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I'm a fan? You man. In my head, I was rocking his jaw. In my head, I was doing all sorts. And I remember just I couldn't look up. I don't remember being like, I'm not a man. Guys, right. Usually what happens here is Fuhad will tell you that he's a selfish lover. He's going to draw the things to the side and he's going to- Slide it in. Yeah, he's going to have his way. But not today. Not today. Today, we're going to mix it up and we're going to start the episode by telling you something so big, so incredibly stupidly important and huge that you have to shut up and listen. Pay attention, guys. Pay attention. Sit on the edge of your seats.




Edge of your beds. If it was a Netflix and Chilting, stop the lips. Facts. Focus. Yeah, focus, bro. Focus, focus, focus. Right. I'm going to let the negative sink in. This is why people just turn off. Because they can't move off of this bullshit. Right, guys. Your boys have a show to announce.


We have a massive show to announce.


So next year.




We are doing one show in the UK.




For the whole year.




One show. Be there. This is your one shot. Facts. One opportunity.




Okay? To come and see us live. And this show on May 26th, 2024 will be at the O2 Arena. That's a won number.


O2 Arena. Nobody's doing it like we're doing it, guys. Nobody is doing it like we're doing it. Like Jimmy said, O2 Arena, massive venue, your favorite duo are going to be hosting the biggest you've ever had. Pause. Let's go, dad. Guys, it's going.


To be amazing. It's going to be amazing. We're super, super excited. Like I've said, people just aren't doing stuff like that. They're just not. They're not living like this and not experiencing stuff.


This. Guys, the stuff you give us the love and gratitude and you give us, we're going to throw that back to you in this show. -come on, man. -it's going to be a one of one show like Jimmy said, the only show we are doing in the UK, May 26, 2024. It's going to be a bank holiday weekend, so make sure you grab your tickets, your flights, your hotels. We're giving you my Nuff warning. Nuff warning.


Yeah, bear warning, guys. Let's lock in and get the dates and the tickets and all the boring info out the way now so then we can gossip about it some more. Guys, right. Listen up.




If you are on patron, if you are on patron, your tickets drop tomorrow. They do. Presale tickets, Tuesday 28th 10:00 AM UK time, your.


Tickets will be ready. With a second presale, if you've missed the first drop, there's a second drop. Second presale, they're on our website, Shits and Gigs. Co.


Uk. That's if you're on our mailing list. General sale.


Gen POP.




Pop. Listen up.


We love you too. Facts. Friday the first of December 10:00 AM UK time, guys. Tickets. Grips them quick. Listen. Because yes, this may be the most notorious arena in the entire country. Facts. Yes, there's more than a few seats in there. Yes. But tickets will go fast because it is literally the one and only show next year. It's the biggest you've ever had. Pause. And the.


Tickets will dip. They will fly off the shelf. Don't come to us in our DMs or in person to say, Our daddies, we didn't get tickets. We've told you now and we're going to tell you continuously for weeks and weeks and months and months.


On top of that, special guest, Axel Blake will be performing with us as well. If you came to any of our shows this year, you know that the guy is sensational. Facts. And it's going to pop. Fact. Now back to the gossip.


I'm gassed. Talk to me.


About the show. Facts. I'm gassed because one, we get to take all the stuff that... For you guys, if you saw us on tour this year, you would have seen that obviously we like to play games. We'd like to get everyone involved. We'd like to do all this stuff and we'd like to bring as much production as possible. Obviously, as you guys, I'm not sure, have common sense. Bigger venue.




Production. -bigger production. This production is going to be disgusting. As we had mentioned earlier, obviously all the love, all the vibes that you guys give us, this is opportunity for us to give back to you. We're not even joking when we say this. All the money, the entire pot that we make from this show, we are putting into production. Facts.


-all of it.


-that's on God. That's on God. That's on God. This is a giveback thing, pro bono. Do you have to pay for tickets? Yeah, you do. -unfortunately. -that's because the Oat is expensive. Yeah. And fireworks are expensive. Facts. Fire dancers are expensive too.


Confetti is expensive. Yeah. Who would have thought?


That's what I'm saying, bro. Live bands are expensive. Trapeze artists are.


Expensive, bro. We're giving out Easter eggs.


Elephant are expensive, bro.


Easter eggs, guys. Come on, man. You don't want to miss out on this. You really don't want to miss out on this, quote-unquote, circus act. Just make sure you're there.


These days, getting Ellis to drop a verse, it's expensive.


It actually.


Is expensive. It's expensive. These things cost money, bro. They do. Guys, please come to the show. It's going to be insane if you are over in America and you're thinking, Oh, another UK show, bro. This one is the one you want to make a trip for. Factual. Because I'm not saying we're never going to America. Not saying it, but it's not going to be as good as this one. This one is going to be the biggest.


One we ever do. Facts. This is going to be the biggest show we've ever had, and it's the big, biggest show you will ever see. Make sure you guys book a flight, book a flight, book a hotel from any country you're in, book a flight, book a hotel. Make sure you've got that bank holiday weekend checked out and locked off in your diaries, your calendars, whatever it is to make sure you come and vibe with your boys at the O2 May 26, 2024.


Let's sell out in like a day. Let's actually try to sell out in a day. You know what? Actually, shut up.


Let's actually just do that. Let's actually sell out in a day, guys. Yeah, actually.


Help us help you. Yeah, you guys are doing some long thing. If you want to see us.


Gas- Facts. You guys have 24 hours to respond. I'm pretty.


Certain if you had to elipse me if we sell out on the first day.


Hey, you guys have 24 hours to respond.


He didn't deny it either. That's actually mad. He didn't.


Even deny it. You guys have 24 hours.


To respond. Heard it first. If we sell out on day one, Fiyo is going to lips me. Anyway, back to the episode. Again, we're mixing stuff up today. I know if Fiyo again wants to yank it to the side, shove it in. We're going to hold off on the IGT today because we're in the same flow for too long. It's a bigger day, a bigger occasion. We're just going to mix up the order. Random hit me. Your boys been watching Masterchef. They're professionals. I've got a PSA. I'm gassed this year, you man, because I don't know if you... Do you ever watch it?


Not really, but I know of the.


Show, obviously. Yeah, everyone knows about it. I'm not going to lie to you. It's the same routine every year. Every year, people bop in, bop out. If you see a black chef rocking there, they're going to do terribly. Every year you make- I thought you were going to say he's going to do bits. No, they do fucking terribly. I'll tell you why, because we're basic. They come in and then they're like, what? Then Greg Wallace will ask them, What's your inspiration? I say, I grew up with my mom making yam and plantain, my Caribbean roots. They say, What's your signature dish? It's always fucking jerk chicken or something like that. They always do the first dish. They come in, do the skills test, and usually it's a bit... This is a bit okay. Do you know about the skills test? No. Fuck. Okay, let me put you on, bro. This is what happens with the professionals. This is not the basics, not the amateur that come on on my side here. This is the professionals. What happens is they bop through the door and the first one they've got Monica, Galette is her name, I can't remember, who's a famous chef.


Then you've got Marcus Waren, who's a famous chef, and you've got Greg Wallace, who's the judge. Professionals, their first test, they call it the skills test. You have to bop in and these men will say, You've got 20 minutes to make what I tell you to make.




Come up with a recipe and it could be anything. They could say, I want you to do like a milk poached, smoked haddock with fucking crispy crouton bullshit. You just have to with a cold tomato soup. Your ingredients are there, figure it out. Okay, so they-Everyone has.


The same ingredients.


Everyone has the same ingredients. You're in there by yourself, and this one is one by one by one. -you're not there with everyone. -okay, that's what I was thinking. -it's intimidating. No, you walk in and you say you got 20 minutes and they'll watch you. All three of them are just watching you by yourself. -no. -it's intimidating. -i'm shaking. -fam, they always shake.


-yeah, with.


The cutlery. All these mass shake all the time, bro, they shake. They come in and then some of them pattern the skills test, some of them flop the skills test. A lot of time, most of them, white or black, Asian, whatever, they'll flop the.


Skills test. If you flop the skills test, are you out or.


Are you still moving? No, it's fine. It's just like prove yourself. They'll say, bro, prove yourself in the next round because that was shambolic. You can usually get a good gage if you're watching. If you can get a good gage who's just had a bad day in the skills test, but they're going to pat on it.


In there or they.


Are just shit. Because sometimes they'll fumble the skills test, but the technique that you can see they know what they're about, they were just flustered. They didn't know what to do. Anyway, my two ride or dies this year. As I said, every year you look after black chefs come in and your fingers crossed, come on. Tell me you went to culinary college. Tell me you got some classic training. -some. -yeah, yeah. Tell me you're going to bring something because everyone lets this down every.


Year, bro. -okay, is every year? -it's usually one token black chef.


They have every week, they go four rounds. Each year there's 32 chefs overall, and they're split up into heats. Then every heat or every second heat, there'll be usually one black person in there, a couple of Asian people, mostly white people. Then sometimes you might have a black person do okay in the skills test and like, Okay, their signature dish, you want them to step outside of the Caribbean-African stuff because you're like, just show you've got range in it. But whenever they do do the normal, their heritage stuff, it always bangs because they've made it a couple of times before. They always fly through the first round, but you're watching and you think the technical ability is not sky high right now, but you're flying through because these man have not tasted these flavors before.


Do you know what I mean?


