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It must be juicy. What's he going to do to it?


He's going to breed it.


Yeah, he's going to breed it. He's going to breed it. That's exactly what he do. He's going to chat to a man like you or us. He's going to put kids in me. He's going to find a way to put use in me. Okay, guys, real quick. Real quick indeed. You know what it is? Your boys stay chefing it up. Facts. It is part of our New Year's resolution to chef it up even more. Yes, sir. And you know Daddy's are booked and busy, and sometimes it's tough to start thinking the recipes. Obviously, I keep that daddy energy. Sometimes I like to be told what to do. I want to take my foot off the gas and just be told what to do. Cruise control. Yeah, cruise control is right. Because I don't have time because I'm making money. That being said, I hope you guys are here with me as well so we can unlock some culinary achievements with our friends Hello Fresh.Let's go.Okay, so I stepped outside of the box this week. I set us out of the box this week.I stepped us out of the box.Okay, what did you get?The recipes I went for, bulgogi pulled beef burgers.


Sounds amazing.Fam?Sounds amazing.Fam?


With that baby gem? Okay. Yeah, you don't know about that. It's fine? You don't know about that. I went for the Hoisin beef tacos, which was a flavor combination I wasn't ready for. Hoisin beef? Hoisin beef tacos, sorry. Leng, a young 20 minute, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, done. Sounds amazing. Finally, Korean style, Gotcha-Jang, beef fried rice. This was a different beast. This actually was a different beast. I love your beef, isn't it? Anyway, I love my beef and I like...




Yeah, I like meat. That's what you want to say, isn't it? Yeah, James likes me. Anyway, real quick, you're obviously wondering, cool, it's delicious, but what's the real benefits?Facts. How do I get my hands on this thing?Yeah, how do I get my hands on it? What's the benefits, guys? Okay, cool. What you need to It's Hello Fresh has more than 44 recipes a week. Crazy.44 recipes a week. Crazy. 44 recipes a week. And they're suitable for every taste, every lifestyle.


I'm hearing that's just £3.15 a person.


Yeah, it's light. That's cheap. Yeah, it's light, bro. It's corner shop stuff we're talking about now. It's light. So as you said, guys, we need easy, stress-free, and Hello Fresh give you step-by-step instructions on what to do. Obviously, you want to get involved and you want to know how. So what you need to do is go to hellofresh. Co. Uk/schitzinggigs24.


With that code, guys, you will get 60% off your first box plus 20% off the next two months plus free gifts.


The code is Shitsngeeks24. Don't forget. Facts. We're not going to say it again. Link in bio, guys. Head on over immediately. Now. Okay, cool. Cool. Right, we've got the question of the week. And this week, Daddy, the question is...


Weirdest encounter with a stranger.


Weirdest Weirdest encounter with a stranger. Okay. I'll let you go first. You're going to let me go? Mm. Right. Weirdest encounter with a stranger. This older woman came up to me randomly in the street, grabbed my jacket and said, You smell like my husband. He's now dead. I walked away. I spent the rest of the day fearing for my life. Jesus. You smell like my husband. He's dead. I haven't got time for that interaction.


I'm also trying to play in devil's eye. Then like, she's been lonely. She smelt science. She smelt in a minute.


You smell like my husband.


Where's that coming from? I need to smell it again.


Bro, when I was younger, there was a girl I used to date when I was much younger, like 16. She had this perfume. When I say I was walking down the street one day through a busy street and people were walking past me, walking and I smelt it, I found one, and her name didn't even left my lips. Siobhán. I found? Let's call her Siobhán. Because I was on my phone, I looked up and I was like, Shif? Is that you? Yeah. It was annoying. It didn't make me remember the bad times. I only remembered the good shit. I was so pissed off. Oh, good.Oh.


That's hilarious.Wow. A man said, Shit.




All right. We're in this encounter with a stranger. I blew her back out and she interviewed me for a job two days later. There was race play involved.


Oh, dear. Oh, dear.


Hr for the Hear Some.


Damn. Jesus. There was race play involved.


Yeah. Yeah. Damn. Yeah.


Raceplay's crazy. That's a no-no. That's a no-no. A no-no. A customer at work walks up to me and says, Come on, let's go. You ain't about shit. I prepared for a fight as he set all his... I prepared for a fight as he set all of his things down. He then readied his hands for a game of rock, paper, scissors. I beat him. He told me, I'm valid. Apologized, then left.


That's a long encounter, but also jokes at the outcome. Bro.


Rock, paper, scissors. Rock, paper, scissors. Let's go. You ain't about shit. You ain't about shit. A man said, Sweat. And he was like, You ready? And he said, Sweat. Say, Let's say, You're valid, you're valid, you're valid, you're valid, valid. Let me get my shit. That's jokes.


Man, Apologize.


Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, you're strong, you're strong, you're strong, you're strong. That's jokes.


I was asleep on a flight, woke up. The woman next to me had her feet on my lap, no shoes. Can you imagine, bro, a stranger's feet on your lap as you awake from a sleep.


That's a piss take. I remember when I was like, young, my dad took us to America. I think we were on a coach from Washington, DC, to New York.


How long was that coach?


It was long. Sounds like. Maybe I'm making it up. All I remember was in that trip, we were in Washington and we were in New York. So maybe we're on a coach. We're on a coach somewhere. Okay. And he sat me and I was just old enough to understand Peng. Okay. Him and my brother were sat on this side of the coach. I was sat on this side next to one Baddie.


So Baddie on the window seat and you're on the window, I'm on the aisle.


Baddie on the window, I'm on the aisle.




And obviously, Daddy was a little boy. After a few bumps, my head was swinging. Yeah, were you kipping? Yeah, I was snoozing. I tried to keep my cool because obviously Zalenga's next to me, even though she's 10 years older than me. Try to keep my cool, bro. Back then, back of a car, any vehicle, I'm snoozing.


Neck is gone.


Bro, when I say I woke up laying on her lap and I woke up with this one, and I looked up and she looked down smiling. I was like, It's all right. I was thinking, How long was I there? My dad was laughing. I was like, Someone crashed the coach. If someone doesn't find a destination as coach in a second, I'm going to lose my head. Damn. Yeah. It was embarrassing. Sorry, G. Yeah, it was embarrassing.


That's peak, man.


Wart out of a theater watching Black Panther two weeks after it's been released, and someone's white grandpa came up to me and said, Great job with that movie. I really enjoyed it. I said, You blacks achieve something and you deserve recognition.


Great job with that movie.


I really enjoyed it. I didn't know what I was walking into, but yeah, your life thinking someone's about to steal the cash from your hands and they steal the only way you can see.


Do you know how inconvenient that is?


Bro, to be fair, because I don't need glasses, I don't actually understand how bad that is, but I'm sure it's just the worst.


If my vision was 10 times worse, oh, my bro.


10 times is excessive.


To be fair, that is excessive. I remember there's... You'll be blind. There's someone that we No. I feel like a friend adjacent that wears thick glasses. She said her prescription was minus 6.7..


Do you remember? I don't know who that is.


I can't remember her name. That's the thing. I think it was one of your gaming circle's partners, maybe.


Oh, maybe. I don't remember.


She said it was minus 6. The ting was wedge, bro. Yes, sorry. Wedge. I could have believed it. She just can't see. She just can't see, bro. Damn. I was thinking, how are you on a day-to-day?


Both my parents wear glasses. I'm dreading the day. My dad is long-sighted, so we can't see shit that's here. Pass this bar, it's a phone, and you'll see You're not looking at a man anymore.


It's like,.


Pass this bro phone to look at his picture. A man does this. It's like this. And you're like, Are you the protector of this family? Because all the time when I'm I'm not going to throw a fist in your face. Start from over there. Slow down. Yeah, run at me. Are you the protector of this family? Yeah, this is the man I look up to. A man said... It looks like it hurts. It's bothersome. Then you see him just reaching for glasses. Really?


I'm like, Dad, man. Do you know what his thing is? What minus prescription?


Because I probably do, but I don't know what it means. Every time you ask a prescription or someone tells you a prescription, every time I'm around you and you're like, Oh, what's your thing? And someone says minus this, plus this. I don't know what any of it means.


The thing is, I don't know in-depth what it means. I just know the higher your minus number is, the worse your vision is. Oh, okay. That's all I can say. Because I think mine is minus 0.75..


What's the limit?


I have no idea what the limit is. But I'm telling you that check was minus six.


Damn. And that's crazy. And yours is minus point sign? Point sign. And you still need a glass?


I don't need it, but I occasionally use it.


