete.


Week one is complete. Yeah.


Of our scoopy eight. So it's the s and g super eight challenge, which, if you're new here, is an eight week fitness challenge that the team are doing here, where we all have our scoop bands and we are measuring across three different factors, strain, recovery, and sleep. So let's go round and see how everyone's week has been. I'll start.




My body was a sacrificial lamb this week.




I gave everything to the iron pause. I gave it all, bro. I haven't trained this hard in how long, gang? Either my WHOOP is working the absolute worst out of everyone's, or it's working the best because I've not been able to break 15 strain. I don't think I've got above 15 strain once. And the other day, I was telling REM yesterday, the other day, what was it? Sunday, I went in with my boy Josh. We physically tried to kill ourselves. Yeah, physically. Because I think the day before, Ellis got 19, and I was like, I'm just not living like this. Yeah, we went in there. I killed, killed, killed myself and came out with 13.6. I was pissed off. I was seriously, seriously pissed off. I think I said to you, man, yesterday, I think I lost connection for, like, a little bit because it measured my entire session. I did, like an hour and 45. It measured it in two separate sessions. So it cut the session off midway through for one of them, and then I had to pick up and start again. Anyway, apart from that, I'm locked in.




Yeah, I'm really happy.




I'm really happy and really competitive. The other day, I was looking at the stats, left my house at 09:00 in the night to run.




Yeah, I know. He did it the day after. He did the day after because, yeah, I was in third place. And I was like, I'm not going to sleep in third place. So I left it as late as I could so no one could see it and then go and do it. Went for a two mile run. I haven't ran in years.


You, man.


Yeah, I clocked it.


Yeah. Fair play. How do you feel?


I felt great this week. I feel sore. I feel sore in places that haven't felt because I don't run. My achilles is so sore. I did the assault bike the other day. My quads. Murt training is Murt again because I'm trying to get that strain. I'm training to failure a lot more. So I'm sore, sore, sore, sore, sore, sore, sore. But it really does tap you in because you can't push it too much. And I'm like, sometimes if I know I'm training at like six or seven in the evening because I'm busy than day, I'm like, fuck. Well, I can't have a pre workout because that means I'm not going to sleep and that's going to up my sleep and all this other stuff. And then I said to you yesterday, sometimes if I'm waking up in the night, it keeps me awake because I'm like, I'm awake, I'm awake. No, I'm awake. Go back to sleep. And then I can't get back to sleep.


You're hyper focused.


Yeah, I'm too focused on it. I'm loving it, though. I'm really, really loving it. So that's me.


I'm done, gang. For me, I feel like the love of the competition has made me pull out all the stops. Even though I've had a busy week. Obviously I was away on the weekend, but yeah, man, it's been really, really good. I'm one to when I'm away. Not usually train, but let me take my gym with me because I can't be coming.


Four for two days off is crazy.


Yeah, two days is crazy.


I think I speak for the whole team when I say we couldn't be happy. You only got 3 hours sleep that night. You flew away. We couldn't be.


Hannah, wake up for a minute. I said it last week. Underdogs are the underdogs.


Your sleep's been an issue for everyone. It's been pissing everyone off.


See, my recovery has been up. My training has been good. I'm training tonight after we record and, yeah, man, it's been really good. I feel like I'm pushing myself in different ways. And you said before we started recording the other thing, right? The other activity. I was doing laundry the other day, bro, just holding shit. And he said, oh, your floop has detected an activity. Log it in or whatever. I was like, cool. It detects everything, bro. So I'm here for everything. Everything I do, I'm pointing it down. I went to like, the sauna steam remodel. It's got all of that in the recovery thing. I did that on there as well. So literally everything I do when we played table tennis yesterday, slide that in there as well.


Oh, it does. Sauna in the recovery?


Yes, recovery. Everything in there. Select it.


Oh, I didn't know that. Saunas loads of stuff.


And that will add it to your recovery percentage also. I've been sauna in for no reason then, bro. I've been in the sauna for no reason. It was a thing.


You're not looking at the app properly.


No wonder my recovery is so down.


You're not focused, bro. Fuck.


All right, say less, say less.


Even when I napped on the day when I had 3 hours sleep, there's got a nap thing there. I press nap and a nap.


Yeah, it caught my nap by accident. Did you know it catches that?


Nah, bro.


This bitch told me I napped. Oh, sweet. I napped and it did it to the minute.




Man, I napped last week on like Wednesday or whatever, bro. And I woke up and it was like, nap detected from 118 to 223. Bang process that.


It's amazing. Yeah, it's really good. Yeah, I'm locked in. Ellis, what are you saying?


It's good, man. It took a couple of days to get my head around it. Yeah, I like to pride myself on working hard, like fucking in the gym and stuff, but jesus, to keep up with you lot, I had to go insane when I was like, my strain is just not matching up. My strain was staying at like seven or eight or something like that. And it was like 1213. All this stuff. I've had to go, absolutely ham gang. That's when I got that like 20 strain on the assault.


That was ridiculous. Yeah, that was ridiculous.


Die. That was the worst day. I did a salt bike, went mad on that. And I went for a run at like ten at night as well.


And I battered, bro.


I literally got home and just felt.


When I saw it, I've never been so angry. I thought, the fuck is going on?


Yeah, man. But it took a while to. I'm still understanding recovery though.


It's weird.


I'm glad you brought that up because yours today isn't making sense. Yeah, mine, let's pull that up, shall we? Because someone's got an 80% recovery off about 5 hours.


91 is 91 recovery, 5 hours and.


I got 5 hours sleep. So this is the thing, it's not always measured on sleep. It's a weird system. From what I've read up, I've been trying to do my research on it. From what I've read up, it's based on your heart rate. So how rested, what your resting heart rate is. So the last few days I've been trying to relax more, taking baths, trying to do a bit of ref work and stuff. And that's helped a little bit. So I don't think it all is.


Like sleep, fair play.


It's weird.


It is weird.


There's a lot to it.


There's a lot to it, man. I'm happy you man said that. I can actually process stuff in the recovery sections. Yeah, you can because, yeah, every day your recoveries have been getting higher and higher and higher and mine is always the same between like 48 and 56. I've never got higher. And you, man, are getting higher and higher. You got 64 the other day, which fucking pissed me off. You get 80 for a joke. You've woken up in the. I'm staying at the same level. It's been pissing me off.


I don't understand recovery. I don't know how to increase my, I'm reading it now, it's right here. But I don't know how to improve my recovery. It's heavily linked to sleep as well, obviously. I'm only averaging just underneath 7 hours. I knew I was going to take an l on sleep, so I was fine with that from the beginning. But I thought I made an assumption that on my strain days, training days go hard, train as hard as possible, get a strain up, and on my rest days take advantage of resting and making sure that my strain is low. Hopefully my recovery will be up.




Nah, it needs to be strain. Every day I'm thinking my strain, keeping my strain down at like five, six, whatever, doing nothing. That's cool. No recovery or it needs to be active rest basically. So you need to be these 20 minutes runs at 09:00 p.m. At night, those sneaky ones, that's what actually you need to be doing. And I still don't know how it links in with recovery. The algorithm is, it's not making sense.


To me that's a weird one.


