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Yeah, just... You know what I'm trying to do tomorrow? What are you doing? Why are you silly? Come back. Guys. Girls.


This is it. This is the announcement you've been waiting for. Let's go.


Come on. Let's go. Let's go.


It's happening. It actually finally is happening, guys. Drum roll, please.


Your daddies are going to America. We're coming to America, guys.North America.Yeah, North America. Yeah, North America. Let's clarify, North America. Brazilians, chill. Brazil?


Not yet.


Guys, we are coming to the US of a... We finally... Finally, your questions have been answered, your prayers have been answered. Yes, sir.Daddies are coming home. Yes, sir.Okay, so listen close.Listen well. The Daddy's Home Tour God, the Daddy's Home Tour is coming to North America.


We've got 15 dates for you, man.15.


Dates this summer.One five. Starting off in Dallas, Texas, on the 11th of July. That's where we're cooking.


Then we head over to Houston.


Then Charlotte. Then Phoenix. Then LA. Then Seattle. Then Orlando. Then Fort Lauderdale. Then Atlanta. Then Chicago. Then Toronto. Detroit. Washington.




Then we're going to finish off August 10th in New York. New York City, baby.


So tickets go on sell this Friday, guys. This Friday, the 26th of April, 10 AM, local times.


But of course, Patreon. You already know you're going to get it early. Come on. You guys are going to get it on Wednesday, the 24th.


Yes, sir. If you guys subscribe to the SMG mainlist at shitsandgigs. Co. Uk, you can get access on Thursday.


Right, guys. I know it's a lot to digest. It's a lot to process. What you need to do is go to shitsandgigs. Co. Uk/live. All the information is on there. All the dates are on there. We'll leave a link in the description. The poster is on the screen, as you can see. We're insanely excited. So make sure, just do us one fucking favor, if you can. Just buy the tickets. Just buy the tickets. You guys have been asking us for multiple years to come.Come to America, come to America.Come to America, come to America. Do a show in America, do a show. We're doing 15 shows in America. So for the love of God, show up.Buy.


The tickets.Buy.


The tickets, guys.


Because your daddies are coming home.




Right, guys, you already know what time it is. You go straight to it. Question of the week, best part of your day. And the question of the week this week is, what isn't a body, but is a body?


Let's clarify because You already know. You already know what I'm going to say, don't it? Yeah, I know what you're going to say. I know what you're going to say. I'm angry at you. Why? Who came up with the question?


Jacob actually came up with your question. Really?


I'm angry at Jacob then.


It's not a riddle Guys, it wasn't a riddle. Bag of Man was writing Water.


Water was the number one response.


It wasn't a riddle. It was a genuine question, What is a Body, but Isn't a Body? When have I ever written a riddle in the dance? Focus, guys.


Bro, so what-Focus. What that means when we ask what's a body, but not a body? If you're about it, you'll know we're talking cheeks. We're talking pipe. What's a body? If we're talking body count, people might say, What's your body count? How many people have you clapped? How many people have you klapped? How many people have you finessed? That's a body. So what things are out there that don't technically count as a body, but they're a body. Cool. You want to go?


You can go.


Knowing their fast food order by heart. Fast food order? Yeah, it's love. When I know to tick no cheese, I'm livid because you're my girlfriend. Because you know her. Yeah, I know her. I know her. I wouldn't dare test that temper. Even if I want to be nonchalant and tell her, How am I supposed to know you're not like, jeez? That temper. I don't want to test that temper. That was jokes.


All right. What isn't a body, but is a body. Giggling at another woman's joke.


Yeah. Okay. Right. What's a body but isn't a body? I haven't heard this word since they released it. Using the MeMoji to send voice notes like the skank I I am. Skank. Skank is insane.


You say that all again.


Using the MeMoji to send voice notes. Do you know what the Memoji is? When they got the unicorn, they go,. Like the Skank I am. No one's ever... I think my dad sent me that the day after they dropped the feature.


I've never received or sent that.


That's the first and last time I received it. That little monkey thing on there? Yeah. Pathetic.


Eye contact last in over four seconds. Yeah,what's a body?


That's a body. That's a body. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What's a body but isn't a body? I promise you I didn't write this. When you look at Fuhad and bite your lip, say less. You took that in your stride. I like that. Yeah, that didn't stifle you at all.


Cool calm and collect it. What is a body but isn't a body? Whispering in the air in public.


That's crazy. That's crazy, crazy. Yeah, just... What's Come on. You know what the tights do tomorrow? What are you doing? Why are you silly? Come back. Come back. That doesn't make sense. Come back. Making eye contact with a guy as you walk past him and then you both simultaneously look back. There isn't a greater feat. There isn't a greater feat than eye contact on the street and then you both look back.


That happened to me once, and that was the day I moved to I remember I said it on this pod, I never moved to Girls. I was walking past. I saw the back from the front. When we crossed paths, I had to look back. She happened to look back at the same time.


And then you bopped over.


I bopped over. I didn't even know what I was going to say.


I would have been too scared.


I didn't even know what I was going to say. I was like, I have to.I.


Would have been too scared.I have to.I would have been too scared.Yeah..


It worked. It worked. What is a body, but isn't a body, when she gets lifted up by her male friend when they're saying hello.


It's the most disrespectful thing.


That's a body, bro.


Yeah, of course it's a body. It's a body. He's had that body.


He's held that body.


He's held that body, giving it back and then taking it again. Yeah, yeah. Piece of shit, man. Oh, God. Taking her to meet your friend at his house and her WiFi automatically connects.


There's explanations. There needs to be explanations.


That's impossible. Do you know what would be even worse? What? If as opposed to Ormatically Connect. Ormatically connects is a fucking piss-sake, but it would send... My stress levels would go excelsior. I wouldn't be able to comprend how bad that is. So I'll probably stay quite tepid. I'll be lukewarm because I can't even think about-You don't want to deal with that. Yeah, what that means, because you didn't just come in to fuck. Excelsior, yeah. You They're hanging around.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


What I wouldn't be able to tackle is if she asked for the WiFi and then his name popped up as such and such is sharing the WiFi with you. Because his name is in your contact.




That auto send password thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That would... My strain would hit 20. Yeah, 50.


It will break it. Wow. It will break the whole thing. It will pop off your wrist.


My wrist would fizzle.


All right, what is a body but isn't a body? I once saw a man lean forward to sniff a girl's hair, so you tell me. So you tell me.


Wow. I don't want to sound like a creep. I used to have a thing with nice smelling hair.


Yeah, I don't think there's a guy that doesn't.


Yeah, I know. But it would be like, it got to a point where it was the first thing I was noticing. I'm not even talking about like, hug, oh, why your hair I would see a ting that I found attractive and think, God, your hair looks like it smells nice.


I know what you mean. That fresh curly jaw.


The curves? The wet look curves? I know that bitch smells insect.


Yeah, it does. It does. Oh, God.


Yeah. Sickness and health. I'm saying stuff today that doesn't even make sense. All right, next one. What's a body... What's a body What's her body, but isn't her body? Having a shared Netflix account. Okay. If you've got my password as a body, I don't care.


I mean, does she have the password or do you just put the password in so she can watch it? It doesn't sound the same, but it doesn't sound different, but it's different.


Putting the password in on her thing so she could watch it, and I leave and don't log out. Then next time I go on my Netflix, it says, Continue watching, and it's selling sunsets or something. Body. If you continued the next day on my account and didn't log yourself out, Body, you're my girlfriend.


All right, say less.


Say less. You're not watching shit on my shit. Yeah, fair. All right, say less.


All right, what is a body, but isn't a body? If she asked him, what color should she do her nails? That's my favorite question. That's my favorite question. Because I'll sit there and we'll deliberate.Send.


Me pics.Send me tones.Facts.Send me the tones.Send me The tones.


Send me tones so I know what's right for you. Yeah. I'm all about them things. That's me.


That's my favorite thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's my favorite thing. When she said, You got boyfriend? You tell her yes.


Yeah, he chose the color.


Yeah, he chose the color. Okay, cool. Last one. What's a body but isn't her body, messaging him after his team loses?


Follow-up. What is her body, but isn't her body, educating a woman about your football team?


Yeah, you're taking time. I'm investing time in you.


Yeah, and she's learning stuff.


She's learning stuff. You're beating back what I've said. And you're asking inquisitive questions. You're not asking boring questions. You're taking what I said, you're learning, and you say, But does that mean offside is this? Come Come here. You're talking. Stop talking, stop kissing.


