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I've said before the story of when we started our thing, he denied doing this for six months. But the day he said yes, I bought the equipment and I didn't tell him that I'd actually bought it for three months. I just kept it in the box because I was too scared to actually be like, Right, okay, we have to do it. He said.


Yes, we have to do it. That's the beauty of the hustle, though. Sometimes what you need is one person to also believe or to catch it. You don't need everyone there. You don't need everyone to see it. Some people think, Oh, my God. Everyone needs to see that. No, they don't, bro. They're not glad to see it, bro. You know what I'm saying? Oh, my friends don't support me. Okay. Oh, my God. My mates don't post my stuff. They're not going to post your stuff, bro. You look like the ops. You look like the ops like you don't post my stuff all my days. Yeah.