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So the thread today, my G, is if your ex stood at your door one night saying, I have no place to sleep, what would you do? The first response, spit. The pah. Wow. Pah. A piece of dirt. Pah. Tell him to stay awake.


Yeah, fair, fair, fair. I bet all of these are from women, isn't it? Scorned.


Yeah, there's more from women than men.


All right, bet.


Can of hairspray and a lighter. Yeah, that's arson. That's crazy, and then shots.


Okay, go, go.


Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, leaving cat food at the doorstep.


These people are savage, man. You loved this person, did you not? It's not about what they did, man.


It's about they are not. They've been through trials and tribulations. Do you.


Think I'm here by choice? Yeah. Do you think if I had anywhere else? Wow, bro.


Jesus Christ. Watch him through the ring doorbell.


That's actually funny.


Okay, cool. I got a few more. Call in pest control. Mad. Next one. She's going to end up on my main story looking homeless.




Just flashing her face, wigs drapes.


No, that's out of order.


Has the bag in hand?


Yeah, she'll claw at you. Facts. She'll claw at you. I don't know who you think you are. Main story looking homeless. Last peak.


Last peak. Last one. I'd say there's no rest for the wicked and slammed the door.


Damn. Okay, so what are the answers? For you? For you, for me, Rem?


Exited at the door saying she needs a place to stay. What am I saying? No able in English.


Is this any ex? Yeah. Any ex? No able of English. No able in English. Because that's it. Just keep a step in. It's raining and it's cold.


No able in English.


I see.


Are you my ex? Why are you saying you see, bro?


No, I'm just saying I see what you're saying. It obviously depends on which ex.


Of course.


But I don't even have a basement. I was going to say.


You could stay in the basement.


Yeah. This is inside. It's better than nothing. She's got nowhere... This is obviously her last choice. She's got nowhere else.


To go. She's got somewhere to go. She has got somewhere to go. She has.


Has she?


She has. I mean, she has. Her ex can't be her last resort.




What can't it? It can't be. It just can't. I refoked as fuck. I refoked as fuck.


I used to believe it. She's broke as fuck. Her friends are nowhere in sight. She's got no money for a fucking bus ticket or whatever. You're the only person who lives in the vicinity. It's freezing and it's past midnight. She's got nowhere else to go.


No, In't speak English.


Sware. Okay, factually speaking, we will move on from you in a sec. In this scenario, if you actually knew it's here or curb, so.




Your favorite egg. Your favorite egg, I don't know who that is, but your favorite egg.


Your favorite egg is hilarious. Wow. I have in my yard or the curb and it's raining.


It's in the dark. I can't.


Think of the park like it was this morning.


It was horrible this morning.


It was horrible this morning. I'll sort it out. Actually, no, tell her I would get her a room or I will ask where her friend lives or a mom lives or something and I'll just get her over there. Fair. There's just not staying.


In my yard... I'd let her in, man.


Fair enough, bro.


Let her see what she's missing out on.


I don't need that for my ego, though.


I don't need it. I don't need it. I don't ask her to come here. I didn't ask her to fucking come here. She showed up. Fair. I need everyone to know that I'm a hospitable guy. Obviously, so far, like I said, if I had a basement, basement. But so far, fireplace on.


All right, cool. She's knocking the door like, James, please. I've got nowhere else to go, blah, blah, blah.


First of all, how did you find this address?


That's the first. That's what I wanted to ask you, bro.


That's what I wanted to ask you.




Of all-I'm not letting anybody know. I'm not in the Yellow Pages. How did you find.


This fucking address? This is what I'm saying, bro. I'm taking her to an Uber and she's going to a relative's. She can't come to my yard. Even though she knows my address now, she can't come in.




Fair, fair. She can't come in.


Yeah, you're right.


How does she know the address? I've never told her. I've never released on socials. How does she know?