You want some. Yeah, I got it. That's me. I got a couple more. What is a body but isn't a body? Eaten off another man's plate. Licking your lips whilst talking to another woman.


Oh, dear.


Swaying from side to side when you hug.


Yeah. Side to side is... That's joy. Yeah, it's joy.


That's when you... Yeah, there's no other word.


I've missed you more than words can describe.Facts.Yeah..


And that's what that means. Just... Yeah.


Yeah, man.Wow, that was wholesome.That was wholesome. I thought it was just going to be skanky, but it was actually really wholesome. That was a good thread. It was nice. It was good thread. I like that one. Right, guys. Welcome back. Welcome back, indeed. It is another joyous Monday. Fun day. You are here with in the studio, and it's great.


It is. Can't complain. Can't complain.


I can't complain either. Guys, if you enjoy the show, even a little bit, and you think it's actually... If we're doing up house Lots of dragon-style stuff. If we're doing up Shogun, God, Shogun, way weak for that is ridiculous. If we're doing up, flipping, solo, leveling week on week, and you think, What I would give and what I would pay to get these man to drop another episode a week so I don't have to wait all week, it's sorted. It is. We're 10 steps ahead of you. We are. All you need to do is go to patreon. Com/schitzandgigs and please donate humbly. £3 a month. £10 a day. Run the P. S and G. You'll have four years of episodes to binge on there and an extra episode every Thursday. Even if at that point, you were like, Damn, this is good.


It's not enough.


But I wonder what feel it looks like standing up. I wonder what feel it looks like doing cart wheels and stuff. I wonder what it looks like really getting down to the nitty-gritty. The nitty-gritty. Yeah. Again, we've got you patented. We have. Patreon. Com/schitsandgeeks. And that is tier 2. And that gives you access to the most successful subscription-only show I'm pretty sure on the planet.


This was It's what the survey says.


Yeah, we got the numbers back from the Pentagon on Wednesday, and they said, Oh, yeah, as far as paywall subscription services go, there hasn't been a more successful show than the lot.


You might have gone clear, and it's scary.


Yeah, scary. They said, Do you guys have any intention on toppling governments? Because you've got the audience.


You've got the audience, you've got the power.


Yeah, you got the influence. So we just want to make sure you don't want to topple governments. And we were like, It's not immediately on our list. And they were like, We'll take it. Love the show, guys. We'll take it. Love the show, guys. Guys, get involved with the Log Cabin. If you want to see us jump out of airplanes, on the Log Cabin. If you want to see us do sensual pieces of artwork, on the Log Cabin. If you want to see us do hyper competitive games, it's on the Log Cabin. If you want to feel like more of the community and meet other people in your community and have us meet you, Log Cabin. So head on over there, get involved today. Without any further ado, I am getting nervous even thinking about it.


We're smiling, but you will figure out why.


Yeah, so it is that time. It's time for back to school.


With a twist.


With a simple twist. Now, if you follow this show, you will know that typically the format goes as, Fouhad is the quiz master. He takes us through back to school, which is questions that are aimed between the age group of 11 and 14. It is up to us to see who listened in school and retained said information. Typically, it's yours truly. Sometimes, Fouhad gets big for his boots and says, It's actually fucking easy. I actually knew the answer to that. Come on, guys, how could you not get that? Sometimes, he can be actually a little bit rude and demeaning and degrading and patronizing in the way that he explains why we got things wrong and how we got things wrong. So we all decided, Oh, maybe Fouh should have a go. Fuyard did have a go. And frustratingly enough, he won as well. So now your two Titans of industry are going head to head. Today, we will find out who's the smartest in the room. We will. Fouh or I. Now, we have to make agreements about slanderous, grotesque, gloating. I don't want any part of it.


I know you post results. Post results. I never gloat.


But that's a form of your gloating, though. That's the team. Your silence is a form of your gloating.


I don't know what you want from me.


I don't know. I'm just delaying. Delay the inevitable. I don't like when you just go like... And then you're just like, Bro, next thing, next segment. And then you'll tell me to introduce the next segment, and I'll be angry again.


Let's just see what happens. Let's just see what happens. So Rem is going to give us the questions, and we're going to go 10 questions. Is that correct? Key Stage 3, and we're going to see who the head honcho is in the S&G classroom. Yeah. Let's do this.


Back to school. Question one.


Oh, shit.


It's right in, isn't it? Yeah. Fuck. Yeah, go on.


What is a synonym of the word frugal?


Long.multiple choice.Yeah. There's no other choice.


I was going to say.


Ridiculous. B. Economical. C. Enthusiastic. D. Routine. Okay.


Repeat the question, please.


What is a synonym of the word frugal? A, ridiculous. B, economical. C, enthusiastic. D, routine. Cool.




Locked. Locked?




Question two. What color are the benches in the House of Commons?


No, multi.


No, multi.


I've got two colors in my head.


I've got two colors in my head.


What colors have you got? Shut up. Don't fall for that. What color are the benches in the House of Commons?


They're not asking these. Yeah, they're not asking children that. Don't ask. I'm notHow many do you mean?


No one else to talk to.


Yeah, back.


Talk to each other in it because...


All right, I've written something. It's what it is, isn't it? It should be a question that everyone knows. Especially if you pay tax in this country, you should know what's going on in that room.


All right, next.Locked?Yeah. Sorry.


Question three. A bat and a ball cost £1.10. The The bat costs £1 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost? Locked.


Say the question again.


A bat and a ball cost £1.10. The bat costs £1 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?


I'm overthinking it, guys. I'm stressing out. Hang on. I'm overthinking it.


You are. You really are.


How many boroughs are there Is it A, 32, B, 49, C, 50?


I was thinking seven.


I was thinking eight. I'm not going to lie, bro.


One more time for me? How many boroughs are there in London? Is it A, 32? B, 49? C, 50? Locked.


Locked. Cool.


Dimonds are made from which element? Silicon, carbon, or hydrogen? Cool. Locked.


Oh, sorry. Locked.


Cool. Question six. How many vowels in the word mischivas?


I don't think I've got that one right. Okay.


You're locked?




Okay. Question seven. Which was built first? The Empire State Building or the Eiffel Tower.




Locked. Cool.


Question number 8. In a lake, There's a patch of lilypads. Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to cover half of the lake?Read.


That holding again twice.


Yeah, and slow the fuck down.


Yeah. Okay, yeah.


In a lake, there's a patch of lilypads. Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to cover half of the lake? This This is not Key Stage 3.


No, I promise you, that's not. I'm sure we've all-That's A-level maths. That's what they call it further maths. That's that thing.


Yeah, advanced, Tink. Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait.


I think I know what's happening for his friend.


I feel like I know what's happening.


He wrote 24, and then just realized this is...Wrong.Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a whole different ball game. Yeah, different thing.


Okay, I've got it.


All right, I think I've got it. Cool.


Got it. Locked.




Question nine. Which river flows through the Brazilian rainforest?


Oh, my God. Wait. What's the river called? That's the question. I know.Locked?Yeah. Cool.


Final question. What tree do acorns come from?


This is the hardest 10 questions I've ever heard.What tree?


What tree do acorns come from? Locked.


What a vile 10 questions they were. Yeah.


God forgive me for the answer for number 10.


God forgive me. All right.


Ready? Are we swapping?


Yeah, man. Swap boards, as we always do. You know how we do.


I'm too embarrassed. I'm too embarrassed.Swap. I'm shy.Swap..


You're going to see some of my eyes as a glass.


Yeah. Right.


Let's do this.


The thing is on Vex, I think that last one might even be right. I'm going to be leaving it if it's right. I'm thinking it, sir. Yeah, we got a lot of similar answers. We do. Fair?




Like I said before, I read through the questions and I think... I said before I would have got about four. Now I'm going back, I think I dropped that down to about three. Really? For me personally. Okay. I would have got about three in this.


All right. Okay. We have got a lot of similar answers.


We have a lot of similar answers. Cool.


All right.


Question one. What is a synonym of the word frugal? You had either ridiculous, economical, enthusiastic, or routine? The answer is economical.


Which is the second one?


A, B, C, or D? Sorry.


B. Economical. Question two. What color are the benches in the House of Commons? The answer is green. Well played. Question three. A bat and a ball cost £1.10. The bat costs £1 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost? What did you write for that?Tempi.Tempi.It's notIncorrect.




If it's tempi, then the total amount would be £1.20. The total amount of both of them is £1.10..


Yeah, and you said the bat is £1 more.


£1 more.




If you're thinking of it being exactly £1 more, then you're going to write £10. Yeah. But mathematically, it can't be that, can it?


