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Girls.unison.yeah, we did it.In unison.It did it. We did it and we needed that. Guys, we did. We accomplished a huge feat last week, and we completed the '02.


We did complete the '02. I will say I didn't actually... I thought... Obviously, I knew we were doing it, but I feel like saying it and actually doing it are two completely different things.


Two completely different jobs.


I said to you in the dressing room before, I was like, I didn't actually see us get to this point. I just assumed thunder, flood warning, some threat on the building that we had to postpone. Someone would break their leg. That's why, bro, all these out of studio LogCabin episodes we've been doing recently, every time when I say I was convinced one of us was going to hurt ourselves to stop us doing the show. I didn't actually think we would do the O2 show, but yeah, it was good, bro. Then this is the first show that we had to do, like rehearsals.Proper rehearsals.Proper rehearsals. I'm not going to lie to you, I didn't let it on. I was not confident after those rehearsals.


Really?not confident.What weren't you confident about?


Just the fact that we didn't do a clean run through without one of us being like, That needs changing, this needs changing, that needs changing. Even though we went through it, went through it, went through it again, and every time there was at least two or three bits, we were like, I'm not happy with this, not happy with that. But on the day, it just landed.


Yeah, your boys do what we need to do when the lights are on. We Long story short.


I think the weirdest thing for me was obviously, we obviously did the show. During the show is minor. These fucking, full disclosure, these in-air things, I don't want to see them again for the rest of my life. I fucking hate them. They're necessary, obviously, because the showrunner will whisper sweet nothing and tell you when you're going wrong and tell you what's coming next and what to look out for and all this shit. It's helpful, but fucking hell, It hurt my ear and it was dodgy and it was just so uncomfortable.


It was getting moist as well because of the sweat.


You also can't hear the crowd. So I took one out for the whole two. You can't hear anything. So when you got them in, it completely blocks out your ears. I can hear him. I can hear the band. I can hear the showrunner. You can't hear anything else.


You can hear little bits of noise. It drowns it out so much.


As soon as I deep that, that got dashed out of my ear. One in, one out, pause. But yeah, doing a show, all good, all good. But for me, I still don't think it's really sunk in, but for me, the only part that makes me feel like, is the next day when I open TikTok, I'm scrolling through TikTok because the way my TikTok is, is that any time someone's come to London to do a show, if Nicki Minaj is doing a show, Future is doing a show, Drake's doing a show, Chris Brown is doing a show, the next day, my TikTok will be, Bryson did his shows Last month, the next day is always POV, Bryson Tiller Show, POV, Bryson Tiller Show, POV, Bryson Tiller show, and I'm like, Cool, cool, cool, cool, bro. When I'm opening my own phone and seeing POV, Shit's a Gig Show, POV, Shit's a Gig Show, POV, Shit's a Gig Show, I was like, I felt so watched. I was like, Oh, that's fucking weird, bro. But it was cool. It was good. You were on form. One thing I will say, Fua heard was on form. Fua heard was on form, bro.


That's the best show you've ever done.


I said to you, man, before, and this is not to toot my own horn or anything, but it's the most confident and least anxious I've ever felt before a show, considering it's the biggest show we will ever do or that we have done till date. There was something about my mental shift, and I just wasn't going to let the pressure get the best of me.


That's the best you've ever performed.


When I say I enjoyed my time on stage-I saw, bro. I enjoyed my time on stage. After I was very nervous before the first rehearsal. I was thinking, fuck, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety. You know what I'm like before every show? You, man, all know I'm like before every show, I fucking hate. I need breathing exercise. I need all of this. I'm swaying already. You're the calm one. I'm the jury one. As soon as you go on stage, it's calm. But yeah, man, it was one of those ones where... I think, selfishly, the reason why I wasn't as nervous/anxious was because the bulk part of the show was story time.


God, don't remind me.


I was like, that removed so much away from me in a positive way that I could relax and I could actually sink my teeth into this show and fully be myself from start to finish. It showed on stage. It Because words couldn't describe how gassed I was. But I would say when we were walking out from backstage to the B stage, and we sat down before we went up the stairs, I closed my eyes. Obviously, my inner way, so I couldn't really hear much. I took three Deep, deep breaths and I was like, Okay, we're here. And then as soon as the show went, I was like, All right, 10 seconds before you go up, I was like, Okay, cool.


Yeah, I remember that bit.


Cool, cool, cool. I was thinking myself, Just like rehearsals, just like rehearsals, just like rehearsals. And literally, as soon as it got on stage, on the B stage, flares went up, hailing, hailing, hailing, and everyone was screaming. I was like, We can't go back now. We can't go back now. We're here. I feel like as soon as I was like, Everyone sit down, everyone sit down, and everyone actually sat down and knew we could command the room. And it just felt light. And then it just started to tick over. Just started to tick over from the pictures to the rhyme time to the confession to the story time to the...


It just landed, bro. Yeah, I think My biggest fear was that obviously when we do the other shows in the theaters and stuff, you can... The theaters are different. You can't really see everyone in the back. But when you're trying to have an intimate moment, it's harder for people to to be a dickhead and still chat and talk over you because everyone knows exactly who's the one doing it. So we can see them doing it. Everyone around them can see them doing it. There's nowhere really to hide. In an arena, I was thinking, bro, if we're cool, let's sit down. There could be a thousand people chatting. What are you going to do about it? There's nothing you can do about it, bro. I remember thinking, fuck, my biggest fear is if we try and do something intimate, like a fucking half an hour story time. I was thinking, bro, these men are going to be chatting.


But it really helped with the breakouts we had, obviously, the dancing in between, the different songs in between, the auto-tune. Obviously, shout out, Kyo. The animation was incredible. That broke everything up. It was perfect, man. Storytime was perfect, bro.


Cool. Elephant in the room. Ellis came on stage. Yeah, bro. Yeah, with his swayed shoes. Like a boss.


Like an That's the absolute final boss, bro. Talk to us through your emotions. Talk to us through your thoughts before you got on stage, after you got on stage. Let us know. Let the people know, man.


Yeah, man. Beforehand, I was bricking it. I was fucking I was freaking it.


And I knew everyone knew.


Because I was just quiet.


You were silent.


I was so silent. I came in, I was just like, even with the fucking elevator prank, I was just like, I was just agreeing because I was fucking nervous.


Really, that makes me feel bad.


Context for elevator prank.


For context. For context, yeah. We were in rehearsals and I get a call from Ellis saying, I'm outside, how do I get in? I was just in a dickhead mood and I was like, All right, sick. Cool. Here's what you need to do. There's a rainbow staircase to your left. You need to go up the rainbow staircase. When you get there, there's an elevator. There'll be one button that has a fire symbol on it. I need you to press it. When you press it, you say Al-Khazam or something like that. Then the doors are going to open. You're getting it. It's going to take you three stories below the O2. Then there'll be a secret tunnel for to get here. He was like, whoa, damn, crazy. I was thinking, how is he still letting me talk like this? Al-khazam. Al-khazam when you press a button, it's like, cool, cool, cool. Okay, cool. Yeah. I just I didn't want to call you up on it.


Because when you said fire symbol, I thought, oh, cool, alarm's going to go off. But then I was like, I can't say anything because I'm not nervous. I'm like, just get me to... Because you did say rainbow staircase, and I thought there was literally a staircase to my left, which was weird. And I was like, is it just called the rainbow staircase? I didn't know. I was just believing in anything. Oh, Ellis. I was believing in anything.


