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Nah! That's the scariest thing. Family. I'd prefer murder. That's the scariest thing.


Welcome back to the episode, guys. Welcome back to the second best show on planet Earth. Ski. Obviously, you know how we do. We usually start with a question of the week, but I'm going to ask the squadron a question instead. So out of, this is all of you by the way, out of TikTok, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter, what two apps would you delete forever?


Twitter, for one, for me.


I knew you were going to say Twitter, obviously.


I've been said I eat off Twitter. My bread and butter is from Twitter, so as long as you don't delete it, it's calm. Twitter and what did you say?


-what's that? -twitter, TikTok, WhatsApp, IG, YouTube.


Damn. Do you know what's actually crazy what I'm going to have to say? Out of those that you just said, I'm going to have to say WhatsApp.




-which is nuts. But it's actually going to have to be WhatsApp.




-which I use so much.


I feel like that's the app.


That's the app. But I need smart IG. And actually need it. I need TikTok. Itruly fucking need it. I need YouTube. I can't delete any of them.




So WhatsApp would have to go. Okay. And I'll just...


Be a... I message you.


Just be a little blue bubble you.


Yeah. Cool. So you're saying Twitter and WhatsApp? Ellis, what are you saying?


Twitter and TikTok. Okay. I don't use TikTok. I go on it like ten minutes a week. I don't really use it. I'm missing out, bro. Twitter, I haven't used my fucking account in two years. I'm not used to it anymore. So yeah, man, definitely. Okay. Youtube is the top one.




Going to guess yours, by the way, when we get to it.


Same. Twitter and TikTok. I don't use TikTok that much. Twitter, yeah, just gone downhill. I don't use it anymore.


All right, Gigi, you say you want to guess mine?


Yeah. All right. I think yours would be YouTube and TikTok.


Why? Youtube?


Yeah, because I know how we digest his content, and he digests.


His content.


He loves IG. He's not leaving WhatsApp. He loves Twitter. The only two left are TikTok and YouTube. I know TikTok is one of his, and the fact that TikTok's on all of your lists, you some old bitches. All three of you some old bitches. -it's overrated, man. -tiktoq is what the fuck? -it's overrated, man. -tiktoq pay for your desk, my guy.


It's not about... I don't agree that it's overrated. I don't think TikTok is overrated. I just think for me personally, I know what I was like during lockdown on TikTok, and I can't go back to it. I can't. I wasn't sleeping. It will be not... But when I told you man -You.


Said it was telling you to get off.


Bro, I was getting ads saying, have you been on your phone for too long? I'd have to swipe past that bitch and just continue it. It'll be sunset to sunrise, bro.


That's scary. That's a big deal.


That's a big deal. It wasn't a joke. I was doing nothing else but TikTok.


I promise you right now, TikTok is not overrated, bro.


It's not overrated. I don't think it's overrated.




Would say it's one of the greatest apps going.


Oh, it's sick in terms of what they've done, like motion and all that shit. Awesome. In terms of me using it, it's so overrated. I'd much rather use... Fair enough though. For the quick clips and stuff, I use IG, Reels more than TikTok.


I never.


Use Reels. I'm always on Reels.


I promise you, if I had your phone for ten minutes knowing what I know about the shit that you'd like, I could make TikTok the most addictive app on your phone.


Yeah, your algorithm.


Has a. Your algorithm has a.




Role. Ubu Girls and gaming.


Yours will be Ubu Girls, gaming and photography stuff. Yeah. I promise you right now, you'd think this is the greatest app ever made.


To be fair, my algorithm is... There's nothing on it because I'm never on it.


So it's just random. You don't know then.


-it's just random. Yeah, bro, you're just getting people making soy sauce from scratch. -shit. -that foreign stuff? Nah, I'll get you that good stuff.


Fair for you. I thought I'd ask that to see what everyone says then. What did you actually say you'd get rid of? I never even said. I just agreed with you. But I do agree. I can't get rid of WhatsApp. I feel like WhatsApp was my first form of app, I would say. Then I joined Twitter in 2011. Me and Twitter are like this, bro. Me and Twitter.


Are like that. I actually joined Twitter the same week. I think all three of us probably joined the same week. I swear. I got bored of.


It immediately. I was into the culture.


I didn't get exposed to the right stuff.


Yeah, you went on Black12. Yeah. I grew up with you, it wasn't.


Actually -Yeah, it wasn't. This is boring stuff.


Twitter for me, and obviously now I just live on Twitter for this obviously. Twitter for me can't go. Tiktok and go because, like Ellis said, I could be on TikTok probably ten minutes a week and not feel phased.


I could be on there for hours and hours and.


Hours and hours and hours. That's why I'm not on there, bro. -hours and hours.


-it's so addictive. It's so addictive.


It's scary. I've wasted so much. I've wasted and I waste so much time on there. That's why I.


Just can't. I'm not.


Proud of it. I just can't. And then YouTube, yeah, you're right. As much as I love YouTube, I would miss a lot about it, but I'm more of a short-form digestible type of guy. You'd live. I live on IG and I live on all the other things. But yeah, guys, answer at home. Which ones? Which out the five to are: IG, TikTok, YouTube, WhatsApp? What too would you delete? Let us know in a.


Comment section. Americans don't give a.


Fuck about WhatsApp, by the way. So scrap what? Americans, WhatsApp is not included in your bunch.


They don't give a shit about WhatsApp.


I message instead. I message instead, even though, yeah, whatever. But cool, that's out of the way. The IG question of the week this week was, What's the worst gift you've received from your partner? Or or personal or whatever? I'm going to let you man answer as or if and when you guys have an answer. But first come, first serve. My ex gave me stretch mark reduction cream as a birth gift two days after giving birth to our oldest child.


What's a birth gift? First of all, that was going to be number one question. A birth gift.


The gift is defined.


The child is the gift. The kids I put in there is the gift. I mean, I think you can see that two different ways. I don't necessarily think that's like, Yuck, here's some cream. It could just be a case of like, first of all, fuck a birth gift. I'm assuming this is a thing that you want. I'm not even cussing you. No shade. Yeah, no shade because you said it's like two days. I ain't seeing that fucking stomach. After two days, you think I'm not seeing that thing for six weeks. I'm just trying to be nice. Yeah, I don't think that's incredibly rude. Fair. I can see how it can be perceived that way 100%. But I'm just trying to be nice. I don't even know. I don't even know what I could compare it to. But...


It's just convenience.


Yeah, I'm trying to be convenient to you. Trying to assist. Yeah, I'm literally just trying to be convenient. What are your thoughts?


I feel like if I'm seeing it from her perspective, I feel like that's the last thing on her mind. In my opinion.


Facts is the last thing. That's her stretch marks. Yeah. I wouldn't think- Two days after, I'm sure, is the last thing on her mind.


It's the last thing on her mind. Two days after giving birth, who gives a fuck about stretch marks one and stretch marks cream two.




That's where I'm coming from.


It'll very quickly come round.


If and when it does, it does. But two days after, you're like, Who the fuck cares?


First of all, agreed, no one cares. But I'm assuming this is the husband, right? Or whatever. Partner or ex-partner.


-yeah, or.


Ex-husband now. Anything that is on top of your mind, I've already patterned it.