The fact that strain isn't directly correlated with calories burned.


You, man, when I was on a sense, I've been on 1112 strain and had like 2500 calories burnt. I'm seeing some of you, man, on like a 17 with like 800 calories and I'm like, I'm dying and it's not paying dividends.


The leaderboard, because obviously we have three tabs, the sleep recovery rest, how is the leaderboard calculated is the average of the three.


So this is what I've been doing so far. And Ellis said he had a pitch and we'll work it from there. So what I've been doing to calculate it, I've just clocked I was winning and I'm not winning anymore. By my thing, I was doing a point system. So I've been going to the monthly tab, okay, which is our whole journey so far. And I've been doing a point system for all of us. So if you're in first place on a leaderboard, you get four points. Second you get three. Third you get two. Last you get one point.


Should the point system not be across the week, not the month. We're only doing it for two months.


All right, bet. Let's do it that way.


Then it gives a better chance as well to fight for first place each week. And we record each week as well. Just makes more sense to go weekly.


Okay. Yeah.


Wonder why. That's your suggestion, Mr. Last place.


Are you going to tabulate? Yeah. Say less. So we're going to do week by week? Yeah. All in agreement. Week by week. Yeah. So week one, so Ellis strain four, recovery one, so five and sleep three. So eight for Ellis.


Ellis is week one, so Ellis, eight.


Rem, are you just putting score? Are you putting the strain recovery thingy section and just score?


Just score.


Okay, cool. Yeah, keep it, Rem. Three plus two plus two, seven. Me. Two plus four. Six plus one. Seven U. One plus three. Four plus four. Eight. So is it eight, seven, seven it is.


8877. So me and Ellis are tied first place after week one. So let's catch up next week to see how we're doing.


Yeah, ma'am.


Okay. Nice scary hours.


Nice. Well, I'm saying my thing says first out of four on the ting. So I'm just saying. Anyway, moving on. Next subject.


Your thing says what?


First out of four in it on the community tab today.


For what?


For today. Daily strain. Yeah, for today.


No one's done anything.


I ain't done anything today, bro, because it says over again.


You've been folding clothes again.


Lie doing laundry, bro.


Yeah, bro.


Doesn't make any sense. It doesn't make any sense. Jarring, bro.


It comes up on my app and it says it's detected a workout. Detected something. Please log it. I'm logging everything, bro.


That's jarring me good.


Have you noticed as well? Me and Rem were talking about it with weights and cardio. Yeah, the strain is loads higher on cardio.


Of course it is.


You can pump weights like, fuck. The top strain I've ever got on weights is like eight cardio. I've got, like 20, of course. I think, yeah, it's weird how it. Because I want to be training weights, but it's like, it's not getting my strain up.




So I've had to just do.


Yeah, I've been doing both. So I've been doing cardio. Ten minutes of cardio at the beginning weights and then, like half an hour of cardio at the end, which is not my style. But I'm feeling good for it, though. I'm feeling really, really good for your typical style weights and go home, bro.


No cardio at all.


I'll warm up for maybe five minutes, something like that. But, yeah, I haven't been doing cardio in time, bro. Go home is the one way to go home, bro. Yeah, I've got stuff to do, but now I'm happy for it. And it's also making me more intense with my weight training as well because I want to keep the strain up. Like, time between sets and stuff. Quick. It's been good, man. I'm really, really enjoying it and I'm intrigued to see how it goes because it's all well and good. Week one, it's easy to lock in week one and try your best. Week five, a couple of men are going to start. Who's really on it? So to be fair, it probably is better that we're doing it week by week because then it stops you from losing motivation. Because, yeah, after three weeks in, if there is, like, a clear gap that you can't catch up, you'll just stop.


Oh, yeah.


As well. How's your diet been? The only reason why I say is because that actually affects your recovery, because last week you said on the episode, like, oh, it doesn't measure diet, so it'll be all right.


It does.


Your diet matters to your recovery and your hydration.




It could be your diet or your hydration.


Very interesting.


Does count towards it.


In what sense does it say what foods you should be.


It somehow monitors it. It knows if you're not drinking enough or eating well. I don't know.


Good nutrition, hydrating properly. Midday nap, midday naps, meditating and breath work.


Sarcadian rhythm aligned.






All right, man.


There's a lot of stuff that goes into it, man.


Bro, I didn't know that. I'm on it now, though. I'm adding all these because I'm going to the sauna today, so I'll add that in there, man. That's gang. No fibs, guys. No fibs.


It can tell anyway.


It will tell.


You can't fake. You can't fake that.


I mean, even if you do type it in or let's say I put sauna in, I'm not in a sauna and I stop it. I don't think it would match up with no.


If your heart rate don't change.


Exactly. It's going to tell because I'm going to be boiling. If I'm in a sauna, I'm going to be sweating, losing burning calories.


It reads skin temp.


Okay, gang, so if you say you're.


In a sauna and you ain't, it's going to call your ass out.


All right? Bet. I'm here for that. I'm here for that.


All right. This is genius. Sick, gang. Yeah.


Welcome to the show, guys. Welcome to the show, guys. Welcome back. If you love this, if you really love this, if you're really about it, prove it. Head on over to Shits and gigs.


I don't even know why I said I'm stretching. Continue.


That chemistry moment.


Do you actually know what I mean? You never jump in on this.


I don't know why I said that. It's fine, guys. Start again and continue what you're saying.


Three pounds a month. Run the pizza. S and g, join the babies.




The top boys, top gas. That's we're running things over there. Of course, we're whoopity whoops over there. Fitness freaks. Just tits and skin and luscious humans over there. So if you want to go over there, chirps a couple of things. Vibe, feel good, feel fresh, do it now. More reason to do it now, guys, is because we have just launched a brand new show over on Patreon, one of a kind. No one's inventing shows on Patreon, okay? Your boys are. We want to give back. So we've created an extra juicy, juicy show called the Log Cabin.


We have.


So if you want to head on over to Patreon, click that. Tier two. First episode launches. Wow. Two days ago. Yeah, it's dropped. Yeah, by the time it's dropped, it's dropped. So, yeah, first episode is out. Now go over there. Enjoy. And, yeah, man. Extra content from your boys. That's all I can say. Yeah, man. If you are watching YouTube, please subscribe to the channel. If you're listening on any of the audio apps, please leave us a nice review. Five stars is preferable, but whatever you say, say it with chess. Come on, man. Without any further ado, fuegs and I are going to do the question of the week.




And the question of the week this.


Week was what hill are you willing to die on?


This is a good question.


This is a good question.


This is a good question. I like this one.




So we're going to go back and forth.


Back and forth. And I also want us to discuss, if we please. Yeah, I want us to discuss this because I feel like this is going to be interesting for everyone. So what hill are you willing to die on? I'll go first. Beyonce is not that good.




That's what the streets are saying. Not me.


Beyonce's not that good.




We can actually discuss this because I may have entertained this before we went to see her, and it turns out that's a lie because she actually is just that good.


I actually remember, yeah, she is that good. Yeah. The best show I saw last year. Yeah.


