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See, that would break me.


That's when I snapped the-.


Yeah, baby it's.


All a ruse.


It's all a ruse, babe. It's all a ruse. I'm sorry.


Because I know she's going to go.


Upstairs and pray.


I know she's going straight upstairs to pray.


Candle's lit. Guys, as you can see, we are in the mood. We are in the fested period. We've got the little hats on personalizing all of them things there.


Come and sit on my knee.


I'm sorry. Sorry. Who?


Anyone. No one in here. Was Ren-free to up?


Obviously, a festive gang. I went with a Christmas tree ofeffects.


Safe. -yark. No, that's Yark.


No, that's... Yark, Yark, Yark. Yeah, man. And yeah, man as well. Yeah, man.


Yeah, man. No, first of all. You're not allowed to rock up wearing green and be like, I went for the Christmas tree effect. You're wearing a Mickey fucking jumper that you already own. These man actually pulled up in Christmas shit. This is Christmasy, bro. No, it's not Christmasy. Neither of us pulled up in Christmas jumpers, and we have to own that and respect it that these man did. You can't put yourself in and be like, I did this. Gang, gang, gang, gang, gang. Whatever, James. You didn't do good enough to be part of these man thing.


You finished?


Yeah. Cool.


You got the hats?


I'm not even going to say it. You're lucky.


Next. You're lucky.


Next. You're lucky. Next. Carry on.


Guys, the IG question of this week was, funniest and wildest Christmas Stories. We have a few.




My sister's boyfriend pretended to play Grinch, stole everything and never came back. Just never came back.


He's just a thief.


He's just a thief. Yeah, he needed time for Christmas.


I'm playing Grinch.


He probably had another family, stole all their shit to give to them.


Another family stuff is crazy. It is. My sister's boyfriend.


Yeah, that's crazy. Yeah, all right. That's crazy. All right, next. I had a seizure and was in hospital. The presents that year were so good. Man, I had a seizure from excitement. I can't tell the doctor what happened.


Are you sure? I'm pretty sure it's the other way around.


What do you mean?


I had a seizure, ended up in hospital, and because I was in hospital, everyone gave me a good presents. That's what I thought.


Oh, no, I thought...


You thought they had a seizure because the presents were so good.


That's the way my.


Brain dangerous to be like that. No, bro, that's insane.


Yeah, that's how I hope it went down. If you wrote this, tell me. Please tell me that's how it went down. Because that's how.


I'm hoping it went down. Oh, my days.


I gave birth four days before Christmas. On the day of, my mom left my dad and my brother's wife stole my money.


What? Crazy. How's your brother's wife getting your money?


Bro. My brother's wife stole my money is crazy.


-and my mom left my dad.




Crazy. And I've got this youth. I just gave birth.


Four days before Christmas. Surround me. Wow. Well, I need my family with me. My mum's side piece's wife, kids, and grandchildren came to collect him from her house on Christmas Day. I'm going to read that again. Please do. My mom's side piece's wife, kids, and grandchildren came to collect him from her house on Christmas Day.


My mom's side piece's wife-.


Wife, kids, and grandchildren came to get him from their yard on Christmas Day.


He had grandchildren. He had grandchildren. On her doorstep on Christmas Day.


It's bonkers, bro. That's wild. Came to collect.


His wife. Three generations of people came to collect this deadbeat man from his sightings.


Yard on Christmas Day.


Yeah. And just said, Grandad, please.


Please just come home. Come home, Fax. Come home. We need sight.


It's Christmas. We meant to be joyful. A man had to just get dressed and be like, F*ck. Come on then, didn't it?


Come on. Bro, it's crazy. That's dark. It is dark.


She would have felt like such a piece of subhuman.


Yeah, 100%. 100% bro.


Just a flannel, wow.


My 90-year-old nan threw up over my sister's new boyfriend after one glass of Fizz.


This is why we don't do boyfriends, girlfriends at Christmas. Because Christmas shows the worst of.


Your family. Yeah, because everyone's joyful and active.


We don't care what's around us. Then everyone in the family just understands.


What everyone.


Else is. We don't invite a boyfriend or a girlfriend over for Christmas. It's long. It's long. God.


I told my dad I wanted a bike and he bought one for my brother. I ran away for an hour.


That's Jack Joseph.




Dad does that?




That's- How can a sick dad does that?


He's playing games with his youths. Games.


I asked for a bike, he gave them to my brother.




- Yeah. -yeah. -running away is it. -yeah, Christmas Day is freezing. Yeah, it's freezing. -he had to come back. -christmas Day.


- Had't come back. My parents' divorcing. It's funny because it's supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year.


Oh, my God.


My family individually came up to me to tell me, Please not to ruin Christmas this year. Can you imagine how much of a low life you must be that every one of your family is coming up to you saying, Please, bro, please. Not this year. Not this year. Please.


And you're just there.


Like, Bro.


What do I do every year? That's when I'd run away. That's when I'd run away.




I can't have more than one say that to me either.


Yeah, you man don't love me and you don't care if I'm around. It's okay if I'm.


The calisthen whatever. Yeah, facts. You don't want me to be myself?




Facts. I'm not.


Ruining anything. Are you man not my family? Facts. My brother-in-law called my mom a different name, and that's how Grinch stole the Christmas. Peek, I found out on Christmas Day that my best friend was my father's mistress.


Why is it all coming out on Christmas Day? People get.


Relaxed and joyful and joyed and married.


Yeah, and he squeezed on you. Yeah, he squeezed on me. Yeah! Let's run it back on New Year's. Come give me.


That present. Let's write it back on New Year's.


Yeah, give me that box of gifts.


Steve, full of the holiday spirit, proposed to Martha on Christmas, or by the Christmas tree, sorry. She looked at the ring, then at him, and cried. You know I hate surprises. Can't we just enjoy the holidays without complicating things? It ended in a silent agreement to focus on on wrapping gifts instead. You know I hate surprises. I'm trying to propose. I want to marry you. And you know I hate surprises.


Why are you complicating Christmas?


Why are you front of.


The familiar? Why are you complicating Christmas?


It's peak, man. Damn. It's peak. One time back in 2011, I had an aunt gift my uncle an iPad, but when he turned on the iPad, it was full of pictures, videos, and screenshots of all these lucid affairs with women. She was six months pregnant at the time when this happened. Yeah, boy.


People love Theatrics, don't they? They do. They love theatrics. They do. They do. Just tell me you caught me. Facts, bro. What's all this opening iPad, scrolling through cheat, cheat, cheat, cheat? Facts, bro.


Facts, facts, facts. God. Right. I came from a family of six. One year, my brother, six or seven at the time, only got a gift from my dad because he said the rest of us didn't earn it. The room was silent for the next hour. The rest of us didn't earn it. A Christmas present, bro. Six or seven at the time. It's given if you had Toys.


R Us. Yeah, you didn't earn it. Yeah. I don't really know. There has to come a point where a dad isn't allowed to be your dad anymore.


Do you know what I mean?


You're just a man in the yard. Yeah, you're just a in the house.




Who are you? We're wearing up the electric bill.


Damn. There had to come a time where you realize no one in this yard likes you. If you're the dad and you're trying to do up harsh punishments and all this stuff, there's a point where it gets too far where your woman is like, You're actually a piece of shit. Your kids are like, I hate this guy.


It's tough, man.


It is tough. That's when the drinking starts.