All these things that the things that you are genuinely thinking about in this moment in time, I've got that. Fair. You asked for a fucking birth gift, whatever the fuck that is. It's some cocoa butter, ain't it?




All right. I wouldn't get the gift. I feel like I'm fighting for this guy. I would not get to give that fucking gift, but yeah.


Anyway, carry on. If you want to buy a cream, buy the cream, bro. If you want to buy a cream, buy the cream. All right. She had taken my keys, got herself a set card, then presented them back to me in a gift box and kept them, kissed me on the cheek and said thank you. Had no idea she had even taken them. I'd come home from work and just find her louding around in my place. I'm lucky to be alive.


I would drag her by her ankle.


Imagine, bro.


She came with the keys in the gift box, showed me her set of keys, kissed me on the cheek and said thank you. Thank you.


I would.


Be- Then I just charged the whole thing thinking this is weird. Then I come home tomorrow and she's there. She's just there. Lounge in. The bar lounge in.


Lounge around in my place. Lounge around.


I have to throw hands. Lucky to be alive is right.


It's disrespectful. Don't force yourself into someone's yard like that. Never do that. I basically.


Thought that was cute as fuck as well.


Hundred % she did. Without a shadow of it, she thought it was. A positive pregnancy test.


That's the worst gift you got from a partner? Yeah.


A positive pregnancy test. Cool.




Radio. I'm a grown ass woman. He made me unwrap a radio in front of my whole family. In front of my whole family.


That's jokes. I would not know who to look up to first.


Yeah, I wouldn't know where to place my anger.


Yeah. A radio? Do they even sell those anymore?


Bro, what's the point? A radio is crazy. A radio is crazy. A necklace made up of his dog's baby teeth. That sounds like a ritual.


That sounds disgusting.


Yeah. We weren't really dating, but he got me a bag with a woman's purse and everything still in it. Man, that's a thief. Man, that's.


A thief. He yanked that from a shoulder. Yanked it and just re-gifted.


Happy birthday. A voicemail saying he's got chlamysia. A voicemail?


Should have picked up. It didn't have to be a voicemail. I should have picked up. That's crazy. That's a voicemail. He thought, I'm not calling twice. Fack. You're going to get a. I don't speak to you. I'm glad, I'm glad, I'm glad.


This is Josh. What's the worst gift you've received from a partner? Silence. It's on my birthday. Damn. Silence. Therapist recommendations. That's screams. My step-brother gave me a replica of his penis. He's a 6'7 gay black man.


I don't know what to say. That's- I don't know what to say.


That's crazy. That's all that is. That's absolutely crazy. She sent me a collage of us, but accidentally put a pic of her in another guy.


No, she never. Listen to me here. I think I hurt myself. How? Actually, because I'm contemplating. I don't know. I think I throw myself down the stairs. I can't see that. I promise you I can't see that. A collage on the line, Oh!


-cute, cute, cute.


I'm seeing you posted up with the next rare, who's obviously more handsome.


Yeah, obviously wham-up.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can't find trousers loose enough to cover that dang.


She's like, How did I get there?


She's never been happier. She's like, Oh, fuck's sake. And then yank's out. Park it, not bin. Park it.


-or bra. -from the stairs.


Yeah, yeah. From the stairs. From downstairs, bro.


Worst gift? Nothing. He said he will never spend a single penny on me. Why are you guys together?


I'll never spend. What conversation are we having for me to have to say to you? Facts. I'm never spending a penny on you.


Facts. That's an altercation.


Bro. That's an altercation. I don't rate you as a person, I'm not spending.


Money on you. A single penny on you. A book, and the book was titled How to Stay Quiet. Wow. Another one. A coloring book so I could keep myself in line. Yeah. I could keep myself in line. That's layers.




Bro. Layers. An excuse that it was stolen after delivery.


-it was jokes. -oh, my days, bro.


This guy, bro. Wallahee. A bit of tree trunk shaped like a heart. A pregnancy test from another bitch who got pregnant. He thought it was mine.


I said, when are you going to tell me?


I'm gay.


Why did you keep this a secret? She said, Who the.


Fuck is that? That's not.


Even mine. Whose pissy stick is that? That's not mine. I must have... Yeah, charging it. My bag. My bag. My bag. My bag. My bag. My bag. My bag. My bag. My bag. My bag. My bag. My bag. My bag. Anyway, anyway, anyway.


I got a couple more. Worst gift: a gold necklace with my first name and his last name.


Okay. I mean, it's butters. It's not as bad as a fucking pregnancy test from another ting. It's cringe.


It's scary. Is it? I feel like it's a lot, man.


It depends on the relation.


Yeah, of course, it depends.


On the relationship. If I'm with you for six months, I might wake you up like, Morning, Mrs. Duncan. What are you saying?


Yeah, I feel like verbally-.


A gold necklace is crazy. Now I'm deep in it. Someone had to mold that. I'm deep in it now. I'm sorry I'm with you now. Last effort, bro. All I thought was the verbalisation of it. -yeah. -yeah. -it's different. -yeah, okay, it's different.


Last but not least, I got a reply text saying she's busy right now, little bro. She's busy right now, little bro. Little who? Little bro.


Oh, Pham, stares again because tell me where you are. Little bro.


She's busy right now, little bro. Just calm and collected.


Calm, collected real man.


Facts. I mean, he just went back to piping.


She's busy right now.


Little bro. Yeah. Staz. Do you know the peakest this thing? Do you know the peakest thing about it? Your-girl would have read it and be like, I can't both deal with this and giving it to her.


Spiderman man. She unlocked the phone, read it, kissed her teeth, dashed the phone, carried on getting pipes.


That's why I'll do it. A man replied.


She's busy right now, little bro.


She was probably giving top. I'm just going to say it. We're all thinking she was probably giving top. That's why man had both hands. Free, yes. She's busy right now, little bro. Crazy. There is no other option than stairs.




Crazy. Wow.


But yeah, welcome to the show.


Guys, man. Welcome, guys. If you didn't already know, tickets are now on sale for our show at the.




Arena in London.




Show is named the biggest you've ever had because your boys like nuance. Facts. Double on ponderous. Facts. We're about it.




If you haven't already, please, please, please, please. Links in the bio, links everywhere. Go and buy your ticket. Obviously, we were recording this beforehand, so maybe they're sold out. Gang. It's the thing. If they are, then I presume if you had lips to me, it was supple. There was adequate amount of tongue and it did make me feel special. But if I haven't been lips, guys, go follow the link, buy your tickets right now and please enjoy the show. If you do like our content and you want a little piece more, head on over to patron. Com/shitting gigs. That's going to cost you a very, very, very humble three.


Pound a month?


Ten P a day. Run the P to S and G and indoctrate yourself into this cult culture. We're here and it's a vibe over there. If you're watching on YouTube, please subscribe to the channel. If you're listening on any audio platform, please leave us a nice review. Facts. Without any further ado- Let's go. -it's time for our legendary game in which I am winning, but closely followed by Rem and then-.


Loosely followed.


By Ellis. Loosely followed by Ellis. But you know what they say? Turtle in the hair. You never know what's going to happen until it happens.


Yeah, I'm sick of losing. I've got to win today.


Let's go. That's the attitude I want.


Slow pace wins.


The race.


