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Funniest and wildest Christmas stories. My sister's boyfriend pretended to play Grinch, stole everything and never came back.


He's just a thief. He's just a thief. He needed sign for Christmas. I'm playing Grinch.


My mom's side piece's wife, kids and grandchildren came to collect him from her house on Christmas Day.


That's wild. Three generations of people came to collect this deadbeat man from his sightings yard on Christmas Day. I just said, Grandad, please. Please come home. Facts. Come home. We need science. It's Christmas.


I told my dad I wanted a bike and he bought one from my brother. I ran away for an hour. I came from a family of six. One year, my brother, six or seven at the time, only got a gift from my dad because he said the rest of us didn't earn it. A Christmas present.