Facts. The drinking and the truth starts. The drinking and the truth starts. All right, last one, funniest/weirdest Christmas story. Every Christmas, we gather as a whole extended family at my cousin's place. Normally just family come, but on one fateful Christmas, two outsiders come, a couple of South American girls friends with one of our cousin's girls. At first glance, they look like a couple of tens.


I was going to say you've lost me at South America.


They look like a couple of tens. So me and a few of the boys were about to go ham.




Me land. Let me land. None of us succeeded, except for the eldest of the cousins, and he sneaks off into the back room with her. Five to ten minutes later, he comes back white as a ghost.


I know where this is coming.


In which I said, How was it? But quick by your standards, eh? And he replied, Oh sorry, a bit quick by your standards, eh? And he replied, Let's just say Miss Venezuela is actually Mr. Venezuela. We didn't see or hear from him for the three weeks following.


Of course, he was in the bath. Damn. He was in the bath. He was in the bath.


Damn. Washing his sins away.


So jarring.


Christmas is meant to be joyful, you know? And this one.


These men are on- Bro, there's too much pressure at Christmas, man. That's what it is.


There is way too much.


Pressure at Christmas. There's way too much pressure. Tree has to go up on December first. The house has to be the brightest. Everyone has to be the happiest. You have to get the most gifts. You have to do this, bro. It's too much pressure.


I'm seeing so much, centric Christmas lights this year. Not even just on road, I'm saying on socials. People are just going to like, do you not care about your electric bill? Facts. Do you not care.


About your electric bill? I'm sure I saw a thing with Kim Kardashianahian's yard look like outside. The hallway had 10 different Christmas trees covered in dusty snow shit, and the floor was covered in fake snow and shit. And just like, brother, let me live in my yard. Christmas is so much pressure. But it is Christmas Day today. It is Christmas Day today. Let's be joyful. It is Christmas Day today. So guys, Merry Christmas. Facts. Thank you for coming back. Facts. If you're actually watching this on Christmas Day.


We fucks with you. Yeah, you're a real one.


You're really a real one. You're really a real one, man.


Hope you lot have got all your family gathered around watching this on.


The Cribs. Yeah, actually, let's make it a thing, guys. So sit down, kids. Listen close.


Still on daddy's lap.


It's not. No, because we said kids and then it's like... Yeah, I.


Was waiting for that.


Let's reel it back up. Just flip.


He's just saying, wheel it back.


God. I mean, kids do sit on...


I mean, you're making it worse.


Yeah, cool. Lord. Yeah, say less.


Anyway. So, yeah, Merry Christmas. I hope you guys had good gifts. You too.


No drama, no beef.


No drama, no beef. Just fun times. No drama, no beef. Justvibes, man. Today I'm going to be in the kitchen cooking shit up.




I made last year this rib roast, but I wanted to do it. I seen it on TikTok and had a Go-to-Jang glaze on it. Okay. And it was banging. To roast rib? Roast three-rib, like Tomahawk roast with a Go-to-Jang marinate. Couldn't find at the time, so I found this chili jam thing. It's delicious, but when I say that jam, burnt. Oh, really?


Oh, burnt. Okay, okay. I'm not surprised.


Yeah, my house was smoking, bro. I'm not surprised. Tastes delicious. The yard was smoking. It tainted. All the potatoes, all the greens, the whole bitch was smoked out. It was jarring. This year I'm going to take it a little bit easier. I think I'm doing filet beef.


Okay, nice.


We'll see how it goes.


I'm going to cook the filet in God. I don't think I've cooked a filet ever. Really? Yeah. I always tend to go for sirloin or rib-ie. Fair.


But anyway, guys, if you're feeling very generous, very, very festive, head on over to patron. Com/shitsandgigs. Over there, you will find Christmas episodes, non-Christmas episodes, old episodes, new episodes, kind episodes, mean episodes, grumpy episodes, sleepy episodes, as well as an entire community of babies that are just ready to chat away and exchange. Lots of lovely gifts, I guess. Facts. If you're watching on YouTube, please subscribe to this channel. If you're listening on any audio platform, the best gift you could ever give us is a five-star review. It means a lot to us. It means the world. It actually allows the algo to be like, These guys are cool with me, man. I'm going to let them slide into the next person's phone, device, whatever. I'm really not on form today. I'm just chatting. I'm realizing that I'm chatting.


That sounds good.


You're good, bro. You're good, sure? Yeah, bro. You're not just You.


Did miss the three-pound month 10 P. A. Day by.


Lately Slash. Oh, snap. That's why I'm feeding off. Kill, bro.


That's about a rewind.


Do it again? No.


Don't embarrass me the second time.


Four Stash Shits and gigs, three Panama, run the Peter S and G. Come on. And become a patron for life.




I don't know if you had to told you, man, but this is going to be our last top five.




Was getting embarrassing.


No, it wasn't.


That's what Fuad said. Basically, me and Fia were hanging out privately, and he was like, It's actually getting too embarrassing and we need to switch it up because the fans just aren't engaging because they know where the crown lies. This is going to be our last top five. I can't even look at Rev. This is going to be our last top five. Then in the new year, we've got some new stuff. I don't know what it is, but apparently we've got some new stuff. Let's bury the hatchet. The score is.


15, 11, 11, five.




How did it play? Yeah, guys, like James said, this is going to be the last top five ever. Next year, we're going to run it back with a new and improved game that will challenge everyone in the studio, outside of the studio. I can't wait. I know I'm still going to be a quizmaster. I'm not playing. I'll still be a quizmaster. It's going to be very, very, very entertaining. I'm taking it back to school. -i'm excited. -bet. I'm taking it back to school. But, guys, girls, everyone in between, this is the last top five ever. It being the last top five ever, it comes with a Bollywood twist. It comes with a Bollywood twist. I'm coming with presents today with the hats, the gifts, and this is no longer a top five. This is S&G quiz 2023 trivia. Oh, my God. This is going to be a question from each month of 2023. January to December, there'll be 12 questions. Each month has a point. So, Ellis, you that you've got five, you can go up.




Could go up. You could go up. So because you've got to think it doesn't matter, my bro.


It's just chat.


I was letting you chat. Thank you. You were over zealous. Thank you. No, don't do this.


That's your business. Don't do this. You should have told me that before we even started, because I was chatting. Why would I? Because I'm chatting shit. Why would I? And this guy hates stuff like that. So if he wins, even if he doesn't win, he's going to be in my ear, man. All of you, man, have a chance.


To re-up and not Jimmy off the throat. Okay.




Pounded. And there is a prize for the winner.


Okay. All right, say less. Let's go.


The prize is a 500 pound gift voucher of your choice.




Okay. Of your choice, guys. I'm giving out gifts today, guys. It's Mary.


Mary. Mary.


I'm fucking motivated. And it's vibes. These guys play at home, girls play at home, everyone in between play at home. Okay. Let's go. Remind us of the scores again, Ellis. 15 to Jimmy.




11, 5. 11, 5. How it's going to work is I'm going to go from January to about May. You're going to write your answers down, and then I'm going to give you the answers because there's not going to be enough space on your boards unless you want to do back and front. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Cool. Ideally, I would have preferred you guys to swap boards so you guys don't cheat. But I have faith in all of you. Yeah? So are we ready? Yes, sir. So like I said, it's going to be S and D trivia. It's going to be normal trivia. So just figure that shit out yourself. Yeah?