This week's top five is I want you guys to give me the top five countries with the most Centenarians. That is people aged 100 plus. Top five countries with the most centenarians.


Never heard that word before. When you said it, I was like, What?


When you said it, it rolled my eyes. I was like, What the heck? What has this game become?


Centenarians. -yeah. -yeah. Locked.


That was pretty quick of you today. Locked. Locked. Cool. Well played gents. Rem, you locked in last. Can you give me your top five, please?


Yeah. I'vegot one, China. Yeah. Japan.








Nepal. Yeah. Usa.


Yeah. Alice.


China, Japan, South Korea. Yeah. India. Yeah. And Spain.


Jimmy. China. Yeah. India. Yeah. Usa.




Indonesia. Yeah. And Japan.


Number 10.




Have 23 and a half thousand people of age 100, Germany. Number nine with 23.7K, Brazil.




Number eight with 25.9K, France.




Number six with 26.1K, Thailand. Very close.




Number five with 27K, only two of you wrote this one down, India.




Okay. Not necessarily, bro.


Number four with 43.6K, Malaysia. None of you wrote that. Number five. Number three, with 54.1K, China, which was everyone wrote down.




Number two with 80.1K. Are you invested now?


Yeah, I'm not in now. Hey!


Don't face us, bro.


Are we still playing? Yeah.


You got one round course wrong, bro. What's wrong, bro? All right, with 80.1K, USA.




So far, James has three, Rem has two, Ellis has two.


Ellis has three as well?


No, I've got two. No, he's got China and India. Yeah.


What have I got?


You've got China, India, USA.


Oh, okay.


It's got to be Japan.


And with 92.1K, Japan. Fuck's sake. That's 4-3-3. Yeah, it was close though. Was Nepal in the list? Not on this list.




Is in the list though. Spain is number 12. South Korea is number 11.


We're pretty.


Close, I guess.


I'm surprised Indonesia is not in there.


Indonesia is not on this list.


Damn, they just die. Because they got one of the highest populations, though.


I don't know.


Indonesia. When we did it before, I'm pretty sure Indonesia had -Maybe.


It's in the top 10, yeah.


Maybe it's in the top 10. There's a run thing in here, gents.




Of us wins most of the time. One of us watches the most TikTok.




Right. I don't think you're watching educational stuff on TikTok all the time. I don't.


Think you're watching educational stuff on TikTok all the time. I don't know if you know about what I'm watching on TikTok?


You're just learning.


Hey, my bro.


He's winning. Hey, fuck. Facts.


One of us has the argument and the other one can't disagree with the argument. There's no facts. Sometimes I watch females dance to certain trend music. Females, particularly of a voluptuous nature sometimes as well. Sometimes I like quiz games.


To be fair, when I'm on TikTok sometimes my algorithm has quite a few quizzes on there and I'm on it.


Remdellacrem, can we please have the trash of the day? Yeah. So what's that? 14 for me, 15.


-15. -it doesn't.


Matter anymore.


It does matter.


-15, man. -it adds to me.


15, 11, 4. Okay.




On. -oh, gosh. Trash news.


I saw this picture. I didn't read it though. The same.


Following a lawsuit, Pennsylvania school district permits after-school Satan Club.


That is mad.


A Lehi Valley school district settled with a Satanic temple, resolving a lawsuit, accusing the Pennsylvania district of discriminating against students for denying an after-school Satan Club access to a school building. Saucon Valley school district settles paying $200,000 in attorney fees and granting the Satanic temple and its after-school Satan Club equal access to school facilities. The group aims to establish clubs in response to existing religious groups on campus without endorsing religion in public schools. The organization said the after-school Satan clubs are aimed at providing a fun, intellectually stimulating and non-pracilitising alternative to current religious after-school clubs.


They're just saying stuff.


I think they're saying stuff -They're just saying stuff. -to make a point about discrimination of some another religion.




Yeah. If you can have so many different religions and different after-school clubs in their religion, then we are going to have this is the vibe.


I'm getting basically. That's clearly what the vibe is, but that's... I generally don't have much of an opinion because I think it's stupid. I mean, the comments clearly feel the same way, and I just feel like it's just forcing inclusivity for no reason. Do you know what I mean?


Go on, finish.


Your sentence. Like I said, I don't have much else to say. I think it doesn't make sense.


I don't think it's forcing. I'm going to play Devil's advocate, irony, pun intended. Come on. Based on the facts, the facts is not the teachers creating a Satanic club. It's Bearclibb's... I met kids saying, We want a Satan club. There's nothing a school can say. You can't deny kids a Satan club because you can't. Because basically in a lot of schools now, from what I'm saying, that you are not allowed to push religion. For you saying, I'm not allowed to Satan club, you are saying, I can't have a Satan Club because it goes against religion. But you're not allowed to push religion on me. You have to let me have a Satan Club by the rules, according to this, bear in mind I'm not saying I agree or disagree with having a Satan Club. I'm just saying, realistically speaking, if the rules of a school say in order to form a club, you need 10 kids. The club can't hurt anyone. It can't incite violence or commit crimes. If 10 kids comes to you and say, We want a Satan club, and there is, for example, there's a Jewish club, a Christian club, a Muslim club, a Sikh club, there's a hockey club, there's any other.


There's a Dungeons & Dragons club. There's all these things, and we want to say it in club because we want to educate ourselves on all this ridiculous shit. I don't see a justification for them to say no.


Don't get me wrong, I completely understand that. I just don't... Scroll up again. They said they have to say in club, aim that providing fun into intellectual, stimulating, and non, whatever that means, proselytizing, I don't know what that means. Alternatising? I don't know what that means. Alternative to current religious after school clubs. It's like, okay, you can have that with any club, but you don't have to call it... The art... It just reads so wrong. The after-school Satan club or whatever. What are we even talking about, bro?


These kids like that shit, ain't it?


Don't get me wrong. I understand kids are kids and whatever, but it's also down to... Obviously, adults are the ones that are allowing this club to run. In a sense of them designing it in an intellectually stimulating fun way, understandable, because that's the only choice they have because they can't obviously say, Okay, it's a Satan club. We're going to actually learn about the devil. I don't know. I'm assuming you're going to give me the.


Definition of that word. Yeah, so proselytism is the policy of attempting to convert people's religious or political beliefs, carrying out attempts to instill beliefs can be called proselytisation.


What they're saying is they're only allowed to do this club as long as you're not trying to convince people to become part of a.


Satanic cult. And a non-pre-satitis.


You're allowed to learn about Satan, but you can't worship Satan in this thing.


-you're not worshiping.


-you're not converting people.


Into Satanic. -we're not instilling any beliefs.


You're just learning shit.


You're just learning stuff.


I find it... I mean, it's hard to argue when now I know the definition of that. But it's also, I think the wordage of the club is very misleading. -of course it is. Like very, very, very, very, very, very, very misleading.


They're going to get some people who attend that class.


Exactly, and get.


Sucked in. Yeah, they're sucked in, but they don't realize what.


They're going to-They're going to get sucked in. That's how the Sons of Sam starts, my bro. That's how these cults take... You might need to watch that. I said it before you were meant to watch.


Sons of Sam.


I've seen that, Sons of Sam.


Where is it? Neti. Okay. Sons of Sam. Some cult shit, bro. Is it? Yeah, it's crazy. This how documentaries start my guy.