I'll go down a bit. How bad is your eyesight? Suppose your numbers are closer to zero between 0.75, negative positive in the case you're almost good eyesight with no need for wearing glasses regularly. That's because you're to three, both positive or negative means you have mild or mild eyesight defect. Okay, more than three falls under high prescription power.


Power is crazy.


Power is crazy. You'll be advised to wear your glasses constantly. You get very blurry vision without your glasses. Damn. All right, say less.


I'm telling she was minus six, bro. That's what she was saying.


Them Jordans were thick. Anything above three is you need that shit constantly. She said a minus six. That's double the constant prescription.


It's not a game, I hear.


Just take my eyes, bro.


Bro, it's so unfair how some people have 20/20 and some man just don't. Facts. That some man just don't. It's not fair.


When we're talking about how we see the world in front of us, it's actually not fair. It's not fair.


Because why? Am I not a human, too?


Yeah, dude, God, don't give me It's the same eyes.


Bro, it's mental. Wow. It's mental.


The man I was on a first date with spent approximately 15 minutes explaining to me how he wanted to do a sexy maternity role play scene. Sorry, a sexy maternity role play scene where I was meant to pretend to give birth. Say that all again. Basically, he wanted to do role play.First date.First date. He spent 15 minutes explaining that he wanted to do role play, and she said, What role play? And he was like, picture this. Maternity. I want you to grab my hand and we're going to go... The sexy. The sexy. Make sure you keep it sexy. She said, What the fuck is sexy? When I say push, I want to see... Yeah.


I want to see that push. Oh my... When you're screaming, I want you to heave. Yeah, heave. Heave but sultry.


Yeah, moan into it. Yeah. Give me those dilation numbers.


Oh my goodness, man.


Yeah, let me check that dilation.




People are actually crazy.


People are actually crazy. All right. I got called a young mom by a stranger. I explained I'm a nanny. He called me a nilf and asked for my number. I said no, and he called me a dumb ugly sket, you and your baby. Oh, shit.


You're not calling my baby a sket.


It's not even your baby.


Oh, my baby's baby? Yeah. No. Oh, a nanny is in work? Yes. Sorry, my bad. I thought you meant nanny as in just like, I'm a grandad.


No, no, no, no, no, no, nanny as in work.


You're a nilf. Yeah. You and your baby are skets.


You dumb ugly sket.


You and your baby. What's wrong with guys, bro? They can't say rejection.


Rejection is rock bottom for a man then.


It's rock bottom. If I put my confidence on the line here, you're a nilf. Let me get that number. Wow, right. One time in year nine, I was on the bus with my friend, and when we were coming off, I felt her tug my braid. I turned around, and instead, it was this old white lady still holding my braid. She didn't say a word. That's scary. That's terrible.


That He was scared. About to get off the bus.


Yanks. She was like, I'm not going to lie, man. And there's an old lady just there staring at you. Because obviously, instinct, you want to be like, Get off me. Facts. But you don't know how hard she's holding it. If you wrench and she drags, what's going to ensue?


Yeah. Yeah.


That's terrifying.


She's an old lady. Like, who's going to be in your favor?


In your defense? Yeah.


A random lady on the bus stopped me and tried to take a bite out of my pizza slice and said, Don't be stingy.


Wow. Don't be stingy. Don't be stingy. You got a whole pizza. That's a whole pie.


Let me get a fucking slice.


I just want one slice.


Let me Can't get a little bite, man.


Yuck. Don't be stingy. When I had cornrows, I looked a bit too good that some grown man thought I was a female. He He whistled and looked at me and said, I can show you the time of your life. I ran home and locked the door.


Thought I was a female. How good are these brains?


How fresh are you looking?


What's the curvature on your body?


Man, whistle and said, I'll show you the time of your life.


He ran home and locked the door.


Yeah, that's fear.


That's serious fear. I don't ever run home and locked the door in my life. In my entire life.


The only time I did was that roadman story I told you about when he finally lets us free. When he gave us us free.


Yeah, you had to.


I skidded my bike home and I locked the door.


A guy tried to sell me his belt for my trousers.Get the fuck out of my face.Make it make sense.Get.


The fuck out of my face. Make it make sense. That's one of them guys who thinks they're funny. They spend too much time on road selling charity, and they think they're funny now. Right. Ran into an old sheep, Sheera, in the night in the middle of butt fuck, nowhere. To this day, I can't tell you why, but he insisted on buying me a shot of tequila, but only if I stapled his nipple.


Where were they?


He just said, In in the middle of But Fuck Nowhere in the middle of the night, and he knows this guy is a sheep sheerer. What's a sheerer, bro? Someone who sheers sheep.


Jesus. Only if he staples my nipple.


Yeah, Brosky, I'll buy a shot of tequila if you staple my nipple.


To what? Just to himself?


Yeah, just put the staple in it.


Oh, my goodness. People are...


Yeah. Why would I do that for a shot of tequila? Brother. Where are we even?


There's so many unanswered, so many unanswered questions. A guy told me his wife's lesbian lover moved into their home with her kids, and now he lives in the basement.


Having nowhere to go is just the longest thing. That is the bar.


Having nowhere to go because he clearly has nowhere to go. Because why are you putting up with that? You have nowhere to go. He just has to literally part with it, jarring.


I take up taekwondo just to get the angle out.


Yeah, you need sign. You would need sign. Right.


Whilst walking my dog, a man pulls over and asks, Can I walk with you? I said no, kept it cute and started pushing, only to hear this man scream, Are you really saying no to me? I want to walk with you. Come here.


That's fair.




That's fair. Some men are scary, bro. I want to walk. Can't you hear me? Come here. Come here. No, man. What is this?


It's terrifying out there. We said it obviously on the Patreon episode. What is this, man?


£3 a month.


Yeah, £3 a month. Ten a day. Come on, run the pizza. Being a female in a world full of men is hard because I don't experience that fear. But obviously, I said I went to that gym in Bethnal yesterday. Bethnal G. Muscle Works gym. And then I'm like, New body, new body. I was scared, man.


It was a fear of God.


Yeah, new body, new body, new body.Come here.Yeah, come here. What was the thing we reacted to?


If anybody touches that body, they're going to die or something.


What did he say?Yeah, the inmate.


If anyone touches that ass before me, they're dead. What? You, man. What?


You, man. If anyone touches that ass before me, they're dead. My ass could be the ass they're talking about.


He said he's willing to take a life of this ass. It must be juicy.So what's he going to do to it? What's he going to do to it?He's.


Going to breed it.Yeah.


He's going to breed it. He's going to breed it. That's exactly what he do. He's going to chat to a man like you or us. He's going to put kids in me. He's going to find a way to put use in me. Yeah, man. He's going to breed it. He's going to breed it.


He's going to have to. And he's going to be living that.


You're not pregnant. Yeah. He's going to keep trying. Oh, my God. Yeah. He's got nothing but time on his hands.Literally.Time and testosterone.Oh.

[00:19:35]'m going to do one more.We say some stuff.We do say some stuff.We do say some stuff.He's going to read it.I'm going to do one more. I gave a homeless man a pair of gloves. He didn't like them, so he smacked the food out of my hands.


Piss off. Right, last one. I once came across a homeless stranger who offered to give a blowjob for an energy drink. Wow. Slow. If you're willing to give a blowjob for an energy drink, you're willing to give a blowjob for anything.


Anything. Yeah.


Because as soon as I give you the energy drink, you're going to want fish fingers.


So you're going to suck him off again.


Yeah, It's clear. You're just going to keep sucking until you get what you need to make it through the day. Because on the priority list... Bro, prior list is fucking low. Very low. Fuck, man.


Fish fingers is a joke.


Guys, welcome I'm back. Indeed.thank you for joining us today. Indeed. This is another beautiful Monday, and we are recording the second best podcast on the planet, S&G. Facts. If you enjoy the second best podcast on the planet, I thought, it'd be really cool if they just did a little bit more because Monday is done when it's done and I want a little bit more to wet my peak. I've built up a tolerance and it's not getting me through the week. Say less. Head on over to patreon. Com/schitsandgeeks. Contribute £3 a month. £10 a day. Run the Peter, S&G, and you can binge episodes.


Four years worth.


Four years worth of episodes over there. That's where all the good good is. Fax. Yours also become part of the culture. You will. Okay? Your daddies will take care of you, will make you feel nice and pretty.


Safe. Safe. Warm. Warm. Held.