And you've seen a lot of shows. I don't see that many shows. But speaking of shows, pause there, guys. Head on over to our website. To the two website facts to the Axis website. Whatever you want. Get show for our show at the o two. Get tickets for our show at the o two. What am I doing? What am I actually doing? Get tickets. This is why I don't plug them in sentence. Get tickets for our show at the o two.


Yeah, ma'am.


They're pretty much sold out, Suz.


Only a few left, but we want to sell that bitch out, so grab the rest while you can.


Anyway, back to it. Beyonce is that good.


Beyonce is that.


She's the best performer I've seen.




She's actually the best performer I've seen live. And she had routines.


She did have routines. Routines. Outfit changes, the stage production. And her breath control was incredible for 3 hours straight.


3 hours straight, bro.


What did she come out to again? Dangerously in love.


I love you.


It was genius.


It was genius.


I love that song, by the way.


Yeah, bro, I. I told you before I banged that song the whole way home. As loud as I could, bro banger. Because I am in the.




Sharp right. My go. What hill am I willing to dying?




I'm not rounding up my order to the nearest pound to give the rest of charity. I'm just not doing it.






You're taking the amount of money that you only deserve.


You're not winning 56 p. You're not.


You're just not.


Yeah, you're not having it, bro. Piss off. Just let me pay what I want to pay and don't make me press. No, thanks. Thanks. Do you want to give the rest to charity? And it says, no, thanks.


So I feel like an asshole.


Yeah. So I'm the dickhead.


Yeah. Don't offer that thing in the first.


Yeah, bro. And the thing is, that's how I know these shops are on it. If you go to WH Smiths and any service station, they press no thanks for you.


Oh, is it, bro? Oh, yes. They.


As soon as the card machine comes over, they reach over and press cancel.


Yes, they do.


I don't know if anyone who's heading up wh Smiths watches this show. Chat to your boys.




Your employees instinctively hate charity. I'm just saying it. I've not been to a Wsmith where he didn't press cancel for me. They hate charity.


That's jokes.


It's part of your culture.


What hill are you willing to die on? Apple juice over orange juice. Always discuss.


Do you know how many people I saw say that?


What's your preference?


Apple juice. Yeah. I know you're an OJ goer.


I love OJ, but I also love apple juice. I don't think I have a preference. I think I have a preference on.


A day I can't remember the brand. There's a brand that does. Fuck. It begins with C. I think there's a brand. Copel, maybe something like that.






Capella. Yeah, they do that.


Cloudy apple. Cloudy apple and apple and elder flower.


I've never had the apple and elder flower.


Fuck yeah. The apple and elder flower, bro. Yeah.




Used to start fights in my house. The amount of stuff, my brother used to drink it out. My dad was livid.


They're expenditures.


My brother used to back that.


They probably only do about, like, if you get the big one, it's like three glassfuls. And that's it.


Done, bro.


Maybe three and a half.


It's done, bro. You got my fucking crap and it makes you thirstier.


Yeah, it's amazing.


It's unreal. Apple juice all day. Apart from that La orange juice we had, that was silly.


$6 a pop.


$12 a pop. $12 a pop. Excuse me, $12 a glass. Wow. For liquid nut. You, man. Unicorn jizz in this.


It was sensational.


Oh, my God. Wow. I would have sold a kidney for that.


I need to know who's squeezing them backstage. Yeah.


I need to know who's squeezing it with their cheeks.




There's a BBL back there just squeezing oranges. Fucking else. Incredible stuff.




For you, man. I don't know if you live in LA, you need to head over to.


What is it?


The addition?


The addition? West Hollywood.


West Hollywood edition. There's a restaurant downstairs, best OJ going. Bacon, eggs, the steak and egg slaps.


Was it the french toast you had as well?


The fucking French, that's what lapse. That was a heart attack on a plate.






That brioche was fat. That brioche, fucking fat. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't fucking believe it.


Neither could I. Yeah. Wow. That's a restaurant. It was a fucking restaurant. Fuck. That bitch was like $300 a breakfast.


Yeah, it did.


It was the most expensive restaurant I've ever in my life.


It was incredible.


It was incredible.


The addition, you might know what you're doing. Yeah.


The fact they took that money from us on day one and we went back on day two and ordered the same thing. That's crazy.


When the bill came, ran it back. Yeah.


Fuck. Okay.




What? Illamo Williams is ion. I'd rather have a man who isn't my man, but is my man than be in a relationship.


Say that all again.


I'd rather have a man that isn't really my man, but is my man than be in a relationship.




That power struggle, I can't tell you not to church, but how dare you?


Church? Yeah.


How dare. Keeps that bitch excited. That's jokes.


That's jokes. Wow. Yeah.




That's a good one. That's a really fucking good one.


That's funny. Oh, God.


What hill are you willing to die on? Rose should have taken turns with Jack on that door.


I'm not even going to scream it. I'm not trying to break microphones today. Facts. Who does this bitch think she was?


Dare she?


He froze to death. Get off the door. There was space, bro.


He was alternate, bro.


He was hanging on that bitch for what seemed like hours. I don't know how they did their editing. It seemed like hours. And she just watched him freeze to death.




And then just get him on there.


Do you love me or not?


Put him on your back or side facts.


Because if I was on that john, you'd be on my back, too. Yeah.


Question, though. God, what if this is why I know it's mad if it was me and you.




Titanic's just hit the burg. Me and you are out there floating on the door, and it just so happened you landed on the door, or you caught the door first. And I'm hanging on. I'm shaking and shivering. Yeah, we don't know when we're going to get saved. Shaking and shivering, and I'm like, please, I need to jump in the wall for a bit. Let me get on the door. You put your foot in and feel truly how cold that is. Are you letting me on the door?


Question. Yes. No, genuine question. Genuine question.


Genuine question. Great.


No, genuine question. Do we both have life jackets?


No one's got life jackets.


It's detrimental.


Yeah, no one's got life jackets. And when I say you touch, you've never felt cold like that.


And the door is only big enough for one.




I need the full scenario.


I need the picture. You've seen the movie. You know the scenario. Are you letting me on that bitch or off?


Yeah, we'll alternate. We'd have to, but it has to be, like a quick 15 sex, 15 seconds.


I've been there for 2 hours.


You've not been there for 2 hours.


I've been there. I've been there. You would have died. I've been there for, like, four minutes. What do you mean, 15 seconds? 15 on, 15 off. Your body temp wouldn't have risen by then. Okay, what if the only way we could both fit on there was in missionary?


My God.


Because we can.


Yeah. Why missionary? To be fair, it doesn't matter.


Is that the collapsed doggy or missionary? Would you rather freeze to death or get on the door and missionary?


What position am I on? Top or am I bottom?


Whatever you fancy. I just want to feel heat biomechanically. I feel like I'd prefer to be at the bottom biomechanically.


Oh, yeah.


Mechanically. That makes all the sense. If we're not doing nose to nose, you have to put the energy into it, because I'm laying down facing you.


Yeah, if you don't want to.


Lips, do what your neck needs to do. Your neck's sore.


Can't we do like, a big spoon? Little spoon.


Now it's going to topple the physics. Get on top of me. Or get off.


I would do the missionary. I'd have to. Yeah, fair.


Or if you felt a little tummy.


Stick, I'd be concerned.


Obviously you're going to be concerned.