Yeah, I don't disagree.


And for it to be in America, standard. Yeah, of course. Yeah, facts. It's bonkers. That won't happen in the UK.


It just won't. I do find it interesting, though.


What about it do you find interesting?


I just find it interesting.


That- In terms of the free will of it?


Yes. I find it interesting that... Because a lot of it can be put down to just like, we want to start this club to prove a point. We want to start a club to prove a point that... Because the fact of the matter is... This is again, I'm playing Devil's Africa. The fact of the matter is a lot of people.


Aren't religious.


They aren't. But we still, especially in America, still live in a system in which people hold very religious values. They obviously, again, they will have a system in which they say, Oh, we're not promote. You can't indoctrinate anyone into your religion. You can't promote your religion. You can have these clubs, but you can't push religious this or that or that.




It's all founded on a very religious structure and creating something like an after-school Satan club and seeing people's reaction will prove, when you're saying, No, you can't do this, no, you can't do that, will also bring light to the fact that because that's your reaction, what you're really telling us is that we're not truly a religiously inclusive place. You are pushing a somewhat Christian narrative here. Even if you're saying you're not, your reaction is telling me that you are.


But for them to say it's non-policitising, blah, blah, blah, and not to the current religious after-school clubs, they've also said in the second paragraph that the school district has granted them a Satanic temple. What is a Satanic temple? A temple is a place of worship. What are we actually.


Talking about here? Alternative to current religious. But also that's interesting as well, though, because even here it says a non-prostatising alternative to current religious after-school clubs. It means all the other clubs are allowed to do that. The Muslim club, the Jewish club, the Christian club are allowed to worship and convince people, study and convince people to join their religion. They're allowed to do that. But this one is not allowed to do that.




Again, it is somewhat pushing like a religious narrative to say, how come all these other clubs are... Bear it in mind, it sounds like I'm agreeing with this thing.


I'm really, really not. I know you're not.


I'm not telling you, man. I'm telling these man. Yeah, okay. Because it sounds like a fighting for it when I just really find it interesting to play both sides of the field. It is interesting, again, to say that okay, cool, you can have your Satan club, but you are actively not allowed to convince people to quote-unquote, worship Satan. But some people, the point is what I'm saying is some people truly, truly, truly, this is what I'm saying because your reaction based on there is like some people really do not believe in religion, which means they really, really, really, really do not believe in Satan, which means they really... Some people genuinely think all of this is just foolishness. For them to join the Satan Club is actually just a bit of fun and it's satirical, and it is humorous, and there are a lot of scriptures and stuff like that that could be interesting to read if you're coming at it from a completely objective, just like, This is just educational. I might want to read the Quran just for education to see how these people think.


I'll let you finish.


Some people really don't believe in it. For them, again, it is just a place of fun. It can be interesting for people to be like, This is fucked up what you're doing. This is fucked up what you're doing. But that's all coming from a belief system that they don't share.


I hear you on that belief system, but also in the same breath. If I'm an atheist, I'm a plain white piece of paper, right? I don't believe in anything. I just... Whatever's on this blank paper is me. If I'm introduced to a club, whether it be the Satan club, God forbid, whether it be any other religious type of club, and I know for a fact in my head I'm an atheist, I know for a fact that I don't believe in heaven, hell, God, whatever, angels, none of this, the more and more and more and more and more I start reading something, the more and more I may not even necessarily be interested, but something may pique my interest that will make me continue going and my curiosity could turn into belief. Do you see what I'm saying? I feel like, again, that's subjective. That's subjective to every individual human being, but there's more probability of that happening with the more people that come into this club. That's my standing point. Because like you said, I agree with you on the fact that they're saying every other religion is allowed to have a place of worship and a place to learn about the religion.


They want to do that for the Satan Club, but there isn't... You can't worship and blah, blah, blah. But the more and more and more you go, like you said, scriptures and ETC, the more and more you're going to learn and the more you might like, Oh, this is interesting. Let me dive into this. That is interesting. Let me dive into that. Oh, one of my boys is an atheist. One of my boys doesn't believe in X, Y and Z. Let me bring him along too. Let me see what he thinks. Let me see what she thinks. I feel like that... I feel.




Nature of this agreement is more so to cover the backs of the district than to protect the school's identity or the kid's identity. Do you see what I'm saying? Because as kids, you're manipulative as fuck when you're young.




You see where you're coming from? I see where you're coming from, but at the same time, again, I actually do agree with you. But at the same time, do you not think by that standpoint that you just said, you are then dictating what people should or shouldn't be allowed to learn? I had a conversation with someone ages ago, I remember spoke about it here before, and they were a Muslim, and they didn't... When it came to learning about like, they didn't want their son learning about trans people or gay people because it goes against they think the more you learn, the more you learn, the more you learn. Exactly what you said. The more it's going to pique his interest. All of a sudden, and Behrner, this person thinks like being gay is a choice and etc, The more you're going to educate my son, the more you're going to steer him away from our Islamic beliefs. I don't want him exposed to that. He was saying that the school was brainwashing him about the LGBTQ community, all this stuff, and he wants to protect him from that. My question to him was, who's doing the brainwashing?


Because you're trying to stop him from exposure under the fear that he's going to take an interest. Whereas both sides of the coin are brainwashing by your own standpoint. Again, what you're saying is here, the more they learn, the more they learn, the more they learn, you're an atheist, but you're going to pique interest. My question is that like, Yeah, but what's wrong with that? If you are a good human being and you can actually determine what's right and wrong, me reading a book about how Satan thinks you should burn down villages and all this shit, if I am an atheist, I should know from the other 99% of the time of my life, as opposed to the 25 minutes a week that I'm spending in the Satan club, not to go down burning villages.


Yeah, but like I said, this is starting from a school perspective, not as an 18, 25, full-fledged human being that understands shit. If you're doing it from a secondary school, high school, whatever you want to call it, they're easily manipulated. Kids aren't running this class, my guy. There's an adult running the class. Do you see what I'm saying? Regardless of whatever point you stand on, there's going to be some form of influence that even it just takes one person to influence a couple of people.


So how is that different to hip hop, for example?


To hip hop? In terms of music influencing people to-.


To kill or to shoot someone. To shoot someone. Sell drugs or whatever.


I mean, this could be an endless conversation.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, Gavvie.


I find it fascinating. Don't get me wrong, I am truly locked in. This is a very, very good trash news because it's brought a lot of conversation, but it's also... I mean, I can't... There are lesser evils in this world. Let me just put it that way. I can't- That's a good choice of words. I don't think you can compare Satanism and hip hop in terms of going down a path. Do you see what I'm saying? In my personal opinion, I think it's easy for someone to be able to look up to an artist. Let's say Jay-Z, for example. We all know he used to sell drugs. We all know he's now a self-made billionaire. But that doesn't mean if you just listen to his old-school stuff, that's the life you're going to follow. People transition, people change, and hip hop changes, music changes, they evolve. Whereas as we know in our present day, religion doesn't evolve. Religion is always the same. It's always been the same from when we know whether you're Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, and clearly Satanism. Do you know what I mean? There are things you're going to teach people that will never change because they're scriptures.


They're in the book, like you said.


Also, that's not true. Christianity has evolved massively. Gays can get married now in a church.