Come on, man. Just for £3 a month. Just for £3 a month. That's a bargain. Sheeper than chips, bro. Facts. Heading over there. If you're staying here with us today, please Please subscribe to the channel if you're watching on YouTube. Make sure. If you're staying here with us today, please leave us a nice review if you're listening on any of our audio platforms. Before we get into the back to school, we have a new monster flavor for you to try. Right, crack open the fridge. So in here-The pink thing. Yeah, the pink thing. That's an ultra-rosa on your hands there. Let me just brought this in for you. Rosa. So this is like Again, it's light-hearted. It's zippy, like the white and the blue, but it's got floral notes. We're bringing in floral notes now. I can't think of the equivalent flavor in other drinks because obviously, he wants to keep it unique. But I think this one's got a little bit more fruity. We're not at pipeline punch level fruity, and we're going to build our way up there.It's just floral.It's just floral notes. Okay. So, yeah, give that a go and let me know what you think.


All right. So get that snap. It's spilling out the top. You see a drip? It's spilling out the top. That's what you see. Slurp that.


You're right. Just hidden notes of floral. I can't smell it. Not really. It's nice.


It's all right, right? It's all right.


I would say, for me personally, I would add a tinch more of that rose up. Just a tinch more because you get when you actually... All right. Yes, bro. Let me break it down for you. When that liquid sits in your tongue, pause. You get that floral sensation and that floral taste.It.



Does circulate. It makes you salivate. But once you swallow, pause, it's gone.


It's neutral again. So it's not enough. It's not enough. You have to keep drinking it. Exactly. That's the test. It's one of them ones.


But what I would say, it's not even a caveat, to follow one from this, I will no longer be drinking this anymore. Not because of any... Don't get me wrong, I've liked the flavors I've tried. But when I say caffeine doesn't agree with me, you, man. The day I had, I can't remember. It was either the white or the blue. I had probably almost the whole can. When I say to you, man, my stomach was bubbling that day. My stomach was bubbling that day. I said never again. I'm happy to try. If you're not going to want to waste cans on me, I'm happy to try flavors.


It's fine. I'll wipe it and drink it myself.


But yeah, that's all I'm having. I was bubble guts that day.


Yeah, I knew caffeine doesn't agree with you because every time we've given you something, you've shot. I've given you pre-workout shot.


I'm telling you, I said to you a few episodes ago, I'm sure there's five things I'm intoler to. Caffeine is one of them. Alcohol is one of them. Shellfish is one of them. Dairy is one of them. Dairy is my Everest. Everest is the word. And probably sugar. Bro. Like quantities of sugar. Not like it every day.


Dairy, yeah. Ice cream?


Yeah, that's my top five right there.


Yeah, ice cream is number one. Like, takes my kneecaps. Yeah. When I say I wake up with the ache. Yeah, it's so uncomfortable. I wake up with the ache.


It's so uncomfortable.


But the ice cream The night before was so banging. It doesn't make sense how it can come in my mouth so cold. Come out so hot. So hot. But scoled in a lot. Yeah, my skin temperature rises, you man. It's scary.


Have you, man, ever finished a pot of Haagen Dals' soy caramel ice cream?


Not I don't like Salted Caramel, but yeah.


I'm all fair. I'm sorry, they're playing vanilla with that.


I'm a cookies and cream baby.


The salt and caramel, Haagen does.


Once you pop, you can't stop. Hargenda's is top-tier ice cream. It is. They know what they're doing. So is Baskin Robbins.


I've I say never. That's a lie. I rarely, really, really.


Bro, you get me in a dinner world, scoop of cookies and cream, another scoop of mint chocolate chip. I'm not sleeping tonight. Because I'm shitting and it's worth it. Say less. Bro, my guts are much. Say less. And the blow? I'm bloated for days, you man.


Yeah, it's the blow.


I'm not necessarily- God forbid, I have gluten as well. God forbid. God forbid, I have gluten. Yeah, it's wrong. My eyes are puffy, my tummy's puffy, and I'm shitting.


It's so long. You're just walking around. Sluggish.


Sluggish. I hate it, man. I hate it.


There's jokes. Guys. Girls.


It's happened.


Tell him. Just tell him. Tell him.


Thanks to our audience.


Our mass audience.


Our mass audience. Yeah, mom. That allow us to have a seat at a table. Facts. A seat at a table, bro. Facts. We said it was going to happen, bro. No free brand deals. No free brand deals.


We don't do stuff like that.Yeah, man.


So it's been floopydi this, scoopydi that.




Scoop da wup, caclup. Yeah. Our boys at Wup finally recognized them. Yeah.they dropped a bag, you guys.They dropped the bag. They came in and said, SMG, take what you want.


Take what you want.


Just say, Whoop, please. Just call it Wup.That's.


What it's called.Facts.We said, If we must.If.


We must, bro. But one thing I will say, guys, is obviously we've been downplaying Whoop a little bit. It doesn't sound like we have because we're giving them minutes. But we've been downplaying the capabilities of the software. I'm not going to lie to you, man.It's up.It is up. My brain is locked in. My brain is locked in. If I see a yellow recovery day, you, man, I'm struggling. It's so jarring. Bro, I'm struggling if I see yellow recovery there. My brain knows I'm just not there. Guys, obviously, Whoop came in. They dropped the bag.It's Whoop now.It.


Is now Whoop.Whoop Daddy's here. We are now classed as Whoop daddies.Yeah.


Now we're your Whoop daddies. Guys, what's going to happen is very exciting news. They've set up a whole scenario for us where once we finish our Whoop challenge, the SMG Super 8, once that is finished and I wear the crown, what's going to happen is the entire community-That's us, man.


That's you, man. That's you, man.


That's us, man. That's all everyone is going to jump on Whoop together. So once this is finished, we're going to do a 12-week S&G family challenge.


I hope you guys are ready.


Where you guys at home can obviously grab a Whoop, join us in the community, and put 2024 ready to the test. Facts. Because I'm not going to lie to you, man, I've been in the mirror. I've been in the mirror recently.


My teeth, four.


My waist, slim. Ski. Ski. Ski. Yeah. Your boy is tapering. You're tapering. So if you want to taper with me, then all you need to do, guys, is go to Listen Close. Listen. Join. Whoop. Com/sng.


Sierra November golf.


So grab a whip from there. Get it all set up, get familiar, because in a few weeks time, we're going to kick off this twelve-week challenge. It's going to be sick. Anyone who looks in shape in 2024 is going to be part of this collective. Factual. I'm I'm very, very intrigued to be opening up the community tab because obviously, I go into the community tab every day and there's a chat function in there, and I see where I'm placed in this community. If I'm bumping in this community and I'm opening up the tab on a random Tuesday and seeing I'm 964th.


Yeah, best believe.


I'm livid.


Yeah, best believe that's going to happen.


I'm stepping it up. I'm intrigued to actually see, out of, hopefully, the hundreds or thousands or however many people want to join this challenge, we can actually see some trends. I'm going to do some call-outs. If I see a random Adam or a random Sally just chilling at number one, 100% recovery every day, a 23 strain on a daily.


I'll be like, Tell me your secret. What's your secret? We might have to call them up.


What's the fucking secret?


On show, live.


Yeah. So guys, very exciting. So obviously, go to join. Woop. Com/sng right now. Grab a woop, get familiar because in a few weeks time, we're doing this as a collective. It's going to be fascinating. Also, guys, you get to try a woop for 30 days, risk-free, zero commitment. So if you're on the fence and you're like, I'm not so sure, I'm not so sure, grab it, 30 days. If you don't like it, send it back.Try it out.And I'll run it back for you. Okay, cool. If you already didn't know, this is what Whoop is. This little John, it's what Whoop is. We've had it on our wrist. If you're new here, we've had it on our wrist for the last what?


Three, four weeks now? That's part of three and a half weeks now.


Yeah, for our Super 8 challenge. It It was a wearable health and fitness coach. What we've been doing for this SMG Super 8 challenge is measuring our strain levels. That's how hard we're working in our workouts and throughout the day. Our recovery levels, that's the quality of our sleep, our little sauna trips, a little ice baths, wherever we take a little massage, getting our full recovery as well as our sleep. I think we should go to the scores, no? Yeah, let's find out some scores. See how this week has gone. While you're doing that. I'll say I've been doing very, very well on sleep and recovery for the last couple of weeks. This week, just gone has not been good. My strain has not been too bad, though. I'm in the habit every single time now, 15 minutes cardio at the start, a hard wait session, 15 minutes at the end. Your boys been on the stair master. I haven't sweat like this in years. I haven't sweat. 15 minutes on stair master every day will fuck you. Yeah, it will fuck you. I've been on the spin bike as well. Yeah, it's good. I've been doing well.