Fair play.


It can't be 10 pence, mathematically, because if it is 10p and the total cost-I knew you wrote it down too quick.


I knew I was stressed for a reason, and that's why I got it wrong.


The total cost can't be £1.10 if you're saying that the ball is 10p. Okay. All right. Question four, how many boroughs are there in London? You had A, 32, B, 49, or C, 50. The answer is A, 32.


Well played.


Question five, diamonds are made from which element? A, silicon, B, carbon, C, hydrogen. The answer is B, carbon. Question six, how many vowels in the word mischivas? Tell us how you spell mischivas.I've got it wrong.


Tell me how many vowels.


How did you spell mischivas?


I spelt it M-I-S-C-H-I-E-V-E-O-S.




I-e-v-e-o-u-s. Yes, sorry. So I put six vowels.


Correct. The answer is five vowels.


Oh, damn.


I put five vowels. Just saying.


But you're not willing to share with us how you spell mischief.


No, I'm not. When I got the answer right. Let's assume I spell it right. Let's move on. Question seven.


Which was built first, Empire State Building or the Eiffel Tower? The answer is the Eiffel Tower. Question eight.In a lake, there's a patch of lilypads.Pause..


Question eight. I got it in the last second. Okay. I got it in the last second. Cool. Yeah, sorry. Continue.


In a lake, there's a patch of lilypads. Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to cover half of the lake?47.47. Correct.


Gang, we got it right. I was stressed out of my mind. I wrote 24 first. And then it landed. It fucking landed. Yeah, bro. Ggs. Nice. Nice. We're so smart.


I was not getting that. Question nine. Which river flows through theBrazilian rainforest.


What did you write? I wrote Amazonica, but I think it's Amazon.


What did you write? Amazon.


It is the Amazon.


Damn. Gang. Because I thought the Amazon was just the forest. That's why I was stressed.


Yeah, fair.


I wrote Amazonica.


I saw Amazonica, I was like, Oh, you got it right.Unlike.


You, Jay.Yeah. Amazonica, that sounds like Vien, but it's not quite Vienna.


He's throwing shade at you.He is. At your The lowest moment. He is. I'll take it. I can't condone stuff like that.


I'll take it. It's fine. Fair. Soz.


Question 10. Power's got to his head. Yeah, that's what it's got to his head. You get it now, it's the power. This is crazy. You get it. Fuck. Soz with three Zs.


Question 10. What tree do acorns come from? What did we write?


Just say the answer.


Yeah, please. What did we write? Just say the answer. I wrote oak.


I thought it was a little twist. I wrote acorn trees. What should be an acorn tree? There's no such thing there. Everyone's laughing.


It's an oak tree, bro. It's actually. Yeah.


So you want to add up the scores?


James got nine out of 10. Nine? Yeah, he got the math's question wrong. He put 10p instead of 5p.


But you definitely guessed four.


Pardon? Question four. Yeah, we both guessed four. Everyone guessed four. The borough. The borough team, yeah. I guessed four and I guessed the Eiffel Tower one. Yeah. I obviously guessed. I obviously guessed. I got five out of 10. I got five out of 10. Which one did I get wrong?


I got the first one wrong. First one wrong, what was the question?


B was economical. Oh, yeah. Frugal. I sent an info frugal.


Yeah, you wrote D. Obviously, you got the 10 P wrong together. You wrote 6 Vows.


Vows, not 5.


Amazon A Car. Living About Amazon A Car. A country.


Living About Amazon A Car. Wouldn't have made a difference, but yeah. Wow, wow, wow. Ggs.


Ggs indeed. I can be quiz master from now on if it's needed.


It's not needed, but if you wish to be then-If you like to be quiz master, you can. You haven't been yet.


Yeah, he's been once.


I've been once. Yeah, I did it.


Yeah, when we played us three.


Yeah, obviously. I'm just trying to be fair. Ggs. Nice.


Those were questions.


They were serious questions. Well played, Anna. Anna, yeah, well played. Serious fucking questions. Guys, let's take a very, very quick break to talk about manscapes. Call them what you want. Knee knockers, golden nuggets, thigh slappers, et But our friends at manscaped referred to them as the boys. Hey. Thigh slappers is nuts.


Thigh slappers is nuts. Pause.


Pun intended as well. Not every man has children, but every man is responsible for their two boys below the waist. When your little guys have more hair than they need, trust Manscaped for all your grooming dreams. Boys need love, too. Facts. Join the 10 million men worldwide who trust Manscaped by going to manscaped. Com and use code sng-Cierra, November, golf. For 20% off plus free shipping. You heard it here first, the boys are back in town. Okay, guys, it is time, the magical time of the week where we get a little update from our 12-week SNG Whoop Challenge. Yes, sir. What is a Whoop? You don't know, but you're here to be humbled and educated. You may look at my wrist and think, Is that the Richard Mill? Is this to protect Philippe? Is that the Jacob's and Co. One of one?


Is that the Art of Moppie gay?


Is that the Roli greenface? No. No? But it's very similar and it benefits you more. This is a Whoop. A Whoop is a wearable fitness coach, and we've been using it for the last God knows how long now. God knows how long. To monitor our strain every day, our sleep every day, and our recovery every day. We open up a challenge to everyone in the SMG community. There's a few thousand joins in there right now competing on a day-to-day basis to see who can be the best version of themselves. Then after the challenge, we're going to see Snatch Snatch Snatch.


Facts, facts, facts.


It's as simple as that. It is. Guys, this week, we've had a mix up in the tables. We have. People listened and they said, I'm tired of hearing the same names every week.


Week in, week out.


Let's go for it. This week, I'll talk about myself. Okay. I did what I could with the time that I had. That's it. Don't judge me. Don't look at me. I did what I did with the time that I had. I did go hard in the pain in the gym. I went really, really hard. Daddy was sore. It was worth it. Good. I was happy. Good. Granted, yes, my average strain is 7.8 for the week. So sue me. Daddy was also very recovered this week, which made it harder for me to get my strain out. Fair. I'm ranked 1,887th this week. I'm not proud, but hey, we do what you do.


It happens. I went hard in the paint as well. I said I was going to go five times last week. I went four out of six. So not too bad. Good? Not too bad all in all. I am ranked 237th with a 15.1 strain.


That's very good. Yeah.


Well done. I tried.


So strain this week. Top shotters. We've got Ruth, number one. Krista. Krista, number 2, and Rocha, Rocha, number three. We've had a mixy mix up. Oh, God. So, yeah, three newbies top in the table this week. Very exciting. Then we got to recovery. That's where Daddy really came into his swing. Yeah? Yeah, Daddy got recovered this week. I think he had one bad day. So my average recovery was 74 %. Nice. And I'm 225th.


My average was 63. I'm at 841. Damn.


Yeah. Damn. And top three, we've got Felix, well played. Ruth, well played. Jakea, Jakeia, I can't pronounce it. Yeah. Yeah. Jack, number three.Yeah, Jack.Yeah, Jack for sure.


Yeah. You know who you are.


Yeah, we can all see the tables. And then finally-Sleep. Sleep. So again, I did all right. Average of 77% on sleep and 966.


Average of 75%, 1,085. Damn.


Okay, cool. We've got Josh, number one, Felix, number two, Stephanie, number three. Well played, guys. Now we're in the swing of it, guys. This is where shit gets exciting. So next week, we're going to set a challenge. Number one across Strain, number one across Recovery, number one across Sleep. We're going to send your username off to Whoop, and they're going to send you some free goodies. Look forward to that. Also, to make things interesting, I'm I'm going to give Kyle their name as well. Kyle has been in the top 10 since day one for Strain. Facts. Rebecca is also going to get an honorable mention, Goodies, because she's been in the top 20 since day one. I'm pretty sure she was number one or number one and two for the last three weeks in a row. So fair play, well-to-play, guys. This is getting interesting. It is. If you're thinking, it's actually time for me to get off my ass. If you're thinking there for a second, turns out I'm tired of feeling and looking like this because that's how I feel all the day, all the day, all the time. It's not pretty to mock yourself in the mirror like that.


No, it just takes hard work to do something about it.