Yeah, okay. They're called Scotchbond and these man don't attack. These man are tasting like... Gas, gas, gas, gas, gas. I'm there like, Fuck's sake. Yeah, basic. Yeah, basic, man. Bring something. This year they came to play. We've got two, not going to lie, we've had three token blacks bashed out in the first round for the exact reason I'm telling you. Then my first bay, Lauren, she rocks up. She smashed the skills test and I was like, Okay, okay. Not bad. Then they go through to their signature thing. I can't remember what she did for her signature, but it banged.


Was it.


Like standard? I think it had a mix. I can't remember what her signature dish was, but I had a mix. She flew through and I was like, Okay. Then when things get techy, they have an invention test.




Test is they'll give you a few ingredients or they give you a theme and they'll be like, Make something. You've got 70 minutes, make something out of eggs, bread and something. Then they've got a lada behind them with other ingredients. I say, Your other ingredients are there, but I need the dish to compose of these things.


You've got a Heston Blue method type of thing?


Yes, exactly.




This is where the melanin gets the best of us. If you've made it to the invention test and you're not seeing spice rubs, these man panic. Spice ribes. They panic. This is where it really gets techy. New territory. It's new territory. It's where people get to... So Lawrence was, they say the theme was wastefulness. Apparently, the three most wasteful items of food are bread. Oh, no, four. It was bread.


Eggs, bananas. Bananas, I can see that. Yeah. Bananas, I can see that.


I mean, dash, bananas. It was bread, eggs, bananas, and milk. The foremost.


Eggs I'm.


Surprised about. I'm surprised about that. I'm very surprised about that. But I bet if you buy a lot of eggs, I'm sure you waste a lot of eggs. I rarely buy eggs, so I don't waste them when I buy them. But milk, I waste. Bread, I waste.


I would say I waste bread the most and then bananas. Milk, I don't waste that much.


Do you know why I'm a bastard? Why? Because I waste so much bread that people just tell me to freeze it and I refuse.


Why do you? Because you.


Don't-you don't think you're going to be nice? I'm not pulling frozen bread out of the freeze. I'm just not doing it. It's just a line I'm not willing to cross yet. -booj. -yeah. Guys, I'm sorry. -say less. -i'm sorry. It's disrespectful and I should... Context, I barely ever buy bread anyway. But what I do is because I wanted that day, I used two slices and then it rots. Cool. I'm vexed. Anyway, so eggs, bread, milk and bananas. These are your four things. They basically said you can use one of them. No, it's potatoes as well. Potato. Bro, what was it? Because potatoes was definitely in there because some of them went ham on the potatoes. Potato, bananas, bread and milk. It wasn't eggs. I'm lying to all of you, man. It wasn't eggs. Sorry, eggs were a different invention test. Okay, cool. Sorry, guys. Everyone did their thing. They basically said you can build it around one of these items or a few of these items. Try your best. These men, when they're saying, Oh, okay, I'll come round to your bench. What are you making? Some of them will be like, I'm emphasizing potatoes in my dish.


I said, Okay, cool. Some of them will be like, Oh, I'm emphasizing potatoes and milk in my dish. I'd be like, Okay, cool. Lauren came in and said, I'm doing potatoes, milk and bananas. They were like, Oh, so you're patting three. Then she was like, Yeah, I'm doing this, this, this. They said, What are you doing the banana? She's doing a savory dish. They said, What are you doing the bananas? She said, I'm going to make a banana ketchup. A fan? How are you looking at me is how they looked at her. I said, A banana ketchup, are you sure? She said, Yeah. What she said, I'm not sure, but I'm hopeful.


Is this individual or are they all in the same team?


They're all in the same room now. She was like, Yeah, I'm going to do banana ketchup with this chicken and this, this, this. I think she did chips. She made her own chips, banana ketchup and... Yeah, maybe it's fried chicken or some shit. They were like, Are you sure, Pham? She was like, Yeah, I'm not sure, but we'll see. When I said she patented it, Pham, they dipped in the ketchup and they're like, Raw. They said, Raw. She flew through. She flew and I was like, This is my hope. This is my hope and prayer. She's going to do a thing. Then she went to cook for the fucking critics. They cooked for critics after.


That as well. Same meal?


No, she did a different meal. She made one crystal clear. You know those dumplings? They're folded up tight. It was maybe similar to one-ton style. She made dumplings in a crystal clear chili and lime broth. Shrimp dumplings with chili and lime broth for her appetizer. When I say the ting was sethroat, the broth, like water. Okay, like water. It looked like it didn't taste of anything. These man sip it, all of them were like... Flavor. What was that man? Flavor. All of them... I was like.


Come on. Let's go, Lauren!


Okay. Gased, flew through. Now we're moving on to Heat. Once they get to the quarter finals or whatever, we just keep going back to Heat. Okay, makes sense. We'll do four Heats, knockouts. Then we've got our guys, and then we'll go four more Heats.


Knockouts, guys. Okay, makes sense.


Next, one French/African Don't know, called Philippe.


Yeah? Philippe? Okay.


Donnie came through again with fucking bananas. -he- -I was saying wastage test. No, it wasn't even the wastage test on this one. What he did, he didn't do too well. His invention test was the one with eggs. His one of them was the one with the eggs where he made a quiche thing. It's Dread because of the language barrier. They said you got 70 minutes. His invention test was not eggs, it was tarts. You have to make a type of tart. He made a quiche, bear eggs, all this stuff. Then they were like, You got 70 minutes, pat on it. He was done in 17. They were like, Bro, everyone's still cooking. They were like, I think you need to go back to your thing. But he was too embarrassed to say, Oh, you said 17. I thought you said 17. He was done. Then when they taste it, they were like, Bro, it's not even cooked. He was like, Sorry. He was like, Bear like, Sorry. They were like, Bro, I'm not going to lie to you, you need to do better. Philippe, I'm not going to lie to you. You need to do fucking better.


Once he presents it, he can't go.


Back and- He can, but he was too ashamed to say, I thought you said 17. After the whole thing was charged and everyone was like, What happened there? He was like, Bro, I'm not going to lie to you. They said 17. I thought they said 17. That's why I was done in 17 minutes just waiting. I didn't realize and I was too embarrassed to go and try to start again. I didn't know if I was allowed to.


Start again. Fair. Okay, makes sense. He got.


Cast for no reason.




I was like, Gang, because Is like he had my hopes up from the skills test and his signature, he had my hopes up. Then he did that bullshit. I was like, He's just like the rest. He's just like the rest. Then he came clean and was like, I thought this is 17. I was like, To be fair, the fact that you even got that done in 17 minutes is crazy to me. Well played. Then he went through to cook for the critics. Bro, you man, what are you making, Philippe? I'm making plantain chips, a... What tata did he make? Either he made a scallop tata with a chili and lime broth, again, and he made banana and avocado guacamole. Again, when they heard the banana, they looked at him and said.


What are you, man, doing?


Do you want to win or not? This is not the time to take risks. Yeah. Do you want to win or not? Why are you putting banana and avocado in a guacamole? He said, Fem, he looked dead pan. He said, I like banana, I like avocado. I said, Fem. I've never heard a more correct answer. Yeah, Fax. I'll just shut up, shall I? Facts. Pham, they said, I'll just shut up then. They were scared. Pham, he popped it out. That was his starter for the critics.


The presentation good?


The presentation was elite. The presentation was elite for starters. All these man tried the plantain chip. It snapped. It snapped. It was so crispy, it snapped. This guacamoy thing, all these man... They dipped the chip in there and they said, Raw. This one said, Raw, banana, avocado. It's always on. It tastes banging. Say this. Marcus Warrant tried it. He said, This is a triumph. What's the word? He said, Anyone else could have told me banana avocado, but I said, Suck your mom. This, this is banging. A triumph. He said it's a triumph. That's a word. Bro, the next thing he made was some fucking... Oh, my God. He took a risk on his main dish. That was the appetizer. His entree took another fucking risk. He made some chinchengah chicken with - Chinchenga. -with like, yam and coffee, Ju. They, Pharmer again, they said, Coffee, Ju, Philippe. Stop. I'm tired of this noise with you. Obviously, he had to tell them this before he'd even given them the avocado tick, the banana tick. They didn't know what he was on. They said, Coffee, Ju and avocado, guacamole. This is the banana, guacamole thing. You're taking a piss out of everyone.


You're taking a piss out of literally everyone. If I took it to the critics. When they eat it, one of the critics said, This is the best thing I've had. Period. Not today, not this week. This is the best meal I've had.






Coffee Jus. I couldn't see that on the menu. I pushed the menu to the side. Now what restaurant am I in? A coffee Jus.


They were fed up when they read the menu. When they tasted it, the markers were in, bro, as soon as he gets in there, I'm drapes in that fucking recipe of him. I need it.




He flew through. They said he's a genius. Okay. This year you man.


You're Lauren and Philippe.


Lauren and Philippe are my ride or die. If they're listening, keep it going. Say less. I need this. It's a BBC. I watch on iPlayer.


Is it every day?


It's pretty much every day. Every year I get locked the fuckin'. Say less. I love Masterchef, the professionals. I know you do. God, I love it. But yeah.


Gang, say less.


These man have my hope and my desire. Say less. I need them to catch a dub because we never, ever do. We never, ever do.


What does the winner get?


They get a trophy. I don't know if they get P, they might get P. But main thing they get clout.


Okay, so these are already, sorry to cut you off. These are already seasoned chefs. Are they Michelin-style chefs?