I'd be very concerned.


Would you say, James, I'm concerned. Or would you do something about it?


I'd fling you off.


Yeah. No, this is exactly what I'll do.


Obviously I'm not face to face, but, like, I'm overlapped. Like Tetris.




I've got both hands on edge of the tick.


I'm flipping that bitch I'm rocking that bitch to make you scream yeah, subside that boner.


Yeah, subside that boner. You're not thinking straight. We're trying to survive here and you're getting hard.


For what?


But who? I did.


Subside that bone. Okay. Oh, God. Right. Okay. What hill are you willing to die on? Yeah. I'm not saying sorry, because I knew what I was doing, win, and I meant what I did. Fair.


Okay. It'd be like that sometimes. It be like that sometimes.


Hands up, ten toes, it be like that sometimes.




I know what I did.


I have to rate it. Yeah.


I have to rate it.


I have to rate it. What hill are you willing to die on? Pineapples belong on pizza and people are just too immature to admit it.


That's a lie.


That's what the streets are saying. Have you ever had it? Of course I've had it. And immediate. Immediate? No. Is it ham and pineapple or what have you?


Ham and pineapple?


Yeah. Yeah, Ellis. Ham and pineapple. You like ham and pineapple?


You mind it.




You've said before, I'm sure you said, barbecue base.


Barbecue base is crazy on ham. Too much tan, that.






Barbecue base and pineapple. Just put sugar on pineapple. Ham.


Bang, Remsky.


It's good.


I'm not going to lie. The child in me loved it. The child in me loved the ham and pineapple from pizza. Go. Go, pizza, go. I'm not going to lie.


Grown palate, established adult.


Now. Now.


No, but no offense, bro.


Sorry. I could kind of see it. Because a lot of places you go, restaurant wise, if you have pork, it always comes. Nine times out of ten, comes with, like, a pineapple side. And the combination is sensational.


I'm not doing it.


You've never had pork and pineapple or pork belly and pie or something like that?


No, because I don't like pineapple with savory food. I understand that people like. Because pork is a salty thing. I can understand why? They want to balance it with sweet maple bacon is probably the best thing ever invented. I get where they're going. Pineapple can fuck off around my savory fair, ma'am.


It's good.


All right, ma'am. It's good. Right, Hill, you're willing to die on alcohol? Doesn't taste good. We're all just trying to fill something.


Facts, fam. I am convinced I have about four to five intolerances, and alcohol is one of them.




Alcohol is one of them.


My stomach. You, man. When I've been drinking alcohol, visibly and physiologically. Wow.


Facts and facts. Yeah.


When I say I fart shit, bro, it's factual. After a heavy night, that bit smells like poison.


What comes out of me sometimes? Unheard of.


Yeah, unheard of.


It's disgusting, bro.




Yeah, man. 100%. 100%. What hill are you willing to die on? Stevie wonder can see.


Do you know how many people have actively tried to debunk his blindness? I've seen it. It's crazy. I've seen people, like, threaten to go like that to him just to see. Yeah. People try to debunk his blindness all.


The fucking time, bro.


Have you seen that video, though, of the light what falls?


The what?


There is a video, I can't remember.


He's performing, right? And a light falls, and he catches it.


Pull it up, please. Rem.


Steven won the light fall that made me question it. I'm not going to lie.


I've not seen that. And if that's the truth, he can see.


Just grabs it.


Oh, it's a microphone. That doesn't count. That landed on his arm.


That one doesn't count at. Wait a minute.


Wait a minute.




He drew for that. Wow. Okay. Keep that bitch playing.


Let's see what I got.


So Paul McCartney knocks the microphone. Kazam. And he's reacting now automatically. Oh, no.




It's crazy.


A yo.




That's nuts, isn't it?


That's nuts.




That is interesting. Maybe he can see all I need to see. I don't need to see the lighting. That's all I need to see.


Maybe he's partially blind. Maybe he's got, like, a little piece of vision. That doesn't make sense.


Yeah, that doesn't make sense because it's instantaneous.


He did that. Wow.


You never know, though. If the microphone was on, maybe you can. And his head hit the thing and you can hear it go. Maybe his reaction was, I don't know.






Okay. I don't know. But fucking hell. That's sketchy.


Yeah. Wow.


Okay, cool.


Say less.


Right? Who are you trying to die on this for?




You, man, is factual, okay? If you breathe good news into the air before it's happened, it can get snatched from you.




When I say, when. I hear good shit that's going on, but hasn't actually. I haven't seen the contract. I keep my mouth fucking shut. And as soon as I've been too t he and let it slip, I'm living at myself because I know it's jinx now.


Yeah, I completely agree with that.


Pisses me off.


I completely agree with that. What hill are you willing to die on that monster tastes terrible. Thoughts?


That's bullshit.




Do you know how I know they're wrong? They're Sutton.




Let me get set up for this. Only true ride or dies will get it. There's something that happens in here when you crack a fresh drawn out the fridge. And you hear that snap. These zero sugars. People who drink the black things, nah, they don't know what they're doing.


That's with sugar.


With or without sugar. So you've got the black flavors, right? Let me give you a breakdown on monster. You, man. Okay, you got the black flavors. That's the original. That shit tastes like Red Bull.




Boring and shit.




Horrible. The sugary one.


I'm going to crack a monster now. Say what you said off edit.


That is actually random. I said today without knowing that that statement was going to come up. I said my 2024 mission is to get Fuhad into monster once and for all. If we're ever going to sign that deal. You, man, we need him on board. We can't do it by ourselves. Just like I need to start watching my new games.




So let me talk you through it.


And let me tell you what's going to happen. Right.


It's cold, right?


Yeah. It's freezing.




Baby'S freezing.


Before you do anything, let your lips remember how warm it is in there. You're warm. You need sustenance. You need satin to cool you down. It's a hot room. It's a warm day in here.




Right. Get your finger under there and snap it. Listen to the snap. That's coldness you're going to hear. Yeah, that metal snap. Smell that. Breathe it. Breathe it in. It smells fresh.


Do you know what it smells like? It smells like diet lilt.


I was going to say lilt. It smells fresh. It smells like it's from the tropics. Yeah. And now what we want. What flavor is this, by the way? They're clever with their flavors. This flavor is ultra white, okay? So there's no calories in here. There's no sugar in here, okay? There may be some carcinogens, I don't know. But anyway, what I want you to do is you let it pass your lips. Taste the freshness and the cleanness in the flavor diet. Keep that diet lilt in your head. It's like a mix between lilt and sprite, okay? And it's packed full of caffeine, okay? So it's lilt and sprite, fresh, fresh, fresh, fresh, fresh, juicy, juicy, juicy. Good. And it's full of drugs that are going to make you pumped up, okay? It's a perfect drink. Taste that, bitch.


It really isn't bad.


That's all I need to do.


That first sip. It really isn't bad because I remember you tried to get me on to it maybe two years ago, maybe two and a half years ago.


Yeah, I remember.


And it wasn't this flavor. I'm pretty sure it wasn't this flavor.


Probably wasn't. Now, then you got those flavors right? And then when you're really suffering, you get into the sugary johns. There's only two sugary bitches that I cosign, right? One is a pipeline punch.