I'm happy. Fair play. My strain, for some reason, is always up, so I'm happy with that. My recovery has not been the best this week. I think I had one green last week, and I felt gassed. I felt so good. I felt it, and I was like, damn, why can't I stay like this all the time?


Why can't I stay like this all the time? Why can't I stay like this all the time? A hundred % recovery should be the minimum requirement daily. Facts. Why can't I stay like that? Minimum requirement is that you go to sleep and wake up recovered. Fax. And these guys, I'm gassed if I get a green recovery.


I'm gassed if I get a green. I stay in yellow. I stay in that 45s. It doesn't make sense to me, so I'm livid about that. Sleep, I just need to get better on naturally. But yeah, I don't know what it is. But my cardio was up on the bike. No free promos. When I say I didn't do an advanced beginning this time, I did just a standard 30-minute workout.Oh, okay. You, man.Swear. The sweat that was coming off me, I'm Never sweat like that in my entire life.


Obviously, without plug in, was it a smell-a-ton?


It's a fle-a-ton.It's.


A fle-a-ton.Fle-a-ton?Fle-a-ton. Sorry, my bad.


Fle-a-ton, yeah.


Is that the one with the baddies on the screen that takes you to do these things?


Yeah. There's so many different instructors.


Do you use a man or a woman?


I've used three women, one man. I used the guy for the time I broke sweat. I broke sweat, yeah. Because the music choice was up.


They solely employ banging humans in it.They.


Know what they're doing.Tactic Cool. They know what they're doing.


All right, fair play. You, man, how have you gone?


Yeah, you, man, go.


Not too bad. Yeah, I don't know. My week's been shit. I'm not going to lie. Really? Why? My week has been shit. Just, I don't know, man. I don't know what happened.


It's just going to be-I told you, this man didn't want to hear it. No, no. When you finish 75 hard, I knew you wasn't built for it anymore. That's okay, bro. I promise you, bro, if you're not built for it anymore, now that you've finished your silly little 75 hard, you've got your £500 in your bank and you take your foot off the gas.


Yeah, I need this. All right, cool.


Let's go, Ellis. It's all Man ordered Nandos today.


Where's your prep kitchen?


That was shit.


Yeah, there we go.


Last week, you said it was good. I didn't like it. It was going too repetitive. See, that's what it was.


It was going repetitive.


Repetitive didn't matter last week, though. Facts.


Facts. Tastes was didn't matter when you do a 75 part. It's okay, Eilish, man.


We know who's really built for it.


Yeah, whatever, man.


All right, cool. Rem?


Pretty good week for me. I've been taking I pride in my resting heart rate.


I can see that it's actually dropping.


From my knowledge, it's always been just above 60. Since doing the Whoop challenge, it's down to 56 now. Damn. I just want to see that keep dropping down.


You want that two beats per minute. I want that crazy thing.


What's that swimmer's? Michael Phelps? Yeah. My man's resting heart rate was so stupid, like 30. That's insane. Something dumb like that.


I remember seeing that-One beat every two That's crazy. That's too much strength. That's efficiency. Every two seconds, you're feeling it like that. It was great. It was great. Wow.


Yeah, I need that efficiency. I need that. I'm working towards that. That's my own separate goal for the Whoop challenge.


All right, scores. Fu had four plus two plus two.Eight.Eight..


Have to be averaging eights and nines.I'm.


Averaging eights every week.That's That's calm, bro. It's calm, but it's annoying because it's the same. It's always 4-2-2. Give me a three, bro. Fair. And the other ones. Rem scheme. Three plus four, seven plus one, four. Eight, sorry. James, two plus three plus four, nine. Ellisis, one plus one. This is your lowest week, Ellisis, plus three. Damn, So yeah, 1, 1, 3, which is five.


Damn. All right. So we're four weeks in. The total score, sorry.


No, because last week.


Oh, yeah. Yeah, you nearly shocked me a couple of points last week.


No, no, no. That was on me reading this wrong. Not my mental maths.


So, Ellis, 8 plus 9. 8 plus 9, yeah.7, 5.Yeah, 29. 29. Rem, 7 plus 6 plus 7 plus 8.28.28. Fuhad, 7 plus 7 plus 8 plus 8.30.30. James, 8 plus 8 plus 8 plus 9. 33.




Is lead. Anyway, guys, thanks for tuning in.


So is it 33, 30, 28, 29? 28, 29? I know I need to work on recovery in sleep. Recovery more so than sleep.


I need to keep my recovery going. My sleep is doing good. I need to keep up with my sleep, get my recovery back up. And this week is my... Considering I trained yesterday, this week is my opportunity to hit strain. This is my opportunity.


It's also a good way to bridge the gap as well, considering you have three points ahead. Gang, what do you feel like you need to work on?


My life, mate.


Hell, this man.


For the sounds of it. No, I need to... My recovery was awful. I've only just corrected it. The last two days have been in green, in recovery. So I've only just corrected. I don't know what went wrong.


We have got back to school, guys. If you don't know, back to school, Keith. Stage three questions for the team, as well as for you guys aged between 11 to 14. I'll be asking the squad five questions. I need five answers. We'll rotate the whiteboards and we'll get to marking. It could be a plethora of different subjects. Let's see what you guys get at home in the comments. Back to school. We ready? Question number one. What is 86% of 200? What is 86% of 200? Locked here? Cool. Next question. Which of these might you use to bind together moist or slippery ingredients? Breadcrumbs, eggs, milk, or tomato purée? Which Which of these might you use to bind together moist or slippery ingredients? Breadcrumbs, eggs, milk, or tomato purée. Let me know when everyone is locked.


He is right. I don't understand the context.


Because, I mean, surely this is dependent upon what you're making. No?


Alice seems locked.


I know what you mean. It should depend on what it actually is.


It's a bit of a ski-with question, but I think I have an answer.


Yeah, I think I've got it.


I feel like I've got this one wrong. I have such an argument as to why it's not wrong, but whatever.


Here we go.


I'll shut up and take the L.


Right, are we all up? Yeah. Question number three. In a periodic table, what is a period? A horizontal row, a vertical line, the left-hand side, or the middle block? In a periodic table, what is a period? A horizontal row, a vertical line, the left-hand side, or the middle block. Which expression means doesn't fit in? A, a kettle of fish, fish out of water, other fish to fry, swim like a fish. I'll say it again. Which expression means doesn't fit in? A, a kettle of fish, B, fish out of water, C, other fish to fry, D, swim like a fish. Last but not least, spell isosceles.


Oh, fuck.


I got it.


I got it. God damn. I got that.


Well, you said that about synogog, so.


I saucerlees. The funny thing is I wrote this down I knew it would spin all your brains.


Yeah, bro.


I saw some leaves.


Yeah, because as soon as I wrote, I was thinking, Fuck. Fuck, I would have struggled with this, Jord.


Blocked. I'm leaving it there.


I'm leaving it there, bro. I'm just putting extra letters in.


All right. Switch your rules, please. I'll be here all day. Question one was, what is 86% of 200? And the answer is 172. Question two, which of these might you use to bind together moist or slippery ingredients? The answer is A, breadcrumbs. I thought it was.


Yeah, what's your argument?


Yeah. I wrote tomato purée. Now, if you're chefing it up like me, sometimes, I can't remember what's the French word for it? Four. Onions, garlic, celery, carrots. I don't want to embarrass myself. Is that mill poire? Is that what it is? I'm not too sure. Anyway, when you're doing a nice, a stock base, that bitch gets slippery. When you're sautéing that, John, you guys know.


Sauté is what I thought you were going to say.


No, when you're sautéing it, bitch gets slippery. You put If you put some tomato purée in there, it binds it. Then if you want to unbind it, chicken stuck, but that's for another day. That's why I wrote tomato purée.


Cool. Fair.


Where comes my second answer?


In a periodic table, What is a period? The answer is a horizontal row. Question number 4. Which expression means doesn't fit in? The answer was B, fish out of water. Last but not least. Yeah, let's hear this. Spell isosceles. I-s-o-s-c-e-l-e-s. So that's I-S-O-S-C-E-L-E-S.


I'm vex.


Yeah, no one's getting that though.


I wrote it three times and that was one of the ones I wrote. I swear. Oh, shit. How did I spell it, Eilish?


So you spelled it I-S-C-O-S-S-O-L-E-S-E.


Yeah, I was way off.


Wait, what? That was way off.


Don't worry, mine is fucking mine.


Don't worry. That sounds like Escalosis. Escalosis?


I don't know what you spelled. I knew one of them was going to be an SC. I knew one of them was going to be an S-C.