None of them are Michelin-style chefs. None of them... I was some of them own their own restaurants and stuff. But the amateur one, the normal master chef, they get obviously trophy, I think they get money. Also that's when they're usually just working, like Flipping, W. H. Smith and stuff. Then as soon as they win Master Chef, all of them end up going on to own their own restaurants, on their own catering services, all that shit. This one is a bit more like Clouty, but it's a big thing in your career. It's the same thing as if imagine if there was, for example, Podcast of the year, like who's the best podcast of the year or whatever, and it's on BBC. All of these guys, there's just like millions and millions of podcasts and stuff like that, and then you win the whole thing, you know it's the next day you're patent.


Makes sense. Okay, cool.


That's this year. I'm terrified. I need them to... Because there's competition as well. Oh, of course. There's competition. There's one brother called Kyle. He looks like a prisoner. Barlet white guy tattoos all over the place. This motherfucker can cook.


-fam? -i love it when you look at someone and they don't look like what their.


Ability is. He looks like he kidnaps people.




Crazy. He can fucking cook. That's crazy. He's one of the ones in the skills test where he bottled the whole team. But his improv, when he realized he was botting it, all of them were like, Right, this guy can cook. This guy can cook. Wow, this guy can cook. This guy can cook. Wow, this guy is stinking. On his feet. -he's thinking on his feet. Every time he makes stuff, I think he made one piece of pork that was overdone that people weren't too happy with. Every other thing he's made there, but they've said, Wow! He's in it for the comp. He's in it for the comp because every time everyone's like, I'm just so honored to be here. It'll be a dream come true if I can go through to the next round. He sits back and says, I'm here for war, bro. Say less. I think I'm the best. I want to prove that I'm the best. I'm here for it.


That's the attitude you.


Need to be. Yeah, he's here for the competition, bro. There's nothing else to it. Fuck all this.


I'm happy to be here. I want to win. Yeah, fair. Professional chef.


Or not, I want to be here. He said, I want to prove that I'm the best. That's what gasses me when he comes in and just like, I'm a seasoned vet, I want to prove I'm the best. Then you've got Donnie and Philippe in there where he's looking at Philippe, he's like, Fuck, I'm a coffee chef. Are you taking.


A piss? Yeah. How are you even thinking? Yeah, he's thinking.


Fuck, I'm really here. This is really masters. Damn. Yeah, I love stuff like that. I hear you. Wow, I'd fumble in there.


Oh, fuck, so would I.


I couldn't be in a competition for you man to serve up a coffee for you and then man say you're a genius. I'd think what am I doing here? Facts. What am I doing here? Facts. I'm busting up the same croquettes that I've been making for three years. These men are bringing in banana and avocado. Yeah, banana. Yeah, banana, guacamole, bro. Yeah, that's crazy. What am I supposed to do? That's crazy. Yeah, it's getting juicy.


I bet. It's getting juicy. I might.


Give it a watch though. -it's getting juicy. All right, bet. You had a question for us. I have a question for you, actually. Gang. It's been a while. It has.


Been a while. The question is, we've still lived the same life we live, podcast, everything, all of that. But my question to you is if we got straight out of uni, so uni was 10 years ago.


No, God, don't.


Remind me. If you got out of uni and you bagged a 70K a year job, this is actually all of you, 70K a year job, knowing what you know now, 10 years later that we're in this position, would you take that 70 bags a year? Considering you know what you went through these past 10 years.


So do I enjoy the job?


Yeah, you're having fun. It's a nice job. I don't know what job it is, but you're having fun. You're getting good pay and you're well looked after. Your life is better, all of that stuff.


It's seven K starting... 10 years later, I'm still making 7K?


It starts in 7K.


Starts in 7K.


It starts in 70K. It starts in 70K.


That sky is the limit. It starts in 70K. That's hedge fund stuff. Yeah.


You're what? 22? You're sparring at 70K.


The podcast never exists, but the podcast never exists.


The podcast doesn't exist. Now, if you take the 70K, the podcast doesn't exist. But you know that this could be an eventuality 10 years later, but you just have to grind it out and not have anything. You've lived the exact same life you've lived- I'm with you. -up until now.


Someone could tell me, right, you can take the 70K job, which in 10 years time could be 200K, 300K. Could be wherever.


You want it to be.


Or live in the shit-For ten years. -for ten years, but something amazing can come at the end of it. But I don't know for a fact the podcast can happen. I just know it's a possibility.


It's a possibility, yeah.


That's really annoying me that you've said that. Straight out of uni, the next day after graduation, I would have picked the podcast. A year after uni, when I was really hungry, I would have taken the job.




Saying that I knew the podcast. It's not saying that the question happened to me at uni and I just left it a year. If the question was asked of me a year after uni and said, Nine years from now you could have this, or, Here's the job for 70k right now. If someone, if anyone, I didn't mean anyone. If a human trafficker said, 70 bags a year, come with me a year after uni, I would have been anyone's. I was suffering. I'd heard you. I wouldn't have even let them finish the sentence to tell me about this podcast.


Blah, blah, blah.


Take my soul, bro. Give me the 70k. Fair. Hundred %. But day after uni, I didn't give a fuck. I had £11 in my account, I didn't care. I just wanted my breadwins and puss. Yeah, fair. That's all I wanted. Fair. Fun and puss. What about you?


I would choose... I probably would have chosen the 70K, purely because...


I know for a fact you would have chosen.


The 70K. Probably because you guys know that pretty much ten years I was in hospitality and it was the, as fun as it was at times, it was the longest part of my life. It was literally the longest part of my life. I don't regret it because life is life and whatever, but the 70K would have nicer to me, bro. I would have had a life, man. Do you know what I mean? I would have literally had a life. I had no life. When you man, we're doing that, we're going here, we're going there, blah, blah, blah, and I'm weak as I'm just there. Just in Manchester or in whatever, working in London, I'm thinking, I literally don't.


Have a life, bro. I remember because all of our linkups were whilst you were on at your job. Yeah. That's how we spent time with you. We would go eat at your restaurant.


Yeah, true. I hated it. I hated it so much.


You didn't seem like you did, though, so I'm happy you kept it because I.


Was vocal.


I was vocal for years and years and years. Wow. I used to ring Rem and just we would just complain for hours on a long drive. I'll bell him and we'll just talk dreams and complaints. I hate it. I hated it. I hated it. Wow.


Dreams and complaints. Rem, what about you?


-same, bro. -fresh out. Same, fresh out. Post uni, just realizing that our degree at that time just meant so much less than what it was sold to us as when we were going to uni.




Just yeah, that was one of the lowest points in my life, man. Realizing that yeah, bro, honestly, actually realizing that... It's not fun.


It's not funny. That's not funny. That was one of the lowest points of.


My life. It was realizing that when I graduated, thinking that I'd be ahead of my peers that didn't go to uni and then... I'm not the person that noticed and then man just went straight to work. They were.


Making money.


They're making money now. I'm thinking, okay, cool, but I went to uni. I'm going to.


Speed past them.


Yeah, my degree is going to like... I'm going to jump past you, fam. The realization that that was not the case and all these men only care about experience, that was hard hitting. Going back the day after uni, if someone would have offered me 70 bags a year, 22 years old, I would have bitten your hand off.




Straight. I would have sucked his fingers. -what? -i would have been playing to you, bro. I would have sucked his fingers, bro. -same. -seventy bags a year.


-that's crazy. -at 22. I didn't know what that money was. I don't think.


Anyone did. In my head, I would have conceived it as 70 grand a day. That's how much money that is. Seventy bags a year. Yeah, okay, you're stupid. You're stupid. That's insane.


Ellis, what about you?


I'm going to take a different approach. Of course, sure. Because I'm a firm believer of you need to have... You need to work like shit jobs and go through the struggle a bit. I feel like it builds you as a person and builds your character. Agreed. I feel like if you come out of uni, you've been settled with, what is it? Seventy-seventy? Seventy grand a year. Yeah, it's cool, but there's no struggle. I just don't feel like it's like, don't worry, it's sick. You're going to be fucking traveling and all this shit, and you're going to be doing shit. But I don't know. I just feel like you need to work those shit jobs. You have to. It's literally part of like... It's part of... I don't know. When I look back at the shit jobs I've had, I'm like, Oh, it's sick. Because you can reflect and be like, Oh, cool. Now I'm here. I think it's cool. It builds character. All I'm.


Hearing is we took you out too early.


You didn't really bleed.


For it. You didn't really bleed for it.


How old are you? Twenty-two? I don't know if you've done shit jobs.


For maybe two years. 15, bro.


Oh, 15? Yeah. To be fair, to be fair.


-is that.


Legal, my guy? No. You started KPM at 15, right?


Yeah, I was in school.


Fuck. That's bullshit. There, okay, yeah. You've drank the devil's lead time. That's bullshit. You've been 15.


My first job was 16.


My first job was 16, but my first job was chill. I was working in the leisure center attached to my school, and I was just setting up badminton courts and playing basketball.


That's what I was doing. I was watching pots and serving students. I'm not doing that.


That's what I was doing. I'm not doing that. I think that job actually gave me a bad first experience of work. It was so laxed. Because I remember the manager at the time was so relaxed. I think I've told you before, he used to just let us play basketball on shift. Yes. Yes. Because it's that same that you said as where I played ball with my team and I also boxed in that same place whenever I had boxing training or basketball training, if I had happened to be on shift, you're like, Just go do it and then come back, finish your shift. I was like, This is blessed. This is fucking blessed, bro. Then when they changed managers and we had Linda come in.


She whipped you, man, for sure.


Day one, she said, If you think you're doing this basketball bullshit again, you've lost your mind, you're head of work.