Bro, nah, man. Fuck, Elyal. You came on for the rhyme time, and when you came on, I was thinking, this is stressful.


Was you nervous for me? Yeah. Really? Yeah. Was you, Rem?


No. Not as much as they make their own.


I was nervous for you because was, for one, you did the rehearsals with us on the rehearsal day, but you didn't do it on stage.


Okay, true.


Where you didn't know that there was an X here. I got told that, though.Oh, you got told it? Yeah.


I forgot his name. It was lovely. I forgot his name, but he showed me. The main guy.RJ?I think it was Jay. Yeah. He showed me.


But because you hadn't done it on stage, Harry did his on stage and you could tell it, it It just was so much easier for him because he knew exactly where he was going. I'm coming out from here, I'm standing here, this is going to be here, everything is here. I could tell because he had that, it was like, okay, cool. So you hadn't really had that. Well, that I was there for. Then what was it? The thing, randomly, the thing that made me nervous for you is that Darkest was shook backstage. But when he came on, he's a performer, so he overperformed through his nerves, and he landed. I was like, Oh, damn. But that's just not who you are as a personality. If you were doing what Darkest was doing, I would have been like, Are you all right, bro? What's all this dancing stuff? Yeah, what's all this dancing stuff? Yeah, be normal. Exactly. Because you don't even have that opportunity to be like, Well, let me just play on it more and just be over the Because everyone will know. Everyone will be like, What is this? What are you doing?


For that reason, I was a bit more nervous. Then when the final round got announced, I think it was actually dark as I think. It was like, Oh, so we're all back in, yeah? And then we were like, Okay, cool. We're all back in. I remember thinking, Oh, fuck. He's fucked. Only because one, you had some ready to go. Because you already knew what the rhyme was, you had some ready to go. But for one, I didn't even know which you had because I never expected myself to make it to the final round. So I knew I didn't need to know what rimes you had, what words to avoid.


It was meant to be me versus Alice. Yeah, it was meant to be just you two.


That was what it was meant to be. Yeah, because you were a final.


So I was like, The odds of stepping on each other's toes are so slim in that regard. But when all four of us are playing, I was thinking you could have three rehearsed and then-You're fucked. Yeah, you do yours. And then Harry does one that you were going to do. I do one that you were going to do. Fua does one that you were going to do. Dark is the one that you do. And then it would come back to you again. You're like, oh, fuck. But you made it to the final of the final.


That's part of the game, man.


Bro, when you did the...Suggest?Yeah..


That was the first one.


You smashed it, bro. You did, bro. I really enjoyed it, man.


You absolutely fucking smashed it. What was your feeling like? Two questions. What was your feeling like or your emotions like when you heard the crowd scream?


It was fucking crazy. That place was shaking. It was from when it just said Ellis on the screen. Yes, bro. I heard a few murmurs. When you said final boss, I heard a few murmurs like, Ellis. A little bit. I was like, yes, you are correct. Then when it came on screen, I heard it. Then I thought, fucking, let's go.


They were screaming.


It was amazing, bro. It was sick. Screaming. It was amazing. It was completely overwhelming, but it was sick, though. I loved it. Nice. This is the thing. I can't remember who said it to me. I think it was... I want to say it was Megan, but I can't remember. Someone Even said to me before I went on, they were like... Obviously, they could tell I was nervous, and they were like, Just soak it in. They said, It's going to go really fast. It's like, You're going to do this once. Just soak it in. Do you know what I mean? Just fucking go in the moment and soak it in. It was just fun. That's it. I tried not to take it too seriously. Because I did reverse, but I even said to you, I was like, As soon as I get up there, I'll forget. And I did. The ones what I did, other than the crowd one, were just off the top. I just made it up because I was just like, I knew it was going to happen.


I can't remember what your second one was, but I was like, Jesus Christ, what's going on?


The only ones I can remember is... So I did the test and then I did... You did suggest.


You did suggest. You did another elaborate one.


The other one was progressing through my storyline like I'm on my Kanye Quest.I think that was the second one.That's exactly what it was.


That made me turn my back.


Yeah, you had bars. Yeah, you had bars.


It was cool.


It was good, man.


It was really fun.


I bottled it in the first round. Yeah, you did. I was ready to keep going. I just lost. It was a tongue twister, bro. I bottled the whole thing. I was like, Fuck. What made me laugh is because when we were doing rehearsals, no one bottled nothing. I felt like the only way we're going to end rounds is if we have to pretend to flop. In the first round, I had no intention of flopping, bro. I bottled it. Bottled it. I was like, Fuck, charged. But also, relieved. Yeah, Relieved. When you made it to the final, I was like, It's long for me.


Best of luck.


Because all eyes were on me and the young person. I could see sweat on your brow. It was long.


I didn't want to make it that far, but the game's the game's the game. How did you feel when you're walking off? How did you feel after the moment?


I felt great after. I could relax then. Once it was done, because the whole day, I was nervous. The night before, I was nervous. I didn't eat at all. On the 02 day, I ate nothing. If I'm nervous, my appetite goes.Same.


Same, bro.It.


Absolutely goes. I'll feel sick and everything. I won't eat. I literally had nothing. As soon as I came off, I said, I need some food. Because it's God, what a I think I got crisps or something straight away. I just get me some food. I could just relax after that. Then I just chilled. I just chilled in one of the boxes, and then I could just enjoy the show after that. I'm glad it was at the beginning because I think if it was end of the show or near At the end, the anticipation would have been horrible. So I'm glad it was just like, I remember when you came on stage and they were like, yeah, you're going to be on in five minutes. I was like, oh, shit. Okay, cool. Just straight away. But the only thing I found difficult, I said it to you earlier, I couldn't hear you guys properly. Because I don't have a thing, I had to basically guess what words you were saying.


Yeah, because you're hearing... Because the way it's set up, even the speakers are here, they face outwards. So you can't hear what we've said until the sound has traveled to the back of the arena and then back here. Because I had one out, I can obviously hear through my inner, I can hear myself from my inner, but then half a second later, I can hear what I've just Delayed? Yeah, and you're like, oh, shit. So, yeah, without that, you can't hear nothing.


I had to get because I had one where I was going to say, and it popped up in my head, I was going to say, here are the '02' Waving to My Kanye guests.


But I thought, yeah, you said guess, but then I was like, did he say guess?


Because I don't know. So basically, I had to just get rid of that one because I was like, if I say it and I'm out, I've ruined this whole thing. So I had to just guess a lot of the time, what people were saying. Oh, yeah, it was difficult.


But it was good though. Fair play, man. You smashed it. It was fun.


It was fun.


I really, really enjoyed it. I'm happy you, first of all, agreed to do it. I'm happy that prior to doing it, you're already on this journey of building your confidence. This is taking it to another level.


The timing was crazy.


The timing was perfect.


Yeah, to be fair, I had a lot of messages which I really appreciate. Just saying, fucking hell, you just literally went in front of 15,000 people. Your confidence has clearly grew. I wouldn't fucking do that. Loads of people are saying to me, Do you think I'll do that? No. Do you know what I mean? I'm never doing that in a million years. It was just fun. I just tried to keep it light and have fun with it.


Good, well played indeed. Yeah, man. I really enjoyed it. Even along with yourself, Darkus and Harry, when their intros came up, bro, the screams. The screams were nuts, bro.


It was amazing.


Nuts, man.