Yeah, it takes grit and determination. It turns out people in our community have grit and determination. You either subscribe to the community or we're Lazy Bums. There's nothing wrong with being a Lazy Bum. It's just you're not a Lazy Bum in our community because we don't stand for Lazy Bums. You can't. Yeah, we don't like Lazy Bums. If you're not a Lazy Bum, go to join. Join join. Woop. Com/sngtoday. Get a woop. It's 30 days risk free with zero commitment. Being a Lazy Bum doesn't mean going on marathons every day. It just means taking more accountability for the recovery that you have, more accountability for the sleep that you have, making sure that you're hydrated. Making sure that you're actually taking the stairs when you can instead of the lift. Yeah. It's all these tiny little things that make a massive difference. Join join. Woop. Com/sng. Guys, grab your woop. 30 days, risk-free, zero commitment. If you don't like it, you will. But if you don't, you can send it back. Cool? Cool. Happy? Happy.let's get back to the episode.Great. Cool. I've got a couple recommendations, updates, and stuff, right? Okay. So last night, I watched a documentary.


It's on Netflix. It's called What Jennifer Did.


Seen it.


Then we can…


We can deliberate. Yeah. Seeing that bitch.




What a liar. Yeah.


What a dirty little liar for dick. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. Jennifer? Yeah. Stop it. Jennifer Pan, whatever her name is? Yeah.


She is sying else.


Basically, this shows a young girl called Jennifer Pan.


I think they're based in Canada.


Yeah, they're based in Toronto, Canada. She's what? Probably 22, 23. Yeah, crime rate is low in these joints as well. She lives in a nice, wholesome neighborhood. I'm not going to lie, I fell asleep for the last five minutes. I was tired. But I don't think I missed it much. You wouldn't have.


As long as you know the crux, you wouldn't have missed much.


Basically, out of nowhere, a random weekday afternoon, she makes a 911 call. She says, Fucking help. My mom's down there screaming, and I just heard pop, pop.


I'm tired to the banister.I'm.


Tied to the me.Fucking help me. Come, please. Please help me. My dad's screaming outside. Help me, help me. I think my mom's been shot. They said, Fuck, we're coming, we're coming, we're coming. So police She's arrived, her mom's dead. Her dad's got a bullet in his head. He's barely alive, and she's distraught. They take her to the police station, and they're like, Jennifer, tell us what happened.


Calm down.


The floor is yours. Calm down. Yeah.


Take your time.


Tell us the story. She said, My mom went lion dancing. She came home around 9:30. Dad was chilling in the yard. I was chilling in my room, and I was on the phone to my friend. I came off the phone, mom comes home, and she screaming for my dad, screaming for my dad. So that got me curious. So I looked outside, my mom's downstairs and there's a black gentleman with a gun pointed her back. With dreads. With dreadlops. And she says, Sorry, Ram. She comes down, the stereotype is not fair. She comes down with dread locks and he says, Get him downstairs now. So I'm like, What the fuck? So he drags my dad downstairs. The three men now drag me downstairs and we're all downstairs scared for fucking everything.


They're screaming at the pop, saying, You're a liar.


You're a liar. Give me your money now. Give me your money now. And dad's like, We haven't got anything. We haven't got anything. You're a fucking liar. And then they took me upstairs and they tied me to the banister and they went downstairs, took my mom's purse or whatever, and then all I heard was Bop, bop. Shot my mom. Then I heard, Bop, bop. I'm like, What the fuck? What the fuck? I managed to wringle my hands free and call the police.


Get the phone, call the police.


Like, Help. Like that. And the three men ran out the door and they said, It's been too long. It's been too long. We need to leave. So they ran. And now my parents are dead and it's all fucked. And they're like, Jesus Christ, that's crazy. Anyway, they don't understand why this has happened. They want to look into it. Police are flabbergasted as how this poor young girl with no criminal record. Nothing could get into such a debacle. So they're like, why would three men pick your house out of anything else? Like, does your dad have gambling debts? Is your mom a prostitute? Something. Like, are you guys laundering money? What's going on?


It has to be red flag somewhere.


Yeah, what's going on? She's like, no, I don't know what's going on. I don't know what's going on. Then they do some digging, and it turns out she had a seven-year relationship with a drug dealer. They're like, Mmm. They pulled the drug dealer and ex-boyfriend into the police station. All I have to say is The only thing this guy was dealing was cough medicine. He is the softest-looking bro, you've ever seen. This guy shot an ibuprofen. Yeah. He's not really bad. He's not about it, but he says, Yeah, we were together for seven years. We had a great relationship, but her parents were so strict, they wouldn't let us be together.


They never approved because of the job I had. I worked in a pizzeria.


I worked in a pizzeria. They said, You're not fucking with a cook.


Yeah, you're not making it in life.


Yeah, my daughter, you're not fucking with a So they broke up, and that was two years ago. So police are like, Hmm. Interesting. Obviously, suspect number one, you're scorned about the breakup. You hated her parents for making a breakup with you. Tell us you did it. A man's like, Big man, I didn't do shit. Plus, I've got a new thing.


I've got a new Johnino across the way.


Me and Christine are locked in.


Don't worry about Jennifer.


Jennifer can suck out. But she's home girl, though. Jennifer's cool. We're cool, but just I don't know. Yeah, I've got a love at home. And her name's Christine. And they said, Say less. And he said, Just before you let me go, for the last three weeks or so, I'm getting like 100 fake calls a day and 100 fake text a day. Now, the last text I got said, Bang, bang, bang. Yeah. Pow, pow, pow. Pow, pow, pow. And they were like, Pardon? And he said, Yeah. Also, Jennifer's been getting the same shit. And they were like-Interesting. Interesting because Jennifer didn't mention shit when she was in here the other day. So they pulled Jennifer in and like, What's going on?


Interview number 2.


Interview number 2, Jennifer. What's really going on? Because Donny's saying he's got a new John. He's also saying that you might have been getting text and calls, and the last one said, bang, bang, bang. A random text from a plus four, four give you red flags that just said, bang, bang, bang. And then a week later, your mom and dad dead. Is this not red flags? Is this not something you would bring up in the interview? And she was like, I didn't think about it. I was distraught. Flustered. Flustered. I'm sorry, I didn't think about it. Cool, cool, cool. So then they bring in one of the experts. They're like, This bitch is fishy as fuck. They bring in a lie detector expert. And he's talking about, Let's start at the beginning. Beginning. Jennifer, told me about the beginning. So you break up with... What's his name? Tony or something. I don't remember his name. Let's call him Tony. You break up with drug dealer Tony. You're angry at your mom and dad, aren't you? And she's like, A little bit, but let's relax. I see where you're going with this. Let's relax. It's my family we're talking about.


It's my family we're talking about. They're like, Cool. They were proud of you, right? You were like a pianist, all-star, right? Right? Yeah. She's like, Yeah, right, right, right. They're like, You did good in school, right? She's like, Yeah, right, right, Cuts to another guy who went to a school and was like, Let me tell you the facts. For some reason, there's Asians galore in our neighborhood. Asians galore. So straight A's in our school is a minor. Let me tell you, Jennifer was not getting straight A's. All of our parents want us to be doctors, engineers, editing, lawyers, whatever. And Jennifer wasn't hacking it. Anyway, she was like, Cool. Anyway, we broke up and she let it slip. It was a bit techy because they found They found out about college. I was like, What do you mean they found out about college? She was like, Basically, basically. I lied. I told my mom and dad I went to college to study pharmacy. Turns out I never actually got accepted to college. They were like, Okay, so what? You lied for a month, two weeks?


I lied for four years.I lied for four years.I.


Lied for four years.


Created a fake certificate that said I graduated from said college.


I was going there every day. Every single day. They were dropping me there every day. Then I would just bop around for eight hours, and then they would pick me up. Every day for four years. The guy said, Oh, deery me, we're dealing with a psychopath.A.


Pathological liar.Yeah.


Okay, darling. Let's really get down to brass tacks. You're a compulsive liar. That'sthat much is true. That's clear. Yeah. That's clear. What else have you lied about? Jenny. She's like, I don't know what I've lied about. I don't know what you're insinuating. Also, Christine's a bitch, and she calls me stupid on Facebook all the time. God, I think she killed my parents. They're like, chill, bro. Facts. Then, need us to say, the story unravels, and then as it goes on, and they start talking about Tony. Tell us about Tony. Tell us about Tony. Tell us about Tony. Drug dealer Tony. He's like, well, we're cool with this, with that. She kept saying, but he's moved on, but he's moved on, but he's moved on. They'll be like, well, it was two years ago. Have you not moved on? She was like, well, yeah, and like, and then Donnie was like, and then Tony was like, you love Tony It's not Tony, isn't it? You love Tony, isn't it? Jen was like, Yeah, a little bit still.


Can't help it.