I was like, Whoa.


What's this? Then I hated her from there. Then I hated every single day of work ever again. -she changed your... She changed your... She changed your mentality. This is fucking because I remember thinking if before, I was like, if this is what the job is, this is blessed. This is Kirsty.


Yeah, you got them red roses, boy. Yeah, boy. Rem, what was your first job again?


I think my first proper job was when we were at uni at the Reco Arena in Coventry. I was.


Feck, I applied for the same bitch. I never got it. I was vexed. Yeah, but then that's when -What.


Were you doing there again? I forgot about that.


I was just on match days, weekends, just serving behind the bar.




It's like beers and...


Okay, I forgot you did that.


Wow. Yeah, but.


Then obviously I had that job, but when you man secured -The hub?


Yeah. The hub is the union thing.


No, that wasn't the... Okay, yeah, that was earlier, but then you guys got the butlers.


Oh, yeah.


The wages? The pay scales.


Were off. The pay scales.


Were way off. That was literally... We were money at 19, 20 we were.


Making money. I was screwed. I was screwed. I forgot about that.


That was my.


First job. That was like two bills a shift, didn't it?


That was crazy talk back then. Crazy talk.


Yeah, wow. I tore my butt.


Cheeks out.


I tried to get my ass all out. -it's like -Making money. Damn. Okay, bet. Right, guys, time for the introduction. Welcome back to the show. Thanks. As you've already heard, tickets for our O2 Arena show go live for Patreons tomorrow. They do. If you want to make sure you get a ticket, you want to have it secured because this team can sell out on patron, by the way.


They fucking can.


There's a big community over there. They can sell out over there. So head on over to patron. Com/shitsandgigs. Contribute your three pound a month. 10p a day. Run the P to S and G. Secure your ticket before everyone else. Watch four years worth of content from your boys that the world has never seen. Facts. Join our community. There's going to be groups galore about what people are doing before the O2 show, after the O2 show is a bank holiday Sunday. Shit gets crazy. So, yeah, get in there.


The weather is going.


To be up. Chirp some tings and sort your hotel. Facts. Facts. Sort your hotel. Damn, it's going to be a party. That night is going to be a party. I can't wait. I'm actually gassed. Guys, if you're watching on YouTube, please subscribe to the channel. If you are listening on any audio platform, please leave us a nice review. As always, guys, please buy these tickets.


For this O2 show. You have to.


The biggest you've ever had, I promise you it's going to be worth it. It's going to be insane.


-it will be worth it, man. You guys literally have no choice.


-you have to buy them. -it's going to be so sick. I literally can't even explain to you, man, how sick this show is going to be. I flip in, you might not deepen it, a live podcast show in the O2 arena. The O2 arena. If you're not from the UK and you're like, What's even the O2 arena? Imagine Madison Square Garden, bro. This the equivalent that we're talking about here. This is the levels that we're talking about here. People aren't doing this stuff. They're not. Yes, please, guys. It is going to be like Beyonce meets Michael Jackson meets Billy Eilish meets Slipknot with a twist of Al Green and Taylor Swift on steroids.


All meshed.


In one. Yeah, all meshed into one, bro. Then it's just like Rupert's fucking Drag Race in there.


Just Vogue-in. Just Vogue-in down to Ireland.


Vogue-in. Wow. It's going to be an experience. It's going to be a party. I can be the answer. I'm ready to dance for the next person to ransom. Yeah, you've been already- How these...


The little swivel hit. The flibble arms.


Yeah. They'd swivel arms. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They swivable that bitch. Remember, guys, yes, it's going to be sick. And if we sell out in one day, Fuette to hold of lips. Anyway.


He still hasn't denied it.


He still hasn't denied it. Without further ado, we are headed into the...


That means you guys got us up here, up here, up here, up here.


24 hours. I have a question. -yeah, man.




Of the week.


What we got? The question of the week this week was, What's the worst punishment you've ever received from your parents? And after I go through my list, I'm going to ask you, man, your worst punishment.


All right, bet. Two.


Right. What's the worst punishment you've received from your parents? Crushed Scotch bonnets as toothpaste.


-that can't be true. It's abuse. That can't be true. It's abuse. My teeth will fall out.


That's abuse, my guy. Crushed bunnets. Crushed bunnets. Crushed Scotch bunnets.


That takes time. That sounds like a pester-Lamorter situation. That takes time. Yeah. Damn. Okay.


Neil on uncooked rice and had to hold a textbook over my head. Knilling on uncooked. Do you know the amount of people in this thread that I kneeled on uncooked rice? Really? I didn't know this was a punishment. I hadn't heard of this in my life.


I'm using-Neil on uncooked rice.


Yeah, and held a book over my head.


Crazy. -fuck, no.




-is this Alshuitz, bro? -yeah, bro. -what's going on? Yeah, that's a punish. -neiling-uncooked rice.


-it's a punishment. -kneeling on uncooked rice. It's a punishment, yeah.


Just beat me.


-fat, it's not enough. -yeah. -beating isn't enough anymore, I guess. -wow. -it's clearly not enough because they must have beat and beat and beat and just like this to it.


-yeah, yeah, yeah. -you're leading an.


Uncooked rice. -yeah, you're going to.


Feel this one. This is like middle-type stuff. Their punishments were brazy. I swear. You never.


Watched it? I didn't watch it consecutively to remember any.


Serious stuff. They were brazy, but they were white brazy. Okay. Yeah, they weren't this level of stuff, but they would... Lois would make these man stand in the corner facing the wall for like three days. Yeah, bro, she was on stop. She lost her mind for these use. These days are just crazy.


Right, so what's the worst punishment you've ever received from your parents? My great grandma used to tie us down and stick crushed ginger up our assholes. Tie us down?


What's going on? Like a hot tie? Yeah. It's crazy.


No great grandma's doing anything of a sort to me.


Great grandma. Wow.


The youth must have been small.


Bakes up... Fax? Bakes on a sharp. Fax. That's what great grandmas are here for. What do you mean your finger in my arse hold with ginger?


Bank me starting to go to bed.


That's medieval. Wow.


She beat me with a Vivizella for stealing some eggs.


Oh, with a what? Vivizella. What's that?


It's them instruments.


To use in South Africa.


They're hauntings. For stealing eggs.


Stealing eggs. First of all, if I'm stealing eggs, I'm hungry. These are sweets. If I'm stealing eggs, I'm hungry. It's not delicacy for me. Don't punish me. Wow, oh, my God.


I don't know why, but I got my ass beat in the shower with the stick part of the mop. I was shaking to my core.


After that. I don't.


Know why. I don't know why.


My mom was just taking a shower and then Pop's just like, with.


The stick part.


And then just closed it and dipped. Just closed it and dipped. Until now he doesn't know why. He doesn't know why, bro. Oh, my God.


They broke a bucket on my head and got mad at me because the bucket broke.




Fucked up. That is fucked up. They told me to write, I'm sorry. I would never lie again 2,000 times.


No. My wrist will ache, bro.


2,000 times.


I'd lose it.


What's the worst punishment you've ever received from your parents? They took my fucking door. They took my.


Fucking door. Oh, my God. That's crazy. That's nuts. That is not. That is not. Parents don't care. I remember my mom threatening me with that before, though. Because I told her I wasn't allowed things in my room with the.


Door closed. Yes.


I remember one time she said, If you close the door one more time, I'm taking off.


I couldn't hear... Well, if I hear it, I'm thinking, What do you mean? That's the first thing I'll be thinking.


I don't know if it was the cadence or the tone or the speed. I knew exactly what she meant. -you believe her? -she meant, screwdriver, Hinges is coming off. Don't close it again. I was vexed because she said it when the ting was there. Text me that. Call me downstairs. Don't shame me in front of.


My boo. Why do.


Parents do that? Facts. Why do parents...






You gain from embarrassing your own flesh and blood in front of a ting that I'm trying to sweeten? Do you see what I'm saying?


A lie. I'm trying to get my own honk tie situation in here. What are you doing? What are you doing man? What are you doing man? You're trying to take it off.


You might as well take.


It off now because you ain't coming back. Facts. All our friends.


Anyway, they didn't speak to me for a week and I can only come down when dinner was ready.


That's horrible. A week.


Didn't speak to me for a week, only come down when dinner was ready.


That's a serious punishment.


That is a -That's a serious -I'll.


Be begging for conversation.


-yeah. -begging for conversation. You would see me at dinner, just start crying.


Just for attention? -yeah. I need the attention.




Pulled open the shower cone and beat me with a wire.


Is this the same bread?


It must be siblings or something.


This shower thing is nuts. This is crazy.


I baked some biscuits and as a punishment, she opened the back door and chucked them.


That's uncalled. That's really fucking horrible. I would cry my eyes out.


She opened the back door and chucked them. I told them I wanted to marry a criminal as a joke and they took me to a prison for the day. Oh, Jesus.


That could have gone south.


It could have.


It really could have. She could have doubled down.


I told my mom to fuck off, and she filled my mouth with shower gel. -shower gel is crazy. -shower gel is nuts.


-the thing down must have been- Yeah, the smush of the lips. Yeah, it must have been crazy. -wow, she was angry.


I couldn't be the father/husband of that family and walk in and see.


That occur. No, I'll scream stop.


My wife on top of my child squeezed the shower gel into his mouth.


Get off him. What happened? How did you get here?


Yeah. How did.


We get here? Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.