Oh, my God. I'm nervous. Yeah, I'm nervous. My bumhole. You know when they do the ice cream churning and then the little thing there, it just folds in and in and in. That's my bag.


Because I knew you man would think, Oh, easy. Top five last one you've won, blah, blah, blah. It doesn't.


Work like that. I was ready to surf through this.


Whole quiz. It doesn't work like that whatsoever.


I'm livid. Okay, okay.


January. How did Shakira find out and LK was cheating on her? This happened in January. Think about it, we've spoken about this on the pod as well. February. How many total views across TikTok, IG, and YouTube Shorts did the infamous, Do you miss me when I'm not around? Video get.


Which platforms?


Tiktok, IG, and YouTube Shorts altogether. Obviously, Closest Million, whatever.


Gets the point. Oh, my God. Good questions, man. Yeah, really good.


Come on, Doug. We don't play around here. I told you I got something for all your asses, pause. Locked?


Everyone locked? Yeah.


March. Unfortunately, this year we've had a lot of births, also a lot of deaths. Which English comedian, drag queen, and TV presenter died of cardiac arrhythmia in March?


I can see his face in my head.




I know the person, I don't know the name. I know, I'm not one way to write the name, but I know exactly.


Who is. -are we all locked? Yeah. Cool. April. Which series, released in April, has two strangers whose involvement in a road rage incident escalates into a prolonged feud? Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What's it called? Again, we've spoken about this on the podcast. Fuck. Fuck.




I said the.




Up. Bro, I've got a gus of joy, bro. I've said the.


Fuck up. Oh, no. What is it called?




Is it called?


I didn't watch it. I know you spoke about it. What's that.


Silly thing called?


I didn't watch it.


You spoke about this on the show.




Remember. Yeah, you spoke about it first, and then obviously you.


Watched it afterwards. I didn't.


Watch it at all. But you didn't, I can tell you the name of the cast. I can tell you how many episodes. I can tell you what platform. I can tell you I can't remember what it's called.


Unfortunately, you don't get points for any of those.


I think I know that it's even worse. I think I know the letter it starts with, and that's it. That's even worse.


Cool. May. In May, we were fortunate enough to gain an extra bank holiday due to the king. But what day was King Charles' coronation?


Like the date?


The day. What day was it?


Day of the week.


Oh, no, sorry, dates. The dates. The dates. Oh, my God. The dates. The dates. Oh, no. The dates. Yes, the dates.


I don't care about anything, though.




And you are. You all are locked? Yeah. Cool. I'm going to do June, and then we're going to tally up the answers, and then start again with July. In order of earliest release, what movie dropped first? Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, The Flash, or Indiana Jones and The Dial of Destiny?


Interesting. Good questions. I'm really struggling.




The game is literally the game now.




Just gone with my gut. We're locked? Yeah. Cool. January. Let's show our boards, please. How did Shakira find out PK was cheating? Jimmy, what did you write?


I just wrote his sighting came to a match. You didn't let me finish my sentence before you said...


You said deciding. Deciding what came to a match.




No, wrong.


All right. I wasn't sure. I just bought best friend. Nope.


I think-.


Tell me what you wrote, bro. Don't tell what you think.


She clocked...


Shakira clocked.


Something right! -tell me what you-What did you write?


The link touched the jam in the fridge. The what? The jam in the fridge.


A jar of strawberry jam.


Thank you. You're going to let me finish my sentence?


Yeah, but just say.


What's on the board, my bro. I was.


Getting there, man. No, you have to read what you wrote. I read what I wrote.


It was right. I just wanted to just elaborate a bit. Is that okay?


No. Clearly, we all said no is not.


Damn, all right. Damn.


Fuck. Cool. February.


I've charged this whole.




Bro. Okay, yeah.


How many total views did the infamous, Do you miss me when I'm not around video get across TikTok, IG, and YouTube shorts? Rem, what did you get?




Mil. Thirty-five? Okay, Ellis?


I got 120.


120 mil?


Yeah, but this is everything we're talking about.


Okay, and Jimmy?


I put 20 mil.


20 mil. The answer is 18.6 mil. Fuck, I was going to write 20. Fuck. I was way off, Ellis.


I was out of that. You were chatting MrBeast numbers are great though.


Thank you. I thought on TikTok, I could have sworn it had like 30 mil.


It's got 13.9. Cool. March. Which English comedian, drag queen, and TV presenter died of cardiac arrhythmia? Ellis, who did you put?


I didn't put anything. You charged it? Yeah, literally, I just charged it, yeah.




I don't even know if this guy's dead, but it's the only person I can think of. I put Eddie Izzard. Cool.


I get why you put that fair. Ram.


I wrote a single name.


Paul. I'm going to give you the point. It's Paul O'Grady. Yes!


You knew it. Paul O'Grady. Yes! Fair play. Also, sorry, Eddie Izzard. I'm pretty sure you're not dead. He's not dead. I'm pretty sure he runs marathons every day.


I don't know about that. I just know he's not dead. Right, April.


This is ruining my day.


Which series released in April has two strangers whose involvement in a Roach rage incident escalates into a prolonged feud?


Go on, Ellis. What is it?




It is beef.


Let's go. I'm so angry. What did you write?


I wrote the letter B.


That doesn't count. I told you. I said to you. And what did you write? Nothing.


I knew it. I'm really upset about that. Well played. I knew it.


I'm really upset about that. I knew it. I didn't watch it though. I didn't watch it.


Well played. I remember it because it.


Was shit. That's why I.




Watch it. Yeah, exactly. -watch over.


-yeah, saying that yeah.


May. We had an extra bank holiday due to the King Charles' coronation, but what date was the coronation on?


Jimmy, what date did you put? I wrote the 18th. Cool, Ellis?


I just put the 11th. Cool.




I'll give it to the closest day. It was the sixth. Yes!


This guy is killing it, man.


It's hurting you a little bit, isn't it?


Of course it is. A lot. Let's go. A lot. Let's go.


June. In order of earliest release, which movie dropped first? Spiderman across the Spidermanverse, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, The Flash, or Indiana Jones, and The Dial of Destiny. Rem, what did you put?


Indiana Jones.




What did you put? I put Indiana Jones.


Jimmy, what did you put?


Indiana Jones.


-wrong, wrong, wrong. -fuck. The answer is Spiderman. Came out on the second. Transformers came out on the ninth. The Flash came out on the 15th. Indiana Jones came out on the 30th. Damn.






Halfway through. Ren Block Three. Yeah. And it's got one. I got one.




That puts me on 17, 16.


Ready? Ready. July. This is a two-pointer, by the way. There's going to be some of those sprinkled around. July. Very special month for us. We hit two milestones in July. Can you tell me the dates in which we hit 100K subs on Reax and one million subs on the main channel. August. The Women's World Cup was hosted in Australia and New Zealand. Again, this is a two-point question or a bonus point question. Which two nations were in the final? And for a bonus point, what was the score? September. The Log Cabin tour wrapped up in September. Across leg one and leg two, how many people have seen S&G live this year? October. We were fortunate enough to do a podcast run in America. Going from London to LA, LA to London, and then New... La to London. La to New York and then New York back to London. Approximately how many miles did we fly?


What's the fucking point, Fouad? What's the actual point? I was thinking these men weren't even there, so if I don't get this question right, I'm fucked it.


But-this is why it's a game for everyone. I'm not selfish, bro.


I don't even know where.


To begin.


With something like that. I don't even know how to estimate it.