Can't help it. Say less. And they're like, Cool. Now we need to do some digging in because all I'm hearing is you're a pathological liar. Tony's been get random prank calls for months. The last one is a bang, bang, bang.Pow, pow, pow.Pow, pow, pow. You keep throwing us like Christine, his newting, who wants nothing to do with you. You lied to your parents for four years and said that you went to uni when you didn't, starting's not adding up. All of a sudden, how do we get from there to black guy with dreads in your yard? It's not making sense.


They also dissected the 911 call down to a T. The question was, how are you able to call us when you said on the phone, your title a banister and your hands are behind your back? Where is the phone and how are you speaking? Chaos ensued.


Chaos ensued. Chaos ensued. I'm not going to lie, though. She battened it. She battened it well. She battened it well, bro, because they made her stand up. This must have been terrifying for her. They made her stand up. Donny was like, Cool. Just so it's an experiment, don't get stressed. I'm not accusing you of anything. Here's a fake phone. I want you to plant it in your waistband where you said What's your phone was, and I want you to put your hands behind your back and tell me how you reach the phone. Bro, home girl is flexible. She said, Say less, hombre. Yeah, reach behind her back and grabbed it and said, Yeah. I was like this. She was like, Hello.


She flipped it up like this.


I was shouting like this. Yeah, I was shouting like this. She was like, How could you hear us? She was like, I turned the volume up. I turned the volume up. Big man. Next question. Yeah, nick. And I said, Say less. Yeah, she did it well. Yeah, she did it very well. Anyway, we're moving on, moving on, moving on. They're like, This is not making sense. Just as they tell the story to the point where you're like, She fucking did it. They're liars. She's a liar. She did it. She did it. She did it. All of a sudden, they go to the CCTV footage. There's a security camera on one of the houses across the street. What do we see? Three players coming out the yard. They're like, Oh, damn. Yeah. Spanner in the works. There was three players coming out that yard.


Fast forward a couple of days, the pops wakes up.


Oh, yeah.


The pops.


You forgot about the pops, didn't he? You forgot about the pops. Pops was in a coma. Pops woke up. Yeah. He's got the truth. Pops woke up and says, Keep Jennifer away from me. Keep that bitch away from me. They said, Calm down, sir. His name's Panhand. They said, Calm down, Pan. What are you talking about?


He said, Find out what Jennifer did. Yeah. He screams in hospital bed.


I need to know the truth about what Jennifer did. They're like, What do you mean what Jennifer did? He was like, I need my rest. He said, Arrest her. I need my rest. Just keep her away from me. Oh, God. Then so they're like, What the fuck is Donny talking about? Then the dad was like, These braids were her friends. She was bopping around regular degular with these men in the yard. Then they were like, But she said she was tied up to the banister. He was like, she wasn't tied to shit.


She was walking around with them.


She was bopping through the yard like she pays rent. Find out. Then turns out, so you know how in England, I'm pretty sure it was in England and I'm pretty sure it was in America as well. In an interview, In interrogation, you can't lie. So you can't falsify. You can't falsify. No, if you're a police officer, sorry. You can't falsify evidence verbally. You obviously can't do that to try and get a confession of someone. It turns out in Canada, you can. As long as it doesn't divert the course of justice, as long as you're not forcing someone to admit to a crime, you can lie. Basically, an officer got her in the room and was like, Here's the thing. You know satellites? She was like, Yeah. It was like, We have access to satellites, and the satellites have heat signature, so we can go back to that day and that time and pinpoint the closest satellite to your house and just monitor the heat signatures in the house and where they were located in the house. She was like, Okay. And Dawn was like, So, yeah, we went back, we saw the heat signatures because at this point, she doesn't know what her dad just woke up and said.


This point, we looked at it and we believe you, we can see your mom's heat signature, your dad's signature. She just three other people in there, and we can see your heat signature in there. She's like, Cool, cool, fantastic, fantastic. He's like, Only thing is, as the call is happening, you're not upstairs by yourself tied to a banister. You're walking around the house.


That's a fair.


What's that about? She starts stuttering.


Holding her stomach. Holding her stomach.


And she put her head between her legs. I can't even remember what did she say. What did she say at that point. Do you remember?


She whisper something.


She was whispering Sam for time. She was whispering something for time. She was whispering something. Oh, yeah. That's it. That's it. She was like, It was meant to be me. It was meant to be me. And so I said, What? What did you say? I need it on tape. She said, It was meant to be me. And they were like, What are you talking about? They were supposed to come and kill me. And she was like, They were like, What? It was all an elaborate scheme to commit suicide. They were supposed to run up in the yard. I gave them VIP access.


Vip access.


That's how the door was unlocked because I called it VIP. So you could check my phone. You're going to see a text that says VIP access. From Homeboy. From Homeboy, which means, Come in the yard and kill me. They were supposed to come and kill me. They run up and they killed my parents. They left me there alive. I want my two grand back. That's what happened. And Dodi's like, fair, but none of that makes sense. Why would you pay them money to kill you for them to run up in the house and then murder your parents and leave you alive? None of that makes any sense, Jennifer. She was like, I don't know what makes sense or doesn't make sense. All I know is I'm an orphan and I want to go home. Yeah. And Tony was like, Shut up. Anyway, they poked and prod, poke and prod, poke and prod. Turns out once they start digging up the phone files, Tony? I lied. He's not shot cough medicine. He's a dark motherfucker. Yeah, he's an orchestrator. Yeah, he's an orchestrator. So turns out Jennifer was in her mom and dad's will or life insurance policy or whatever, and if they died, she would get half a mil.


Tony said, I knew Even though I'm 10 toes for Christine, I know that Jennifer loves me so much that if she got 500K, I can extort at least 40. Oh, 400, sorry. I can at least extort. I can manipulate her and take at least 400. I know that for a fact. I don't want to build my drug empire. As we said, I can just run more drugs. She'll give me 400. I know she will. And then so they're going through the text and then she's like, cool. They basically got a plan. You're going to chat to Homeboy. Homeboy is just a hired gun. You're going to chat to Homeboy. He's going to run up in my yard and he's going to kill my parents. I want my My parents dead. I hate that they made us break up. I want my parents dead. Get Homeboy up in here and kill my parents. He's like, Pattyrn, don't worry. Then the day before, she's like, Hey, baby, I know tomorrow the day. Can't wait for them to be dead so we can be together. A man scared, scroo. Fyi, Christine's still Bay. She's next to me. She's literally laying on my chest as we speak.


After all this murder and stuff is done, Don't start calling me Bay.


Fax, don't call my phone.


Yeah, don't call my phone anymore.


Let it die down a bit.


Yeah, let the heat die down. I love her. And she's like, But I love you. And he's like, Yeah, I know.


It's a triangle thing for now.


It's a triangle thing. And I feel for you because Christine's my girl. You're talking crazy stuff now. And she's like, Well, if that's how it is to charge the whole scheme. Charge the whole scheme. And so it's like, Whoa, whoa, whoa. You said you hated them regardless. It's too late. Yeah, it's too late. Her boy's coming. She's like, Text him now. I said, Don't come. Text him now. I said, Don't come. It's too late. It's like, Shut up. I'm going to bed.


It's happening.


Yeah, it's happening. Chat to him yourself.


It's happening.


Anyway, yeah.


It's what she does. The night of the event, she gets the message from Homeboy. She's like, Are we good to go? Green light. She's like, Cool. Mom comes back home. Flash back to what James said, Mom comes back home from line dancing. She comes down, says, Oh, what's going on, Mom? She goes to look as if she's going to lock the door, check that the door is locked, unlocks it, goes upstairs, and then she says, VIP access ready. Then that's how the story unfolds again.


Yeah, they ran up in there, murdered everybody, and that's it.Yeah, just left it. That's it. It was crazy. I remember seeing it.


Juicy. I've seen parts of it, but I don't remember. I must not been paying attention fully. I don't remember all the details. I completely forgot about the dad waking up. What happened to him afterwards?


They didn't say. They put a restraining order on her.


They put a... A hard ask for it. A pen. Yeah. By his health, they didn't say anything about it.


Apparently, at the end of the documentary, he said she's appealing now.


Oh, yeah.


She's in the appeal process of trying to get out, say, claiming innocent. So when they ran it, actually up to trial. So she went through the whole thing. It was like, fine, fine, fine. I did it. I did it. When it actually came to trial, she was not guilty. So now she's still, to this day, go through some appeal process. Yeah. Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.


Good show. Good documentary. Very good. What I wanted to say, You Man's Seen Invincible. I wanted to bring up last week. I forgot.


I forgot.