That's sticky, man. Yeah, well, she just says, Your mom told me. Whoa. Yeah, your mom and my mom were doing that da da da da. Your mom's too proud and started running. She was on right moves, started swiping. Showed all the rooms. Oh, my God.


I want to put that past my mom as well. What? I wouldn't.


Put my mom either.


My mom's a little show-off when she's proud of her kids. When she's proud of her, you used to have her. She's a little show-off. That's jokes. No, same thing, bro. Same thing. Uber to a relative's yard, but I'm still perplexed how she found... I'm belling mums straight away like, Why the fuck did you do that? All right, cool. I'm invading my privacy like that.


All right, fair, fair, fair. What about you? What are you doing? Would you let her inside while you pat on the stuff? Or you turn her to wait out there? That.


I'm trying to visualize if there's a thing above. Yeah, there is. So she can wait.


This could take 20 minutes or so. It won't. It won't. To start belling and booking.


No, not belling. I just get Uber. Uber, exact, comes in like 33 minutes.




Yeah, where? To where? Yeah.


She's got no.


Where to go.


She's come to you. I said it's past midnight. You got to find her a room.


No, the scenario you said was I'm the only person in the vicinity, so I will give her an Uber or get her an Uber. To a Bredren's yard. To a Bredren's, her parents, her sisters, her brothers. Do you know what I'm saying?


Okay. That's fine. That's fine. All right, bet, bet, bet. Yeah, okay, if that's an option-.


Well, this.


Is your scenario. No, I'm saying this is like, I like it whether it's just in or out. I like if it's in and out. There's always, with you, especially. -in loophole.


-you're the pausing thing you've ever said. What? I said I like it when it's in or out, especially you. Fair.


-fuck. -i didn't even clock it myself. I didn't clock it. I didn't clock it. But-yeah, you are Daddy Loopold.


I am. -yeah, you love a Loopo.




Do. Pick your.


Point of view, man. Literally, if it's in your yard or curb, man, say Uber. Facts. Because that's not the scenario. That's not a problem. It's not the same thing. It's not a problem. Every single time there's no options, just bleed out.. No, to be fair, if it's mine or Curb, depending on the egg, there is actually maybe one X that I would put.


On a Kerb. Oh, I know. I'm going to say.


Your favorite egg. Oh, right. I thought you were talking about the egg. I thought you were talking about the egg. I thought.


You were.


Like, Oh, you're for... I was like, What could you possibly be doing right now? What could you possibly be doing right now?


No, no, no. I was going to say if it was your favorite X, but then you said if it was you know which X is.


If it was my least favorite X, I would contemplate Curb.


Contemplate it.


But then I'm-But we know who your least favorite X is, so let's say it's her. Yeah.


It would have to be curb because I don't believe my house won't burn down.


Interesting and factual.


Yeah. I don't believe it. How do you know where I live?


It's scary.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's an ex or two I wouldn't let her in because I don't... I'm worried for the safety of my house. Yeah, facts. Facts. Yeah, I think it's just a case of just any blank, random X scenario. Yeah, come here, man. Take the sofa and be out in the morning. Be up before me and out. That's bravado, bro. There's a song by Eric Bené, right? Bear in mind in this scenario, I'm assuming I'm not in my house alone. In this dream scenario, I'm surrounded by family and friends. -loveful. -we're having a party. -yeah, okay. -do you want to get your wet ass in there? Okay. Shut up. We're socializing. But there's a song by Eric Bené called, I think it's called When You Think Of Me. The way it's a beautiful song, but it's just about clouting. It's just about my man saying basically his exes pulled up, her life's in disarray.


He's like, Oh, what's going on? She basically left him. Then she's come back literally saying, It's raining outside, doors are that da da da da da da. I was like, Oh, babe, how have you been? It's lovely to see you. Everything like that. Then like, Oh, raw. Shit's not going well. Mad. Then in the chorus is like, Do you feel like dying? Do you break down crying? Don't want to go on living. Does your world start spinning when you think of me? Bro. Then he goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on. Then he's like, Don't worry, baby, it's okay. I'll introduce you to my fiancée. He was talking about like, Bro, I would have died for you. I would have done this for you. You should have thought the whole thing through, bro. But don't worry, come in. Dry your eyes. It's okay. I'll introduce you to my fiancée.






