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Rundum, do you remember the most embarrassing place or total amount you got declined for?


The main decline in my mind is San Carlo. Valentine's Day, it was £218 for the meal declined.


Did she know or did you play it cool? She knew.


I had no choice. She was there because the card machine was on the table. She saw it get declined. She said, Do you want me to ring my dad?


Do you want me to ring daddy to fix this mess? To bail me out?


Yeah. I was like, That's the last thing I want you to do. That's the last. I would rather dine and ditch than you ring your father.


The way he would bar her from seeing you again. Yeah, 100%. It would be instantaneous.


All I want in life is for a teenage daughter to ring me and be like, Dad, this broke boy can't. Hey, got it. Can you send me some money? He can't afford the bill.


I was like, I'm coming. I need to see who you're paired with. I'm checking your location. I'm coming.