Which made me so fucking happy because I think as well, that was one thing that they were worried about is that it will come up and everyone was like, Who gives a fart? But as soon as the name comes, Roaring, bro. I was like, Fuck, that's sick. It was sick, man. It was nice as well because I think the way, weirdly enough, I don't remember hearing anything when we were doing our entrance. I'm sure it was noisy.


When we did our entrance-Initial entrance.Initial entrance.I met things in, I couldn't hear a thing.


I can't hear nothing. To be on stage and actually hear what it must sound like when they're actually going nuts, I was like, Oh, that's so cool. That is really cool. ' It was like, 'Oh, it's really cool. ' But yeah, thank you for doing that. If they're watching, thank you to Darkus for doing that.Thank you for Harry for doing that.Facts.They smashed it.They did, man. Fucking that segment went really well. It went really good. I was really worried about it. Really worried about it. It was nice to be able to obviously chat to the composers and be like, slow down, slow down, slow down. Because when it came in... Yeah, hard. Tempo four? Yeah. I was like, no, I can't do it.


That's M&M flow. It's too much.


But yeah, speaking of the composers, when I say these men made...Made.


The show.Made.


The show.


The composers are a different level of band.Different.


Level, bro.Different.


Level of band. If we hadn't even suggested, Oh, let's have a live band at the show, I don't know how the show would have turned out in terms of production value because it changed the tempo of everything. It added so much value. And obviously, they've worked and played together Pause for so long. And it's like, they know each other. They know when to start, when to... For them to even, when we went to practice the Rhyme Time game on the Thursday, they came up with that tempo on the fly. On the spot, bro. Quickly. They're so in sync. It's crazy.


It's nuts. And one of my favorite parts of the entire show was the keyboard during Confessions. And that wasn't even scripted, bro. Improved in practice. In practice. Bro, when we were doing it in practice, we were just doing it, and then he just randomly started doing it. I was like, Never stop playing that melody. Never. It was beautiful. Bro, and they're so sick that the music director, on the day, an hour before we were supposed to come on, on the day, as we're doing soundcheck, he was like, Oh, because of the confession song, and they're going to do it, they're just going to fuck around with the confession song, the melody you're doing now, it needs to transition into confessions. Like, say, it just can. Like, say, and he was like, Yeah, cool. Then, bro, started off a normal melody and then just transitioned it into fucking... That's just confession, bro. Oh, bro, I don't think you understand how excited I was when he started playing that thing. It made the whole segment, bro. The whole It made the whole fucking segment. I was so... God, I'm going to get emotional. I was so gassed, bro.


The composers, wow.


Bro, they made the whole thing.


Let's round of applause for Composers. Wow.


They were sensational, man. Sensational. Yeah, so sick.Sensational. Yeah, just the auto-tune stuff was really good. And just like... Fuck. As you, man, know, Elephant, I was stressed about Story Time.


Yeah, obviously.


I was stressed about it, and it made me more stressed because I knew you were relying on me to do it, to give you that cushion. I was thinking, this has to land. This has to land. And I was so in my head about, I was saying to you on the day, I got so wrapped up with all the extra bullshit that we threw at it that I had convinced myself that people were coming to watch the extra bullshit. When I'm like, Oh, this is like a half an hour segment where I'm just talking, telling a story. I'm thinking when we're going through rehearsals, I was like, How long was it? How long was it? How long was it? And they're like, Oh, it's 25 minutes, 30 minutes. I was thinking, Bro, I can't talk for 30 minutes. These men are going to I was bored. Then I spoke to my brother before and he was like, Hey, Finn. I was like, I'm cool. I'm cool. To be honest, I haven't really spoken to anyone about it. The only thing I'm stressed out is this fucking story time. For one, because it's all me talking.


For two, I just feel like people are going to get bored. He was like, Bro, you realize that All these dancers on fire and band and shit, no one knows that's even there. The closest thing that they can possibly imagine to what to expect for today is probably this thing that you're thinking they're going to get bored of. I was like, fair. Bollywood. Very true. Facts. Bollywood twist. I was like, okay. When he said that, I was like, no shade of my role. I don't look to my brother to calm my nerves ever. But it's just the fact that he just came with it and I was like, fair.


Also, I understand the pressure and I understand the fear aspect of it, you are really good at stories.Thank you.I understand the scale of it is crazy and the focus is like, oh, my God, they're going to get bored, they're going to get bored. But you played so well into it, so well, especially at the beginning where you're like, all right, shh. Little things like that helped. I think that helped you more than helped than anything else. You were just in your zone, you were in your element. As soon as you started to reel it off, I feel like maybe I'm seeing it because I wasn't the one saying it, saying the story, but I felt like you were just talking to me as opposed to talking to 15,000 people. I appreciate it, bro. It flowed well in my eyes.


I think that's what... For one, when I said a minute ago about this scene, I feel so watched. Bro, I say a TikTok, This thing I did, was obviously just a little joke thing on the fly. I saw a TikTok of it that had 100,000 likes. I was like, Oh, God. It's so embarrassing, bro. It's just a tiny little thing that I thought would be funny. Then, oh, bro. Oh, It worked, man. But yeah, I appreciate it. Then I think the only thing I was stressed about as well, because I know I like telling stories, regardless if I think I'm good at it or not. I like telling stories, but I am very aware that I have a habit of going off on random tangents during the stories. Because of the animation that we had in the back, I couldn't just veer off into something else. Even if I did veer off into something else, I had a verbal cue. For every page term on that comic book, she needed a specific verbal cue from me. Bearing in mind, there was 20 different pictures, so I had to remember the exact phrase or word to give her for every single time whilst actually telling a coherent story.


I did not know that. Yeah, I was stressed. I'm stressed because if I jumped the gun or if I missed a bit, she can't skip two pages. She has to go through each page. If I missed a bit, she would be like, you would hear like, skip through, skip through, skip through. And then, bro, it would have been fucked. I was so stressed.


I nearly fucked up the story time as well. Oh my God. I nearly fucked up the story time as well.Oh my God.I can't remember what bit it was. I remember. There was a bit where The bit where, obviously, Homegirl has merced me off now about the new guy.


And then I turned to you and I'm saying, this is where you come in. And you were supposed to be like, we needed to go out, we need to do this. We need to do that.


I was talking about the hub. That's the second part I interjected. I was like, fuck. Because she was saying in my ear, the show was saying in my ear, no, you're going out, you're not going to the hub, you're going out, you're going out. You're not going to the hub. You're going out. You're going out. I was thinking, Oh, fuck. I don't remember. I just said going out. Then Asha started to play. I was like, okay, cool. I think we're on the same page. I was like, Okay, cool. Because I had forgotten about that bit because I never rehearsed it. Yeah, it's true. It wasn't in my head.


Yeah, it's true. That's the thing as well. In rehearsals, you didn't need to remember where we're at, what we're doing.


I was just somewhat following your cues, but I completely forgot about that bit. It made me panic so much because I was thinking, I flops this whole segment. In front of so many people, I floped this whole segment. But thank God, bro.


Thank God. Thank God for Sarah.


I think it's Sarah. Yeah, I'm sure her name's Sarah.


She saved lives. Because I could see you. I can see you fucking it up. But obviously, I can't be like, No, not that I can't say that. So I'm like, and I can hear her like, you're going out, you're going out, you're going out. I was thinking, please hear it. Please hear what I'm hearing. It was making me laugh though.


God, what would you say was your best moment?