Again, subjective, though. A lot of places don't... That's not a worldwide consensus.


I mean, the Pope said it.


It doesn't make it worldwide, my bro.


Yeah, it does.




Doesn't. If the Pope said Christians are doing this, then that makes it worldwide. Regardless if some people in certain places decide not to do it, if the King of the religion says we're doing it, then it's worldwide.


I disagree, but okay.




Do you have any more thoughts?


I don't think so.


Fair enough. Very good conversation.


It was a good conversation. Very good conversation.


No, it's fascinating. I'm just passing on the comments, guys.


I know what the thoughts in the comments are going to be, which is why I like to put an effort for the other side of the fence because I find like a lot of the conversations we have, it's very easy to pander towards the obvious answer. The obvious answer is it's ridiculous to have a Satan club in a school. That's outlandish. Sometimes I do like to just poke the bear a little bit and be like. Let's think about this.


But yeah, I completely hear your side. Thank you for having that perspective.


Yeah, great trash news, bro. Less the Evils was a bar, by the way. I really liked it. I don't know why. It just sounded good coming out of your mouth. Pause. Pause, my guy. Right, guys. Let's take a very, very, very quick break to talk, Stalkin' Stuffers.




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For 20% off plus free shipping, Mrs. Clawse will thank you. Let's go. Let's get back to the episode. I've got a Masterchef update. I was ganging on about it the other week.


What are two names again?


Robert, is it Robert? Philippe and flipping Lauren. Lauren, yeah. Bear in mind it's funny because I actually felt bad. Obviously, you know how last week I spoke about how black people always let me down to Masterchef. That was like I went on a rant for it first, and then I mentioned Philippe and Lauren. But obviously, I didn't know that Lauren actually listened to the show because she teared me yesterday. She brought the story yesterday about how she was shitting herself because I was going on a rant about how Black chefs are so shit on my show.




Lauren. Yeah. Last night, bear in mind, so we're recording this now on Tuesday because it comes out like every day. By the time this comes out next Monday, it's not going to be current. But as of last night, Monday the 27th, the judging criteria was relentless. Oh, yeah.


Bro. What did they.


Have to do? The man were savages. Challenges. Okay, cool. The two dishes were the first one. Now we're into the final eight. We're into the final eight. The first one, the first session, four of you go through, four of you have to cook again, and two of you are going home.


The four have to cook.


Again, obviously. At the end of today, there's going to be final six. Makes sense. We've got the final eight.


Fuck me if I'm cooking again. Bro? I'm pissed if I'm cooking again.


Bro. Yeah. The challenge was salt and pepper. Emphasize salt and pepper. Okay. Bro?


Chips and wings.


Yeah, that's so ebonic of me. Ebonic.


Chips and wings.


My guy. Ebonic. Oh, my God. My guys, Filipe and Lauren have been killing it. Yeah. Bro, but when I say the judges weren't having it last night, bro, if you weren't bringing all the smoke, smoke. I don't want to hear from you. I want to say all the smoke, I want three different types of salt in this bitch. I don't want to taste every one. I don't want at least seven different types of pepper in this bitch. I don't want to taste every one, and they better marry together. They weren't taking chances on these men. The way they were just gunning everyone about this is not good enough. This is not good enough. This is not good enough. This is not good enough. All these chats will come back like, raw, tid.


Individual, they've come up, come up, come up. Not good enough. I'm not good enough. Nearly there. Not good enough. You're begging it. You're trying too hard. You're not trying hard enough. Everyone came back like, raw, bro, this is tough. They're really not playing. Needless to say, both Lauren and both Philippe were in the bottom four, and they cooked their asses off.


What did they make?


Fuck if I can remember. Philippe made some egg ting, but like soft, boiled egg. But when I say this ting was barely cooked. How he timed this? He cooked it in the shell. I want to say he cracked it and the ting fell out, but it was so barely cooked. I was thinking, How did you do that? It was crazy. He made some carrots and some other shit and a few different peppers, but they liked it. It just wasn't good enough. It just was not good enough because the only people that got through to the top four were fucking perfect. The shit they cooked was perfect.


That hench bread and the mustard. Kyle? I'm coming for everyone.


Bottom four.




Kyle, bottom four. Okay. In the bottom four, we had Kyle, Head Hunter, Lauren, Roadman, Philippe, Parkcourse. Then we had young Charlie. Charlie is 22. He's the youngest chef of the ting. I was like, raw, Charlie is fucked. Twenty-two. Yeah, he's 22, bro. He's 22. He's hard still. He's hard, bro. You can tell him in the bottom four, he was like, I'm not surviving this. Two of us are going home and I'm up against Lauren, Philippe, and Kyle.


Yeah, it's long for me. These are dogs.






I don't stand a chance. Until they said what the.


Challenge was. Okay. Fuck.


They said, Invention test. Make us a plant-based dish. Charlie is the only fucking vegan out of the four. I was livid.


You know one of the brothers are going- Yeah, man. -you know one.


Of the brothers are going. I was livid. I was like, Charlie, he's up against it because these man are warriors.




Man can fucking cook.


But still, this is my niche. This is his bag.


You see the relief that when they said plant-based dish, I was like, This is a coup, bro. Yeah, Fax.


What is this? Facts. They knew his niche anyway.


Yeah, and the Blacks love meat. Yeah!


And that's on gold.


That's what we love. How can you do this to us? And also, Kyle, a few rounds ago, made a plant-based dish for fun.


Slapped. Slapped. Not even in a rounding, he just did it. He just did it.


Some pan-roasted cellariac, he said it tastes like steak. That's how good it was. I was like, Jesus Christ. Oh my God. And I was like, We're all going out today. Carly and Kyle have got this pad. And even Monica, one of the judges was like, If Kyle whips up something like that, cellariac again, I promise you he's going through. Yeah. I don't give a fuck what the rest of you make. If you make a cellariac again, Donnie is going through. I was.


Like, Oh fuck. Not my boys. Not my boys.


Lauren and Philip are gone. They just had a chance, bro. I was like, The odds of both of them going through are slim to none.




Lauren was sweating. Philippe, I'm not going to lie to him. He's cool as a cucumber always. He's always like, It sounds interesting. I don't know, but it sounds interesting, so I cook it. Okay. Anyway, we got down to it. First of all, Philippe bottled it.


What did he make?


So the thing... Let me give you some context. Philippe just bucks around and finds out.


Okay, he.


Likes to mix and match. He likes to mix and match, and he's here to learn as much about himself as a chef as he is to win the trophy. Okay. All he wants to do is just figure out how good of a cook he is. It's experience for him. Pham, it's an experience for him.


Fair and not fair.


At the same time. Yeah, it's fair and not fair because someone needs to be in his ear like, Wake up.


Yeah, Pham, you're doing this for us. It's a competition.


Wake up.


Yeah, I hear you. Oh, my God. Anyway, this motherfucker made white asparagas with a tahini sauce or like a tahini glaze along with cassava chips. Not chips, cassava crisps, I should say. No chips. It was chips. I don't know why I said crisps. Sorry. Cassava chips, white asparagas with a tahini glaze and two different types of sauce, like a tomato-based, spicy sauce and some other pureting. Can't remember. Some green shit. It just wasn't a complete dish. Asparagas and fucking casava chips.