Cool. We're going to go through some of the answers before I do November and December and you'll understand why. Cool. Very special month, two milestones. Can you tell me the dates in which we hit 100K on Reax and one million on the main? Again, like I said, closest dates win. Jimmy, can you give me the dates you put down for Reax, please?


Reax up at the 25th.


Ellest, date for reacts, please.




Rem, date for reacts. Twelve. The answer was the 10th. Well played.




And the date for one million subs, please. Rem, you can start.


I put that... I put that. It's the 25th. Ellis?


I thought it was before, so I put the 13th.


I thought it was before, and.


I put the 10th. I thought it was a mil and then Reax.


You put the 10th. The answer actually is the 19th. Closest person is... You're both six days apart. You put the 13th, right? I put the 13th. You put the 25th. Deucees. Okay. Unless the room have the point. You're losing this game.


Do you think I don't know that?


I know. Sorry, Ju. It hurts. Right, August. The Women's World Cup was hosted in Australia and New Zealand. Which two nations were in the final? Ellis.


I just put UK and Germany. I had no idea. I don't watch it. I don't watch it. Cool.




No clue. I've put England, Spain, and 1-0 to England. Cool.


I put England, Brazil, 2-1.


To who?


It doesn't matter. He said what the score is.


That's a bonus point, right?


He says a bonus point if you get the score. He didn't.


Say who's-Yeah, to be fair, it doesn't matter.


I'm pretty sure England won though, right?


I'm about to find out.


The answer is Spain versus England, and it was 1-0.


Well played. Two points. Yeah, Linuses, I remember. They were doing a matting. Yeah, bigot Linuses by the way.


Let's go. September. Log Cabin tour wrapped up in September across leg one and leg two. How many people have seen S&G Live this year? Ellis, give me your number, please.


I'm not confident about this now. Five thousand.


Five thousand. Rem, give me your number, please.




Jimmy, give me your number, please.


I put 7,500.


And the closest... Well, the answer is 5,950. Ellis, you were the closest.


I thought 5,000 really low. When I put it down, I was like, That seems fucking low.


We did-No, there's six shows. I did 1,000 people per six shows, and then Bristol was a smaller one. That's how I did it.




-that's exactly how I did it. I hear it. I thought of Bristol being smaller and I calculated that.


Cool. October. We went from London to LA, LA to New York, and then New York back to London. How many miles did we approximately fly, James?






I thought it's 20,000.






Dick, six to... Six to 75. The answer is five digits. Unfortunately, Rem, that means you're out. It's down to you two.


I've lost the game, so I don't care anymore. Just say the answer. The answer is 11,351. Come on.


Wipe your boards clean, please, guys. Wipe your boards clean. We move on to November and December. I would advise you write November on one side, flip it, and write December on the other side. I'm going to say the question twice.


Before I do.


What I need to do. November. Drake surprise dropped for the dogs, scary hours. In one minute, can you write as many songs as you can? From scary hours three. From scary hours for all the dogs. There are 29 songs. Fuck me on.


The block and that's it.


Your time starts now. Okay. This is where everything could change.


Oh, fuck. I'm going to wait just a second.


Just to let you know, you're on 25 seconds.


My God, I'm flagging, you know?


I'm at one. That's it. I didn't even fucking listen to the album.


I'm flagging. I'm flagging, flagging. I can't take the pressure. I actually can't take the pressure. I can't think.


40 seconds.


Oh, my God. It sucks. I can't concentrate.








I do know another one.


Seven, six, five, four, three, two, pens down, please gents.


That was fucking stressful. I've fucked that, you know.


Pens down, please gents. -hold it man. -d ecember, flip your boards, please.


Wow, reading like that. -what's tough? -fuck's sake.


End of the year, they always do a person of the year. So who was this year's time person of the year? We are going to start with December before we go on November.




So the time person of the year was T. Suizy, Taylor Swift. Okay. You wrote Taylor Swift. Who did you write?


Tom Holland.


Who did you write?


I first wrote.


As Stormzy.


Stormzy, Taylor Swift. It was on the cover of something.


It was GQ.


Gq. Yeah, it wasn't.


It was GQ, first British, Black British. I was going to say comedian, rapper. Cool. November, for all the dogs, scary hours. I'm going to pull up the discography.


The stress of that really got to me, you know? I could tell. My mind went blank. I could tell.


That's the whole point. Jeez.


Well played.


I try my best, man. Remsky. Can you name me the tracks you have written down, please?


First person, Shudermold.


Cool. One. That's it. You wrote one.


Say less. Ellis. I was fucking talking, couldn't concentrate, and I blanked.




I did.


8:00 AM in Charlotte.


This goal.


And Daylight. You don't even know what that one is. Cool.


Daylight. I didn't even know what that one is. Yeah. The one.


With his kid. With his kid.


Oh yeah, of course it is.


Jimmy, what did you write down?


Tried our best.




Am in Charlotte.



[00:35:10] Yes. Polar opposites. Fuck. Yes. You broke my heart. Yes. Wikman. Yes. First-person shooter. Yes.


Cool. So flagging-wise, there was Virginia Beach. Amen. Calling for you. Fear of heights. Daylight. First-person shooter. I don't give a fuck. 7.9.9. Slime you out.


Slime you out, man. How did I not.


Write that one? Bahamas promises. Screw the world interlude. Drew a Picasso. Members-only. What would Pluto do?


What would Pluto do? How they're on a... Bang-gah.


All the parties: ATM and Charlotte. Bbl Love. Gently with Bad Bunny. Rich Baby Daddy with Sexy Red and scissor. Another late night. Away from home. Polar opposites. Red-button.


Red-button. Bro.


Banger. I wrote red.


And scratched it out because I couldn't think of the second word.


Fuck myYou're lying. Stories about my brother, the shoe fits, wik man. None of you wrote evil ways, which is crazy.


No, I couldn't think of it, bro.


Evil ways, and you broke my heart. That concludes S&G quiz of 2023. Well done, Fiat. Can you please remind me of the scores prior to this game? It was.


15, 11, 5.


So 15, 11 for rem.




Five. That sucked. In third place, Bronzino, with a total of 10 points for 2023 is Ellis. Oh, by myself.


Yes, by myself. -gigi's, Gigi. -gigi's.


-sorry, sorry, sorry.


-well done, bro. I was busy. -sorry, bro. I was.


Just trying to do what I needed to do. I was busy doing what I.


Needed to do.


Sorry, brother.


Fuck, man.


The Drake question changed. -yeah, yeah, yeah. It changed a lot. Some were up, some were down, some were sideways. Pause, pause, pause. So second place had a total of 18 points. And first place had a total of 25 points. And in first place, can we get a drumroll, please? James. Well played, guys. That wraps up S&G quiz of 2023, aka top five. -rain, was this.


Close to winning? -literally this close.


If it wasn't for the Drake question, you would have won. -oh, I know.


-you would have won. You think I've been telling my own fucking scores?




No more top five. No more S&G quiz until this time next year.


This time next year?


This time next year we'll do a 20-24 quiz.


Oh, sorry. I thought you meant we ain't quizzes again till.


Next week. Oh, no. We're quizzes again next week.


All right.


Bet. 500 pound voucher of your choice. You'll let me know at the end of the day, sir, and it.


Will get sorted. Thank you, bro. Appreciate you guys. I appreciate you. I just want to thank some people.


In it. I was going to say tonight is your night. The time is now.