Best moment.


Or top three, if you can think of top three moments.


Top three moments was, stupidly enough, I think it actually was this little shushy thing. That was my favorite thing, only because it reminded me so much of the smaller shows that we've done. Because I keep thinking... I've listened to a lot of podcasts over the years, and obviously a lot with comedians and stuff who do stand up, and they'll always have that conversation of the transition between going from comedy clubs to performing in theaters and going from theaters to performing in arenas. I've listened to hours and hours of commentary, and they will always say, Anything that's in your act for a theater show, don't even bother trying to bring it to an arena because it won't land, bro. There's too many people in there. It's not going to land. That mentality of, I tell you, man, to show up and you show up, that's jokes. Or if I'm just like, Shush, shush, shush, shush, shush, shush, shush, and you can hear the room go like… I was like, 110% saying that really wasn't going to land in that show. When it did, you have the sigh of relief that went through me of being like, everyone's tapped in.


This is what I said to you at the beginning, when I said everyone sit down, sit down, and everyone sat down, we could command the room, bro.


Yeah, bro. It was mad because obviously, the way the lights are, I can only see the first three rows. Yeah, which is perfect. But I can see the The only thing I can see the far, far, far back is the lighting on the stairs. I remember seeing it and I remember thinking, if I picked up a stone right now and threw it as hard as I could, it's not going to hit there, which is fucking... In my head was like, That's wild. If I can't even launch a stone up there, that's far. I was thinking, there's no way these men are going to hear me say, Lock in, lock in, lock in. Because what is that? They can't even see me. They can see me on the screen, but they can't actually see me sat there. I must be too small. Pause. That bit was the relief I got when that landed. I was like, it actually is just a normal show. We can just have a one more time with it. Everything is cool. It was nice to be like when we did the confessions as well, and we did the little, every time I was in there, I knew I was going to be like, I knew I didn't know the words.


I knew on the day I was going to be very much like, bloody, bloody, bloody, blah, blah, blah, blah.


Everyone was laughing.


I was like, oh, man, this is going. We're on the same level, bro. It's all good. It's all good. So, yeah, it made me happy. I was very gassed. I was very, very gassed. Those are my highlights. The rest of it was cool. When I've been seeing the comments and the TikToks and all this shit, the grandiose entrance and the rich baby daddy at the end and the dances. It's just not me. So when I look at it, I don't feel like it's me I'm looking at. But sitting on a chair with you, telling a story and having a joke and saying shit on the fly. Because as much as we did rehearsals and stuff, and I knew the confession I was going to read and I knew the story time, the three times I rehearsed it, 90% of the content is different every time. The chapters are the same, but the way I describe it is different, has been different every single time. That made me feel cool. It's just being in here. That I genuinely did feel like it just made me feel like I was in here. And somehow the stage was air-conned up.


Those jackets stayed on till the end. I assumed we were going to wear them for the first 10 seconds and I will be so hot I would take it off immediately and it would get tangled on wires and everything would fuck up and all this shit. But it was just very nice. It was cool. I still don't think it's landed, and I don't know if it ever will truly land.


It will.


It will. Yeah. But yeah, because I think everyone's asked me like, How did you feel when you got off stage? How did you feel when you got off stage? I was like, I didn't feel any different. At no point was I like, Oh, thank God. I was just like, Cool.


Show's done. We did it.


It was cool. It was good, man. It was really nice, and I'm glad people enjoyed it. I think one thing I was worried about, again, was that, it's one thing wanting to be over the top, but again, Because it's so far removed from what people's expectations are, you never know if people are going to be like, I get why you did that, but this is not what I signed up for. This is not what I signed up for. And no offense, I hated it. I didn't think that was going to be the reception, but for a lot of people, it was the first time they've ever seen us live. A lot of people have seen us live, and they've seen us just pretty much sit down for the whole time and do chatting and all that shit. So It's nice for them. If you've already been to three shows of gig shows, and then this one might be a nice change because you've had plenty of opportunities to have us interact with people in the crowd, fucking do story times and the dilemmas and all the other shit that we do that we do in here.


But if that's the first time you've ever seen us and you're like, I just want to be there while they do what they do in here, and then you see the band and the shit and the sparklers and all this I was hoping. I was really scared that some people were like, yeah, cool, but the fuck was that? The fuck was that? But so far, from what I've seen-Positive. Everyone's been like, It was good. It was good. So, yeah, I'm gassed. That's all I need to say. I'm not going to talk about it anymore.


What I want to say is two things. Well, three things. Firstly, love to Axel Blake, always, for always shelling out our shows every single time. I've said this to him and I've said this to you, man, in the studio before. I'm livid because I actually never get to see him perform. Same. I never get to see this man perform, and he always shells out the crowd because we're always backstage. Obviously, you, man, went to see him at Mosting.


He murked it.


Yeah, I didn't go that day. I was livid.


Do you remember him? Yes, I did. He fucking violated it. Yeah, I did. That was him, not even against, but he was towards the end of what felt like six, seven, eight comedians.


A few of Mo's friends.


Yeah. He smashed it when we saw him there. I am always gutted that I never get to see his set.


I've seen a few clips. I saw a few clips on socials post the show, and the crowd were just loving him. My sister was saying, The Axel Blake comedian? Hilarious. Hilarious. I was like, Gang, so shout out Axel Blake every single time. Shout out the dancers. They did their fucking thing, bro.Touch as well.Touch, shout out touch. Every single time did his fucking thing. But what I would say my highlights were, I didn't know this was a highlight at the time until I saw it back on socials. After we, obviously, we did our intro and then we walked on stage. After we dapt each other up, as soon as our shoulders bumped, the flares went up exactly the same time. Really? I didn't even see.


Exactly the same time.I didn't see that.


It looked incredible. It looked incredible. That was a very good highlight for me. That's sick.


Do you remember when I had that quick charge? When there was a music playing, I was like, Charge. It just charged. Yeah, that was power. I needed to stay cool, but I couldn't. I had to smudge you. Charge, bang, stop. That was power.


That was cool. After the hype of the intro and stuff, we both did at the same time. I don't know if you clocked. That was cool. I obviously love the no letting go segment. That was cool. You smashed it. What else? Another highlight was the confession when we're going back and forth with the auto-tune. I loved that bit, especially because, again, at that point, I still had both inners in. I think I took it out in between story times when I took it out. I couldn't really hear the crowd. But obviously, watching it back on people's stories, I'm hearing the stadium singing along with us. I'm like, wow.


Yeah, sick, man. Wow, bro.


But yeah, what's a good show. I'm very happy that from the feedback we've gotten so far, I'm very happy that the people enjoyed, the fans enjoyed, the newbies that hadn't seen us before. I'm glad you enjoyed, too. And yeah, man, it's done now.


It's done now. Some girl came up to me after and was like, straight-face, and she was like, I have never heard of you before. So straight-face. And I was just like, okay. Was this in the dance? No, after. Yeah, the drink after. She was like, Never, ever seen or heard of you before. She was like, That was banging. I was like, Oh, that's probably the best compliment all day. It's easy if you fuck with it already, it's a lot harder to disappoint. She was like, I came here with no...


No expectations, nothing.


She was like, That was hard. Nice.


Yeah, I was like, fair.Nice.I'll.


Take it, man.Gang, gang, gang. I'll take it. Right, guys, let's take a very, very quick break to talk about manscapes. Right. Every man knows how scary it can get when going for a close shave below the waist. That's why I trust manscaped for all his sensitive areas.