Pipeline punch?


You'll smack your mom for a pipeline punch? On a bad day of punch? You'll smack your mom for a pipeline punch? That's the sweetest, sugariest jawn I've ever tasted.


Oh, yeah?


It's crazy, okay? And then there's also mango loco.


I've heard of that one.


Mango loco is pretty good. Pipeline punches. Undefeated.




So I never step into the sugary realm, okay? Because I don't like cavities and I don't like tummies or the beet. But I always stay consistent with my ultra whites.


What's your second go to top three?


Give me your top three. Right. Ultra white.


Yeah, top three.


Ultras. Ultras mean zero sugar, okay? Ultra white. Ultra blue. Brexit, they fucked us, okay? Brexit took Ultra brew off the map in the UK. You got to ship that bitch in from Europe.


What's the difference between white and blue?


It's hard to explain. Anyone who's a true monster fan knows that ultra blue just tastes like a blue white.


Pull up monster for me, please.


Yeah, a blue white tastes like a white, but it's blue. That's what it tastes like.




I can't describe it. Ultra blue, just tastes like an ultra white, but bluey. Then my second favorite. I'm not going to talk about sugar. So, out of the ultras, Ultra blue is probably my second favorite. You could only get it in Europe. PG Keen is a tie for third place with ultra red. Ultra red is another one that Brexit hit us with, and they took that off the shelves, too. Ultra red. It's a good drink. It tastes a bit like cherry aid.




And they got that ultra sunrise on there, that orange bitch there. Ultra sunrise, if you have it too much, it fucks with your taste buds and you don't like it.




Ultra white. You can have three of these bitches in a day, not get bored.




Ultrasoundrise. You can have, like, one a week. But the one you have on a one off, no consistency. Ultra Sunrise is undefeated. It's the best flavor there is.


Is there a monster flavor you've never had?


Good question.


Type in. How many monster flavors are there?


Rem, type in monster ultra flavors because there's a lot of the sugar ones I haven't had and I never will.


Fair zero.


Ultra flavors. All right, cool. So this is on the official website. Let's go. I've had Ultra white. Peachy keen. Watermelon, Ultraglod. I've had Ultra paradise. I've had Ultra fiesta. Yes. Ultra sunrise.




Ultra Rosa. Rosa's another good one. Ultraviolet used to be Lawrence's go to. They don't do that anymore. Brexit took that from us as well. Ultra red. Love Ultra blue. Is that bad, bitch. Ultra black tastes like shit.




He really does. Ultra black is like a cherry flavored one. Didn't land.




I'm pretty sure they introduced at Sainsbury's. And then you got the strawberry dreams. So, yeah, I've had all the ultra flavors.


Okay. And. Okay, so, top three again is white. White is number 1.


Second place is Ultra blue.




And then I think we have a three way tie for third for me, which is peachy keen, Ultra Sunrise and Ultra red.




Followed closely by Ultra Rosa. Okay. Yeah. Wow.


All right.


Yeah, I love me some monster, boy. Say less, bro.






Say less.


Damn, it's good. Ro.


I cracked my first one.


Yeah, gang. And once you get in, you know how these, like, prime dons are? Like, wow, they got the rarest gooseberry flavor.




The group chats I'm in when a new monster flavor hits the shelves. And you'll always find it in the most off kilter corner shop.




You'll be in a random news agent and just see a new flavor in there no one knows about. I take a picture of that, send it to all my team. Everyone's losing their mind. They're always like, add a pin and drop a pin.


Drop a pin.


Drop in, drop a bin, drop a pin. It's crazy.


Say less.


Yeah, it's good shit, man. I love it. I love it. I know I'm going to be filled. Comments. You're going to get cancer and die. I care. I said it, bro.


Yeah. All right, cool.


Anyway, last one.


What hill are you willing to die on? Dragon Ball Z is the best anime of all time.


That's fucking bullshit. That's fucking bullshit. By the way, I would say it's the most influential anime of all time.


I mean, yeah, as a child I watched that bitch every day.


Everyone did.




I'd say it's so influential that a lot of people don't even consider it to be an anime.


Yeah. I never deemed it an anime. I didn't even know what anime was anyway. But I was watching it thinking, this is just a cartoon and I'm loving it. Yeah, facts network. And I'm loving it.


Yeah, Cartoon Network. Tsunami.




Yeah. Me and my brother used to throw hands during the opening sequence. Dragon Ball Z or Power Rangers was throwing hands.


Say less.


Yeah, just gassed. So yeah, fuck that comment. But the only one that I had left was one I didn't say because this says of that. I'll say it.




They're willing to die on. They said attack on titans. Overrated, bro.


Demon Slayer is overrated. Overhyped due to animation. The storyline is trash.


Fuck you. Who the fuck said that?


I was livid writing. Yes.


I was livid writing it.


I was livid writing. I couldn't believe it.


No, that's bullshit. Storyline's hard.


Overhyped and overrated due to the animation. What have you been watching? What's your favorite animation?


I will say, though, attack of Titan, I think is overrated. Don't get me wrong. There are parts of it now it's finished. I can say with full confidence there's too much of it. That's not good.


Oh, there's loads of it. That isn't good. There's a whole season.


They produce an entire season, have the audacity to release it to the public knowing that we ain't going to see a Titan this year.




I think it was season three, part one. It was terrible.




The worst thing I've ever. And even the last.


The movies weren't that good. I didn't finish watching the last movie. I think I'm halfway through the last movie and the second part of the movie continues exactly where movie one left off from and movie one.


I watched them both back to back.


It's like a year apart or so, maybe eleven months apart. And I completely forgot what happened in the first movie. And it starts from the jump on movie two. Don't know what's happened, bro. I'm like, halfway through, I'm like, it's not that good. It's Av. But if you watch it from season one to end of the movie, maybe you will enjoy it a lot more.


Top three. I would say it's got the top three best first episodes of any anime I've ever seen.


Oh, that's on. God. Yeah. My jaw dropped.


I couldn't believe it. I remember where I was when I watched it in uni with you, man. You man, were out when you got back. I called you into the living room to watch it again. I remember saying, I don't even remember that. Down and watched this.


I don't even remember that. Wow. Roll. Wow.


Fucking hell.


Yeah. What would you say are other good season one openers of an anime?


If you can recall, Jujutsu Kaisen had a good one. I think demons lay had a really good one.


I rewatched that again not too long ago. It was good.


Cabinery of the Iron Fortress is a really, really good first episode.


I can't remember. I've obviously seen the anime, but I can't remember the first episode. I just remember it was.


Yeah, it's arms from the jump. The twelve Zodiacs. The twelve Zodiac. That's not the name they go by. They go by the japanese name, but I can't remember. It's like the Twelve Zodiacs is like the thing where they have the twelve assassins and they're all zodiac signs. Oh, my God. First episode of that is fucking. My God. Fucking crazy. I can't remember what it's called by. Oh, my God.


When you think the main character is.


Going to dies in, like, episode.


In episode one, Juni Tyson, bro.


Zodiac war. My God, I forgot about that.




The season as a whole was gash. The first couple episodes were out of this world.


You don't know what to expect. It's like Game of Thrones level. You don't know who's going to die, bro.


Next level.