Right, guys. I just want to take a second to thank first of all, my competitors, Rem and Ellis. They've kept me on my toes all year. It's been tough. There's been certain occasions I've really had to dig deep. I wouldn't be the man I am without them. Again, I just want to thank them. I want to thank my quiz master, my amigo, my best friend, my comrade, Fire Lord, Fwag, for really pushing me to my limits. There's certain things I didn't know I could achieve, and you put me in a position where I had no way but to level up. Then that's what I did. When push came to shove, I leveled up. I also want to thank Drake. Without Drake, I wouldn't be here. That's on God.


Without Drake, he.


Wouldn't be here. Without Drake, I wouldn't be here. Bro, you know what you mean to me, bro. Thank you for that. I'm very, very excited for the new segment next year. As you all should be. Because that was fantastic. I can't believe that was the question that did it because I charged it. Soon as we'd hit that England match with the double pointer again, I was up-charged. The whole.


Thing- You got on.


Both as well. Okay, guys, we're going to take a very, very, very quick break. Just listen up closely. Step into 2024 with confidence. The people you can thank for that are our friends, Landscape to Fax, where resolutions are met and hairs are neatly kept. As the new year approaches, why not make self-improvement a breeze by keeping your body well-groomed?


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At manscape. Com for 20% off and free shipping. Let's get to the episode. Thank you for that. And then moving on, before we get into the Juicy segments, we're going to do Secret Santa now.


We are going to do Secret Santa. You might have got it wrapped up at everything. Jesus.


You did wrap it up?


Yeah. You might not.


We do actually care.


You actually put the effort in.


I appreciate you caring. It's okay. Even if you do have me as your Secret Santa or not, the effort is evident. Gigi is fun. Thank you.


Whatever, guys.


Literally. Whatever. Mine is in an Amazon pack because I just got delivered today. My Secret Santa was James.


No way.


The reason why I chose this gift is because one, we're chefs within our right. And two, the streets have been asking for you to show your teeth for a year and a half now.


I thought.


I'd just combine the two. -okay. -cheffin' and teeth. I know what it is. -okay.


-all right. -i think I know what it is. Okay.


There you go. By the way, if you listen on the audio, stop it, pause it, run to YouTube, play.


Oh, gang. It's better than I thought it was. What did you think it was? I assumed it was an apron, but I thought I was actually going to have to get my.


Teeth out.


We're like, cut it. I thought it was dibs. Which I wouldn't be mad at. I'd do it if I had to do it. But yeah, Fio's got me a sexy and funny apron with a very muscular gentleman's physique on the front. Let's go. Thank you, bro. I appreciate that, man. It's all good, man. I really appreciate that. It's all good. That's gang. Nice. Calm. Okay, cool. Well, since yours was me, I'll go next. I cheated on this one a little bit. How can you cheat? So obviously our thing was a 10-pound limit. Basically, I already owned the item that I'm gifting. Okay. It costs a lot more than 10 pounds. But I didn't buy it for this. I already owned it.


Okay, cool. -man's the old one, Michael Scott with an iPod. -yeah. Christmas swaps. -yeah. All right, cool.


That was Christmas swaps. I'm sorry. My secret Santa was Ellis.






Over the last few weeks, or maybe a couple of months now, me and Ellis have been talking very much about this one content creator that we like a lot, Casey Neistat. Who? Casey Neistat.




Yeah. Me and Ellis like Casey Neistat. Casey Neistat has one very specific look that's very him. He owns a very specific pair of Ray-Bans.


That he.


Always scratches up and fucks them up to make him look like him. I thought about this because I actually own those pairs of Ray-Bans and I've never worn them. I thought a good gift would be to give these to Ellis.


No way. That's an amazing present, man. That's an.


Amazing present.


Thank you, mate.


They're slightly different, which is probably better. I have the brown ones instead of the black ones. But these are the exact style that.


He wears.


That's fucking awesome.


Here you go, bro. Thank you so much.


You're welcome. Thank you, man. Let's go. That's a cool present, man. Jesus.


Thank you, man. Right, Ellis, you're up.


Cool. It's actually working out.


Pretty well. Yeah, actually is.


My secret Santa was Rem. Nice. I got something related to what... We all talk about you three more than.




But yeah, we all talk about it, especially on the pod and stuff. And yeah, it's related to that. I'm going to hand it over.


We can wrap it. Okay, thank you, bro.


Let's see.


I'm hoping it's the right one.


Let's go. Yeah, it is, man. I don't have this one yet either. This is lit.


Because I didn't want to... It's a Narito.


Kakashi, let's go.


I didn't want to get Narito because it's too main. Okay, okay. And then I was like, Cool. I'm pretty sure I've heard.


Them talk about this character.


Yeah, bro.


So yeah, I've got that.


Nice man. Thank you, man. Thank you.


Wow, we're actually friends on the phone.


We're friends. Come on man. Let's go. Nice.


Okay, Kakashi. Who did you get? I got Foohead. And this gift, I haven't breached the limit, like you said, but this is something from home. Okay. Something from home that I already had too many of. Okay. So when we first met.


It was.


-the raw. Wow. It's making my heartbeat. When we first met, might have been in 2009.


Way back when we first met, it was me and James had already connected over anime.




And you were just like, you, man, are just such neat. Fucking children. Yeah, you were such babies. Grow the fuck up. And we were like, Bro, just try it, anime. You'll love it. You won't regret it. I'm pretty sure that actually was Narito. Was it Narito that we spoke about first?


That we spoke about first or that he.


Watched first? Not that he watched first.


It was Narito that we were talking about first.


Yeah, for sure. Because it was your headband.


On the wall. I had the headband of. -yeah, yeah.


-that's absolutely what the.


Fuck is that. -i remember that. Yeah. Right.


So yeah, anime, it was always Narito and Bleach that I recall that were the first two that I would have definitely been speaking about when we first met. I already had a copy of this and I thought it would look cool in your house and you might appreciate it.


Thank you, bro. I'll come to you now.


In your new place, you can just add it to...


Come on, man.


Add it.


To your bookshelf. Let's go. Volume one as well.


-volume one.


-oh, wow. -clean. -start a collection there for your bookshelf.


-come on, dad. -that's sick. -volume one, man. -clean dars. -that's going to be worth something.


-that is going to be worth something. -yeah. Thank you, G. -that's cool, bro.




Really cool. I've actually never looked at a manga in my life.


-really? -i thought that as well, actually. I know we watch it.


Do we not have some right here?


Yeah, but I've never opened any of them.


-yeah, fair. Actually looking into a manga. -that's clean.


Thank you, bro. I appreciate it so much. That's sick. That was really fun. We're the best of friends. We are the best of friends. Let's go.


That was so wholesome. That was very wholesome.


That could have.


Given me energy, man. That was.


Very wholesome, man. Hope you guys have friends like us.


Facts. Facts. If you don't, step out. Facts. Right, Rem, can we go into trash news next, please?


Yes, can indeed.




Woman donates kidney to boss, then gets fired for taking too long to recover.


That's HR.


Yeah, that's a whole HR kerfuffle. Debbie Stevens, a 47 year old woman from Long Island claims she was fired from her job at Atlantic Automotive Group after donating a kidney to her boss, Jackie Brucia. Stevens filed a complaint with the New York State Human Rights Commission, alleging she was mistreated and fired after the woman got what she wanted. Stevens hired an assistant by Brucia in 2009, donated her kidney to a stranger to help Brucea move up the organ donor list, despite not being the best match. Stevens underwent surgery in August 2011. Upon her return to work, Stevens alleged mistreatment, including screaming, demotion, and relocating to a dealership far from home. Stevens consulted a psychiatrist and after her attorneys sent a letter to Atlantic Automotive Group, she was fired within a week.