I want to jump.


Yeah, basically you loud me when I was broke. When I was broken down, you laughed in my face and you fucked off. I think he's laughing. Now I'm up, you're crying your eyes out. Drenched in way. Let's come. Come inside. I've got central heat in now. Radiators stay on. Underfloor heating on.


Active. Titsies are warm.


Yeah, all those nights that your girlfriends were just a front for you and him. Cheating.


I was supposed to leave a.


Honolulu leaving my ass. You all were supposed to leave a Honolulu leaving your ass was the best he could do. Dry your tears now baby, it's okay. Introduce you to my fiancée. Now tell me baby, say it again. You've been thinking of me.


Damn. Fair play, man.


Yeah. Bro, fucking song, by the way. That album, Day in the Live, Eric Bené. Classic. Say less. Classic. Say less. But anyway, yeah. Fuck my ex. Fuck my ex. Middle fingers up. Fuck my ex. Fuck my ex. Maybach is a bitch fuck my ex.


That's jokes. -that's jokes. -rem, you didn't answer.


Oh, sorry, Rem.




Cool. I think such a question is actually a testament to your character and who you are today. I say for myself who I am today based on who I know I was.




When she wronged me. I would like to think I would invite her in, stay on the sofa one night in the morning, be gone.


Fair enough. There's one of your exes I wouldn't let in. I would turn up at your house and block the door when you say come in. One of them, I would block the fucking door.


I'm trying to think who.




I think I know who we're.


Talking about. There's only one main one.


You need to be clear. I don't remember her name, but.


Yeah, I know who they were talking about. There was one ex I would stand there and go.


Yeah, it was him.


It's Kerb, bro. Think again. It's Kerb. There's also one ex if he said no, I'll be like, Don't you dare.


Don't you dare. Okay, all right. I know which one.


That is.


I'd say you.


Bet, Eric. Oh, God.


That's a joke. Oh, yeah.


That was fair enough.




Curve. Lsu. If your ex pulls up on your doorstep, it's raining outside, it's past midnight, she's got nowhere to go. She says, Please let me in just for tonight. What are you saying?


If you're not doing in good terms, it was fine. Yeah, I would. I'm not a fucking asshole. But yeah, if they were a dickhead, not my problem. Fair. I'd see it on the ring. Something as that ring, I'd see it on the ring.


I'd ignore it. What if she's just got back from Dominican Republic, BBL Duck.


They see stuff like that.


You haven't.


Seen anything.


Like that. And you've got the love of your life in the house. Yeah. Yeah, your wedding's next week.


You're actually seeing her through the ring door. She's doing a 360 for you like, Daddy, please, Daddy.


But she's never done anything wrong to you. But she's rocked up, be be yelled and tanned.


You guys just went separate ways.


Yeah, it was amicable.


You have to let her in, fan.


You forgot to let her in. Why do you try and do this with me?


I'm doing to everyone. I'm going to turn to Fid as sec. Fuck's sake. He's next. I'm going to turn to Fid as sec. Right, we're also contemplating BBL, tanned.


-be be yelled, tanned. Same thing. It would have to be the same thing, bro.


Curb, on the... No, no, no. Uber, Uber.


I just...


I said, Daddy, please. You know I hate strangers.


Because if I say neither is English, she'll probably speak Spanish back to me. She runs it back.


Yeah, she runs it back, bro. I prefer Spanish.


Yeah. I would say open sesame. Open sesame. That's jokes. Open sesame, you said the magic words, I prefer Spanish. Oh, wow. That's hilarious. Okay, cool.




That's hilarious.