Oh, my days. When I lied about my grades, my mom made me call all her friends and tell them I was a liar. Because you know what parents are like, especially African parents. African parents, when your kid has done something good or nice or deep, they love to brag to the breadwin. Yeah. All the time. So the margin is like, you made me say to my breadwin that you got As, Bs and Cs and all of these things.


Call them- You're going to call each one of them and tell them you're a liar.


You're going to call each one of them and tell them you're a liar. You're a liar. Because it's not going to.


Come from my mouth. I'm not doing that.




I'm not doing that because I'm also not going through the small talk of when she answers the phone. Every single time. Hi, James.


How are you doing? Oh, why are you calling me for, baby? What's up?


I have to call you to say I'm a liar. Liar? What are you talking about?


Facts, every.


Single day.


Auntie, just stop and listen. I'm mass text in the group chat.


That's a broadcasting.


I'm mass texting. Auntie's are lied. Aunties and uncles, I lied.


Oh, my days. But then I've doubled up. But this is really a lesson on the pressures that you are putting on us children. Facts. Because I felt like I had to lie. Facts.


Think about that. There you go. There you go, parents. Think about it. My dad took me to a police station because I shot in a bush.


That's excessive.


That put a fear of God in me though.


-police station? -yeah. Yeah, that's nuts.


They told me to circle every vowel in a newspaper for failing an English test.


I don't even know what a vowel is till now. I'm not going to lie to you, man. Which one is it? You do, man. What? Which one is the vowel?


Which one?




A-e-i-o-u. All right, cool. Bet. Yeah, I know which one they are. What?


You did know, man.


Bro, listen. You're making this deeper than it needs to be. In my head, I was confusing vowel with noun. If you said circle every noun in the paper, I would like, I don't know what that is. As soon as you said AI, I was like, Oh, yeah, bet, I know.


And the occasional why.


And the occasional why.


So it's just the name of what it.


Was that-Yeah. Sometimes I get mixed up about vowels, adjectives, pronouns, all these things. I get mixed up. Read your fucking list. Because you'd like to do this, isn't it? Do what? He likes to add pauses and extra stairs, and he loves to do this sit-up thing in his chair. Because that's my genuine- I explained what happened. That's my genuine reaction. -wem was very understanding and said, Oh, it's just the names you get confused with sometimes. I said, Yeah, I get confused with names and you're still there like- Because I'm processing. -you still haven't even exhaled. This is not necessary, is it? It's just really not necessary.


I said, Which one is that?


It's the one? -i get you. -now I get you. Because in my head, I was certain I had said noun. If I had said noun and I said, I don't even know which one that is, I can understand you might be a bit like, I'll swear. But it didn't warrant the reaction that you gave, but I realize now what I had what she said, and let's move on.


Do you know what a noun is? I just.


Said I don't.


Name, place, person, is capital, capital all out. Okay. James is a noun. Cool. I don't care. -harris is a noun.


Class of people. Yeah.


Yeah, I don't care. Okay, cool. That's why I don't know. Cool. Say less, bro. I simply don't care. Cool. I feel like the mood is gone now. I've got a few more.


What's the worst punishment you received from your parents? She broke a wooden spoon on my thigh. Been there. Really?


Been there, yeah. That seems hard to do.


Oh, it's easy when you have African parents.




Yeah, but it probably on my ass or something. It wasn't my thigh.




It. Yeah, bro. Wooden spoon was their go-to. Yeah, wooden spoon, wooden bachelor, anything like that. Yeah, man, because it was easily.


Replaceable as well. Oh, I get that. But it doesn't seem like I've cooked with many a wood and spoon. It doesn't seem easy to snap like that. How hard is she hitting you? Tough, bro. Hard as? Yeah, bro.


Nah, that's not. I've been through stuff. I can tell. I've been through stuff. Punishment's galore. I didn't get meat on my plate for two months.


That is crazy.


Two months. I didn't get meat on my plate for two months.


That's malnourishment. That is.


That's malnourishment. That's RSPCA.


Type tool. Yeah, where am I getting my minerals? Facts. Where am I getting my.


Minerals from? I need my.


Ions, bro. Yeah, I'll be anemic by the end of it. I'll be anemic. Meat on my plate. And the thing is, two months is so long, by the time you give me meat again, I forget why.


Fax, Fax. I'm a vegetable now.


Yeah, Fax. Wow.


My mom made a whole pot of boiled plantain and forced me to eat it. I almost passed out. That's crazy. That's insane. That probably occurred because my man probably stole one plant at a time. -yeah. -or took one.


Too many. We're doing the cigarette trip. Yeah? Yeah. You like plantain? Yeah. Say it like that. -wow, you must love plantain. -yeah, you're going to have a mom. -yeah, let me kill you some plantain.


That's potassium.


Now that could turn someone into shock. Fat. They used to say don't even eat two bananas in a day. A whole pot of plantain.


Yeah, that would send your body into something else. Last one. Worst punishment your parents have ever given you. The belt. But at the end, they sprayed me with dethol so I could really feel the sting. I could really feel the sting. I would be dartting.


Over the house. Yeah, that's crazy.


Dartting all.


Over the house. You're going to whip me and then make it worse. Literally putting salt on the wound. Literally.


That's horrible. All right, worst punishment you can think of that you've received.


Worst punishment I can think of is probably, I've told you man before, probably the night my mom made me stay up all night.


After your night shift?


Yeah, not even after my night shift. Because you went out. Yeah, because I went a.


Night out.


I had a 10:00, 11:00 PM curfew. I came in at 4:00.


Am and she was.


Going toilet.






I don't.


Think anyone's felt fear the way I felt fear in that exact moment. I've never been more afraid of anything in my life. From then, so she made me... Obviously, I've been up all the day before. I've been out. Then I had my first shift at this place the next day at 4:00 PM. She made me sit in my room awake from 4:00 AM until my shift at 4:00 PM.


How did she know if you didn't fall asleep, though? Or if you.


Did fall asleep? Because my door was open, so she would keep coming out. Every time I doze off, she went, Where the fuck are you? I had to sit there. Bear in mind I wasn't allowed to leave the room. I'm sat in my room just knackered, hallucinating. Every time I doze off, she would wait me the fuck up. It was horrible. That's punishing. It was absolutely horrible.


Ellis? Do you.


Know what? I never really got anything mad, but my mom used to do this fucking annoying thing where if I pissed her off or say if I called in sick for school or whatever, she would literally take the power lead for my Xbox and nothing else. The Xbox is there, all the games and everything, just take the power lead. She'd take the TV lead and everything. There's nothing to do. So you'd just be... That's probably the word. I know. It's the lightest thing you've probably ever had. I didn't get fuck all. My punishment was fresh air. I'm very lucky I didn't get beaten up. Wow, okay, cool. But yeah, that was it.




Privilege. Privilege. Rem, what are you saying?


When I used to misbehave, obviously there was belt and all of that stuff, whatever, but my mom used to take me to my auntie's house in the morning. I think she'd go to work, take me to my auntie's house, leave me there. My auntie used to make me sit in the corner of the room. She used to do hair. She used to do a hairdresser. She used to make me sit in the corner of her living room while she was doing hair. All day. I used to just sit there watching the wall the whole time, all day doing.


Absolutely nothing. -i'd splat at my forehead on the wall.


-yeah, that's... I'm about, I don't know, say eight. Eight to ten. That's torture, man.


Yeah. That's torture. Should hear me thud in my head against the thing.


You man ain't receive punishment. I'm not going to lie.


To you. Well, I just skipped the basic stuff, which is the bell. I used to get beat all the time.


Oh, the bell. -the bell, yeah. I think everyone got the bell. -that's standard for me. -apart from the bell, obviously. Everyone got the bell. But my two that I record, apart from the whip, the bamboo stick that ripped my stomach skin off, apart from that, the two, there's one punishment called the pickpin.


This doesn't.


Make sense. Go on. The pickpin is one finger, Jay might know about this, one finger on the ground. I'd have to actually get up and show you. Audio listeners, apologies.


Pickpin, right? Hours.


Hours. Hours, hours.


Hours on end. You have to balance like that?


Balance like that. Hours on end. If your foot drops, whip. If your knee drops, whip. If your handshakes, whip. That and there was a... This is an actual poor exercise, but it was a punishment for use. This one. That. Hours.


What do you mean? I don't mean hours, bro?


Literally, I mean hours. I would have to do that in front of the TV. I'm facing my pops. My pops is watching a TV. I'm just there. He doesn't know I exist until my feet touch the floor. If my heel back touches the floor, you man, man.






Long day. It's a long day. Dan said I have to look at my pops and pops is watching TV. Yeah, and you don't.


Exist until your heels to the floor.


I don't exist until my heel touches the floor and pray to God my heels don't touch.


The floor. Wow.


I don't know what that was called, but it was a punishment, my bro.


Never heard anything.


It. Yeah, you wouldn't, bro. You wouldn't? You wouldn't? No. Your face and wall is life, man. Yeah, fair.




I was around the same age. Eight, ten. Yeah, that's what I was doing, bro.


No, that's not on the team.


Yeah, I got punished.


That's not on that.


I just weren't allowed to play card.


Yeah, that's facts. That's crazy. To be fair, that's the most pussy of fucking day.


If there was a house locked in with parents for days, you would come back with discipline.


You would have noosed yourself, boy.


Discipline and trauma. That's ridiculous. Trauma, my G.


Yeah. Fuck. Wow, that's scary.


Wait, did you never ever.


Get beat? I got hit once. I got hit once. -once? -i was nothing mad. I got slapped in the back or something. It was nothing that mad. That was something really extreme. That was it. I didn't really... It was just literally a typical thing. Go to your room, you're not coming out. That was it. Wow.