Jesus. Upon returning to work, Steven's alleged mistreatment included screaming.


I don't know what that means.


Scream is crazy.




Made me stutter.


That made me.


Stutter, bro. I'm bare confused. Who did she donate the kidney to? Her boss. It says a stranger.


It says a stranger.


It says a stranger in the description.


I'm guessing at the time it happened, they were strangers. Okay. I had an assistant in 2009 donated her kidney to a stranger to help Lucy and move up the old... Yeah, that's confusing.


As hell. After donating the kidney to her boss, Jackie Brucea, so she donated it to a stranger to help Brucea move up the donor list. That's not making any sense. Okay, let's just say she donated it. She took too long to recover. Then when she came back, the boss just started screaming in her face and then relocated her.


So she didn't donate to the boss whatsoever?


I'm confused. Did she.


Donate to the boss or not? She didn't donate to the boss. With donor list, there's an actual list. You have to be next. You have to be next.


You have to be next. So she gave her to a stranger on the list?


The bus could go up the list. So it worked hand in hand for the boss, but the boss was pissed that she took too long to recover to come.


Back to work. From giving it to somebody else.


From giving to someone else. The boss.


Actually said that the boss hasn't even had this new kidney yet, I'm assuming.


According to this, we don't know.


This sounds too crazy. We wouldn't know. Let's read the comments, please, because it doesn't make any sense.


Comments are talking about suing what she should do to the boss because of her dismissal. Nothing to do with who the... Well, the ones that I've read, nothing to do with who the actual...


Recipient. There you go. But she didn't donate to her boss. She donated it to someone else after they confirmed she wasn't a match. Oh, so she wanted to donate it for a boss, and then she wasn't a match, so she donated it to a stranger.


Which then bumped.


The boss up.


That's still savagery as a.


Boss though. Yeah, this whole thing is mad, bro.


If you know that your employee has donated in an attempt to match with yourself. And just so it happened you didn't match, you've had to donate to somebody else, that in turn, has bumped you up the donation list, and then you still fired her.


Because she took you long. Well, she's getting all the money. -she took long.


Yeah, that's a HR nightmare. Yeah. Give me all that P.


Facts. Yeah, that's nuts.


-yeah, Fax.


-that's crazy, tough.


Don't do that. -i've got nothing else to say about that.


That's just horrible.


Hopefully she's doing okay.


Yeah, Fax, man. We do hope she's doing okay. Also, I'm not donating my kidneys to anyone by the way. Factual.


That fucks you. Jesus. I need to, man.


I have something. This is literally just a tiny little, not even a thread, just like a tiny little post that I saw. It said, What's your deepest, darkest secret? Okay. Okay. One guy just said one random confession and left it there. I've got one. A confession and it's done.


Your deepest.


Darkest secret. What's your deepest, darkest secret? Okay. The reply, I have a girlfriend who is a police officer. When she misses me, she just comes to arrest me in the presence of my wife and takes me away. Then she brings me back the next day and tells my wife, We are not done yet with the investigation. I'll pick him up anytime we want more from him. My innocent wife will always say, Madam, God bless you for handling my husband's case with such care. I will make sure he's available anytime you need.


Wow. Wow, bro. The plot of that is thick. Wow! Brother, that is intuitive.


A fan? Wow. First of all, let me just clear the slate. That's evil. I've never heard evil like it.


That's crazy.


Devil's ad? Yeah. Sexy. Yeah. My mouth would water. Every time that uniform pops up on my door, my mouth would salivate.




Solid. We're going to take him anytime we need him.


Until we find all the evidence we need.


Yeah, thorough search. I'm just like.


Getting with this. I'm off again. Hold the fort down. I'll be.


Back soon. Maybe I'll be back as soon as I can.


Damn, bro. They can't keep doing this. They're just working stuff out.


That's raunchy.


That's too crazy. That's raunchy and crazy. That's also an abuse of power. I'm just telling you, man. That's an abuse of power.


I don't know how she keeps writing these reports. What's the risk that one day the wife is just not going to bop.


Down to the station? My husband's been here for nine times in a month.


Let me bring in some food. What, Gwain? He hasn't slept. His back's killing him.


Where's the person handling the case?


And then the lady behind her desk is like, What.


Are you talking about? Your husband's never stepped foot in it? It will all crumbling down.


She's losing her job. He's losing his house. Yes, it's all long. And then the dreading is once the curtain falls and all that, the sexiness is gone.


Darn, because the whole facade was what was sexy.


Yeah, this whole game was.


What was sexy.


As soon as this all come out and you try and chat to me with your jobless ass- I.




Want you. Yeah, what are you.


All about? I actually.


Don't want you. You took everything from me.


Facts. You should be arrested. You should be arrested there. Get some old bullshit. You should be arrested. Facts.


I see you for what you are. Outside of that uniform, I see you as just a crazy woman, man. Leave me alone. Absolute pain. Let me try and get my wife back. Facts, bro. Oh, men are pathetic.


That is a confession.


That's a confession. The dread thing is man put laugh in faces after he told the story. Laught in faces. Damn, man. She picks me up whenever. Damn, man. She said, Madam, God blessed you for handling with such care.


See, that could... No, that would.


Break me. That's when I snapped the.


Yeah, baby, it's all a ruin. Yeah, it's all a ruin, babe. It's all a ruse. I'm sorry.


Because I know she's going to go upstairs and pray. I know she's going straight upstairs to pray.


Candle's lit.


Facts, bro. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was playing baby, please, please, please, please. Stop.


Squeeze her, baby, stop. Yeah, start.


I'm sorry. I'm sorry, man. She picked me up one day, one thing led to another.




Here we are. Here we are. It's all a bruise, man. Get your hands off me. Fuck.


Fuck. Get your fucking-Get your fucking hands off me. Unshackle me now. Unshuckle me. Get your ass up now.


-hullet. -touch me. Holla. Holla. Touch me. Touch me. Oh, my God. -you're not an officer of the law. Facts.


Oh, God. You're a swindler. -swindler. -you're a fucking swim now.


Oh, my God.


Oh, my God. Japanese man are invented.


Yeah, it's crazy.


-wow. That's crazy. Wow, that was a good one.


That was a really good one. That was a good one. You got a review for us, no?


I do. Rem, can you please pull up? I'm pretty sure everyone's either seen this or spoken about this or seen this on socials, Leave the world behind.


I've heard mixy mix-mix reviews, so I'm intrigued to hear your take.


So Leave the World Behind is a star-All-star cast. -studded cast of actors. It's a really good movie. -judah Roberts. -judah Roberts, where's she been? I can't even know the character's name. Mashala Ali, Kevin Bacon. There's people in this movie. When I say this movie had me locked in from.


The jump. -swear.


And also props to the fucking director, Sam Esmel, director. If and when you watch it, you'll understand why I've said this. This movie is about a family that've rented... So, Julia Roberts and Ethan Hawk are a couple with kids. They've rented out Airbnb because they just want a holiday. They've gone to a couple of places. There's an island. I think it could be Manhattan. I could be wrong. But it's an island-type thing. They're away from the city and they've rented out a yard.