That's what it sounded like, bro.


Because you said SC, I was like, bro. You had... What did Ellis get? No, is that Ellis got rems?


Rem got one. Rem got one.


Ellis, how much did James get?


Two out of five.


And Rem, how much did Ellis get? Three.


Let's go, Ellis!


Let's fucking go. One was in the air. Well played. And then we got breadcrumbs in it. Wait, it's a waste, man.


Redcrumbs. Horizontal row. Fish out of water.


Okay. Let's go.


Well played. Well played, man. Good shit, man. Gg, man.


I saw your answer for the first math question, so I knew you were right. How did you do your calculation?For.


The first math question?So.


86% of 200.For 172? Yeah. What was your calculation? Or what was your method, rather?


I did 86%. I It worked out what 10% was times by eight. Worked out what 1% was times by 6, put them together.That's...


I did the same thing. I did the same thing. I worked out what 50% was, worked out what 20% was, worked out what 1% was, put that together. It was wrong.


You, man, did it a long way. How did you do it? Eighty-six % of 200 is double 86% of 100. And what 86% of 100 is 86. So 86 times 2 is 86.


Fair play.


So it's, Fuck me.


That's so much easier than what I did.


Yeah, fair play. Fair play. Fair play. Fair play. But that one, I think, that's the thing is what I struggle with, Mas, is I can do a method. So my method, the way I did it, would work for no matter what. Yeah, I know what you're saying. That method would only work for something I can work out that. 200 is a whole as a double of I would be able to use that method, but only that one time. My brain would never tell me to use that method, whereas the method I used, I could use it for whatever was. 86% of anything. Fair, fair, fair.


You got that one right? Yeah.


Fair. Scores are Ellis for back to school so far.


Cool. It's James 3, Rem 1, Ellis 1.Nice.Let's go.


Very nice. Let's go.


Let me know what you guys got in the comments below.


Guys, we're going to take a very, very, very quick break to talk about the long-standing relationship relationship we have with our friends, manscaped. Come on. Guys, roses are red. Violets are blue. Violets are blue. Come on, Doug. Tream your balls and your date will thank us too. Come on, guys. Say less. You already know what it is. These men love the bars. They have bars on bars on bars. Guys, Valentine's Day is knocking and manscaped is the remedy for the love doctor ordered. His prescription, the all new performance package, 5.0 Ultra. Crazy. Ultra because it's ultra-fresh, ultra-s smooth, ultra-clean. Design to elevate your grooming game and shine like the heartthrob you are. Crazy. Join the 10 million men worldwide who trust Manscaped with our exclusive offer. Listen closely. Go to manscaped. Com to snag 20% off and free shipping with the code SNG.


Sierra, November, golf.


Thank you for listening. Let's get back to the episode. Okay, Okay, gang. I have been watching something people have been telling me to watch. Okay. Which is the new season of the Love on the Spectrum US, bro.On.


Net, right?On Netflix.


Yeah. My God. When I said, so every time I've spoken about before, it's all about how these murk me off. Yeah. Right, so these two, David and Abby. David's a boyfriend.Yeah. So Abby loves animals, isn't it? Mm-hmm. They've been dating for a minute now. Mm-hmm. Abby loves animals, especially lions. Bro, her one dream is to go to Africa and see, like go on safari and see like going to a safari and see Lyance. Bro, Ski, man pulled up to a yard one time and her mom, Abby's mom was crying. She was like, David is just so good to her. When I said, David's He was autistic. David was autistic, bro. But still, he puts us all to shame. Pulled up, and I thought he was going to propose to her. She was like, I never thought. The mom was like, I never thought Abby was ever going to get this. I never thought he was going to get this in our life. I like, He was actually doing it for her. I'm so happy. I was like, damn, he's going to propose. This is crazy. Bro, he pulled up there, said, I'm taking you, your mom, and my sisters to Africa.


I don't know where he found the P. But yeah, he said, I'm taking all you, man, to Africa. We're going on a safari, we're going to see some lions. Then Abby, bless her, she was like, Oh, that's so cute. When we can afford it, we're going to go to Africa. That's such a nice gesture. The mom was like, We're going now, bro. She screamed, you, man. She couldn't believe it.


No, that's crazy.


She said, David, you're the best boyfriend ever. And they lipsed. Bars. Yeah, closed mouth, but they lipsed. You're such an asshole. You're such an asshole. Bro, it's good.


It's closed mouth, but they lipsed.


James, bro, he starts off this season. He struggled last season. He's way into medieval shit.


Is it the same cast from the- From last season?


Yeah. Why? A lot of it is there's new people, but a lot because they haven't found love.


Oh, so they just re-up.


They're running it back until they find it.


I I thought they just switched cars.


If you haven't found it, it's your business.


I don't watch the show, bro. I'm asking. I'm thinking, why is he still on season 2?


Bro, if you haven't found this, it's your business. It's your business.


Why are you reading it up? Why are you wasting some production money? Okay, I'm with you.


Bro, so James loves medieval shit.


Yeah, okay.


When I say this guy is honest through and through, bro, he fucking pulls up and was just like, This is what I want from my relationship.




He went on 30... This is the dread thing. He went on 30 speed dating sessions. And I don't mean 30 people. I mean 30 events. Not one match. That Yeah. That would shatter me. How he keeps his chin up, I do not know.


With a smile on his face in season 2.


With a smile on his face.


Fair fucking play, man.


How he does it, I do not know.


30 different events.


30 events of speed dating, not a single match.


I would look in the mirror differently.


Yeah, he can't find love. He linked one thing that he was down for. A couple of us, he said since the first season he came out, he's had Tings in his DM's. Okay. Yeah, his Tings has been up. Okay. So he went and linked one thing that he met and was like, Man, it's perfect. But he's adamant. He doesn't want kids. So she was like, I can't wait to settle down and have kids. He said, Charged. He said, I want this, but I have to I have to charge it. I have to charge it, bro.


It's a deal breaker, man. Kids don't know kids is a deal breaker.


It really is. And he stood on business and she was like, Thank you for being honest with me. And I was thinking, played. Fucking facts, bro. I know a couple of men that were played that out.


Yeah, bro. That emotional maturity is up in the show.


Yeah, they were able to play that out and then just lie to her face.


Facts, especially if the nut's good. I'm keeping it up.


Right. So who I've got here? Connor. Connor. Connor, yeah. He's 23, lives with his mom and dad still. No, he doesn't live with his mom and dad. And Pro, he went on a speed dating thing and was just like, Nope, but the dreading is he didn't realize, obviously, he's got a list of the names of the people you're going to meet, and then you tick if you want to link them and you cross if you don't want to link them. And if they tick you, then it's a match. If one of them crosses, you get it. I get the gist. So Donny didn't understand that you have to wait till they dip before you give them a cross. So he'll be like, called, I like to hike. Do you like to hike? She'll be like, No, I don't really like to hike. And then, Man, my mom across be like, Doesn't like to hike.


Oh my God.


And he was carrying on a conversation with the fat cross there. Oh my God.Fam?


That's him.


Another autistic thing was there that used to go to his work.Okay.So he was like, Yo, what are you doing here? What time is it? Yeah, she was like, I'm looking for love. What are you doing here? He was like, Oh, the same thing. They were chatting, chatting, chatting. Then he went to Ticket and he was like, I don't know. I don't want to ruin the friendship. I don't want to do. When I say he went off in a spiral, he said, You, man, I need a break. I need a break. Get me outside any fresh air. He said, Brov, brov, brov, brov, brov. He was like, Connor, he was shaking, family. He was like, It's not love, bro. It's just a crush.


Sorry to call you off. You're good. Do you know what that reminded me of when you said these fresh air? Do you remember that meme, that video that went around for time? Some white guy being held by police outside is like, I can't breathe.


I need The pedophile. Was it a pedo? Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was.


Yeah, I think so.


They caught him. They caught him. He said, I can't breathe. I need it. Sweet. Oh, God. And they told him in like, You're outside. Yeah, bro, relax.


You're outside.


But yeah, sorry. I'm so sorry. Yeah, get me outside. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And he was like, Connor, come on, compose yourself. It's not love. It's just a crush, bro. It's not love. Screaming out there. I forget, they're looking for love, not crush.


Yeah, they're not looking for a bang.