I'm not mad. My man said I wasn't allowed to play Xbox.


Yeah, that's it. That's why I.


Was allowed.


To play COD.


I rolled my eyes when you said that.


I bet you kicked off as well. I bet you were in the shadow boxes. Scream as fucking bitch. You're a fucking bitch. You think you can take my fucking Xbox, bro. Wow.


I remember one.


Time, yeah, I used to play this whole screaming thing. I used to have a basketball hoop in my back garden, and then it was so jarring. Every time it hit the rim, if I missed, it would bounce off the rim and hit my kitchen window. My mom used to go mental.


I bet. Was it a regular size or like a mini.


Just last game? A normal regular size thing. Bearing in mind my mom bought me the thing. There's nothing I can do about it. I can't make every shot. I'm trying my best. Every single time it used to ping off this window, my mom would go fucking insane. It got to a point where there was one time I raised my voice in it. But I was like, I wasn't a youth, I was 14. I'm still a kid. But I raised my voice and she was like, James, stop fucking hitting that window. I was so fed up because it's not my fault. I was like, Literally, all I said was, It's not my fault. My stepdad came downstairs and he was like, shower your fucking mom again. He was like, Shout your fucking mom again. I have a fan? You man. In my head, I was rocking his jaw. In my head, I was doing all sorts. I remember just I couldn't look up. I don't remember being like, I'm not a man. I remember going to my room and screaming into my pillow, kicking my legs and screaming into my pillow. This pussy of things I want to knock him out.


You know my dad blood. You know my dad blood. That's when blood was the word as well. You know my dad blood and you can chatter me. I'll shout at whoever I want. Are you mad? Then I came down for dinner like... It was so jokes. I was livid.


I don't know what it is about parents swearing at kids, but that'll put the fear of God in me.


That'll put the fear of God in me. God and parents, especially male parents, if they drop an F-bomb on you, you think you're going to die. Yeah.


I don't think my parents ever sworn.


At me. My dad's never swan at me. He's stayed swearing, but my dad has never, ever swan at me. My dad's only shouted like three times. My dad has this weird thing where he hums after he shouts. If you ever get into that level where he has to shout, he always be like, Give me an example. He'll be like, I said behave. It's a shaking. He's holding himself down. You don't know what I would do to you. You man is scary. I said behave. It's scary. You don't know what he's up to, bro. You don't know what's going through his mind. He's capable of stuff. He's lost it. Yeah, he's tired.


Figgars were running up in the yard and causing a ruckus. Yeah, Jesus.


I said behave. I can remember it crystal clear. It was scary. It is scary and it's jokes because obviously my younger brother, I've only heard him get the hum once and he held tumps that day. My youngest brother because my dad grew out of it. The open hand, he grew out of it. He put his belt away. When he had more kids, he put his belt away, bro. The one time we was in Florida, whatever, my little little brother, he must have been five or something at the time. This nigger was acting up. I swear. Up where me and my little brother, me and my brother brother were looking at each other like, How is pops letting this run? How is he letting this run? Because we were in I-hop and this kid's kicking up a fuss. I was like, This is borderline. We would have been knocked-unconscious. -yeah, if it was us. This was us back in the day, we would have been unconscious right now. This kid's getting away with murder. You can see my dad chilling, chilling. His mom's trying to calm him down. My dad's chilling, chilling, chilling, composed. You could see something snap in his head.


Okay, boy, when my little brother got that hum, I was like, It's game over. My dad chased him out the thing. I was like, I knew you couldn't fully retire. Because the lengths this boy was going to, he needed suck.


Chased him out the...




Can't see that.


Chased him.


Out the eye-hop. I can't see that as the next customer at the table. I can't see that. Facts.


But it was one of the ones that when I say this boy was behaving so badly, it was like, When my dad chased him out the thing, you could tell the other guys, We were like, About time. About time, yeah. Fuck him up. Yeah, okay, say that. This student needs to learn something. He needs to learn the hard way. Boy, you weren't listening. I've never seen a youth behave like it. He weren't listening. He fixed up from then. I bet. Jesus. All right, bet. Before top five, I've got a little thing. I don't want to say we've got in the habit, but I know when we talk about interactions with people in the gen pop space, it's always like last week, like this guy knows where I live or this person, this and this. It's always got a little bit of like a... I had one the other day that I was actually like, this was actually cool. Okay. What it was was I pulled up to McDonald's the other day, drive through to, I can't remember where I was on the way back from, but I was starving. I pulled up to McDonald's. I'm on the drive-through mind of my own business, I've ordered, I'm waiting for my food and I can see a couple of...


I look through the window, couple of man are hustling, bustling.




To my music, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I look again when I say there's nine man smushed together in this little window thing. I rolled out my window slowly and I looked up, one of the brothers was like, Are you James? We're just in gigs. Then there was just silence for a second. I was like, Who the fuck is my food, bro? When I say these men were howling, it was such a nice little ice breaker. Everyone was like, How you all... It was so jokes, bro. That is hilarious. It was so jokes, bro. Then I had some brother in the back like, Yeah, he's here all the time. I said, What?. He said you're here all the time. I was like, What the fuck is this now? -yeah. -give me the food. Facts. Give me the food. First of all, I'm not. I had to peep him like, I'm not. He was like, Yeah, but not all the time. But I've seen you before. I was like, Shut up, man. Give me the food. Then Don is like, Can I take a picture? I was like, Bro?


Give me.


My food? Yeah. I'm going to ask you one more time. It's been thrice now. I'm going to ask you one more time. Run me the food and then we can talk selfies. But that whole thing right there, I was actually like, This is nice. I actually feel like I've interacted with someone because I always go around, because when I'm by myself, I'm very much by myself. Whenever people meet me, I always have it in the back of my head. I wonder if I've let them down. I wonder if they've thought like, Oh, I was expecting them to be bouncing off the walls. Okay. It was very much like, Oh, nice to meet you. Thanks. Appreciate it. I just got on my day. That was a nice time where I actually felt like I've met people and they've been like... Without even me saying, just from that interaction, without me saying, Yes, I am the person you think I am, I've given you a piece of me that's clarified to you like, Right, it is him, because that's something he would say. It actually made me feel really nice. That's cool, man. Yeah, props to them, man.


Just forget you saw me, though, because I don't go there all the time. So, sharp. Right, guys, please listen up. We have an announcement to make. We're going to pause the episode for a sec and educate you lot on below the waist grooming. I suppose. It's not spoken about enough. It's taboo in some circles. Tell them. But that's not how we play things in this studio. We tell how it is and we educate on things that we need to educate on. Gentlemen, listen close. Our friends over at Manscaped have been working night and day to bring you below the waist grooming experience like none other with their brand new Performance package 5.0, Ultra-Tra-Tra-Tra-Tra, featuring the lawmo 5.0 as we're talking about a next-generation trimmer with interchangeable bladeheads for whatever shave your mind can imagine. Upgrade your grooming game to the ultrasphere this year by going to manscape. Com and for 20% off plus free shipping, use the code SNG.


Coo November Golf.


High Tech for Low Places. Com. Coo November Golf.




Cool though.


Top five? -cool. -top five. Top five and you guys grab your pads, your boards and your pens.


I've said it before. I don't really check for comments too much, but like I said to you earlier, I was just digging through some analytics and stuff. Then obviously comments always just pops up. First thing you see on the videos, the most recent comments and stuff. I'm not going to lie to you, streets are saying you owe Alice a proper apology. For what? Yeah.


Saw that still.


What do you mean?


I saw that.


For what? I was.


Saying, what do you mean? Like you don't live in the comments? Yeah.


Yeah, what did you do? I didn't see you there.


Any of that. Yeah, everyone's saying you owe Alice a proper apology, bro. The way you spoke to him last week.


What did I say? I didn't actually think it.


Was bad. It wasn't that bad. It was more the time-It was more the tone. It was more the tone. And your apology at the time was, if you feel that way, then sorry. You were like a gaslight. Yeah, like a backhanded tooth. Yeah, a little gaslight at you. The streets are saying you owe a proper apology.


I don't remember what I said, and I don't remember the interaction. I just remember you saying, I don't like the way you speak to her. That's what I remember.


I asked to research something and you said, Well, I said, 'Oh, because I don't know if the guy's retired, ' and you were like, It doesn't matter.


Yeah, you were like, It doesn't matter if he's retired. Just write the name.


I did. Yeah, in the top five. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get over it, man. I'm joking. I'm joking. I'm doubling down, guys. Fucking hell. Ha-ha. Jesus Christ, man. Enis will live. You guys will live too. Jesus. Everyone will live. Everyone's fine. Yeah, we're good. We're good?


We're good. Brave you boy. We're good. Brave you, boy.


Guys, top five this week is the top five countries with the most millionaires.


Have we done this one before? No. Have we done billionaires before? No.


We've never done how much money.


It's interesting. We've done population. We've done something else.


To do with countries. Countries with the most millionaires. Okay, cool.


We were all locked?


Everyone's locked? Yep.


Cool. Ellis, you go first.


Dubai, USA. Bit of a gamble. I've gone for India. Russia. I've gone for Saudi Arabia, USA.


Dubai is not a country by the way.


Oh, S-A-C. United Arab Emirates is the country.


Yeah, whatever. I can't change it.


Game is the game. Fuck.


Does he not just get UAE instead? Say that again? So Dubai is UAE. Uae. Does he not just have UAE? Because that's obviously what he meant.