Yard. They're having fun doing whatever this day or any other. They get a knock on the door. It's Mr. Ali and his daughter. Mr. Ali and Ruth, daughter, they knock on the door saying, Oh, unfortunately, we had to come back this day or the other. And the wife at Julia Robbers is like, like, Who the fuck are you guys?


Come back.


So they've gone back to the yard. They've knocked on the door saying, I'm sorry to disturb you guys. They've pulled up at Rolls-Royce, by the way. Rolls-royce suit and everything. They've gone to or they wanted to go to a theater show or whatever. So they've all fancy dressed up. They've come back to the yard, knocked on the door. Julia Roberts' eyes is like, Yeah, we're the fuck are you? We've rented this yard out for the weekend or whatever. You man are saying this is your yard. I don't believe you. Obviously, race play comes into action. But if they don't talk about it, they don't say it, but it's insinuated.


Julia is insinuating that they can't own.


This yard? There's no way you man can own this yard. It's insinuated.


-even though they pulled up on the rolls?


-it's insinuated. Okay. Yeah. And it just goes back and forth and back and forth for about a good 10 minutes, throughout different scenes, obviously. Then weird shit starts to happen, bro. They start hearing random noises. They start seeing deer and animal migrate from different places, from one place to different place to different place to different place to different place to different place to different place to different place. They're thinking, What's actually going on? But all of them aren't seeing the same things at the same time. The daughter sees the migration of some deer. The brother gets infected by some poisoning in a forest. The dad tries to drive out to see why Gwai is happening in this area because you can't... Oh, bear in mind there's no connection. There's no phone activity, no phone service, nothing. So they don't really know what is happening and why it's happening. The guys come back saying, I'm going to have to stay here for the night and we're going to figure out in the morning. Long story short, they stay in the basement, race play all over again. -yeah. -yeah. Staying in the basement, Ruth pissed, absolutely pissed.


She's like, In our own yard, we're staying in the basement. What the fuck is this all about? Thing. Next day now, this is when they start seeing the herd of migration. They start hearing all these noises. The dad, Ethan Hawk, drives out into town to try and speak to anyone because they've got no phone service. They're trying to figure out what's happening. He's driving. He drives for ages and sees no one. He's then driving back. He sees bottom left, Vanessa. He sees her, a Spanish lady, banging on his window, screaming and just spit in Spanish. Oh, God. And he is petrified. He doesn't know why. She's in a state of fear. Absolute fear like, Please don't go, Kennedy. You don't know what she's saying, but it's clear like, Please let me in a car and let's dip together.


Oh, God.


Okay. And he's like, I'm sorry, I don't see Spanish. Wind's up the window, peels off.


Oh, fact. Peels off. Yeah.


Then all of a sudden, he starts seeing a plane coming closer and closer towards him and starts dropping these red leaflets. And he's thinking, What is going on? He's speeding off. Yeah, that was. And then you see on the windshield, it just covers in red and changes scene. And he doesn't know what to want. It goes back to the yard and stuff. Judah Roberts remembers going to the supermarket and seeing Kevin Bacon. He's got a hood on, everything. He's one of those people that prepares for doomsday shit. Yeah. And she remembers, Oh, I remember seeing a guy, buying bare water, and I don't know why. His name is Mr. Ali, I can't remember. I don't know if you have to translate his first name, but his name is George in the show in the movie. So you're saying George, you're saying, Oh, that must be Danny. I know where he lives. Let me go find out what a gwan. Long story short, it's a, what's the word I'm looking for? It's a cyber attack. But the reason why I say it's up and down is because the movie is amazing up until the end. I could have watched another hour, hour and a half of this.


-bearing in mind it's 2:20.


-yeah, I was going to say.


It's 2:20, and I was locked in. And where and when it cuts off, you want to flip the fucking tape. It starts off amazing, continues, amazing, direction, acting, everything amazing until the end. Okay, fair. And you're like, What the actual fuck have I just watched? And why has it ended like this?


Endings everything in it.


What I say, there are so many unanswered questions.


So many. It's not teasing a part two or it's just-It doesn't look.


It. It's also produced by random, Barack Obama. You can tell by the music in the movie.


-interesting. -random. -that is random. -yeah. Okay, I'm going to check it out.


Sorry to cut you off. That also... Because of the movie is like I said, cyber attack happening, it plays into the fact that maybe Obama's no-sum. Do you see what I'm saying?


Because they produced it. I get you.


But I would definitely recommend watching it because it's a really good movie, bar the ending. And the director did what he had to do with that movie. Okay, gang.


All right. I'll have a look. Right, you've got a question for the team, yeah?


I do have a question for the team, guys. So the question is.




You could manage anybody in the world, who were to be and why?


Be someone's manager.


Be someone's manager. The reason why I asked this question was because I was watching... There's a Kevin Hart and Chris Rock documentary on Netflix called Rock Hard, I believe, or that was the name of their show. They were doing a four-date tour in the London Square Garden. They spoke about Chris Rock's childhood and his life growing up, and they talked about Kevin Hart's childhood and life growing up. They were both at Madison Square Garden and I saw Chris Rock's manager and he had a little spiel or whatever, like a documentary star. I was thinking from Rags the Register, bro, you must make money.


You must make money as his manager. That's why the question came to mind. Facts, facts, facts.


Interesting. Okay, if I could be anyone's manager, who would it be? Because I would like to pick someone who's on the up and up so that I can follow the journey as opposed to someone who just makes cake. That's just an easy dub. Who am I actually impressed by and who would I really like? And who's not going to give me problems?


It's the thing.


Because when they get canceled.


It's charged. It's long.


Do you know who I think would be cool to manage? Actually. Who? I think Lil Dickey would be fun to manage.




Because he's talented. He is? He's very talented. He's really funny. He's very articulate. He seems like a smart guy. He really knows what he's doing. Granted, I would be the manager in his ear like, Let's do this, let's do this. This is album, album, album, album, album. Please, I need money. He seems to do things at his own pace. Obviously, the show Dave is like, Smash it. His music bangs. I just think it would be nice to sit with him in the war room and be like, him just be like, I want to do something in 2024. I don't know what it is. Let's put our heads together and think of something really fucking cool. I think he's enough of a talented person that you could think of anything and it would bang. It would really, really, really bang. So yeah, I'd say, yeah, Lil Dickey, I would like to manage.




Ellis. That's a good one to be fair. He'd give you a lot of problems and it'd be hard to manage, but Rickage of ace.


Oh, God, when he.


Just-he'd be fucking difficult, especially Golden Globes and stuff like that. But I just say it'd be so funny because he's got that nice mix of like... I was a massive fan of him anyway, but he's got that nice mix of funny, but it's also really deep. So you could have proper deep convers with him as well. But yeah, I think that'd be so funny. Fair enough. I think it'd be funny.


I think I would have a great time managing a skateboarder, Niger Huston.






I used to play a lot of Tony Hawks games.


Yeah, I'm a fucking Hawks. I've got a lot of games.


I've been playing all the time. I remember seeing him for the first time on Tony Hawks, like Project 8. I've just.


Googled it. He had Dreads, right? He had Dreads. He was 10 years old.


Exactly. He was this new kid on the scene, Dreads, Merking the ting. Yeah. Literally a kid.




I just remember, obviously he's one of the characters that you could use. I was just thinking, right, who is this guy? Anyways, years have gone by. He has killed X Games, Gold, and he's one of the best skateboarders of our.


