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Who's most likely to cry while watching a sad film? Three, two, one.


That was quick. A hundred %. That was complete. Yeah, a hundred %. I cried at Lilo at Stitch. When I was a kid.


I don't remember Lilo and Stitch.


There's a scene in Lilo as Stitch, I've spoken about before, bro, where he's obviously one of one. He's not part of a race. He's a manmade, was it alien-made creature? And they send him to Earth, where he escapes to Earth, obviously, meets Lilo, but he's played off as a dog. Yes. And he's not like any other dogs. He's not like any of the humans. He's alone. He doesn't have anyone. And then Lilo's big sister reads them a bedtime story, and it's the ugly ducklin.


And he resonates.


Yeah, and he resonates. I can't fit in. So the ugly ducklin in the story goes out and says, I'm last, I'm last. And then the family, his real family, the Swans, to find him and bring him in. So then he takes the book out into the woods in the middle of the night. He goes, I'm last, I'm last. I was crying my eyes out. I was crying my fucking eyes out. That was crazy. Bro, it was so sad. That's crazy. What a scene. But yeah, fuck me.


Theilo's ditch isn't where I thought you would go. What about Up? Have you seen Up?


I've not seen Up. I didn't actually quite Up. Obviously, the wife being dead in all them.


But she died from beginning of the movie.


She was charged from jump.


It wasn't the fact she died. It was like the way it was portrayed in the film.


It was through the life story, and then you were like, Short as fuck. It was tough. That was tough, but that didn't get me. I did quite pursue her happiness. That was tough, maybe.


A little bit. That was a tough movie. Yeah, that one was really tough. Sleeping in the toilet. Banging on the door and everything. Trying to hold his EU. Yeah.


Even to be fair, that bit got me. The main got me was actually when he got the job.


When he went outside, just like...


Yeah, he just celebrates. Yeah.


Yeah, because everyone felt it. It's like, wow, he finally got a job.


Fucking hell, Will Smith, you can act. He can act, bro.


Jesus. Good shit, man. He's up there, mom.


All right, next up.


Who's most likely to snitch?


Oh, wow.


Three, two, one. I felt harsh putting this one in.


The only reason why I chose myself, again, for the other reason from before, I He wasn't going to choose James.


Because you weren't no snitch.


Because I'm not a snitch. I will say-But he chose me. So.


Fouad is definitely not a snitch, but he loves life and he loves freedom too much.




Meaning if someone put a gun to both of our heads and was like, Tell me now, he would do it. Of course. Yeah. Of course. He would do it first. I'm not saying I wouldn't do it.


If he would do it first. Of course. Yeah, I would.


So that's the only reason I would do it.


That's a fact. Yeah.


And I genuinely think if it was like, go in jail, if it was put on the stand, you'll go in jail unless you tell us, Wagon. I'm not saying that again. I'm not saying I wouldn't. It depends I would do it first. But I think Fouad would... Yeah.


I'm not built for jail.


Yeah, and I don't think it will go jail for me. I would go jail for Fouad. I don't think it'll go jail for me.


You think? It depends on the crime.


It depends on the crime, yes.


Because it also The crime stipulates the stint.


Yeah, so if it was like, okay, let's say it was like a... Two years. Two years.


I've seen...


And I didn't do it. You know I didn't do it. So one of us is going down.


So you didn't do it, but they think it's one of us. One of us has to take the rap.


I didn't do it. They've got all the evidence to prove that I did do it, even though you know I didn't. And you have the opportunity to be like, it was me. You know I'm going down. There's no if, buts or maybes that are saying, or maybe if I don't involve myself, he might get out of this. It's like you in this room or I'm going down and they've got all the evidence. For some reason, the judge is in there. He's like, Bro, he's going. So it's either you say you're all wrong. It was me, and you take the two years on my behalf, or you're Fuck.






So is it a case of because I'm taking the two years, is it a case of you were meant to get a longer sentence, but instead I am taking two years for you?


Let's say I was going to five.


In this scenario, in this real-life scenario, I will take the two.


What if it was two and a half? They were going to put me away for two and a half, and then you had to do two.


I'll plea for one and a half. I'll plea, though. I'll meet me in the middle, dog. It wasn't me. At least someone's behind bars. Someone's behind bars. At least let one of us have a life. Two and a half is a long time. Two and a half is a long time because I've seen some shows, a couple of men can't make it two days. I've seen some shows 'suce, my boys. Some men don't make it two days. So you're not talking about two years.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


All right, Beth. I'd get so accustomed. Let's say I've made it the first month or so and I'm accustomed to jail. I generally, generally don't think I would... I don't think I'll be the same person when I come out. I just generally don't think I would... I don't think I'll be the same person when I come out. I just generally don't think I would have the same mindset whatsoever. I think it would change me completely. I agree. Completely. Wow.


I agree.


What's that in between his quote? It looks like these, My anal virginity won't last a day.


Oh, God. That's scary.


I would pray to God that all the inmates just assume I'm the funny now. And they won't touch me because they love my shit. Yeah, same.


You see what I'm saying? That's what I would bank on. I would pray for that, bro.


I would bank on that. I would pray for it.


Because if not...


You'll come visit me one day and I'm limping. You will know why. You will know why.


Yeah. God, okay. Should we move on? Limp him with a black eye. Yeah. And you ask me what happened. I'd say, I'm proud you fought back. The black eye? I'd say, I'm happy you didn't just give in.


Obviously, folk would glass water. You'd be saying that all you just see is one tear. That's all you'll see.


I'll put my hand on it. You need contact.


All you'll see is a tear.


I'll put my hand on it, bro. Touch it. You need the contact. Touch it.


I was happy being in been having contact. I don't need anymore.


I'll punch the window. Slet him out.


I'll say, This is your fault. I'll be crying. I'll say, This is your fault. James, this is your... I can't anymore. This is your fault. Speak to whoever you need to speak to. Get me out.


I couldn't hear that. I couldn't hear that. I'll break in there, bro. Let him out.


God forbid, one month, you don't come and visit me. What you want to come out? God forbid, one month, he doesn't visit me.


Now, I'll visit you daily, bro. I'll visit you daily.


It's been a busy bro.


All right, bet, bet, bet, bet. Cool. All right, next. All right. This is your friend.