Good shout. Yeah.


Junior Tyson. First episode was so sick.


Fuck yeah, man. Yeah, man. Yeah, man. Good memory.


Fair play.


Good memory.


Guys, we're going to take a very quick break.


We are indeed.


And we want to talk about solo pleasure.


Solo pleasure?


Your boys like solo pleasure? I know my boy fuz, is more of a visual learner.


I am a visual guy.


I like a bit of imagination. Swear, manual stimulation. Imagination. That's all your boy's on. That's what I like. I say, locked in, say less. But today we want to talk about toys.


Okay? Facts.


And that's why we're talking about.


It's got a new thing.


Cool. So we have the Lelo cruise.






I've got the salmon pink thing here.


I've got this green John.


Lime green.


Yeah. So the Lelo cruise is their next generation clitoral pinpoint vibrator, which was created for unseen precision. For, guess what? Multiple orgasms.


It looks like it.


Three words. Must be nice. You boy, don't know nothing about that. Must nice be nice?


Looks like it. Celebrate love this Valentine's Day by reconnecting with yourself and your significant other. Avail of exclusive discounts on the link below with our code. Lelo, X, S and G, 10% additional discount on already discounted products. Act fast to also receive a special gift with your purchase.


Right, guys? Okay, cool. So the scores for back to school season one. I think it's one.


One nil.


No, one nil. So I've got one point. Rem's got one point. Ls zero at the minute. I'm not going to lie to you, man. I actually genuinely do get nervous playing this game.




Good, because it opens yourself up to a lot of scrutiny, facts and rem, I would just want to say, I want to bury the hatchet. I have no interest in beefing with you over this little game. I don't want to fuck island.




I just want us to just be cool with it.


I'm more than happy to.


All right, gang.


Guys, like I said before, once we have written all five answers, we are going to swap boards. So we are going to mark other people's answers. Guys, make sure you're playing at home. Five questions, different categories, different subjects. Key stage free. Ages eleven to 14. If you're smart, you'll get. If you're not, you won't. Right, guys, we're going back to school. Are we all ready for question one? Ready. Question one. Which of the following acids do we have in our stomach? Ethanoic acid, hydrochloric acid. Is it nitric or nitric acid? Nitric acid. Nitric or sulfuric acid? I'm going to say again, which of the following acids do we have in our stomach. Ethanoic acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid or sulfuric acid?


I ain't got a fucking clue, by the way. Damn good question. That's key stage three.


Key stage three, my bro. Everyone forgets what they learned. Like year seven, who's going to remember that fucking two? Why do I care? Why do I actually care? Yeah.




Everyone locked?


First question.


All right. Question two. Choose the correct. Sorry. Choose the correct list of nouns from the following sentence. The books are on the table by the window in the hall. Choose the correct list of nouns from the following sentence. The books are on the table by the window in the hall. Question three. Spelling. Spell? Acrylic. Spell acrylic. Question four. What is the capital of Australia? Question number five. And the final question. Which of these numbers has a whole number as a square root? Which of these numbers has a whole number as a square root? 32. 34. Or 36. 32. 34 or 36. And that concludes back to school this week, guys. Let us know what you got in the comments below. And we're going to run the answers once these guys are locked.


God. Right. So I'm assuming we're just going quick clockwise.


A quick clockwise. Change. Your pads. Pleat.


Your pads.


Your pads. I guess question number one was obviously a science question. Which of the following acids do we have in our stomach? The options were ethanoic acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, and sulfuric acid. Obviously, I don't need you guys to shout out your answers because you have other people's whiteboards. The answer is hydrochloric acid.




Question number two. Choose the correct list of nouns from the following sentence. The books are on the table by the window in the hall. There are four nouns in that sentence, and the nouns are books, table, window, and hall. Number three. Spelling. Spell the word acrylic and I will spell it for you. It is A-C-R-Y-L-I-C-I will not be expecting or accepting any other answers. Fuck. A-C-R-Y-L-I-C. Fuck.


I was one letter off.


Literally one letter.


What is the capital of Australia? This was annoying. And the answer is Canberra.


I knew it started with cam something.


Fuck that.


You forgot.


Damn. Last but not least, which of these numbers has a whole number as a square root? The options were 30, 32, 34 and 36. And the answer is 36 because if you divide 36 by six, it equals six. Or six times six is 36. You have whose pad?


I've got rems.


And what did REm get?


REm got two out of five.


Ellis, you have James's one. And what did James get?


Three out of five.


And Remsky, you have Ellis's. What did Ellis get? So it's a two way tie between.


What did Ellis get? Right the first three. Hydrochloric, nouns and. Acrylic.




Yeah, I fucked myself on that acrylic.


Boy, he didn't even answer them before.


Yeah, I wish I didn't.


He didn't guess it.


Yeah, I wish I didn't answer.


So you got three. And you got three. No, you two got three. So the score is now two one one.


You're not doing a tiebreaker for them.


Oh, yeah. I need to do a tiebreaker. Yes, I do need to do a tiebreaker. We don't have to.


Win on one day.


You can't do that.


So wait, who's in between you two? Me. Nellis. Yeah. Pick a number. Two, one and five.


They both got the capitals wrong, but three.


Three is spelling.




Damn. Damn. You guys ready?




Spell accommodation.


Bro, what is this?


It's key stage three. That's what it is.


Don't say anyone could spell it, because.


I can't spell that.


Ellis can have your spelling, please.




James can have your spelling, please.




And James has won. There's no e in accommodation. And you missed the second M. Ellis. So the scores are two one one, I believe. No, you 20, one. Rem is liberty together. Accommodation.


One. Good round, Ellis.


Bro, very good round.


Yeah, it was close.


Yeah. We are really going back to school.


That's really intense.


That's more intense than top five, of course.


No, I hate loads more. Of course I hate it. Because when we start talking about porn stars and dick sizes, I'm like, it doesn't matter.


This matters.


Yeah, this matters means everything. Wow. Okay, gang. Cool, right? Trash news, please. Rem.


Italian man walked 450 cool off after he had an argument with his wife.


That's an argument, bro.


That's not a marriage. We can make work.


Not something that's imaginable. In 2020, an italian man followed a dispute. Following a dispute with his wife. Walked 450 km, which is 280 miles from Como in the north to Fano in the adriatic coast, to cool off. A week later, at 02:00 a.m. Police stopped his remarkable journey, resulting in a 400 euro fine for violating the pandemic lockdown curfew. The 48 year old man explained to the police, I walked the entire way without any transport and shared that as along and shared that along his route. Kind strangers provided him with food and drinks. After covering an average of 60 km daily. He simply remarked, I'm fine. Just a bit tired. Just for reference. And I've got it on the next tab. Unfortunately, it's already there written. Could you guess without looking, how far you would have to walk up north which city you would reach from London if you walked 280 miles or 450 km?


I'm not even looking.


200 miles. 280 miles from London, 80 from London.


North, which city would you reach?


I'm going to say hull. Okay.


I'm going to say Newcastle.


It's Newcastle.


Is it Newcastle? Yeah.


From London.


Gang sick.


If you walked 280 miles up north.


That's not possible, bro. Because Newcastle is like a six hour drive.