Generation right now.


I just think that... I don't know. I always assume the skate extreme sports lifestyle is a cool one. And them man, they just literally want to do their sport and just grind. No pun intended. They just want to... Yeah, that's just graft, bro. I just feel like it would be cool to see him and to be able to focus him in real life, having already seen him on a video game when he was 10 years old and killing it back then as well. So yeah, I think that'd be quite cool.


Nice. I think that'd be fucking cool. What's yours? I changed my answer, actually. Originally, when I asked myself this question, I thought LeBron James because it's an easy bag.




Easiest. After hearing you man's answers, my answer is Donald Glover, aka Childish Gambia. I think he is a multifaceted genius, and I feel like any conversation... Even though I would be his manager, I'd feel like every conversation I would have with him, I would come out smarter. He just feels like it seems as if he's tapped into everything. Facts. Everything and everyone: comedian, actor, musician, producer, director. Do you know what I mean? He knows his niche. He knows his lanes, and he's not afraid to branch out. And he's just... Touch wood, just seems uncancellable. Do you know what I mean? He just knows what he's doing. So yeah, my answer is Donald Glover.


Fair play. You'd give you a ball like trying to get him to do anything. I'd say the same as like.


Lil' Dicky. Yeah.


Yeah, you'd wait two years and.


He ain't done shit. Yeah, I hear that, but he is one of them ones where because I've been managing for so long, I would believe in him.


Oh, you're talking about from JMP? You're not meeting him tomorrow and start managing him?


No, I'm talking about from JMP.


Oh, from JMP?


Oh, yeah. You're gash. Fair play.


Okay, gang. All right, bet. That was a very good one. I like that one. To finish off, I have a little thread.


This is a cute little thread that someone sent me. It says, State your rage and something you can't do.




Starts off, this is how they started, you know when they're like, I'll go first. State your rage and something you can't do. I'm 33 and can't swallow pills.


Okay. Which is.


Hilarious to me because it took me years to get to swallow pills. My technique now is butters. I have to put it in my mouth, then drop the pill in my mouth.


Water, pill.


And water, water, water, water, water, water, and water. Jesus. Yeah, I'm a pussy. Then just the comments kept going. Cool. I'm 42 and I can't take it anymore.




Enough. Bro, I'm 42 and I can't take it anymore.


Fair enough.


Bro, I'm 46 and I can't bend down without a plan how to get up.


Bro. I don't have a plan on how to get up. Facts.


You dropped your phone and you're thinking, I'm going to get it but- But yeah. Where's the table to lean on to get up? Where? That's long.


The amount of times I've liked, for example, something was rolled under the and you'd lay flat and then you do that one knee and then you push off that knee. I was like, I'm old. I'm old. Ellis, I know you don't have this problem, but I'm old, bro.


Ellis does burpies. Ellis does burpies, bro. Oh, my God. Right. I'm 47 and I can't stop, won't stop.


Let's go. Can't stop, won't stop. Let's go. That's jokes.


Right. I'm 40 and I still can't believe it's not barb.


Genius. Yes, yes.


Bro, it's good. Right. I'm 38. This is me. I'm 38 and can't stop being tired.


Facts. That's me too.


I live tired, you man. Factual. Live. Factual. Wake up day, night, everything. Tired, tired, tired, tired, always tired. Factual. I'm 39 and I can't just eat one chip. I'm 24 and I still can't leave after all he's done.


That's manipulation. That's manipulation. Bro. Still can't leave after all he's done. He's not leaving his back pocket.


Wrapped around his pinky. Jesus Christ. Crazy. This one is also me, and it pisses me off. I'm 18 and still can't make a better signature than the one I did when I was five. Facts! Wow! Bro, do you know how many times I've tried?


Bro, on God, on everything I love, I think I was re-practising my signature last month, and it was.


Dog shit. I saw a TikTok that made it look easy.


Is it the TikTok where they say, This is a nice way to write letter F? And it looks clean.


It looks juicy. No, bro, I did the F, and I was like, I could do this. My current signature is on everything.


And it's just... I did my signature to someone the other day and they said, Oh.


Show me your signature. -no. -no, please, please. Not the camera. Just please, please write it. Please, we're going to say, our two. Please, everyone write their signature. Please, we have to whiteboard it. Please.


Whiteboard. Mine is horrendous.


Mine doesn't make sense.


Mine doesn't make sense. Mine just circles. Oh, God.


You ready? Yeah.


Show me your... That's not bad actually. -it's pretty shit. -no, it looks like a -It.


Looks like a Nellis.


-yeah, it looks sick. -yeah, it looks like a designer's thing. That's sick. Shock.


That looks clean. It does look clean.


-that's fucking nice. I take pride in my signature.


Fair play. -wow. -it looks Arabic.


That looks brazy.


What is that?


That's literally my signature. I'm sure on certain templates that look nice though.


That's my.


Signature, bro. I think in blue there were slats.


This is like...


Wait, did you say in blue with slats?


Yeah. He's a tort. This is... So my actual signature that I've got on my license plate is this.


On your.


License plate? My license plate. My driver's license plate.


I know, I know you meant.


I'm just thinking this guy's case.




Signature is license plate.


So it's like Foo had with some swirly thing over the top.


-that looks wham. I like that one.


Over the top. But I shortened it, removed the Foo had and just did the swirl thing. -oh, okay. -that's why it's like half.


What's that?


So we are doing cameras because you promised we wouldn't.


Oh my God. I was.


Showing the fandom. All right, cool. That's the one there. -jid. -jid. I can explain.


I don't mind that, to be fair. Do you not mind it? I like the J.


Yeah, so it is J, the J goes into P, and then a separate D. J. P. D. My initials. Oh, yeah.


Okay, I see it now. It looks like tap.




Does. It looks like a spinal tap. It looks like yeah. -a logo. -cool. -yeah, that's my signature. -what are the signatures? I seen a juicy one on TikTok. Where it's like signatures if your name starts with J and I seen it and I was like, I need to learn that.


My F... She wrote it like, well, something like this.


Calligraphy is a skill, man.


It started off something like this, and I was like, there was sight and else after it, but I couldn't... I just couldn't do this naturally. That's the F. That's the F. It looks clean. It does. And then you're just like bullshit at the end. I ain't changing it. Fair. It's, what's the word? It's muscle memory now. Yeah, it's facts, bro.


It's muscle memory. It would take me so long to change it.


Yeah, I've been doing this.


For decades. I'm 68 and can't let my foot hang off the bed because someone's going to grab it. Oh, God. Bro?




God. The fear. The fear is... It took me years to get out of that, you know? The fear. Years to.


Get out of that. Someone's going to grab it.


Jesus Christ.


Right, guys, that's been our Christmas episode. Tremendous episode. It feels like a long one. I'm not going to lie to you, man. Pause. I thought that... Yeah, pause indeed. But anyway, guys, thank you so much. Enjoy your Christmas. Thanks. Intrace your loved ones. Facts. And short plug. Next episode, we are doing a January challenge. We're not doing it, we're going to start it. It's going to be easier. I already know where it's going to be, but I'll go through the details of the next episode, okay? We're all going to participate. Guys at home, I hope you guys participate with us. It's going to be really good. The price for that one, like we said, is a bag.


Yeah, you did say it's a bag. Cool. Right, guys.


Love, love, love.


Gang, gang, gang.