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That will give you 20% off plus free shipping. Let's get back to the Just before we finish, random. How was Nobu?


Nobu was good, man. Yeah. Yeah. Nobu was fucking amazing. You mentioned the tomato thing.


Oh, yeah.


Yeah, I think they inject that with something.


I think so, you know.


Any context. You're not just saying, tomorrow, you inject, whatever.


Yeah. Anyway, so I warned Alice. I said to him, I basically said to him, When you go to Nobu, order the breakfast, get the full English, taste these tomatoes, because they're doing some to these tomatoes. I was like, The concentration of the flavor of these cherry tomatoes doesn't make sense. It tastes like it's been either confied or sous vide for hours, but it's not mush.


It's still proper. In its secular shape.


Yeah, it's still like the texture and the shape is still as if it's only been lightly cooked. But the intensity of the flavor, bro, is insane. I was like, I've asked them multiple times, what's the recipe? And they're just like, it's a tomate, isn't it? Bro, it's so intense. It's banging. Say less. I said to Ellis, I was like, Obviously, you used to work in the kitchen. I want to know what you think the process is. I did mention, I think they might inject it with something.


Yeah, I think they do because I did a little... So I got it high expectation.




Got it room service and stuff. I got it and I was like, okay, first I'm going to test the integrity. I felt like I was on fucking hotel health. And then so I got the fork and I was like, solid. Pause. But it was good. And then so I was testing it and I was like, fucking it actually isn't mush. I was like, okay, try it. And then, yeah, it just melts in your mouth. It's weird. It's really fucking weird. I genuinely think that, one, it's the produce where they're getting it, where they're sourcing it from. It's clearly Like crazy. But, yeah, they're definitely injecting it with some concentrated tomato juice or something. There's something in it. It's amazing. The sausage as well.


Pause. Yes.


The spice is in that.


Yeah, bro. It's insane. On that bed of onions, it's different, bro. This is what they're doing. They're going to have an open breakfast when you can. On a bed of onions. Yeah, a bed of caramelized onions.


Banging, mate. That's what I'm staying next to.


And then we have a charcuterie board with some cheese, fucking tea, fruit, fresh melon, had everything. I went all fucking out. Living like a king, man.


Yeah, it was sick.


It was sick.


That has got to be the go-to now. That hotel.


Yeah, it's sick, isn't it?


That is insane.


I'm glad you liked it, bro.


Where was that one at? No, there's two now. It's Chelsea and Shoreditch.


Yeah, Shoreditch. Banging, bro. Gast.


Nice, man.


Well played. I was excited to hear of you. It was good stuff. But it's fucking dark in there, though, isn't it?


Yeah, but I like it.


Yeah, it was cool. I was like, Yeah, I like it. I like it.


It's just mysterious and fucking badass, man.


Sick. I'm buzzing. I'm buzzing with you.


Before we even get to the show, one thing I have to say, your grandma, the loveliest woman for Context, guys. She got me here. For context. She came to the afterpart, obviously, to see her grandson and everything. And the hug she gave me, I was like, This is an amazing hug. This is a grandmother's hug. She's so loving, so wholesome.Proper grandma.Yeah, man.


She was lovely. Bless her. She She grabbed me, bro. She hugged me. She hugged me so tight.


She wanted to take a selfie to show...


I don't know who she wanted to do.


She was showing her ex colleagues said, They're going to be hatin' on me.


Come on, come here, come here, we got to take a selfie, guys. I was like, Of course, we can do that.


Honestly, she was chatting with Bella and everything, like hugging Bella and everything. It was funny, man.


Yeah, that's cute. I remember when she grabbed me first because I forgot you said she was coming. I remember thinking, who could this possibly be? Yes, same. Who could this possibly be? Then as soon as she said, I was like, oh, gang, big squeeze. Yeah, man, bless her.




Off the back of that, your dad as well, bro.


Your dad. First of all, he looks 16 years old.


Firstly, he's got youth on his side. Black Don't Crack, clearly, fam.


I walked into the box we were watching it from, and he screamed my name, bro. Really? Never met him before, fam. The way he greeted me was like, we were bredrines from 20 years ago, and he ain't seen each other since, fam. He was like, Ram.


I was like, Yo, what's up?


He was gassed, fam. That was my highlight of the whole evening. My highlight of the whole evening. Me and your dad, me and Alice's grandma, both of them are greeting. I've never been greeted before. It was incredible, bro.


Gasped me. I heard your dad was proud. Yeah, he He recorded every minute.


The whole thing, yeah.


I heard he recorded everything.


Yeah, damn.


Yeah. Yeah, I heard wonderful things.


Yeah. Wholesome moment for him. For real. Wholesome moment for me.


For real. Wholesome moment for me. Gang, man.


It was nice, man.


Buzzing. Yeah, man. Right, regular programming?


Yeah, regular is regular. All right, guys.


I brought my energy up. I'm not going to lie to you.


As you know, we go straight to the IG question. The IG question of this week was What's a text message that you received that made your heart drop instantly? I ate your leftovers.


Damn. Savage.


That's fucking savage. Because you know, you know you come up from a long day, you're praying to eat that.


No apology, no nothing. I ate your leftovers. I ate those leftovers, boy.


Charge. Break me.


This one. Text message you received that made your heart drop. Whose bonnet is this? Whose What's your next bonnet is this? And then what the mad thing is about that is if your girl's finding next girl's bonnet, she came here on her cozy shit. This isn't a one night.




Nothing done. She's comfortable here.


Bonnet. That's crazy.


That's crazy. The heart will be fucked.


Next one. You forgot to clear your browser history.


Because that could That could also mean too many things. That could mean so many things.


That's so open-ended.


You forgot to clear your browser history.


I just replied, delete it all. Delete all that cash. Delete all the cookies. Delete everything.


Oh, my God, bro. Next one. Did you mean Did you mean to post that? Oh, God. Did you mean to post that? No. Instagram can't open fast enough.


I'll be refreshing.


Delete, delete, delete, delete, delete, Give any context to what it was. People's imagination is to think what they want. There was that, and I posted on my story years ago, and I remember it was you to message me, and you were like, take that down now, bro. Okay. Now, because I didn't mean to post it. I think I meant to send it to you or to send it... I meant to send it to someone, but you messaged me like, take that off your fucking story now, bro. Okay. And I was like, fuck. And I looked, I was like, oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God.


All right, next. What's a text message that you received that made your heart drop instantly? Your dad is in school looking for you. No. Your dad is in school looking for you.


You know you fucked up. That's impossible.


You know because I've been there.


When I was a little thief. When I was a little penny thief in the sweets.


Oh my day. He's come to my school more than-Your dad's in school looking for you.


Wow. That would be the scariest thing, bro. I remember, yeah, this is not... It's sight, isn't it? When I was in year 10, year nine or 10, we used to have this thing. I thought I was a bad man in school. I thought I had no fear. We used to have this thing called... It was basically like teachers' bitch day. There was a day they had finessed child labor somehow, was basically a day, one day a year in year nine or 10, where you and someone else in your form would spend the entire day in the receptionist office, and you'd have to go around doing admin shit, collecting registers, or if you need a sick note from someone, you'll go to their class and get it. You're just the teacher's bitch for the day. It was premised to me as the sickest day ever because every other form tutor that you picked the person you were going to deal with. Everyone else was just with their boy, chilling all day, fucking around. When they send you, you can just bop around the school, do what you want, and you got a badge. So anytime a teacher sees you, they know you're doing that, and you're just like, Shut up, bro.