That episode? Oh, shit. This is why I said, I was saying to my boy, cheer, do that. They needed the break because what they did in the last four episodes or whatever. Wow. But the last episode, episode eight, I think that's the finale because there wasn't anything last week. Episode eight was insanity, brother.


That's with the broken arm? Yes. Oh my- Insanity. Oh my God.


What's an episode?


What he did to Oliver? This guy's on staff, bro.


Smoke. I had to double check. Sterling K. Brown was the voice actor for the breader and for the villain.


I recognize the voice.


Who is that? Sterling K. Brown. I don't know who that is. Google him. You'll know when you see him. You'll know exactly who he is.


I could recognize the voice, so I knew I'd heard the voice before.


He are perfect.


Yeah, he is perfect. He was perfect for it. Yeah, he is. Wow. Wow.


Then you hear Invisible saying, But I thought he was strong. That boy He was strong. He told me he was strong. He told me he was strong. Yeah. You know next season is going to pop.


When you hear the words, He told me he was strong, bro, you feel it. You feel what he's actually just done. He told me he was strong.


And you understand how arms he could possibly be.


Oh, go, bro. When he said, I'm tired of holding back. Yeah, I was like, bro.


Two seasons he's been holding back.


Yeah, bro. Invincible is going to get crazy. But I'm not spoilers, but I keep seeing spoiler-esque stuff on TikTok because people read the comic.


The comic's Leagues Ahead. Yeah, because they said season three and four is already green-lit.


Yeah, the comics, it leaves ahead. I haven't seen what he does, but just people do ranking systems of who's the strongest character in Invincible possible? Mark. Where it's at right now and where the comics are at, Mark's literally the strongest character of everyone. Really? Really. Interesting. Interesting. Interesting is correct. Yeah.


When the pop said, I miss my wife, that was a juicy teaser.


It was a juicy teaser.


Because he's going to come back and do stuff. Yeah. He's going to come back and do stuff.


He's going to come back to Earth and just pick up where he left off. Yeah. Yeah, it's fucking good.


Rem, you need...


I've never watched one app.


Oh, my God. You're physically missing a jigsaw piece to your entirety. Yeah.


You are going to have the best binge session of your entire life.


I'm jealous. What I give to have not seen a single episode of Invincible and binge watch it up to where it's at now. Wow. My goodness.


I'm probably going to watch it again.


I'll happily watch it again. It's fan-fucking-tastic. As far as shit that's coming out, I think it's better than the boys.Facts. In a comparative sense. Yes.


My comparative question to you is, what's better, this or the Blue-Eye Samurai?


The Blue-Eye Samurai was fucking amazing.


You speak more highly of this than you of Blue-Eye Samurai.


Yeah, but Blue-Eye Samurai...


Blue-eye Samurai was physically insane. The way your enthusiasm in the way you speak about this. This is crazy. I've never seen anything.


To me, this is better. But Blue-Eye Samurai was episode for episode for episode for episode. Every episode was good. Invincible has downtime. Invincible has his own downtime. You'll be watching it and it's fair. They don't waste your time, but it's just ups and downs. Blue-eye Samurai was like, Go, go, go, go, go. But Invincible was everything I wanted the Justice League to be when I was watching it as a kid. You could tell whatever they did to make Justice League PG had so much potential, but they would just hold back and it was still amazing. Invincible was just getting rid of all that shit.


Yes, 21 plus, not even 18.


Bro, he told me he was strong. One of the most impactful scenes of meta-human cinema I've ever seen.




Bro, he told me he was strong. Oh, my God.


I actually can't believe you've never seen it. We've spoken about this show plenty of times.


Rem, you have to. In this one, you get a full scope of everyone. You get a laid perspective of Omniman, a layer perspective of Mark, a layer perspective of Rex. Yeah. Bro, when they popped him in his head and he said, I'm not going. Yeah. I'm not going. Yeah.


Yeah, it's very good. Flipping out. And what's her face as well? Eve? Eve, yeah.


Arms, man. Yeah, really fucking good. Such a good show. Really fucking good.


Damn. This has to be the best show on Amazon.


It has to be. Hands down. It has to be. 8.7 out of 10 on IMDb. That's high.


99% Rotten Tomatars.

[00:57:45] Yeah, it's fantastic. Fuck. Cool.


But yeah, that was what I was going to talk about.


Gang. Finally, as far as show recap go, Maths. I have a more nuanced perspective It's good. Bring up the cast now. Before I forget, I have a nuanced perspective now. So obviously, guys, bear with me. I'm still behind. I know for a fact, in last week's episode, my recap literally took 25 minutes, half an hour. I say this every year. I'm going to try and shorten it. Right, so I'm going to skip through the boring stuff. Andrea and what's her name again? Rich. Richard. Richard and Andrea. Where are we at at the minute, still boring. Okay. So they love each other. They love each other. They're given other people advice on how to make their relationships better. They love each other. They love each other. The worst thing he did was they did a photo ranking of every year, they get all the... There's always a test, right? The way some guys still fall for this test is absolutely insane. It's actually ridiculous. They'll get pictures of all the other wives.


Oh, and then rank them.


Rank them from penguis the most ugly. Then where do you put your wife? He put her third.


Why don't you put your wife first?


Everyone knows, put your wife first. Anyway, Cassandra and Tristan. Tristan. Okay. Tristan has insecurity issues. Oh, yeah. I remember you said- I remember him touching it last week. He used to be overweight. Yes. He can't stand rejection because he's like, when I say he's been rejected in his life, bro, he used to say that he used to chirp things, and not only would they say like, nah, but they would like laugh at him.In his face?In his face. That would break my soul. Yeah, and he said he's just only been friendzoned in his life. Cassandra, his wife, gorgeous, by the way. That picture doesn't do her justice. No, it doesn't. Gorgeous. She is down for him. Nice. But she's so down for him, but she was saying, I can't handle this puss your mentality you have yourself. Because she was like, your self-image. He even said to the ex, I was like, I hate myself. I hate myself. She was like, That's all well and good, but you're dragging me down. When you keep talking about insecurity this, insecurity that, I agree with that. I'm the one who has to keep reminding you, I think you're gorgeous, I think you're lovely.


I think you're this. I think you're that. It's exhausting, bro. It's butters. They had the sex expert come round and was like, he was like, I've been asking her, do you me physically attractive? Do you find me physically attractive? Do you find me physically attractive? Cassandra was like, it's bro, it's draining when you keep saying that. And he was like, Yeah, I get it. She said, The expert asked Cassandra, Do you find him attractive? She started crying. I said, In this moment at the time? No, I do not. Because I can't find someone who verbally assaults themselves. Attractive. Yeah. Is it possible? So unless he perks up, it's charged.


Were they in a room together?


Yeah, they were in a room together. He was like, he started crying. And he was like, I had no idea I was making this upset. No idea whatsoever. So that's them. I'll see how that goes. But they're a good couple. Eden and her.Oh my God.It's the troublemaker, no? Oh, my God.


This is the troublemaker, Or no, the kickboxer that is alive in heart. Yeah, kickboxer's right.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's got a past. So came out, so they did some confession things. So Eiden, his wife, her one trauma is that she got cheated on by her ex, and her ex cheated on her with her best friend. Oh, wow. So they're going through confession stuff, confession stuff, and he was like, I have to tell you something and get off my chest.Jaden's saying this.Jaden's saying this, and he's like, It's going to change the way you look at me as a man. And she was like, Jesus Christ, what is it, rough? Oh, bro. Because when he first signed up, they said... He mentioned that he'd been cheating on in the past. So he was like, Long story short, My ex was cheating on me religiously, nonstop. This is Jayden saying. Jayden saying my ex was cheating on me nonstop, and it was getting embarrassing. I was having Donny come up to me in the streets and I fucked your girl. It was getting too much.


I'd move country.


Bro, it was getting too much, and I was losing my head. So I confronted her, et cetera, et cetera. And like, big man thing, I said I wanted to work it out. She wanted to work it out. I wanted to work it out. So I said, cool. The only way I can work past this is if I Fuck one of your friends while you watch. He said, If you want us to move past this and you're really sorry about what you've done, you're going to watch me fuck your best friend. And he's like, So I did. And she watched. So it's His wife was like, You know my trauma is my ex fucking my best friend. And he was like, Oh, yeah. And she was like, So are you telling me this because you're remorseful, because you regret it? And he was like, No, I'm just telling you because it happened. I don't regret shit. She was like, Big man, you don't regret that? She was like, That's sick in the head.