Yeah, with some dips.


With some dips. It was like a very loose appetizer.




He was happy with it. He brought it up to the table. Marcus tasted it and was like, I'm not going to lie to you. Asparagas, leng. Casava chips. Leng, bro. The sauces? Leng. What the fuck is this?


There's no mesh.


Yeah, this is final six we're fighting for.




This? Greg said the same thing. He was like, You can't give me two different things with three different sauces and expect me to put you through. Philippe was like, Sorry. Monica was like, I'm not going to lie to you. If I put my Philippe hat on, the asparagas, the tasty shit I've had, the cassava chips, tasty shit I've had. The sauces, all of them are Leng. I can't tell this man he's done something wrong when he hasn't. This is banging. I see where you man are coming from because bullshit. I'm not paying for this, but everything on this plate is Leng. Every single time this man has not made a butter's piece of food. It's jarring me.


I want to taste his food. I want to taste.


His food. Pham? He can't make a butter. He hasn't ever bought us anything butter.


Okay, I'm shifting.


The feedback was it's Leng, but we need more from you. Carl came up, gave some mushroom soup type thing with a grilled cheese sandwich on the side. Okay. Shit was over seasoned as fuck, but they said it was Leng. Marcus was like, This.


Is banging. How did you know it was over seasoned then?


The rest of them said. Marcus tasted it, he said, This is fucking banging, by the way. Also, this is a bit fuckery. This is a bit fuckery when it comes to this fucking show. Yeah?




Marcus, Kyle made this fucking soup, this mushroom soup. These bitches came up to him when he was still cooking and said, What are you making? He said, I'm making this mushroom soup thing. Marcus was like, Are you making anything else? Carl was like, No, just the soup. Marcus said, But I'm not going to lie to you. We've warned you before about not trying hard enough.




Is the time. Now is the time to try hard. I'm going to ask you again. You're making anything else? ' and brother was like, I'm going to make something else. My boy, Philippe, said he's making asparagas and cassava.


Fucking chips and.


Nothing else. These motherfuckers didn't say, You're going to make anything else? Because it's looking a bit bare. They didn't say that to him. But when he's putting plate on the fucking past now, we want to talk about where's the rest. I hear that. I'm not here for it, bro. That pissed me.


The fuck off. I hear that completely. Okay.


They said, Carl don't make it through either. Carl don't make it through either. The other two judges said that bitch is salty. He was like, Fair, fair. Charlie came through, Magnifique.


What did he make?


He made two different types of... He made a roasted mushroom. It's called hen of the woods. It's thick. I just spat all over you. I just spat all over you.


It wasn't...


I saw it. Yeah, youtouched me. It was like a Febreze thing. I could have felt it because I was going to have this. I was going to have this and I felt it. Yeah, it was.




Febreze. Yeah, it was that. Wow. Yeah. I literally watched it. I was like, Wow. Anyway, Charlie made some hen of the woods pan-roasted ting and it looked meaty. Then he made some other mushroom ting. I can't remember what else the fuck he made because I was just pissed off. But he also made a zoo, which they were like, This is too length. It's too banging. You could just see the relief. He was like, I'm through. I'm through. I'm through. I'm through. I'm through. I'm through. I'm through. I'm through. I'm through. I'm through. I'm through. I'm through. Yeah. Lauren came up with some curry, some chickpea curry thing with... She bagged it still. She blow-taught. She tried to do it like tandori-style mushrooms. She had these fat, like oyster mushrooms, put the yogurt and the curry and all that shit on it and blow torch that bitch. It looked like it was in a stone oven. Made it meaty as fuck.


But it was orange from the season and the yogurt. The chickpea ting was orange. The curry sauce was orange with the chickpeas in it. She also did a carrot spiral ting on top. That whole bitch was orange. Then she chose an orange tinted plate. As soon as she put it on the ting, Greg was like, This is the yuckiest thing I've seen. The presentation is off. It's butters. Do better. But no, they don't even taste this bitch yet. I can smell it from here. It's really good. I was like, Oh, it's charged. As soon as they said that, I was like, They've not even tasted it in the customer. It's charged, bro. I'm not going to lie, they all tasted it and said.


It's fucking yummy. Okay.


It's fucking yummy.




Presentation aside, it's fucking yummy. They went back and deliberated. Philippe and Carl went home still. My girl Lauren is still in it? Yeah. I'm gutted about Philippe.


He was sounding like the inventive guy.


He has talent. He has talent. He's a private chef as well.


Okay. Is he based in the UK or is he based in France?


He's based in London. Okay. I'm saying, Philippe, if you're listening and you're looking for a change of pace, my yard is open. My yard is open. But after this, he's charging. He's charging. Facts. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Facts. Yeah, fuck. Feak. Yeah, but he cooked his ass off. I have to give him a round of applause because he cooked his fucking ass off and he deserved. Fairplay. He deserved everything. But the problem I'm not going to lie to you, the rounds are getting heated. Fair play. Yeah, I'm praying for Lauren, but I'm just going to say there's some killers.


In the top four. I was going to say.


The top four. In the top four, bro. Now we're in the top six. Charlie. I want the best for him, young Charlie. His days are numbers. He can't compete at this level. I'm just saying it. I'm just calling it as I see it. He can't compete at this level.


He was lucky that it was a vegan challenge.


If it wasn't a vegan challenge, I promise you he'd be at his yard right now. Yeah. You'd be at his yard right now if it wasn't a vegan challenge. But that's fine because he's 22. There's another brother in there called Tom, one Ginger U, who's 24. That motherfucker is a generational talent. Oh, yeah. Brother? Yeah. This is once in a generation.


Wow. Yeah.


That he made a tart thing yesterday in the salt and pepper, bitch. Yeah. He tried to vacuum seal a glass bowl. He said he does it at work all the time. That bitch exploded. All his chocolate mix with the tart, fucked. He had about ten minutes left and then he was panicked. Usually when this stuff happens, charged.


Oh, it's charged, bro. It's done for you. It's your game done. I was rooting for him as well as it's long. He fixed it. He made a new chocolate batch just as sexy as the first one, served it. They said this is a triumph. I can't hate. Tom, yeah, he's suicide squad level. Tom's suicide squad level. Noreyn, she's a fighter. To be fair, she can hang with the big.


Boys, but.


Yeah, she can hang. There's another chick in there called Kase, one Australian thing, takes a piss. Chef. Tell you why she pisses me off here. She takes L after L after L. When the judges have had enough of her bullshit and everyone's like, Kase is going yard today because they've just had enough of her fuck-ups. She produces something they can't believe. She made some lemon fucking ice cream sandwich-looking thing the other day. I said, Bro.




Said, This is the perfect thing.


Yeah, who's cooking this? Some Ratatouille thing.


Bro, lift up your hat. I know there's a magic animal under there pulling hair because this is crazy. Every time they're on their last legs with her, she produces something phenomenal. There was one thing yesterday. She made some gorgansola ting, her salt and pepper ting, some gorgansola ting. Marcus said, I fucking hate gorgansola. She was like, she looks like she's going to cry. He said, I fucking hate it. This is the sexiest dish I've had today. That's saying something. Go stand over there. I'm screaming.


That's saying something. Go stand over there with.