Yeah, I guess, but no.


Jimmy. I've gone UK, USA, Russia, Saudi, and China.




I've gone... I've chocked it. China, USA, Gilby, France, Italy, and Monaco.


Monaco is a shout. What I was going to say is I was interested in - Monaco?


Monaco country? Is it? Yeah.


Monaco is.


A city in France, if I'm not capping.


Independent, southern country. -independent, southern country. -southern country. There you go.


Say less. Yeah, man.


- Rich folk live there. Yeah, I was going to say I'm wondering, I would be intrigued if there's any fucking twist in there, say, Cainman Islands is number one or something like that because that's where everyone has their banks.


You can't apply to be a citizen of Monaco unless you provide evidence of having 500K in your account.


That's insane, isn't it? It's crazy. It's so juicy. So... Just shut up. Right, guys. I knew you were going to do that as well.


Number 10. With 1.3 million people being millionaires, South Korea.


Damn. 1.3 million millionaires. That's so insane. That is so insane.


Number nine. With 1.3 million as well? Italy.


I bet UK is not even in the top 10 anymore. I was going to say because these men have got a million. Well, UK, the reason I said is because UK used to have the most billionaires in the world.


-who is that?


-uk. -yeah. -jesus. -fair. Yeah, you used to have the most billionaires in the entire world. That's why I put it on there. But now these men are talking about over a million millionaires. There's only 64 million people in this country. That would mean 164 people as a millionaire. That doesn't make sense. Now I'm charging the whole thing. Anyway.


Number eight with 1.8, Australia. Fair. Number seven. With 2 million, Canada. Number six. With 2.6 million, UK.


Damn, okay.


Who else wrote UK? Nobody just you. Cool. Number five. With 2.6 million, nobody wrote Germany.


Fair. Germany.


Number four with 2.8, and I'm surprised none of you wrote Japan.


I would have no reason to write that. Fair? I would have been more likely to write Germany than Japan, for sure. Fair.


Number three with 2.8 and only one of you wrote France.


I would not have thought that evil.


Yeah, I would have thought that.


Number two with 6.2 million millionaires, China.




Number one, 22.7 million millionaires, USA. Rem won that round.




Played. Well played, Rem.


I'm disappointed. I wrote mine with confidence. I was locked in seven seconds. You were locked. You were.


So 11 is Netherlands, 12, Spain, 13, Switzerland, 14, India. Someone wrote India, no? -yeah, Eilidh wrote India.


Alice for India.


15, Taiwan, 16, Hong Kong, 17, Belgium, 18, Sweden, 19, Brazil, and 20, Russia.


So, Saudi, they're just not declaring millionaires now? Yeah. They just stop the mirror in millionaires. That's Tom. I see how it is now, isn't it? -surprising. -these men do what they want.


Yeah. I mean, they might be there, but just not a million of them.


There's a million of them. There is a million of them. They're all cake, bro. There probably is. I did hear that them, man, actually it is facts. They don't declare their wealth to Forbes in them. Okay. That's a fact. Okay. Because there's a lot of people that are saying that they reckon there's at least one trillion there in Saudi Arabia.




From just all money? They say Elon is not the richest man in the world. Yeah, that doesn't surprise me to hear. Their man just.


Don't register their wealth. Yeah, and tax will.


Hit him hard.


Yeah, yeah.


That doesn't surprise me at all.


But yeah, that was the fine. What's the score?






14, 11, 4.


Four. All right, you're catching up.


Let's go. Yeah, he is actually. -you're trying. -catching up.


-yeah. -you won in a.


Couple of weeks. That's all right man, I was getting bored. I told you man.




You won in a couple of weeks. -yeah, come on. It's not acting that I'm locking in the seven seconds. I'm just writing stuff.


I'm just writing stuff.


Say less. Okay, cool. Right, I've got a little thread. I hit me. I saw this and it's a little bit not different, but it ends with something a little bit different. Okay. The thread that I saw, a couple of people sent this to me and it's nice and easy, nice and simple. It's just why are you single?


Okay. Why are.


You single? I went through some of the comments. Some of them are jokes. Right, first one.


Second? I said, I hope so.


Right. First one straight to the point. I'm too clap for the ping, too ping for the clap.




Just middle. Yeah. Stuck in the middle with you. Okay. Second, some chick just said... First of all, there were scorned women in these comments. Not surprised. Men like men more than women. Interesting. Indeed. Interesting. One chick said, and this is actually good. She said, It's where I live. They drink tap water here. Fair.


Bro? Fair. Yeah.


Bro, fair. Yeah, fair. Yeah, she's literally saying, If I want to be in a relationship, I need to move. Yeah, facts. Because these man here, buttered, drinking up tap water. Fair play. Damn. All right. One guy said, I don't have enough money for a relationship.


He's honest.


F-what? He's honest. He's honest. 2023 relationships, I can't.


Afford it. I can't afford it. I'm staying single. Fair play.


Fair play. That's horrible as well, though. That's actually horrible because I was actually having a conversation with one of my boys who is single, and he was telling me like, this dating game is actually expensive. He's like, bro, he can't qualify for the girls that he actually wants to date. Qualify? Bro? Fam? Wow. He can't qualify the girls he actually wants to date because their idea of a date, which is not even crazy by the way, but what they want to do is like, Oh, let's take a trip into London and just go for dinner or stuff like that. It's like the trip, especially if they want to get a hotel all the time, we're talking typical, even a modest London hotel, we're talking like 200 pound a night for a modest one. Then dinner, let's say dinner is what, modest dinner. Let's say we're going central, 250 quid for the two of you for a couple of drinks in there as well. We're already like 500 pound in. Then let's say we go for drinks after dinner, a couple of cocktails, young alchemist, that's the easier extra 100 quid. 600 pounds deep before travel.




A date, this.


Yeah, that's crazy.


600 pounds. That's actually crazy. Yeah, he said, Bro, I can't afford it. I can't afford to date the baddies. He said they're down, but they want to do fun stuff and I can't afford it.


That's one day a month.


One date, bro. Damn. You don't even know if you like this thing.


Facts. You don't even know if she likes you like that.


Bro. Yeah. That's insane. Yeah, insane, bro. I don't have enough money for the rest of you. Something girl said none of your fucking business.




Wow. None of your fucking business.


Then don't reply. Yeah, bro. Then don't reply.


This turn wasn't for you. Wow. My girlfriend doesn't know who I am. That was me and Renchik back in the day. Damn.


And who?


My year seven through eleven crush.


-ultimate crush.


-oh, yeah. We used to walk.




The yard or something. Yeah, she went to the school next to my yard and we walked past my yard and my school ended slightly earlier than hers. By the time I actually made it back to my yard, she was just walking past my yard and it was like, what's that sound like? Why do birds suddenly appear? Bro, every time. Yeah, fam. Every day. Damn. Every day. It was a crush, bro. The school she went to was called Ren, which is why I call her Wrenchick. Wrenchick, Wrenchick. I never knew her name. When I found out her name was Lauren, I imagined In a whole life together. You, man, don't get it. I imagined an entire life together. Oh, my God. Wow. That went down in flames. That's jokes. Yeah. Wow. Right. The men I attract are terrifying.






Damn, that's... It's weird because even though she's saying that she's the common denominator.


She's the common denominator. But depending on... Bro, if she lives in fucking Lewisham and she's got cheeks, there, yeah, predatory. Yeah, she could work at a library, but what the fuck? Them braids are scary. No shit.




Weird. Bro, she doesn't have a choice.




Fair play. Yeah, damn. Someone said, Why are you single? I have no idea.


Fair? Fair.


Low key DeLulu, but also fair. Fair. I have no idea. That's one of them ones that was like, I would love to date me. I would love to date me.


But no one's out here.


Trying to date me. Yeah, no one's out here trying to date me. I would love.


To date. I'm a.


Nice guy. I don't know. Why are you single? Because love don't live here anymore.


Oh, my days.


Heart in pieces. In a bin. Shattered. Why are you single? She wrote, Because I beat niggas. I beat niggas. Yeah, Stacey. Yeah, yeah, Stacey. That's a fact. That's a scary talk. Facts. Stay single. The final reply to this one. It was actually on Shadabra and some girl replied, right? I don't know who she is. People know who she is, but I don't know who she is. For context, in case people are like, some girl, I don't know who she is. Right, so why are you the girl? Tweet, reply. Because I would be unfaithful, but always deny. I would drive a man to the point he questions his own sanity, but I wouldn't feel bad. I would continue to deny. I would persuade him that it's all in his head when really it's not. I am a terrible woman.


Damn, I think I saw that response. Yeah. Let me see the thingy. Yeah, I don't know who that is either, but I definitely saw that response. Damn, the fact that she put that on her main profile. Honesty, fair.


I rate Jesus Christ. But that is a confession. That is a confession.


That is a huge confession. It's a huge confession. And do you know the peakest thing about it? You'll probably get more man from that because man just see that as a compliment.






Right, bet. Yeah. See if you can cheat on me.


See if you can cheat on me.


See if I want to change you. Yeah, you're not a man like me, boy. You ain't cheating on me. I'm changing you. You ain'tyou. That's actually hilarious. That's pathetic. How sad are we? How deluded and sad areThe chick would be crazy who churps at you for that. But if a girl does it, a man would be like, Yeah, yeah. I don't think you could cheat on me. Yeah, challenge accepted. Yeah, yeah. You've been with some bumps. Yeah, let's run it.


Yeah, let's.