And you just get, Yeah, I'm collecting a register. Get the fuck out of my face. So it was just gang. Till It was my turn. My form tutor was such an asshole, and he was like, I know you've heard the rumors. You could just pick whoever you want. Ain't fucking happening. Because I know he'll be like, I remember he referenced me specifically. He was like, I know what's going to happen. Four of you men are going to pick James, and he's going to have four days off this year. It's not happening. It's not fucking happening. So I will select the pairs, bro. I will be the one selecting the pairs. He put me with this girl called I can't even remember. I think her name was Shantel or something. We hadn't exchanged words our entire school tenure. It was the deadest day of my life. So I remember I was like, You know what? Bro, fuck this. Bro, fuck this. After the first break, charged it, went to my lesson. I remember everyone being like, Bro, are you doing it? I'm supposed to be. I was like, Bro, it's boring, but I'm not doing it.


They gassed it up. I'm not doing it. I'd rather be in IT. Bro, halfway through, I'm just there on my computer. I hear fucking look up. My form tutor's opened the door like that. It was like, You out. Fam? Fam? That's fear. That's fear. When I say, I, parents, fucking girlfriends, like robbery, nothing has made me scared. More than that. Like that, bro. God. That slam, you out, bro. I was fucking terrified. And the way I had to keep it cool. Yeah. He was like, you out. I remember saying it. And then I remember I stood up and I was thinking, take your time. Because if you stand up too quick, the blood will rush from your head. You're going to fucks out. And there's one of them ones where you can't walk too quick or too slow. Bro, I was fucking shook. So you saying that text, your dad's looking for you. I don't know why that reminds me. His name is Mr. Henderson. He scared me, bro, because he used to wear PE short. He wasn't a PE teacher. He'd come in a rugby short, he wasn't even a PE teacher. That's crazy.


He taught business studies.


That's crazy.


He was liable for anything, bro.


He was on anything. That's crazy. He had to wear PE shorts. You're not the PE teacher. He's trying to show off.


Bro, he was ready for anything.


That's hilarious.


Scarious moment in my school life. Oh, God. All right, cool. What's a text message you received that made your heart drop instantly? I'll be home in 10. Did you remember to take the chicken out the freezer?


Bro, I've got that exact one. Really? Wow. Damn. That It used to be my childhood. Brother, back in primary school, this one, I used to live in Crystal Palace. I remember it wouldn't even be a text message, bro, because my mom would have told me before I go to school, because she would go to work before I went to school, take that bitch out the Yeah, yeah, yeah. Obviously, you forget because I'm in a rush. I'm running late. I fucked up. By the time I come home, my first thought isn't, chicken out the freezer or meat out the freezer. Yeah, it was eight hours ago. Why are you going to remember? I'm in the living room watching Dragon Ball Z. So it's not Until I heard my mom's car door slam is when I'm like, oh, shit. Oh, I'm about to get beats. And it's not even her fault. I'm liable for these beats. It used to freak me out, man.


It used to freak me out. Stressful, bro.


All right. What's a text message that you received that made your heart drop instantly? She found out. Nah. She found out.


Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, No, no, no, no, no, no. All right. Text mission made your heart drop instantly. I love the person you used to be. Damn, damn. It's rough. That's rough. Yeah, it's really, really rough. The next one is going to make you laugh.


You've premised it now. What's the text mission that you received that made your heart drop instantly? Where are you at? Never mind. I'll find you.


Mine is a piggyback of that. I hope you to enjoy your little ice cream, and I hope she likes that shirt I picked out. No. There's no way I'm on a cheat date with little Saidy, and I get a text from my girl saying, I hope you to enjoy your little ice cream and the shirt I picked out.


No. I would. What? My head would be doing 360. Pause. I'll be spinning. Bro. I'm spinning.


Hey, listen, you said you're nervous and you can't eat. I'll drop the ice cream on the floor. On the floor. It's not relevant.


What's going on?


Bro, I wouldn't... Oh, God. I would want to vomit.


Oh, my God.


I would want to vomit.


What's the text message that you received that made your heart drop instantly? Why haven't you said you love me yet? Don't pressure boys like that. Don't pressure me like that.


It's also self-explanatory. You can't ask me why I haven't said I love you. Fax. Self-explanatory. Look at yourself. Look at yourself.


The next three will spin you. Cool.


Text you received that made your heart drop instantly. This is the typical one. I've got something to tell you. Can't talk now.


I saw loads of that. I charged that because reading that made me anxious.


Yeah, the PTSD I've got from that. That's what you did to me not even long ago when I had not that, but you rang me four times. That doesn't ring me for shit. Check my phone. I was streaming on site and I was on my playing the game. Check my phone. I have four missed calls. Building back didn't answer. And you said, Can't talk now or something like that. Bro, I waited two hours. I said, I can't take it anymore. He said, I can't talk now. I'll bell you later. I was like, Come, come, come, come, come. When I say I was shaking for hours. It's been two hours. He hasn't hit me back. I had to bell you back.


Fucking out. I forgot about that. I forgot about that. All right, what's the text? I'm going to read these back to back to back. I have to. Yeah, go on. What's a text message that you received that made your heart drop instantly? Your test results are ready to collect. Oh my God.


Cool. I'll touch back on that one.


Number two, the police are outside. Run.


I've never snored in my life.


Wow. The police are outside. Run.


That runs nice, bro. I don't know.


Last one. This baby is definitely yours. No. It's not.


It's not.


Those three back to back. I don't know which one's worse.


This one's definitely yours. Oh, jokes, bro. I'll run through my last year. Oh, God. Text me just made your heart drop instantly. Mom, When you're done doing your homework, come to the living room. Me and your father want a word. The homework that night will take me hours. Next one. You butt down me last night when you were out with the boys. Sounds like you really enjoyed yourself. Fuck. I wouldn't come home. I'll be screaming, Fuck, man. I wouldn't come home, bro. When you were out with the boys. Fuck. Fuck, it's all over. She knows Bro. Last one. Text that you received them and your heart dropped instantly. I've been here. The Hey Boo text from my hair stylist just before my appointment.


Bro. That's so jarring.


My barba never has a reason to text me. Once we've confirmed the time and date, if I ever see his name off on a text, I'm livin'.


Yo, bro.


Yo, bro. Yo, G. Hope you're well. Anyway. Facts. Yeah. He's going to press the trees out of the way. It's not going to happen. Yes.


It's rough stuff. Rough, bro.


But anyway, guys, welcome back. Welcome back indeed.Thank you for coming.Facts. If you like this show, if you want to watch more, if you want to see Let's do stuff outside of the studio. Please head over to patreon. Com, force us, Shitsn gigs, and contribute £3 a the P.SNG. You will indoctrinate yourself into the babies. You'll be a true baby. That's nothing. There's literally nothing else we need to say. Babies get all the perks. When you are a baby, you get special treatment. We do. Bottom bitch trip treatment. You get it all. Enjoy that. Pause. Yes, you do, though. If you're watching on YouTube, please subscribe to the channel. If you are listening Listen on any audio platform, please, please, please, please, please, please, please leave us a nice review. Firestars is obviously preferable, but whatever you say-Same your chest. Before we get into it, I have something to say. I told you guys a little while ago that I was on my Gary Brecker shit, and for one, I got my methylation test done.