Five and a half hour drive and a four day walk.


My God.


London to Newcastle.




Stat. By the way, I like this addition.


Fair play.






You've passed hole halfway.




That's nuts. Holes there.


He walked that walked to cool off.


To cool off. During the pandemic, there was nobody about.


What are they beefing about? Pandemic was prime beef filled with a loved one.




Domestics were crazy.


Domestic and babies. That's all there was.


Okay, cool. Right. So that's over. It is time for. Who am I?


Okay, let's go.


Right. So again, I said earlier, I'm not sure Ellis is going to get this one.


In terms of my age, yes, it.


Might be slightly before your time.




But that's all right.


But you tend to deep dive in stuff that's before music. Especially music. Especially. You deep dive into stuff that's not really your age. So.


Yeah, right. Cool.


Matrix was before his time.


Matrix also was before your time. And you were chomping at the bit. Right. So if you are new here, guys, who am I? Is a game where I describe myself as. I could be a celebrity, a fictional character, a musician.


Anything, really.


Anyone from history. Sorry, a figure from. Figure is the word figure from history. I could be someone sitting in this room. I could be anyone. So I describe myself and it's up to you guys to figure out who I am. All right.


You could be someone sat in this room.




That's interesting.


You've never said that before.


Because if that person doesn't get it.


Yeah. It's long in it.


Yeah, that's interesting.


Because I think it will be very ego. If you're describing me. I think it'll be ego for me.


If you were like, is this me? You mean? I'm talking about mine with a king.


Imagine I wouldn't hear the last of it from the street.


Swear you had a.




That's joke. All right, cool.




So, guys, chapter one. Who am I?




So long story short, I'm an orphan. I don't know who my parents are. I don't know where I came from. All I know is I was raised by my adopted father, who loved me very much. Okay? He loved me like I was one of his own kids. Cool thing about my adoptive father is this. Bret loves to fight, and he taught me how to fight. So I knew very, very early on that I was different from all the other kids. I look a bit different. I built a bit different. And I realized I was also stronger than all the other kids as well. I made a lot of friends early on from my dad's martial arts teachings and the group of friends that I cultivated. We all had a little bit something different about us as well, okay. And along with that, I made some lifelong companions, and we used our differences and our love of fighting to form bonds. And the one thing that we love to do more than anything else is go on treasure hunts. End of chapter one. Any guesses at all?


My original guess was Jaden Smith in what's the karate movie called? The Karate Kid.


Daniel Caruso isn't his time. Okay, do we have any formal guesses?


No, I'm just thinking out loud.


Please stop. Out loud. Speculation. Formal guesses only, please.


Team treasure hunt.






Chapter two. As I got a little bit older, I fell in love. I had a kid. But along with this, I would always continue my training and indoctrinated my son into the training regime as well. One day, out of nowhere, I was minding my business, and when I say, I got rushed by two dickheads. Brav, two random dickheads pulled up, rushed me. Couldn't believe it. I was fighting for my life. Obviously. As I told you, I've been doing martial arts forever. I smack up everyone. I'm built different. I thought I was going to smack these two youths up as well. But then I found out, Ra, these men are just as wham. As me. This is a scrap. This is a scrappity scrap. And then I clocked Ra, these men look a bit like me as well. So after a long period of fisticuffs, I found out through the grapers that these men are actually related to me. And it turns out, along with them, I'm actually from a different planet. End of chapter two. Any formal guesses? And when I say formal guesses, remember last week? I need the name of the person. I am not this character from this movie, this character from this book.


No, formal guesses, right? Moving on to chapter three. So fast forward some time. I smacked up these Dickheads through the education that these men put me through. I learned that the treasure hunt that me and my boys have been doing for all these years is actually the pussy old version. And if I follow these men to the different planets that they go to, I can find out what the treasure hunt looks like for real. Donnies. So me and my boys, we worked our asses off and we went around space completing. Well, we went to another planet. Sorry. And we completed a treasure hunt. And we discovered that once you complete this treasure hunt, you can have whatever wish you want. Granted. But you can only have one wish. The next thing I know, my bitch ass friend gets smacked up by one flamboyant alien. And I had to waste this fucking wish bringing him back to life.




I am Goku. Well played. Thank you, sir. Good job.


What's that? Dragon Ball. Zander.


Oh, I've never watched it.


Dragon Ball.


You don't know who Goku is?


I knew the name. I thought it was a film.


Oh, fair play. I did say that you might not be able to get that one. Well done, well done, well done, well done, well done, well done.






I think what gave it away was it was obviously in a third part. I was never getting it from chapter two. I don't know. It's a piece together. You're doing really well in this. It's a really, really good segment. Yeah, it is.


Thank you, G. Ellis. I promise next week I will try harder to get something that's in your timeline. I apologize. I'm aging you out. It's not fair. All right. Very nice. All right, so currently Fuhad has a question for the team.


I do have a question for the team. Obviously, a few weeks ago we did a question of New Year's resolutions. Wrong. Artists only. But we then tried to discuss what our New Year's resolutions would be. We are nine days in by the time this comes out. We are two weeks into the new Year's. Have you guys thought of or seen yourself changing and resolved, like, do you guys have a resolution over these past two weeks and thought, maybe I can stick to this? Maybe this is something I can change. Maybe this is something I want to do continuously for the year.


Cool. So it's funny you should say that. I was actually going to talk about it on Patreon, but since you brought it up, I might as well talk about now. So today I had my first day of therapy.




Started therapy today.




Nice. Thank you. Yeah. Human. Yeah, it's interesting.




Bitch is interesting.


Yeah, I know.


Unlocking things.


Yeah, bro. So, obviously, without getting into too much, I was very apprehensive. And the lady I met today asked me, where does my main apprehension lie? And I said to her, I'm apprehensive talking to a therapist because one of the reasons I am is because I like to see myself as a very open person. I feel confident to talk about my insecurities, obviously, because of this show, this has already been, like, one form of therapy where a lot of my insecurities and a lot of my issues and a lot of things that typically you would be embarrassed to talk about. And all that kind of stuff, I feel, is like an open platform for us to just be ourselves. And that's helped me in a lot of ways. But there are obviously things in my life that I don't talk about on camera. You're probably, like, my closest confidant in the world, and obviously, I tell you pretty much everything, but there will always be stuff that I tell you that even though it is the truth. There's a filter.


Yeah, there's a filter in every human. Yeah.


There's a filtering system. And there may be stuff that I confide into someone else that doesn't have. I might be able to tell them that thing that I filtered with you, but there's other stuff that I'm filtering with them. There's never been a person in my entire life that I have been my absolute, true self. No filter, no nothing. Say it exactly how it is. And that's fucking scary.


It's freeing as well.


Once you do it, it's freeing. Human. Wow. Today was just session one. So from this, as you know, obviously they have to pair me up with, like, a long term therapist. Based on my session today, I was in there for, like, an hour and a bit. Blood clot you, man. So my mission is to do it for the rest of this year consistently. Doesn't have to be every week, but as consistently as I can go through therapy for an entire year.