The winners. Yeah, with the winners is right, bro. Kasei takes a piss. That would give me goosebumps. Yeah, I would beat my chest in there. Bro, she was gassed.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.




Yeah. Yeah, yeah.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. We've got once in a generation, Tom. Golden Boot, Tom. We've got Kasei who just pulls out of her ass whenever she needs to. She's Clutch. Clutch, Kasei. Now we've got Lauren in there. She's a dog.


She's a fighter. Right, yeah, pull him up because I'm going to forget who else is in there. We've got Charlie in there, my young vegan scrapper, but he's just going to struggle. Okay, that's Charlie. Charlie, yeah, 22, bro, Cornwall, bro. I don't think he can hang. I'm not going to lie to you. He's doing his absolute best, but I don't think he can hang. He's in the top six now. We've got Charlie. Yeah, down. She's gone. She's gone. He's gone. God, he was gone quick. He's gone.


Nigerian brother, Ola.


He's exactly the type of guy I was talking about. James is a motherfucker as well. Sorry, he's in the top six. Yeah, he's another one taking L after L after L. He couldn't make a cohesive plate. Yeah, he couldn't do it, bro. Round after round after round, his cooking was up. But every time they were like, Why are you putting this with this with this? Every single time, James, I'm sick of it now.


But the individual elements.


Of the dish- Individual elements are amazing, but I'm tired of this bullshit. You're doing too much. Make it work. The last two rounds, he's made it work. Say less. Gang for him. We've got him, Charlie, she's gone. She was a trooper at the start, but then it all fell apart. The moment was too big for her. She had three terrible rounds in a row. Lauren. Okay, so now we've got Lauren. Brother, I'm rooting for her. But yeah, she's really going to have to fight to stay in this. She's really going to have to fight to stay in this. But she never fucks up. Her consistency might see her through. Okay. All right, cool. And then he's gone.


I'm keen.


She's gone. Filipe, man. There's my bro, the black Arthur. Yeah, he's gone, man. I'm rooting for him, though. Real guy. All right, keep going. She's gone. He's gone. He was useless. He's gone. He came in with this, Danbredder? He came in with confidence. Yeah. Yeah, misguided confidence. Misguided confidence. Keep going. She's gone. Oh, Kasey. Right, this is her. This is the one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fuck up. I have to fuck up. I have to fuck up. And then bang. Fuck up. Then bang. -fuck up. -lemoncello sandwich. Fuck up. Bang. Yeah, yeah. Lemoncellow sandwich, bitch. Yeah, she's bitchy as rude. Sorry. She's banging. She's in the top six. Keep going. He's gone. He's gone. Kyle. He's the one that looks like he kidnaps people. He's gone. She went immediately. Again, she's only been a chef for like two years. I don't know who let her in. She wasn't ready for it. She just wasn't ready for it. I hope she comes back in a few years because she really wasn't ready for it. Keep going. Gone. Gone. My boy. This is generational talent. Yeah, my boy, Tom, doesn't play. All right, so final six. We have Kase, Tom, Lauren, Charlie, James.


Yeah, Tommy. Tommy, Tommy, Tommy. He's in the top six as well. Yeah, he was fighting for his life. I'm not a liar, I didn't think he had it in him. He had a couple of bell rounds. But yesterday, he really pulled it out of his ass. I think Lauren can smack him and Lauren can smack Charlie as well. If Kase is having a bad day, gone. I think top three is going to be Kasey, Lauren, and Tom. Okay. Cool. Or maybe James, actually. I fucking forgot about James. Oh, Jesus. James is a- He's a beast. Yeah, he really is. Top three, James. That's really fucked the tables a little bit. I forgot about him. James, Tom, and Lauren, if she's lucky. Yeah. And if she's not? But I'm tossing between Kase and Lauren. Obviously, I want it for Lauren more.




Kase, when.


She- When she's up, she's up. Cool.


When she's up, it looks effortless.


That's what scares me about her. When she's up, it looks effortless. Okay. So yeah, good luck, Lauren. Long story short. Long story short?




She, low key, needs a miracle. Okay, say that. I think Tom's going to win. He's serious. Twenty-four, he's serious. Both his mom and dad are chefs as well. Oh, it's long. Yeah, it's long. I'm telling you, he's a generational talent. Yeah, it's long.


Okay, say that. That's a ginger, you know? Yeah. Yeah, it's long.


I think if he doesn't win, I'll be very surprised. Okay, fair. But anyway, yeah, it's been a good few days.


I can see that.


Yeah, yeah. All right, gang. Yellow jackets. Well, go on.


Yeah, bro. With a lot of the shows that I've been watching recently or I have recommended recently on this show outside of the show, whatever, the first couple of apps, hard hitters. Then obviously, as per most, it dwindles down or whatever. This show didn't do that that much, but I finished season one, I'm on season two now. When I say to you, season one, episode nine took a Bollywood.




I was on the edge of my seat saying, Who's written this? Because this went from zero to a hundred in the space of seconds, bro. I couldn't believe what I was watching. I had to IMDb and see what Ray and it got. That's where I was at, and it was in the top two. Damn. It was the top two of the whole show. And I was like, Wow, bro. And that was the the top there, the ultimate episode of season one. I was like, This is a really, really, really good episode. They could have, in my opinion, they could have done it a bit more early because remember I said to you in season one, or when I first spoke about this last week, Rava, they're on the islands, blah, blah, blah, and they start eating shit. You just see in the trailer in the beginning of episode one, people eating people and you don't know who the people are that.


They're doing the eating.


You don't see that in season one, my bro. You still don't see that in season one. I was thinking, Where is it going? Where is it going? But in episode nine, my bro, when I say this bitch takes a twist, I told you man about Misty. She's a crazy motherfucker. What she did was she poisoned... Well, she didn't poison the food. Obviously, they're on island, right? They're trying to survive.


This is not a spoiler, is it? This is just a mad spoiler? I want to watch it.


You do want to actually watch it? Yeah, I want to watch it. I can't see it. I can't. Because when I say you won't expect the scenes to go the way they go.


I know how -Fuck, man. -hard your dick is to tell us about this. So what I'm going to do is I'll promise I'm going to try and catch up this week. I'll start it. These men are free trials because I can't pay for another stream of service.


We've got Paramount Plus. Oh, have we? It's Paramount Plus.


Okay, cool. I'm sure.


We've got it. We have Paramount+. So it shouldn't be an issue, bro. But yeah, I remember you pulled this up last week. Elijah Woodis in season two. But yeah, the Young Misty, crazy and just... I thought the reason why they start to act the way they act is because of what I saw in episode nine, and they've not referenced it again. I don't know if that's the case, but when I say to you, bro, episode nine took a twist that made the whole season one fantastic.


Damn, okay.


I've just not been locked in like that in a minute.


Okay, all right. Okay. I'll watch you this week. I really, really will. I really, really will. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Okay, bet. Someone DMed me yesterday and was like, If you haven't started Yellow Jackets, stand the fuck up. The plot twist you won't believe. All right, bet.


The plot twist?




Yeah, it's good, man.


I can tell you want to share, so let me give it this week. And then if I haven't caught up by it... How long are the episodes?


Somewhere an hour, somewhere like 40.


It's going to be a bit difficult, but I'll try my best. I'll try my best.