But would you regret it, though? Yes. I'm thinking about the fact that he has been cheated on by his girl. You said multiple and Donny's are coming up to him saying, Oh, by the way, I banged your girl.




Basically-it was revenge for him.


Yeah, it was revenge. She's saying, she basically asked him, It's revenge 100%. Do you regret stooping to that level to commit revenge?


Okay, okay, okay. Oh, yeah, of course.Yeah..


That's pointless.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


All of that is pointless. Yeah, exactly. He was like, No. She was saying, What you did is one thing, but the fact that I'm asking you, do you regret revenge fucking to get back at your ex who cheated on you and then continued a relationship with her after? And he was like, Yeah, I don't regret it. So she was like, cool. I don't think I can continue this if you don't regret it. And then afterwards, the handback, he's like, Yeah, I regret it. Obviously, I'm not trying to lose my woman. I regret it. Anyway, next. Ellie and Ben. So Ben is the one with the fucking podcast with 11 subscribers.




She is gullible where I'm at. Gullible. So her main thing was, I want kids, I want kids, I want a family, I want kids. So they were rank in order of priorities in life. They had a whole list of different priorities, and they had to rank in order. She had family and kids number one and two. He had family and kids at 11 and 12:00. She was like, What's going on with this? I need explanations. He was like, Bro, I don't really want kids. I'm 50, 50. I don't really give a fuck about kids. She was like, Big man, on our wedding day, you told me you want kids. So she went off to the experts. And I said, I don't know. This is on our own with the other girls, actually, where he wasn't there. I was like, I don't know if he's here for the right reasons. I know my cousin was grinning him about promoting his podcast or getting a name for himself. And I thought, obviously, that was bullshit. But the fact that he told me he wanted kids now is like, I I don't really want kids. And apparently they went out for dinner and he was like, Do you think I'm here for the right reasons?


And she was like, Yeah, I think you're here for the right reasons. And apparently, he was like, I think you're here for the right reasons. So she was like, Okay, I don't think you're here for the right reasons. What's all this moquing stuff? Why are you moquing me, bro? What the fuck is wrong with you? So anyway, she ran off telling everyone, I actually don't think he's here for the right reasons because he's being a dickhead and he's lying about what he wants with the kids. So after she's already told everyone, this guy's moving crazy. I don't think he's here for the right reasons. That night, she comes home. He was like, sit down, sit down, sit down. She was like, what's up? She was vexing him in it. She was like, what's up, bro? What the fuck do you want to do? What do you want to say to me? He's like, so I called my sister today just to check in on her, and I spoke to my niece, and my niece said something that made me laugh, and it made me realize I do want kids. She was like, so this whole time, you've been saying, I don't want kids.


Then you spoke to your niece, who you speak to every day. Then she made you laugh. Now, all of a sudden, the day after we had the conversation about me being vexed that you don't want kids, you're now sitting me down to tell me you do want kids. And he's like, Yeah. You'd expect her to be like, Bore off because she was like, Oh, thank God. Oh, thank God. Oh, thank God. I was really worried. I'm so happy to hear that. I'm so happy to hear you had a change of heart after 24 hours. Go, Le Ball. We'll see how that develops. I don't know what's going to happen from there. Damn. Next. Lauren. I don't have much for Lauren. I will give her authenticity as 10-10. She said from day one, she doesn't want a passive man. She wants a man who's argumentative. She wants a man who's passionate. She wants a She wants to challenge her. She wants a man to make fun of her. She wants all this. Good God, does she want that? Because Jonathan, her man, is a lovely guy. Truly, truly lovely guy.


And shit, that's not for her.


Bro, she keeps saying, Bro, you're chatting like some autopilot robot. Everything I say to you, you're like, Okay, fair enough, I can do that. Or, Yeah, that's fine. We can do this. She's like, It's fucking boring, big man. Tell me how you feel, bro. But she did one thing that really pissed me off. What did she do? I don't like it. He wasn't like, he's not not there enough to get it off his chest and articulate how he feels. Basically, there was one bit where she was like, he basically said, There's a lot of times you make me feel like you give me coldness, like you're cold to me, and it makes me feel like you hate me. She's like, Big man, this is what I'm talking about. We've been together for three fucking weeks. This is the first fucking time I'm hearing about it. How am I supposed to judge you as a character and how are you supposed to judge me as a character when you feel this way and you're keeping it in your chest three fucking weeks? I'm only fucking hearing about it now. How am I supposed to work on myself if you're holding it in for three weeks?


Then he was like, Yeah, I guess you're right, et cetera. But the thing is, she's not understanding that it obviously takes a lot for him to get that and say that.


Get to that stage.Get.


To that stage. If this is the first time he said it, you're not making him feel comfortable that he's going to say it next time. Because he's now saying it and you're cussing him saying, Why did it... So now he's thinking, Well, even though she's-Now, it's just going to attract. Yeah, now it's a hostile environment. Next time, maybe if we're in a good mood and you do something to annoy me, maybe I don't want to bring it up and ruin the mood. Maybe I want to wait until we're in a nice calm situation away from... Maybe if we're fucking doing up splash time in the pool, maybe I don't want to say, Oh, what you said just annoyed me. Maybe I just want to keep the good vibes rolling. Maybe I want to hold my song. Now, if I feel like if I don't say it exactly in that moment that you pissed me off, that I don't feel comfortable to ever say it. That pissed me off. Apart from that, she's gone up on my books a little bit only because she's incredibly authentic. Okay. All right, next up. Oh, God. Lucinda and-I can't with that dress, man.


Bro, Lucinda and Timothy. Where am I right now? Yeah. They have an issue with sex. How so? They haven't had sex. She's desperate for it. It's been like, what, three weeks? It's been three weeks. She's absolutely…Gagging for it.Gagging. She finds him so attractive. When I say her eye contact, it's crazy.


Oh, this is the one that said, It's okay, I'm rubbed.


Yeah, she's absolutely lovely. Okay. She wants to fuck Timothée badly. He keeps saying, It just takes a lot for me. It takes a lot I'm a slow burner. It needs to grow on me, et cetera. She's like, I'm patient. It's fine. Whatever. Going, going, going, going, going, and then we get to the commitment ceremony, right? Commitment ceremony now. Timothée's chilling there and he's done his piece, et cetera, et cetera. I'm a slow burner, yada, yada, express. I've been like, Fair enough, bro. Go sit down. Let's work on it. It comes to Jack and fucking Tori are now on the couch. They're sitting down and basically he does not fancy Tori. Okay. Similar situation to Timothée. He does not fancy his wife, but he's more open about it. So he's been like, She's lovely. She's great. Everything. I just don't have that sexual connection with her. So he's trying to say as well on the couch, same as Timothée, slow burner, slow burner, slow burner. So Timothée, when Jack's saying slow burner, slow burner, Timothée's like scoffing, isn't it? So the experts turn to Timothée and be like, Bro, do you have something to say? He's like, Bro, I'm I'm going to say it how it is, isn't it?


You're talking about slow burn, slow burn, slow burn, but you're talking about a sexual creature, yada, yada, yada. I'm not sure. I don't think it's authentic. I just think you're not checking for your wife, big man. I'm putting my hands up. That's how I see it. That's how I'm calling it as I see it, bro. And then the old guy, what do you say his old- Richard. Richard, the old guy, jumps in and was like, I thought he was going to back Timothée up and be like, Fair, bro. I I agree with Timothée. He was like, One sec, Timothée, bro. Because when I met you, man, before everyone got married and we were out on the-Stag.Stag, dude. Everyone went around and said, Would you fuck your wife on a first night? Jack said he wouldn't. You, big man, said you definitely would. When I say he was like, and his wife was staring daggers at him. He couldn't like, Make eye contact. Fuck. And she was like, Swear, swear. You told all the man then you'd fuck on the first night. And then you saw me and said, No, can't do it. Slow burner. They're in trouble, bro.


They're in trouble right now. It's techy. It's very fucking techy. He's also a fucking troublemaker as well. So I'm at the next dinner party now. I haven't finished it. So he's cooking up some trouble where I'm right now. He's doing a little gossip, bro. He loves to set off little fireworks everywhere else. But every single time he does, for some reason, all the bricks fall on him. So I don't know why he keeps doing it. But anyway, it's long. Natalie and Collins. So Collins is the one I said they're trying to sidetrack him into Love of the Spectrum. Bro, this guy is the single worst actor anyone's ever seen. So they've left now. Both of them? Both of them are gone. Now they charged him. Basically, he sat down and was like, Yeah, I really, really, really want this to work. And then long story short, bro, every time he's like, Wow, yeah. So he'll see her and she'll be like, Hi, Collins. How are you? And he'll be like, Wow, Natalie. Fucking amazing to see you, mate. She's like, What? Yeah, and he's like, Yeah, you're so just lovely, Natalie. And he's like, cool.