He said it's just a crush, bro. Chill. He had to bell his mom Mom, help. Help. I don't know what to do. She was like, Bro, chill. It's calm. You got this. So he was like, All right, cool, cool. Gave her a tick. The lady from the ting, belled him the next day, said, Homegirl, ticked you. It's a match. He fucking panicked. Haven't seen the whole thing. He panicked. He was like, No, I'm not on it. And the mom was like, You're on it? Calm down. Calm down. It was cold, bro. Next up. This is the last one I'm going to talk about this time. Maybe I'll come back next week and talk about the rest. Say it.




You knew I was going to say Tana in it. Tana.


Is that a male or female?


Male. Okay. If you ever have a daughter, you'd want her to marry Tana.


I swear.


Gentlemen. Swear. Bro. Tana. Bro, first scene, he pops in. Donny doesn't know what to do with his eyebrows. What? With his eyebrows. Bro, so say you're interviewing me. Yeah. He's like this. And they're like, Cool, so what do you like? What do you don't like? And he's like this. And he's like, Sorry, am I doing my eyebrows all right? And he's like, Yeah, they're calm. He's like, I just want to make sure my eyebrows are all right. He's like, This or this? Or like, How should I do my eyebrows? And he's like, Just do your eyebrows however you want to do your eyebrows. I just want to make sure my eyebrows all right. And then you're like, That's dread. And then they're asking him, Have you ever been in love? And he's like, No, sir. He always says, Sir or madam? Oh, it merks you.


Yes, ma'am.


Yes, ma'am.


American? Yeah, he's American.


The whole thing's American? The whole thing's American.


They'll be like, Oh, have you ever been-You said US, didn't it? You did say US. Yeah.


He was like, Have you ever been in a relationship? He's like, What's that? They're like, A relationship like you're with someone. What do you mean? I don't know what you mean. He's like, Oh, been in love with someone and together with them. He's like, No, sir. No, sir. Have you ever kissed anyone? No, sir. No, sir. Would you like to? He's like, Yes, sir. I'd love to. It's heart-wraking. Heart-breaking. Oh my God. Then they have to send over a coach to teach him how to date. He's like, If you took me to the zoo, how should we walk together? And he's like, Well, I'm the boyfriend, so I should walk in front of you and I should lead you. And then she's like, But that might not make me feel good because you're walking in front of me and I can't talk to you. I want to talk to you. And he's like, Yes, ma'am. I wouldn't want you to feel bad. I want you to feel good. Oh my God. Bro, like I said, I haven't seen the season. If he got a date with a Down syndrome thing, if she hurts him, if she fucking hurts him, Bro.


You said it was a production company. Bro. I can't handle it.


How many episodes in the season?


I'm not sure.


I want to say 8,9. Quick and easy.


It's quick.


It's not a lot.


But it has to be quick because it's so heavy. It's really hard. It's really hard. I don't know what's going to happen, but I really hope Tana finds Loveboy. Bro, he's so nice.




All of them are so nice, bro. I need Connor to hold down. I love James through and through, but the other one who I will talk about, I can't remember. Do you remember her name? Home God, does the animation? It might be Danny or something like that. It's Danny, yeah.


She was in season one.


She was in season one as well. She and James belong together because they're not willing to tolerate Riff-raff. When I ask her, What do you want? I love. She basically describes herself. She's like, I want him to have a successful animation business. That's what she has. I want him this. I want that. So She went on a date with a guy who was perfect for her. He loves to go to comic Con. He loves this, he loves that. She was like, gang, gang, gang. He's handsome, he's everything. Bang, bang, bang, perfect. But he works at... Where did he work? Can't remember. He worked somewhere. And she was like, How is that going to work with the animation business? This is the first date. He's like, Animation business? What are you talking about? She's like, Bro, if you're not on an animation thing, you're just blocking me and you're wasting my time. Yeah, so she's just not on it. Then she went, What do you want to say? She wants to fuck. She's not shy about saying it. She wants to get dick.


Is she a virgin?


I think. I'm not sure.




I'm not sure. She's mad pretty, so I wouldn't be surprised if she's not. But she wants dick. Yeah. Fair. Yeah. Fair. Fair. Something that happened with her auntie was like, Oh. Someone said, Oh, have you asked him this question? Or something like that. And she was like, what? Like the size of his banana?




Yeah, it was crazy. I was like, raw.


Yeah, she wants some.


Yeah, raw, raw, raw. She had a crush on one bruh or she's been boys with one guy who she really likes. In the last episode, of course, she bailed him up and said, let's go on a date. But yeah, they fall deep in love immediately. It's really hard to watch. They fall deep immediately every time. Fuck. There's no slow stages. There's either I'm not on it or this is the love of my life. They fall deep. Yes, it's tough, bro.


I wonder what legal processes the production company has to go through To be able to borderline exploit these people.


Yeah, do you see what I'm saying? I get you.


Because surely the amount of consent needed for this show is bonkers to me.






It is really mad. It's really interesting. But God, it's a good show. I really do struggle with it because they fuck my heart up, man. No one deserves them. They're so pure. No one deserves them.


Damn. That's heart-wrenching.


Yeah, it is a lot. Damn. It is really-I might give it a spin.


Yeah, it's-I might give it a spin. Fuck.


Say less. Cool. Right. Excuse me. I've got a dilemma. Okay. Right. Again, from the Ghostwriting crew, yeah? So this one again came from 6ixBronChicks. I've been binging their page recently. It's so juicy. This one is beyond hilarious. Okay. Cool. So I'm a grown man and I did the right thing. That's an opening statement. Okay. I'm a grown man and I did the right thing.


That sounds like a mistake already. Yeah. Sounds like a mistake already.


I thanked my wife for taking care of our kids and working multiple jobs to pay for my education. She invested in me and I landed a good job with a salary, and I soon fell in love at work. I texted my wife that I wanted a divorce.


Text texted.


I texted my wife that I wanted a divorce and the house that she can take the kids. I want the house as well. Yeah, I want a divorce. I want the house. Take the kids.


This is a good trade-off.


Yeah, permanently. That's what he said afterwards. She could take the kids. Full stop. Permanently. Full stop. I want a new life. I deserve a do-over I deserve a do-over with a woman who's on my level. My soon-to-be ex-wife launched a hate campaign against me at work. She emailed my boss about my affair. She posted a fake LinkedIn page that ruined my character. My work love has distanced herself because she's afraid she'll get fired or attacked. My boss mentioned, If your wife can't trust you, how can I? My career is pretty much over at this company. How do I earn my boss's trust and keep my work love? Advice. Ps, women say they want honesty, but when I give it to you, I'm the bad guy.


What was the title of this?


I'm a Grown Man and I did the right thing.


The right thing. That's the start of some trouble.


Wow. A man said, Yes, you invested in me. You looked after our children. You worked two jobs, and you invested all that so I could get a good job.


I've got a salary now.Now.


But I'm up now. I'm going to need you to leave. You're just not on my level now.


You're not on my level. I need you to live. Take the kids. Take all kids permanently.


I deserve a do-over.


With my work wife. A man said, I want a divorce over text. Yeah. Take the kids permanently.


I don't want to see you anymore.


Do you know how rattled we would be if we received that text whilst we're in our own yards from the love of our life?


That's like me sending... It's literally like me sending my love to Dr. To Miami and she says, Babe, my confidence is low. I'm just going to have to go out there. I'm confidence is low. I want new lips, new teeth, new nose, pits. Yeah, I want the tummy. Yeah, Yeah, I don't want to be a BL.


Yeah, I want to fattie.


Yeah, I want all of this. I know you can't afford it right now, but if you just pick up an extra job, I think you can afford it. I'm like, You know what, babe? For you? I got it. For us? Yeah.


I got it.


I grind and grind and grind and grind and grind. She comes back from Dr. Miami, cheeked up.


Looks nasty.


And looks...


Yeah, step over.


Yeah, I can't wait. And she rocks up to my with Dwyane Wade and just says, I deserve this. I deserve this. Keep the kids. Yeah, keep the kids and get out. You're not on my level anymore. I'm sorry. You're just not on my level. You can see you're not on my level. I deserve a do-over. I've suffered long enough. Thank you for investing in me, but let me prosper, please.Hell fire.Yeah.


Of course.Hell.


Fire, bro.I'll take the silicone out on my bare hands.


Bro, I'm saying things are getting popped. Things are getting popped. The lips, hips, and the dips getting popped.Facts.What.


The fuck?Yeah, nah.


That's crazy, man. Man said, I'm an honest man, and I did the right thing. I did the right thing. You're a delusional man, my bro.Facts.You.


Did a terrible thing. The worst thing. Jesus, that's hilarious. Trash news, Ram?