Yes, yes, yes, yes.


I need to go through the results properly. When I say, These men send you graphs and bear science chat.


You can't really understand.


You can't. I've gone my best to go through it and pick out the layman's terms, and they do give you supplement recommendations at the end. I haven't got that far. It's pages of it.


Sorry to I can't even cut you off. I did the same thing with another company for the life of me. I can't remember what it's called. Again, same thing. Graphs, terminology, blah, blah, blah, pages, pages, pages. At the end, they give you the supplements. I did that for... This is when I was leaving my first apartment. This was circa Late '22, early '23. After a while, charged. But anyway, I can't remember what the thing is called, what the company is called.


But anyway, done that, they've got the results. Once I get a cohesive breakdown of exactly what it is, because I didn't want to come in here and be like, Oh, they said this and said that. I want to know exactly what is wrong with me. One thing I will say, I'm better than I thought I was. Oh, nice. Good. I'm actually better than I thought I was, which is a bit of a sweet thing. It's like, You're good because it's like, I want you to tell me I'm awful, so now I can feel amazing. Yeah. Do you know what I mean?


Because it gives you reason as to why you're even feeling the way you're feeling about it.


Yeah. So now I don't understand why I feel like shit all the time. But they gave me some categorical things that I was like, I knew that was going to happen. Okay. One thing they did say, which I was concerned about anyway, they said alcohol was not your bag. They was like, alcohol is going to make you feel terrible. Avoid it. And I was like, I've been knowing that. I've been knowing that, bro. Anyway, I'm going to get all of that together and I will present it to you, man, and the supplements that they've given me to take. And once I get the supplements, start remedying. But anyway, one thing I have been doing for the last three weeks or so, I told you about I bought the Baha Gold Salt, and I've been drinking it every day in my water. You, Man, on God, I haven't had a headache in weeks.


I remember you said to me the other day, actually.


This thing is changing my life. Nice. I had a headache in time, bro. Yesterday was the first headache I had, and that's because I was hung over and tired. But like, usual, especially with the amount of shoots we've been doing recently. I said to you when we were rehearsing in Slouh, bro, I had woken up early that day, gone to the gym, traveled all the way down to Slouh, had been rehearsing all day, and then had to go to the hotel and perfect my story time and go through everything. It was like half 10 at night. I know me. I was thinking, this is premium headache territory, premium I'm in premium headache territory, but I felt unreal. Nice. For the last few weeks, I think it's not just the salt. I've been taking, like magnesium and stuff religiously, but since I have been taking this salt, bro, no headaches.


Is it always 1.5 liters you have the salt in? Or can you just have it in a glass?


I need to double check because basically it says one teaspoon per gallon. I've been putting half a teaspoon in this, which is slightly more salt than they're recommending. But I put half a teaspoon in this, and then I don't put in everything I drink. Once this is done, I won't put it in anything for the rest of the day. That's okay. But yeah, bro, it's good. It's fucking good. I'm glad. I really, really like it. Also, because you can taste it in the water, depending on the time of day, will tell me if I'm drinking enough water or not. So for example, looking at the time now and I'm still got this left, it means, Oh, bro, you haven't drunk enough water because this should have been done. And then you're onto the next one. So that also keeps me on top of hydration and all that shit. I'm really excited to start getting into the rest of these results because I was like, oh, bro, just that one thing, that one change has made a massive difference. Nice, man. I'm happy with you. I'm gastified because I brought you, man, I suffer with headaches.


The amount of times we've been in here and I'll be looking at the lights and if I've been laughing too much, I'll sit there and I'll get through the rest of the episode. But for the second half of the episode, I'm just there like, bro, fuck, man. My head's hurting. But, bro, I've not had a headache in fucking ages, man.


Going, man.


I'm really happy about it, bro.


Nice, nice, nice, nice, When you get all your results and everything, send me the link because I know you said you wanted to-Yeah, I wanted to.


They also said it was going to take four weeks. It didn't take four weeks. It was fast. Cool. I have a confession. Okay. Read a confession. I was like, all right. No, no, no, no. Read the That's out of the blue. Read a confession. I'm happy about this one because I was going to read this at the O2, but I didn't. Okay. So I have it here. My younger sneaky link. I'm 53, she's 36, and I enjoy watching and and recreate in porn.


53, 36? Yeah, bro. That's naughty.


They watch and recreate.


That's naughty. It's buff.


We've been locked in. Bro, we've been linking at various motels for a year. We have fun. Sorry. We have fun and make recordings just for us. Our last date, she revealed that she loves me and wants to take our relationship to the next level. Okay. Yeah, charged. Okay. I was Stumped.


Why are you fucking up the base?


She said, I'll be 40 soon and I want more than this. I want a family with you. I want us to hold hands and walk downtown in public. I want you to publicly claim me as your woman. And if you can't do that, I'm going to show your wife our homegrown movies. Bro, I agreed, but I also knew this was the last time I'd see her. While she was on top, I told her, I'm going to miss you. Bro, she snapped and choked me so hard. I was fearful, but there was hope in her eyes. I stopped fighting and pretended to be dead. She said, I'm sick of ending you. She stole my money, my phone, and she left. She didn't end me, but did she end others? Should I tell the cops? I don't want my wife to find out.Oh my God.Advice.That's Juice, bro. Juice, bro.


Jokes, bro.Wow, that's hilarious.Jokes, bro. The dynamic is so peak as well because it sounds like the best sneaky link until she catches more feelings or wants more things.


Watching and recreating porn. Man has been linking her at motels for a year. He's thinking, my life's patterned. Fuck.


She said, I want more. I want us to hold hands in public. Claim me publicly or I'll tell your wife everything. I'll show her the video.


You're not showing no one shit. That's crazy. I'll show her our homegrown videos. You're not showing no one nothing, bro.


That is an ordeal. While she's on top, I'm going to miss you. Because he knew this was the last time. He knew he couldn't do this again.


He got lost in the fantasy as well.


I'm going to miss you.


I'm going to miss you, boy. She's just going to go, What?


She just choked him A man pretended to be doing it. I hate ending this.


I'm tired of it. Do you know how much she has to do it to be tired of it? She didn't end me, but she's ended others.


That's psychotic. But it's so I know the sex was something else.


The sex was out of control. The sex was out of control. Fair play. Fair. Trash news room?


Yes. So today's more of a did you know again? Okay. Okay. The Royal Family. 30 rules and traditions that the monarchs abide by. Oh, interesting. There's 35 that I've just picked out the most interesting ones.Thank God.Oh, thank God. Yeah, that's too many. The royals have to get approval to marry. I'm sure we might have. I think we knew that one already.


Sorry, who did they get approval from?


The first six were in line for the Crown to consent from the reigning monarch to be able to marry. Fair.


Makes sense.


Heirs cannot fly together.


I knew that.


Which makes sense.


Oh, damn.


For safety reasons, it's required that two direct heirs to the throne, they take different flights whilst traveling. So William and George. I'm just going to assume George never flies with his son. George would have to always fly with Kate and not with-Same way the vice president can't fly together. That would make perfect sense.


Yeah, that does make sense. Yeah, damn. Man never flies with his youth.




It's juicy. It's sick, but it's jarring.


It's long. It's jarring. Royals must refrain from public displays of affection.




But Harry, of course.


Yeah, he stays lipsynced. We love Harry.


That's my wife. We love Harry.