I would say my favorite character is Shauna. You would see as and when you watch it, the development is bonkers.




Older Shauna, not young as Shauna. And my second favorites are both Mistic, young and old.


Okay, calm. Sick. All right, bet. I'm here for it. Sick.


Good show. Really good show.


Sick, sick, sick, sick.


Undercover OG. What's that name? Lottie, but I don't know if that's what they call her on here.


Young Lottie. Teen Lottie? Yeah.


Teen Lottie?




Undercover OG.


All right, bet. You'll see why. Okay, say less. Okay, cool. We've got some tweets of the week here.


Let's tweet from a guy. Men like flowers too, reply. Only flowers I like are her two lips.


-come on. Wordplay. Pen Smith. All right, say less. Five guys doing some serious damage to my guts right now. Reply, Six when I get there. Reply: What? Mad. Six when I get there.


Set yourself up for that, but what- -Brill.


-a brave reply.


-yeah. -a brave reply on an open platform. Fam. That'll make me want to delete my account. Oh, brave reply. -i'll be terrified. Brave reply. You all have ever been to a black-owned water park? Reply: I happen to be in possession of one. Reply from a prayer: Young lady. Young lady, bro. I happen to be in possession of one. A black-owned water park. That'll make me set a DM. Wow. Yeah, that would make me set a DM.


I happen to be in possession of one.


I said, young lady.


Say less. Wow. I haven't seen you in high school. Response: Just put the fries in the damn bag, man.


Wow. Damn. Gen Z as lawyers. Your Honor, that's cap. Make it make sense. It's the objection for me.


Yeah, yeah.


That's a lie, but go off. Okay. Your Honor, my client is an Aries. Dumb. Chau. Okay, but did I ask? I've got all the receipts, Your Honor. And that's on false allegations.


Wow, I'm a joke. They should make that to a show or something.


Facts, 100%. That'll be hilarious. Can you swim? I reply. In money? Yes. In water? No.


Raw. Okay. And they.


Reply to that, Tell me you're an Ibo woman without telling me you're Ibo.


That's funny. I said, Yo, the train stopped at Longwood Avenue and this said, Pause over the intercom.


I had that one in my deck.


Facts. Wow, that's funny. Now stopping at Longwood Avenue. Pause. Far, far, far.


Are so fat I got to manually spread my cheeks to fart. Wow.


Wow, indeed. I've got to.


Manually spread my cheeks to fart.


That's crazy. It just gets trapped. Now your guts will take a beating. Oh, fat.


You're going to.


Take a bubble.


That shit would bubble. There's no way I'm trying to force out a fart and my cheek, say no. I'll be in agony. This thing says, A freaky seven is hotter than a ten who only does missionary. Change my mind? Reply, I don't know, man. I usually wait till they're 18, but you do you.


Oh, dark. That's dark. I was expecting.


Yeah, it's dark.


Strong dark humor. The man who swapped the vowels in his name with an X. Crazy. The man who swapped the vowels in his name with an X for his Instagram username is not going to provide for you.


It's dread because it's facts. But also it's literally our name.


Yeah. That's literally the name of the show is that.


Facts. But that is Fax. He's not going to provide for you. All right, I've got one more.


All right, bet.


Imagine getting jumped by junkies and one of them yell, wrap the belt around his arm. Wrap the belt.


Around his arm. -no! That's the scariest thing. Family. I'd prefer murder. That's the scariest thing.


So when you're talking about the heroine thing and pick your poison, Panama.




Wow! That's what came to mind. That's what came to mind.


These man are trying to get me hooks in that dojo. No, bro. I'll say do anything else.


Wrap the belt around his arm, my bro.


What? Okay, cool.




Would you rather? He said, so you hear that, wrap the belt around his arm. Obviously you panic and you scramble- You're going to go white as a ghost. You scramble, scramble, say please don't, please don't, please don't. That and he stops you and said, All right, bet. It's the belt or this dick? Which one is it going to be? I knew it had to be. Yeah, obviously for me it had to be. For me?


If I'm being completely honest, I think I would die from heroine. I think one shot would kill me. I know my tolerance. I know my- You have a reaction. Yeah. I genuinely think my body would generally overreact and I'll die. But I can't take the wood. That's on God. Is it front or back? -throw or go?


-yeah, or eight? Either or.


Is it dealer's choice?


Yeah, he just says take it. How you take it is up to you, but you better fucking take it.


To completion?




Think I'd have to go for a heroine. -sway, you'd rather die. -yeah. I'd pray I won't die, but I think my ego wouldn't allow me to see the next day if I got throated or goated. Fair? Do you know what I mean?


Would you still feel the same? And he says, Okay, take the heroine. Bear it in mind you can change your mind at any time. Until obviously the thing is in your arm, you can change your mind. Now you said, All right, fuck it, give me the belt. He takes the belt.




Watching -He bites it. You see him bite it. You see that vein pop and you see him slap it like that. Then you can see this rusty spoon that these man heat up for you, suck the needle in there and there's bubbles in that bitch. They're not even... They're reckless with it. They're not even going to push the air out. They're not doing none of this. They drape the rusty needle, suck it from that spoon. They're going to.




Air in my vein.


I died. I died before the.


Heroin kicks in. As it's creature up to that vein and you can see about to think and then Donnie's shaking as he does it because he's waiting for his next fix. He can't wait for you to be done. You're still saying, Yeah, give me that duge.


I'd bite my tongue and bleed out. I just bite my tongue.


You would love to make up your own scenarios. Every single time to avoid taking cock, you always find a loophole every week. Taking cock. Every time there's a way out for you. Because I.


Would still take the heroine, bro.




Yeah, but I would plead with him like, Just get the air out. Just please. If you want me to do it, let me do it. Let me flick some. Pause to get the air out because I can't have that trapped in me. Do you know what I mean? Yeah. What about you?


I'd probably take the heroine, but I'd be really, really scared.


Oh, yeah, I won't be happy.


With any choice. Because I'm terrified of needles, period. I'd be really fucking scared. I would have to take the heroine. Yeah, fucks. I'd have to. But I'd like... The fear is... You know the fear that you get when you're going on a roller coaster as tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. It would be that as if the roller coaster is going into space. I can't believe this thing is still tick in.


Bro, that's how I felt when we were actually in LA. Yeah. On the.


Was it the second ride? The second ride? Yeah, that's how.


I felt too. This bitch is.


Going up for ages. That's how I felt. I didn't want to voice it.


But fuck me, that bitch was.


Going up. Yeah, we went to Six Flags. The last roller coaster that we went on, wow, it looked like a humble thing. It looked like a really humble, Chessington World of adventures type thing. When we were on it, it would not stop clicking. Oh, my God. No one said anything, but I was like...


And the speed of this bitch?


The G-Fource? Yeah, it wasn't one of these drawings either. It was one of these bars.


It was a standy-esque type thing. Oh, my goodness.


That kept clicking.


Yeah, roller coaster.


Yeah, wow.


But yeah, heroine for sure.


Yeah? Heroine for sure. Okay, guys, well, that's today's episode. Again, get your tickets for our show with the O2 the biggest you've ever had. Get them immediately. It's literally not even a joke anymore. It isn't. Link's in the bio. It is. Jump on, jump on, jump on, jump on. And yeah, we'll see you there. Love and love.