Rent a center is now renting out Jordan shoes for $19.99 a week with a A $525 option to buy.Pardon?Family. You can rent Jordans from the store. These Air Jordan 5 Racer Blues sell for about $300 on the secondary sneaker sites. The offer is $375 to buy after passing $375 in rental. There's an offer to then buy the shoes for $525. If you rent them for a year, you get to keep them, but you would have paid $1,050. What? I've never heard anything like this before in my entire life.


What if someone rents and runs away? Will there be any prosecution?I'll ask for a friend.F asking for a friend.


Obviously, it's going to be a direct debiting, but It just doesn't make sense.


It doesn't make sense.


It really doesn't make any sense. It doesn't make sense, bro. The only thing I can fathom is I have an event or a date, and I need her to see me in these off-white Js. I need to exude money and wealth. They're going to cost me too much, but I can wear them today and have it the whole week for 20 quid. Other than that, it doesn't make any fucking sense.


Someone said, Imagine you're at the mall and they come repo your shit straight off your feet.


That's disgusting, bro.


Who's doing this? Yeah, the business model is questionable.


It It doesn't make sense.


It doesn't make sense.


I think they thought they found a gold mine.


With renting Jordans.


Yeah, and it's just clear it's a stupid idea.


Bro, my son said, dudes are going to be leaving their dates when the clock strikes twelve. Facts. Wow.


Like they're Cinderella or something.


Wow. That's fact. Ain't that on God? Oh, wow.


But people rent clothing, though. People rent suits.Suits.




I would say. Yeah, suits, I think it's very different.


I guess in no contact with the floor.


It's for actual events, bro. Some things you don't need to own a tuxedo. You just rent a tuxedo.


Some people only ever wear a tuxedo once in their lives. It just doesn't make sense to buy it.


To buy five bills on a tux. You can rent it for a bill.


Yeah, but kicks, that's tough.


It doesn't make sense.


That's tough.Wow.Interesting, though.


The game is the game. They found a gap in the market. Clearly, someone's buying it for it to become used.


I reckon they're doing all right.


Probably. They are, bro. The man that are having to do this are down bad. Oh, yeah.


Their market is down horrifically.


Do you know how many Jordans I just don't wear?


Yeah. I'm intrigued to know what their weekly stock count looks like because I'm sure they're losing money.


And what are we doing about the creases? Who's thinking about the creases? I didn't even think about that.


I thought about that. The first thing I thought about was how much the trainers are degrading each time they get worn by whoever.


How do we even know the person before me wore socks all week?


They don't know nothing, bro.


It's like a bowling shoe situation.


They just spray it and put it back on the shelf.


The restoration technique that they're using has to be absolutely flawless because the pair that you rent obviously needs to look fire.Fresh.




I don't know how they're doing this, but...That's tough, man.They're.


Doing it. What is... I'm trying to think of something that I would consider renting.


That's the way to do it. It's whatever if it works for you in your life.


Because I was thinking, if there was a system, I wouldn't do it, but I can imagine a time in my life where there's things that I perceive as... For example, if there's an option to rent a Rolex, that's something I would consider or rent an AP or something crazy like that, and I had an event. That makes sense. I hear you. I'll be thinking, No, that's not a bad shout. That's not a bad shout. Jay's is crazy.


To me. Yeah, to you because you both have numerous pairs that you don't wear.




It's not even the fact. I think it's the fact that it's a crep.


It could be any crep.


It doesn't matter. It could be Adidas, it could be Nike, it could be whatever. Renting creps just doesn't make sense to me.


It's very true. I would never rent because there's kicks that I want that I'm never going to buy. There's the LV Air Force.Yeah.


I was thinking about the Air Force.The All Whites.


They go... Resell for now is about 30K. Bags, bro. I'm never going to own that shoe, and it is a delicious shoe. I It is a delicious shoot. But yeah, I'm not renting it. I'm not renting it. It's just something that sounds wrong. It doesn't. You had a question for the team.


The question for the team was, or is rather, obviously, a few weeks ago, I asked you guys what you think your New Year's resolutions will be or is going to be. My question is, have you been following up with said New Year's resolutions from a few weeks ago and beginning of January? I want to re-up.


That's not fair, is it?




What was mine again? Therapy.


It was yours. You said therapy, you said continuation on your fitness because of the-The weeb stuff, yeah. That's all I can remember. Yours was confidence, Yours was continuing to play bass, stream. Content creation. Content creation, stuff like that. I remember bits and bobs.


Okay. I can say for myself, one million %. Okay. Yeah. My training at the minute is more like in the last... This month, I promise you, man, this might sound crazy. I've done more cardio this month than I've done probably in the last two years combined, which is saying something. In the last two years combined, bro. So really happy with my training. Obviously, therapy, I've been going. Yeah, I'm doing what I said I was going to do. Good.


Ellis, confidence? Yeah, man.


I had content creation in there as well. Already on that. You can start on a pod next week.Let's go.Look forward to it.Let's go.


It's going to be good. I look forward to it. So I'm already on that. I want to start filming stuff on my own channel as well in the next couple of weeks. I got some ideas, so I'm going to chuck some videos together. Confidence, that's just going to be a long journey, bro. It ain't going to be something I'm going to fix in two weeks. You know what I mean? Yeah, getting there. I've been reading, confidence. A few people sent me some books and stuff. I've been reading a couple of them, trying a few different stuff. I've tried this spray. It's called rescue remedy.


It's like an anti-anxiety?


Yeah, it's okay. Okay.


I've got it here. I'm intrigued.


It's just like a little spray.


How do you do it? Is it oral?


This is just like an oral spray.


Can I try?


If you want. I'm not going to lie, it's a shit ton of alcohol in it.


It's just a lot of alcohol.


No, it's not It's actually alcohol, but I don't know how to describe it.


Anti-anxiety, swear.


It's got a lot of grape. Is it grape alcohol? Something like that? It tastes very alcohol-y when you have it. Okay.


Grape alcohol, 27%. Yeah, it's quite high. Also, you just want to get you drunk.


Yeah, I lie. You just took a shot.


It's not the same thing.


Comfort and reassure. I have heard this before. Do you mind if I try? Yeah.


I think it's pretty much a a placebo, but I guess it works.


I'll cover my mouth because you have to go in. Daddy. It's alcohol-y.


It doesn't taste the best.


It tastes like hand sanitizer.


No, it tastes like fucking tequila. That's what I said.


They're just trying to lower your...


Just see you shot a tequila instead.


It literally tastes like tequila.


Like I said, I think it's pretty sure it's a placebo, but I've used it in a couple of times. If If I'm out and about and stuff, I'll use it. It seems to be doing all right.


Let's not play down the power of placebos, though.


Placebos are important, man. People look at placebo as a failure, but placebo, realistically, is the best case scenario. Yeah, I'm fat.


The best case scenario.


Yeah, she fucking is. But yeah, I used to do CPD and stuff.Okay.So I might start doing that again. Okay. So CPD oil. Apparently, that's got a lot of benefits and stuff. So I might try doing stuff like that. But yeah, like I said, it's just going to take a while.


Cool, man.


It's good, man. It's good, man. Let's make a progress.


Cool. Remsku?


Yeah, all good for me. Content Creation has been up. Streaming every Sunday, every Wednesday. Been on that, consistent, doing really well. Following is going up, sub is going up. It is, man.


Just gas, man. Yeah, you're killing it, man. Obviously, I said on the Reacts the other day about how well you've been doing. Let's put Rem's Twitch on the screen. Everyone go, follow Rem on Twitch. Yeah, man, you've been fucking killing it, bro. As I said, I'll say it again. Never been prouder, never been happier. So impressive. Fucking killing it. I am so overwhelmed with emotion about this subject. I really, really am because Yeah, I'm actually going to get my show. I feel at the minute that... I feel at the minute it's always been a case of, since me and Phil had started this thing, there's always going to be like, once you get a few years, because when you start something, no one really cares. They're happy you're doing it, it doesn't really mean anything. Then once you gain traction from it and gain success from it, you're already too many years ahead of anyone who's now been inspired. Anyone in your circle anyway, if anyone you actually speak to and they're like, Oh, man, I'd love to do something like that, you're already three years ahead of them. So they're going to already disassociate themselves and be like, Oh, I always wanted to do that, but it's too late now.


Not that Rem's ever done that. I'm just saying in general, that's usually the thing. To actually watch one of my closest friends, wake up and just be like, This year, I'm actually going to take it seriously. And in the space of four weeks, 10X to his sub count and has remained consistent. Obviously, we got that special shoot tomorrow. I heard Alice ask him earlier, Is that mean you can't stream? I said, I'll just do it later. He's working, bro, and he's paying insane dividends. It's just like, fuck. Like, absolute fuck. My boy's actually doing it. My boy's making pee online. That's what means you're a professional. When we got our first Patreon, I messaged him. I was like, It turns out we're professionals now. We're professionals now. We get paid to do what we love. I remember it was a professional streamer, bro. That's fucking insane. That's so fucking cool. Let's go.