And she's like, Big man. Then when the commitments are like, Do you like her? Do you even like her? And he's like, Oh my God, I think she is the single most perfect woman I've ever met in my life. And the day before that, they had a dinner party and she was trying to leave. She was like, I can't do this anymore. And then he was like, Oh my God, oh my God. You're leaving, you're leaving. Then, bro, first thing they pulled him backstage and was like, How do you feel like your wife's leaving? And he was like, Does that mean I have to leave, too? And then they were like, Yeah, big man. You have to leave, too. He was like, I have to go work tomorrow. And they were like, Yeah, bro. You're going to work tomorrow. The experiment's done. Yeah, your ting's done. And he was like, My planet first-sight journey's over. Oh my God, I can't believe it. And then the dinner party is still going on, so he can hear him laughing in the back, and he's like, I can hear them laughing back there. I I just want to go back there.


I just want to go there.


And they're like, Sorry. He's here. He's FOMO.


He's killing him. Anyway, they tried it again. She was like, Sorry, sorry, sorry. Let me just try again. And then within five minutes of him, this, Yeah, I love you, Nelly. You're just the perfect person. She was like, Big man, every time you speak, I hear an orchestra. This is the worst Oscar performance I've ever fucking seen, big man. You're all fucking weirdo. You're a weirdo, bro. So they left. She was like, Fuck this, bro. Yeah, it's tough for Collins. Sarah and her man Tim.


They look like they're banging.


They do. But put some respect on my man Tim. She's a fucking gaslighter, fuad. She's a gaslighter. She's mean, bro. So he's about it, about it with her. He likes her, likes her. And she's told him, I want a man to take control. I want you to book dates. I want you to do this. I want you to be dominant and take control of our situation. And It's like, bet. So three weeks in a fucking row, this guy has told her, I've booked us a date for tomorrow. I've booked us a date for tomorrow. She's like, oh, my God, I literally can't wait. And he's like, Gang, got you, babe. And then everything good, everything pure. That night, she'll decide to go out with the girls, get off her tits. Then the next morning, when it's time for date time, she's like, I'm too hungover, I can't go. Third week in a row, he pulls her up and was like, Look, and he's a nice guy, bro. He does not like conflict. He can't make eye contact or anything when they're in conflict. He's like, look, yeah, I don't want to be an asshole here, but I'm like, seriously, seriously pissed off that you keep telling me you want me to take control, you want me to do dates, Three weeks in a row, I've booked us a date.


Three weeks in a row, you've canceled the date last minute because you're fucking hung over. Like, you're mugging me off. Bro, do you know what she said? What? She said, You're just moving mad insecure. Secure. I don't know what else I can do. She was like, I'm sorry I missed the date, but I can't have a man that's telling me they don't want me to go out with my friends. I need girl time. That's not what I said. When I said his lip was quivering. His lip was quivering.


Yeah, there couldn't be cameras around.


Yeah, his lip was quivering, Fu had. He was like, I physically can't take this bitch. She just kept repeating gaslighting. It was like, Bro, she's just not taking any accountability. It's turning me off. It's She's not taking... I can't stand someone who can't take accountability. I was like, Fax, Tim. Tell her to go to her face, bro. She's moving mad, bro. He was like, You're just not about it. The fact that you keep spinning it, making me out to be some insecure little boy is pissing me off. They've gone to the dinner party. The next episode I'm about to watch, they have an altercation. He shouts at her, but I'm vexed already because the clip they showed me was that she shouts at him, he shouts back, and then she gaslights him again. She's like, Don't you fucking dare shout at me. And it starts crying. Obviously, every single time in the history of maps, every time a girl cries, at least nine other girls chase her out the room. It causes such a scene. No matter what happened-The girl is right. The girl is right. It makes the guy look like an asshole no matter what.


Every time it pisses me off, it always happens, bro. She screams in his face and she's like, No, you fucking didn't. And he, Bro, he was a man just then. Yeah. He goes, Yes, I did. And then the echo goes… And then I was like, Fuck. All you hear is puddle, puddle, puddle. It's like, Yes, I did. And then she's like, Don't shout at me. Walks off. So I need to see what episode happens there. I don't know what they're arguing about for him to do that, but I can tell he's already on the edge. Yeah, he's losing him. Yeah. Someone needs to put some respect on 10, bro, because he's a good guy. He's a good guy.


It's pence of anger. It's from the day...


Pence, bro. It's from the day. Resentment. Yeah, you'll see. It's out of order, bro. I hate what she's doing to him. All right, moving on. Tori and Jack, same thing. He's telling everyone she's convinced they're the number one couple, and she's convinced they're about to fuck. He is telling the I can't. You can't pay me to fuck this girl. Fuck, man. She's lovely. You can't pay me to fuck this girl. That's all there is for them, too. Okay, that's it. That's it. Cool, man. All right, that's it. So yeah, maths is cooking. Say less. Maths is cooking. Say less. Right, who am I to finish up? Yeah. Yes. Yeah, yeah. Let's do it. Yes. Right, this who am I? Yeah. Nice. I was afraid it was too hard. So I test, ran it with my brother, who's very good at it. Of course. He said it was too hard. But I think read out loud, it will be easier. We'll see. What we'll do I'm going to go, we're going back to the old way. I'm going to go for the whole thing, give you guys an opportunity to guess. Then if needed, I'll go through it again and emphasize the bits needed.


Okay? Yeah. But this is a difficult one. Right. Who am I? This is from the perspective of the person I am. The way you're supposed to guess who I am is because I basically We spend the time… I'm talking about my counterpart, per se. And by explaining the counterpart, if you could figure out who the counterpart is, you'll figure out who I am. It's Wednesday again, or is it Friday? I lose track. I wake up every morning expecting a new sensation, but the cycle remains unbroken. We simply rinse and repeat him and I. It still feels like our first dance, but the song just never ends. I used to hate him. I really did. I never understood why he pursued me so aggressively. What did I ever do to him? I only felt safe within the confines of this hole in the wall I call home. But now I realize safety is a fallacy, and one I no longer wish to subscribe to at that. I need excitement, and he's the only one who gives it to me. I still don't understand his intentions as to why he wants me. Is it for play? Am I his prey?


Or am I just invading in his personal space? Needless to say, in this game of cat and mouse, I feel useless without him. He's the yin to my yang, the push to my pull. I am nothing without him, and he is the same without me. So because of that, I wake up every day with a spring in my step, and we go again. I let him get a glimpse, and he chases me like a dog on heat. But he's not a dog. I know he's a pussy at heart. I also know if I ever let him his hands on me, he'll run through me like a tank engine. So for now, I'll keep playing hard to get because I know he loves the chase.


Tom and Jerry.


Oh my God! Well fucking played, Alice.That's.


Fucking I knew it was Tom and Jerry. Let's fucking go. Fair play.


I was worried about that because I got it straight away and I was like, This one's going to fucking say it.


I did know Tom and Jerry as well.


Fair play. I was thinking too far outside the box.


I was thinking the Joker. Joker? That's the third time someone said the Joker. Oh, really? Yeah.


True. But yeah, fair play.


Nice. Is that your first one?


Yeah, that's my first one.


Well played. Well played. What gave it away for you for Tom and Jerry? Or it's Jerry, but yeah.


The repetitiveness. I'll get up and do it again. It was the repetitive cycle of it. That's why I got it because I was like, Every episode, it's the same thing.Oh, wow.


Well played, bro.Yeah, that's what I got. I'm really happy for you, though.Nice. I'm gassed you got that. I'm really happy about that. What gave away for you, Ram?


I'll just scrub my answers up. You said there was Yin and yang, spring in the Step. You said cat and mouse.


I did. Actually as well.


Like Ellie said, the repetitiveness, the back and forth, the counterpart being Tom, being the pussy at heart. They were always playing hard to get. There was a lot of... It was screaming, Tom. If you didn't say that, literally a second later, I would have said Tom.


Fair fucking play. I'm really happy about that. That's sick. When I said to my bro, that's too hard, I was like, I can't be bothered to make it easier. I didn't think that was hard at all. All right, gang. That was good. Cool. Right. Thank you very much. We appreciate you. This is a good episode. And as always, love, love, love. Okay, gang, gang.