Nice. Yeah. And I think also on top of that, now that we've started this scoop challenge, we've signed up for a year. I know we're only doing the super eight after the eight. I would like this to be the year, obviously, as, like, Rem knows and, you know, and pretty much everyone knows is that fitness used to be my life, and at no point in my life would I ever have considered myself unfit. And the last couple of years, I would actually consider myself unfit. And just from doing a week of this. And I've done the cardio four times. An intense cardio four times. The first time I did it was on Wednesday. The last time I did it was on Sunday. And just from those few days, I promise you now, what I did on Sunday, I wouldn't have been able to do on Wednesday. Like, my fitness has already increased in the matter of a few days.




Just from pushing myself. So I want to keep going. I want to be like an athletic person that I used to be.




So those are my two resolutions for the results.


I love both of them, Ellis.


That's cool, man. I don't know. I think one film puts in my.


Head, like, the other day, I just.


Want to be a lot more confident.




I want to work on being more confident.




That's my brother.


I love that for you.


Yeah, that's very.


What does that look like?


Yeah, let's get into it.


Fucking let. By the way, we have an episode. I think it's like episode 82 or something. It's called like, therapy session or whatever the fuck is called. The amount of people that dm me about that episode all the fucking time. Let's pull it up. It's a part two, my bro. What the fuck does that look like for you, Ellis? Let's really get deep.


Jesus. I don't know, man. Just little things really. Just being more like, if something's on my mind, say it. Don't tiptoe around it. Just fucking say it. Just like. Just little stuff. Socially and stuff.


It's freeing in. It's freeing.


This is a real. We're bonded today. Keep going, Ellis, please keep going.


Keep going.


Yeah, socially as well. There's like big places and social anxiety and bullshit.


I was trying to hold it. That was a game of chicken in it. Sorry, Ellis. Sorry. Carry on.


That's about it, really. Yeah, just being a bit more upfront.


In a good way.


Not in a rude way or anything, but, yeah, just speaking my mind a little bit more. And when I have ideas, just address them and. Yeah, I don't really know how to word it.


Just stop muzzling yourself.


Yeah, basically stop like.




When you exhibit this lack of confidence or not speaking, are you present in the moment that you're not doing it? Is there a moment where you're like, I want to say this thing, but I'm not. Or is it like a hindrance? There's a physical block right there.


There's literally a block where it's like, just do this, and then it's like. And then it's like, battling in my head, and then it ends up doing nothing.


Is it a fear of response from us or whoever you're in the room with?


I'd say so, yeah, probably what it is. A lot of the time, it's coming across the wrong way.




I used to get it all the time. Like, in my old jobs, for example, I'd get worried about certain. Saying certain stuff that it come across in the wrong way.


So it's the articulation. Yeah.


Because I've said stuff before, and then people thought I meant one thing, like I was annoyed or something. It's like I'm not, but I think that's where it comes from.


A lot.


A bit like people's responses, but also, am I actually communicating myself clearly and well, or are people getting the wrong end of the stick? And it's like, oh, fuck. And then it's just like, I just don't want to say it then because it's just.


You know what I mean?


But, yeah, that's one thing I want to work on. Hard thing to work on.


Thank you for opening up, bro. That's hard shit.


Love that. Well played, man. Yeah. Give up.


Honest with yourself in it.




Remsky, you're up.


Resolutions, resolutions. So I set myself content creation, practicing bass guitar, and I have started those things. I've got back on that practicing. I've been streaming again. Got a routine. Streaming Sundays, Wednesdays, and, yeah, I've decided to try to knock these walls down that I place up myself. Nobody builds that brick wall in front of you that says, or rarely in my particular case, anyway. No one's built this brick wall in front of me that says, oh, well, I can't do something. I can't create something. I've built that wall and I'm sat behind it, like, well, I just don't want to do anything now, or I'm not in the mood to do something now. There's always going to be these different walls, and it's up to me to just knock them down and just do whatever I needed to do, whatever it is I've said I'm going to do, and just follow through with it. Tiredness. Everyone's tired, man. We've all been tired since we were 13 years old. It's just one of those things. And to just make sure that I just stay on top of what I say I'm going to do and just do it.


Life short, and we don't have all the opportunities that we think we have. Touch wood. But anything can happen, man. And yeah, a couple of losses in my family in the 23 last year and it just made me think, man, I have conversations in my head about what conversation. I have thoughts in my head about what the conversations with them would look like if they were still here. And they're always encouraging to me, telling me to do stuff and just jump on this, jump on that. And I don't know why. Who's stopping me? It's me. So, yeah, I've started. I'm on my content on streaming, practicing stuff. I'm ignoring tiredness and I'm doing it.




Oh, fucking gorgeous.


We didn't give a round of applause for James. I give up for James.


Thank you, guys. Your turn, daddy.


My turn. The reason why I asked this question is because I've seen myself change over the past. When this comes out, 14 days, there are probably two or three major things I feel like I have started to change and I am willing to continue to change about myself. First thing is to piggyback off what you said. I'm a massive procrastinator. I said that last year. I said that the year before. I said that probably the year before that as well. I am in a space where if I think I need to do something, I am doing it then and there. If I'm not in the space to do it, I e, I'm driving or I'm cooking or something, I'll write that bitch down so I never forget it and I'll do it at the earliest convenience. That's number one. Number two, you guys know I hate scripts. You guys know I hate acting. I am really going to push myself to get into my creative bag gang. I want to, like you said, again, to piggyback off what you said. I'm the only one stopping me from doing that. And I think it's probably a fear of not being that person before and not knowing how I would see myself in that creative space.


But fuck it. Again, this is our safe space. So why can't I just be in my creative bag and just do what, you know? So that's another thing I really want to push on as well. Number three, to pick it back on what James said. I've also started therapy as well, and I'm going to continue doing that throughout the rest of the year. And another one to continue off the floop challenge. Throughout my whole life. I feel like I say my whole life probably like my adult life. If there's something I like, I continue to eat that bitch. My gluttony is real. My gluttony is so real. As weird and little as this sounds to other people, for me, if I'm going to make food or have food or whatever, I'm going to have a smaller portion first, and then if I get hungry again, have another portion instead of have a fucking massive plate. Feeling lazy, feeling tired, which is a knock on effect because it stops me from going to the gym, it stops me from leaving the yard. Do it. Like, little things like that affect my whole day. So I'm going to break it down bit by bit.


Probably have five meals a day instead of like, a breakfast and two large meals. Do you see what I'm saying? And that changes my mood throughout the whole day. That changes how I feel, that changes how I look at myself. And I'm going to keep doing that going forward. Be more active as well on days that I don't do anything or days that I'm free if I don't train. Leave the yard and go for a fucking walk, bro. Leave the fucking yard and go for a fucking walk. Because I can sit on my ass, I can game, watch tv. We'll do anything all fucking day if I wanted to. Yeah. And that's a lazy motherfucking mentality. And I'm changing that bitch.


That's sick, gang, man, what an amazing episode this is, guys. Aren't we so blessed? We are blessed, bro. So blessed, man.


Fuck, I had to ask that question.


Shit, man, it's a good one.


That makes me feel really happy.




All right, I'm down to lock it there, daddy. That's good.


Yeah, ma'am.


Right, guys, thank you so much. If you're still here, we appreciate you, facts and. Yeah, man, as always. Love of love, gang.