You've been consistent.


Let's go.


You've been fucking sick.Gg.Thank you.


Fucking sick, man.Thank.


You so much.Youself?Myself. So mine was... What was mine?


A lot of...


Less gluttony, which I've done.Wow.Yeah. Less procrastination, you said. Less procrastination, which I have been doing, bar probably one or two things. Things I do forget or don't have time to do at the time. I have been writing down and getting to them later. I am finding myself more prepared, especially for work days, especially Tuesdays, more than Mondays, because I don't have to use my brain as much on a Monday. More so for Tuesdays, I'm more prepared. I am still continuing therapy. I've also, obviously, you've had no dived into the ADHD world and tried to figure that stuff out as well. I feel like my self-care has been up this past few weeks. Last week, training has been good. Continuously going on with the Whoop challenge as well. I feel like this past month or this January has been a very good January for my resolution, mom. I'm going to keep up for February as well and see what I've got. I'm going to be asking every month to see and make sure everyone's on it.I'm.


Down for that.I'm down for that. Cool. Sick. Right. I've got Who am I? Okay. Yes.


I get excited when I get to play.


Pause, bro.


If I can recall correctly, last week you said this week's one isn't going to be from a film or TV.


Okay, cool. I shouldn't have said that.


That's not what I thought you were going to say.


What did you think? You thought you were going to say the scores? Yes, I did think he was going to say that. Apparently- That's not apparently. Allegedly-oh, I fucked the scores up then.


I did. I fucking realized last night, I rewatched the episode. I was like, for fuck's sake, and I knew the comments were going to go nuts as well. I fucked it up, so I think it's two-two. I'm pretty sure it's 2-2. I need to recalculate. I gave you a point rather than... For the Hercules, I gave you a point.


Oh, yeah, he did say Hercules. Yeah, I fucked it up. So what is the actual score? What are the scores?


I'm pretty sure it's 2-2.




Because you got Hercules, and did you get Harry Potter?


I got Harry Potter first ever game.


I got Neo and... You got Neo and...Goku.Goku..


Yeah, it's T2. It's 2-2. It's 2-2. Right, so this one's a little bit different. I am going to have The end of this because you know how I use you chapters? Chapters, yeah. Give you an opportunity. The end of this, I'm just going to go. This one is a little bit different. I'm just going to go throughout the whole thing. Okay. At the end, you will know I'm done when I say, who am I? Okay. That is your guy's opportunity to say. Okay. I'm going to give you one shot. Otherwise, it's just, if everyone has a chance and obviously doesn't get it, then we can go again. If you feel like you know. Does that make sense?


Okay. You don't have a chapter. You have one paragraph.


I've got one thing.


Then you go one, one, one, whatever order. If The whole circle doesn't get, we go again, one, one, one.


No, we're not doing one, one, one. As soon as I say, Who am I, if you know and you know, first one to say it gets it. But if you, man, have both spoken and has hasn't said anything, once you, man, have done that, I will wait for Ellis If he wants to say something. I see.


Can I interject whilst you're saying the paragraph? No.


So that's when you listen to that who am I? But just remember, once you've burned it, so if you don't know, be careful because if you're just going to say it for the sake of saying it, you fucked it for yourself in case it lands. Who am I? I'm him. I want to be him because I'm him. I need to be him because I promise you I am him. I have friends who love me, but I don't think they know that I'm him. My mom truly loves me. She's helped me realize that I'm him. I know where I need to go, and I know what I need to do. I had mentors around me. They helped me train to be him. I took the the lessons I needed and continued my path to be him. I used what they taught me to outgrow them, and they hated me for it. They hate me because I'm him. After years In my hard work and using my gifts, my peers are finally starting to see. I impress them, I fascinate them, I shock and surprise them, but they won't let me become him. It's time for me to stop waiting and take action into my own hands.


If they won't give me the title, I'll take it for myself. Today, I heard someone refer to me as him. The day has arrived. I'm him. I heard it again. I'm him. They know who I am. I'm him. They see who I am. And in case they just missed it, I'll remind them again. I'm him. I told them again. I'm him. I showed them again, I'm him. The more I remind them I'm him, the quicker they forget that I'm him. They say if I was who I think I am, I wouldn't be screaming, I'm him. They push me away now, but I'm him. They say I'm insane now, but I'm him. I did all that because I'm him. Why can't they remember I'm him? Who am I? That's a tough one.


It is very different.


Very well written, by the way.


Very well written.


Very fucking well written. Very well written.


Thank you.


It's fucking awesome.


I don't want to be the first one to guess, and that's my chance first.


I just don't know my fucking idea.


Is it me?


Is it you?


Not me. I was wondering if it's a trick one where it's-Oh, oh, oh.


It's like, what?


Not me personally.


I was thinking we're live. I was thinking we're live and you're asking if him is you. Sorry. Full disclosure, it's not a trick.


Okay, okay, cool.


And take Ellis's Clue from earlier. It's not a fictional character.


Okay, cool.


Can you repeat the thingy?


You want me to go through it again?


I feel like I have a clue who it is, but that's my ting bird if I say it.


What I can do is if you want to answer, and then I can ask these men right now before I go through it again, if they don't have something for me because we're not going to be here all day. What was your guess?


You had a guess?


My guess was based on a trick question. It was a trick one where it's actually each an individual, one of us, so the story is you, you're him, and this is him.


No, it's not a trick. It's an actual person. Okay.


Is it Jesus Christ?


No, it's not.




No, it's not. Good guess. But keep that mentality. Okay. It's so funny that you said that. It's actually fucking funny that you said that. Any more guesses? No. No? All right. I'm going to go through it one more time, and I'll try and slightly emphasize the bits that will potentially help. I'm him. I want to be him because I'm him. I need to be him because I promise you I am him. I have friends who love me, but I don't think that they I don't think they know that I'm him. My mom truly loves me. She's helped me realize I'm him. I know where I need to go and I know what I need to do. I had mentors around me. They helped me train to be him. I took the lessons I needed and continued my path to be him. I used what they taught me to outgrow them, and they hated me for it. They hate me because I'm him. After years of hard work and using my gifts, my peers are finally starting to see. I impress them. I fascinate them, I shock and surprise them. But they won't let me become him.


It's time for me to stop waiting and take action into my own hands. If they won't give me the title, I take it for myself. Today, I heard someone refer to me as him. The day has arrived. I am him. I heard it again. I'm him. They know who I am. I'm him. They see who I am. And in case they've just missed it, I'll remind them again that I'm him. I told them again, I'm him. I showed them again, I'm him. The more I remind them I'm him, the quicker they forget that I'm him. They say, If I was who I think I am, I wouldn't be screaming that I'm him. They push me away now, but I'm him. They say, I'm insane now, but I'm him. I did all that because I'm him. Why can't they remember I'm him? Who am I?


Kanye West. Yes, it's Kanye West. Well, done, Fuhad. Well done.


Well done.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


That's Gasmin. That's Gasmin. Well done, bro. Well done. Yes.


What got you there? I think the last few bars. After the last few bars, and then it reminded me of saying, I'm insane right now, but I'm him. My mother's something, something, I'm him. Then I started to think, Oh, my gifts, this, that. He's the only person on this planet that has that mentality. Yeah, literally. That we know of in that way. I was like, When you said keep that mentality, Jesus, Jesus.


Bro, when you said Jesus, and I was like, You actually It's scary how close you are. You are, but you're not. You're far off. But as far as if I'm embodying him, Jesus is the right answer. Jesus will be the only one I'll be willing to accept.


Because I'm thinking it has to be Jesus. But yeah, Kanye West.


Gang, you actually got it. That's fucking cool, man. That was very well written.Thank you, bro.Did you write that? Of course, I wrote it.


Did you actually write it?


Who the fuck else is going to write that?


I don't know, bro. I'm just asking.


I was here writing it.


I'm just asking, bro. Very well written. Very well written.Thank.


You.yeah, man. All right, gang. Right, guys, let us know if you got Kanye West.Yeah. Again, as always, this has been a really good episode.It has been a really good episode.I've really enjoyed this one. Yeah, man. Thank you, guys. And yeah, head on over to Patreon. Join us on The Whoop, guy. And yeah, love of love.