That's what they call it. Black Girlfriend effect. Yeah. Yeah. That's that trend. Yeah. Lips me.


That's that TikTok trend.


Fucking lips me. You want me Show me. For real.


We love Harry, we love Megan. Let's go. Yeah. Royals are not allowed to wear black.


I didn't know that.


I did not know that. Of all the colors, Royals refrain from wearing black as it's known to be worn only at funerals. But there have been some like Princess Diana who wore it occasionally.


She did what she wanted. She did what she wanted. We love Princess Diana.


She's doing no business. We love that.


Rest in peace. However, they always have to pack black when they're traveling.


For anUnexpected Funeral.For an unexpected funeral.For.


An unexpected funeral. Oh my God, raw.


What does that even mean?


Fam, you tell me diamonds can only be worn after 06:00 PM.What? The rule states that diamond should only be worn after 06:00 PM. Other precious stones could be worn during the day instead.Random?


Very.that's a very random rule.


Everyone weighs themselves on Christmas Day. What? Some may consider the practice of weighing everyone before It's not after Christmas dinner to be weird, but it is a loved tradition in the royal family.


All right.


Fair play.


Royal members cannot vote. That's a pretty obvious one. The monarchy must be unbiased when it comes to all things politics and never show their cards.


That's true, actually, because you can't find out that if you're just elected Prime Minister and you go to Link the King and he's like, I didn't vote for you. I weren't backing you, bro. I'm not checking for this. That's tough.


Yeah. Of course, same thing. Kind of political opinions.


Cool, man.


Monopoly is banned from Games Night.




Monopoly is banned in the royal household due to the tensions it's said to cause among the royal family members. Some even boil over and games turn into rouse, and as such, it is forbidden. You never had a row over monopoly, bro.


Who hasn't had a row over Monopoly? Yeah, so that's why we got-We don't ban it.


We don't ban it, bro. We don't ban it.


We're We're just anybody, isn't it?


I've never played Monopoly, Monopoly until I played with Jacob. He makes side deals. Whilst the game is going annoying- Whilst the games run in.


He's talking to the left.


Yeah, he'll talk to the left and be like, before anyone's rolled a dice, run me 50 quid now, and I'll promise I won't buy this. No. He does gentleman's hand deals underhandedly while you're playing Monopoly, bro. I didn't know you could do that.


Yeah, that's business, too.


Those games get nasty.


That's a joke. That sounds lit, though. We should run that.


When we're in America, we're going to play Monopoly. Can't say that. Shit's going to get fucking filthy.


Bedtime When together members of the family follow the lead of the monarch, nobody goes to bed until the king does, no matter how late.


No, that one I'm not doing.


I would be living.


You can shut up, bro.


Yeah, you can go and fuck yourself.


I'm not doing that. No one goes to bed until the king goes to bed. Yeah, if I'm.


Nail polish. Want colorful nails? Well, then when you're a royalist, it's not advised. The royal dress code forbids overbearing nails. Manicures should be simple.




No Autographs, that makes sense. Security purposes, royals are not allowed to sign autographs due to potential forgery risks.


Makes sense.


You might have heard about this one. Communicating with the Handbag. The Queen used her handbag to communicate with her staff during events. If the bag's on the left arm, everything was okay. If the bag was on the right, danger was imminent. If the bag was on the floor to her right or on the table, the monarch wants to leave the building in five minutes or less.


Wow, interesting.


I've heard something along the lines of that. Not to that detail, but yeah, something about where the queen's bag is placed on her person. I've heard something that means something. I didn't know the actual ins and outs a bit like that. That's heavy.


Let's give it Black Ops type shit.


I like that. I want to leave the building in five minutes or less. Yeah, bro, just buy on the floor.


A royal shoe wearer. Being royalty provides one with a privilege that very few ever experience. The Queen had a dedicated person who wore her shoes before she did to ensure that they were comfortable and wouldn't cause her any pain. That's why, right?


Is someone paid for this?


Someone getting paid to break your shoes in, bro.That's crazy.That's a job.Ironed shoelaces.That's a piss take. King Charles Charles' wardrobe is managed by a team that ensures that the monarch's clothing is chosen, styled, pressed, and prepared for his outings. Every detail is meticulously catered to. For example, King Charles's shoelaces are ironed.


No one's doing that, bro. I promise you, if I was the Royal Shoelace ironer, I would never iron him, ever. No one would ever know. No one will ever know. I'm looking now, actually. No, you're not going to fucking know. For that fair play.


Royals avoid shellfish. One of the royal safety rules asserts that shellfish is to be avoided to eliminate the risk of food poisoning due to contamination.


Makes sense, bro. Fucking hate shellfish anyway. Yeah, I can marry into royalty.


That's a tick for me.


Yeah, facts.


Yeah, last couple. You cannot get married in May. Royal weddings are never scheduled in May due to superstition that stems from the marriage of King Charles I, who executed in May 1649, deeming this month as bad luck.


That's excessive.


Bro, they just say stuff.


The thing is, superstition, there's an argument that people are just saying stuff.


Oh, don't. I was going to say, You don't need to tell me, bro.


Walking on a drain, walking under a ladder, under scaffolding.


You're not catching me walking under ladders, bro.


I mean, that's just asking for trouble anyway. Three drains?


Yeah, you will never see me walk on three drains. I haven't since I was nine years old. That's crazy. Yeah, stupid, but don't do it. One of my boys has to touch every lampe post he walks past. Really? Yeah, it's nuts.


But is that super?


What's- It's a thin line between superstition It's an OCD.


Yeah, that's what I was saying. That's OCD, bro. That's not-Yeah, it's not even superstition.


That's one of them. If I don't touch it every day, my family will die.


When he's on the motorway, then what?


Now, obviously, it doesn't count. You can only do it what you can manage, but you don't walk past one without Start touching it.




I don't agree with him.


It was taking him forever to get from A to B, bro. That's crazy.


Yeah, but you think when we used to walk, when we were kids, before I was driving, bro, everyone, and they'd do it. If The thing is, he'd do it slyly, and it's so annoying watching him do it slyly because you'll be walking, and then if he misses it, he'll just kick his foot back and go ding. And he'll just carry on walking.


Was it only the same side of the road that he was walking on? Because there's obviously lampe posts on the road.


Yeah, he's not ducking, zigzagging. It's just whatever he directly walks past, little touch. Jesus.


All right. The monarch celebrates their birthday twice a year. Do you guys know that? I didn't know that.


I feel like I have heard it, though. I heard it.


Queen Elizabeth has two birthdays, her real birthday, or she had two birthdays, sorry, her real birthday in April and another official date in June to enjoy a sunny outdoor celebration with everyone. King Charles follows the same tradition as his two birthdays are on 17th of June and 14th of November.


Interesting. That's ridiculous. That is ridiculous.


Yeah, last one. The spouse of a monarch will never be king or King or Queen. The partner of the reigning monarch in the UK is never King or Queen in a traditional sense. If the title is bestowed upon them, it is purely symbolic and ceremonial.


Makes sense. But that is-Yeah, man, I rate that one. If we're going to keep it bloodline, let's keep it bloodline, bro.


Yeah, let's not chop the rules up too much.


Fair play, man. That was interesting. Your trash news is up this week. Just trying to switch it up. Yeah, that was actually interesting. Right, let's charge. Let's, mom. Right, guys. Thank you very much. That was a fun episode. It flew by for me. It did. But anyway, as always, love, love, love. Bye, guys, bye.