Run it. Let's run it. Let's run it. Wow, we're fucked. Yeah, but I rated the response. I rated it.


Were their responses to her response?


Because I saw in Shadeborough, I didn't see the thread properly. But in light of that, yeah, in my younger years, 18, 19, I was that same. Not as dark as that. -yeah, that's a confession. -not as dark as that. -it's a confession. But yeah, definitely in my gaslight bag. Yeah, my unfaithful gaslight bag. 18, probably between the ages of 18 and 20. Yeah. Yeah, not a phase I'm proud of. I would be lazy with it.


With the gas lighting and the lion.


Or with the- Lazy with the evidence.


Okay, I'm.


With you. Then I pour that gas lighting on. I'd pour it on, bro. Wow, like literal fuel.


Yeah, okay, say less.


Yeah, horrible. I'm a terrible woman. Damn.


I hate it. I have to hate it.


I have to hate it, bro. But-yeah. -i think it's crazy. -yeah, that's that thread. Right, trash news, please, Rem.


Yeah, boy. I want to take us back quickly before I start on the trash news I have for today to last week's ep on three, four, one. Do you remember this story? Yes. Right, so development from the comments that I.


Was reading. Okay.


This 30 million that she unalived her.


Man for. Yeah.


He didn't even exist.


Oh, no.


He fell for some scam of some sort. They both obviously believed it, and that 30 million wasn't even there. Oh, my God. For her to even murk him off to even receive. Also, they weren't married, so even if it did exist and he.


Passed away. Yeah, she won't get nothing.


She wasn't going to get that anyway. The whole thing.


Was just a mess. There's a human life in the bin because of this bullshit.


Because of a scam.


That's on core.




Ridiculous, man. Yeah, that plot got thicker.


-dam. -that's really, really, really disgusting. -dam. -yeah. -dam.


That was peak.


All right.


So today's trash news. Grinch fetish. A woman reveals her Grinch fetish is so intense that it's caused problems in her relationship.


I'm not surprised. That's a kick. Yeah, it really is. What?


Check this out. A woman has revealed her Grinch fetish on Reddit and has explained her struggle to get her boyfriend on board with the idea. She said, The thing is, I don't want to hear about the Grinch or listen to the Grinch or watch The Grinch. I want to be fucked by the Grinch. For the record, this is common among women.


She explained. Bro, who's the chick in The Grinch? Betty Boohoo! She was down for Donnie. I don't remember. For. Bro, his little school crush thing, when he was picking up Christmas trees and dashing at people and flipping things, my girl was roach. I remember that now. She was blushing my brother. She fancied the Grinch. I think it's Betty Boohoo. I'm not sure. It's one of them, write me names, bro. Say less.


My boyfriend asked me what I wanted for Christmas, and I told him straight up. I told him to put on the greenest, silkiest, Grinch costume he could find, kidnap me from my bed on Christmas Eve, and then ravage me in front of the Christmas tree.


I mean, I hear it, but I'm not doing it. I'm not doing it.


It's a lot of it.


She knows what she wants.


She said this is what I want for Christmas. That's crazy.




Not going to lie to you, man. I might do it. Yeah, that's crazy. On a secret thing?


It's only me and her.


And you. Yeah, man. That's crazy. Right, read the rest of you.


The fact that he's good with dogs and experienced trauma at a young age makes me want that long fuzzy dick even more, she said.


Because he's experienced trauma at a young age. -she's totty-She's sick. -she's twisted, bro. She's sick in the head.


The beat must be insane. It must.


Be insane. That squelch is nuts. That squelch is nuts.


Yeah, pelvic floor is drenched.


-wow. -dad.




-oo, we.


-what's the comment saying?


-fetishes can get super crazy.


On behalf of all women, this is not common. Facts.




Surprised, bro. Every single day we scroll further away from God. -jesus. -dam. I guess the Grinch's heart wasn't the only thing that grew three sizes that day. Strong comment.


This is the reddest green flag ever. Yeah, that giff is jokes. Yeah, it is. I use that.


A couple of times. Yeah, that's that naughty one. That's that naughty one. That's the jokes. Oh, wee. Oh, my God. Some of these we keep to ourselves.


Fair. Yeah, some things you take to the grave. I don't know.


Wow. Dan's a hater. Dan added someone who said, sound for... Lillia.


Oh, wow. Let's see the reply.


You're a bit... You're a bit...


You're a bit...


You're a bit...


Yeah, shut up. Stop, stop, stop. On big Twitter, you know? Oh, my damn. All right, man. Well, we don't kinkshame over here. No, we don't. Wow. That's crazy. I would probably agree to it if you spoke to me like that. With chest. Yeah, with chest. But once I'm actually getting dressed, my bone is gone and I'll be thinking, This is stupid. I'm not doing this.


Because also if I'm putting this thing on, one, there has to be like a cock access to it. I'm not putting that on. Do you know what I'm saying? I'm not putting on some tight.


Thing and my jaw is.


Just out. Do you know what I mean? I would feel.






I couldn't see myself in the mirror. Do you know what I mean, guy? Green fuzzy, silk thing and black cock out in the middle.


Just cocked just out. Because obviously her fantasy, she wants to be fucked in all green. So I'm not pulling my ting down to my knees. It just ruins the ting for her. It's buttters. Just black.


Ting swinging in between my legs.


Just between.


Some green blood. Butters, man. That's yuck. I'll say babe, nae.


What if... So she's talking to you on this crud.




Nub. Yes.


She's helping you put the suit on. You haven't gone away, you're in separate ways, and you're not going to the bathroom to put this on, and you've got to.


Stay in game. Yeah.


You're both in the room and she's helping you get dressed into this suit, and she's talking this smack to you here.


-that's another story.


-that's a different story. That's a good access point.


I think there are only two ways it can happen that way, but it's also one of them ones where I would have to somewhat break character because I don't know what else she wants me to put. But these.


Tights and.


Maybe the skin top.


What else is there? Do you know what I mean? You'd have to be there.


Like, You're a mean one. I have to play along.




If I really wanted to please her and I was like, Fuck it, tonight's the night, and she's just come back from work or something, I'll be ready in the out there. Because I can psych myself out and just wait. I'll cut a ting in the Gucci area, so my fuck is that, and just wait. Do you know what I mean?


That's the only way. I should be gassed.


I would get ravaged that day.


But that PNC? I'd burn it.


I'd burn the suit. This ain't.


Leaving the yard. Wow! That's crazy. That is nuts.


I've never heard of.


That kink in my life. Yeah, me neither.


I'm common to women. That's a lie.


That's a lie. Yeah, I didn't see anyone cosign that in the comments, but fair. It is what it is. Okay, cool. Right. You've got a recommendation to finish this off, bro.


I do have a recommendation. This week's recommendation is on Paramount Plus. It's called Yellow Jackets.


I've heard of it. I've heard of it. Someone told me to watch this.


Yellow Jackets is a decent show, bro. So far, so good. I'm locked in every episode is an hour and I'm locked in. It's about a group of girls. I'm only on season one. There are characters I'm not seeing yet. I think I'm on episode six, maybe on season one. It's about a group of high school girls. They're a football team, and they made their way to nationals. Nationals is elsewhere, so they have to take a plane. Long story short, it goes back and forth from 1996, I believe it is, where there were teenagers to 2021, where they're adults. The casting is really good. The teenagers to the adults casting, buff. Very, very, very Buff. Long story short, these men get into a plane crash or the sign happens with the plane and he crashes on an island, some remote island. They don't know where they are. They're trying to get help, all these things, and they're finding their way to survive. It's like eight girls, two guys, and a coach. That's all there is. They're finding their way to survive, and they flip back and forth with the stories of how they're dealing with the situation in 1996, I can't remember what year it was, and how their lives have changed when it flips back to 2021.


I like.


Stuff like that.


And how everything is meshed together. There's one chicken there called Misty.


I was just... Christina... Christina Richie. Is that the home girl that used to be in... She looks... Casper.


Fair play to where she looks... Oh, no, that's the older Misty. Yeah. The younger Misty, scroll down.


No, the S. Yeah. You man.


To be.


Fair, both cracked over.


You man haven't seen a side of a.


Human like this. Oh, damn. She is tapped. All right, I want to lock in.


In the first episode you see these men, you don't see their faces, but these men are eating humans. Oh, God. On the island. You don't see who it is. These men are ravage in humans.


They're starving. Bro?




This show is good. How many episodes are you in?


I'm six episodes in. Okay. And there's ten per season so far.


How many seasons? There's two seasons. I'm like, okay, say less. It's a good show. Someone has told me to watch this. It's a really, really good show. The cast.


Looks decent as well. The cast is good, man.


I like He ain't had a dub in a minute.


I've funny enough. I don't know. Maybe he's either tail end of season one or season two. I haven't seen Elijah Winnie yet. But when I say that the cross-pollination is some of these things.


It's crazy. Okay, decent. Crazy.


Yeah, it's good.


It's a good show. All right, man. Gang, Paramount Plus?




Plus, yeah. All right, gang. I'm down. I'm down. All right, man. Well, in that case, again, guys, just to reiterate. Yeah, man. We're really, really, really, really regressed about the show of the O2. Please try your absolute best to make it down because we're not joking. The show is called the big as you've ever -had. -pause. But it really is that in mind, body and spirit. We're putting everything we can possibly imagine into making this such a life-changing spectacle to everyone who comes. When the tickets drop, make sure you buy them. Let's, like I said, set out in a day. We're going to hold her lips. Anyway, love of love.