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Yeah, brother, I could never be with a man. Pause. Outside of the obvious reasons, just the disrespect. It's just the disrespect. Guys. Girls. What? Are you mad? We're back in a fucking steed, you. We're back in a stizidi. Yes, sir. We've We just got back from Sweden.


We did stuck home.


Yeah. We put my hands up. I shouldn't have gone.


Tell me why.


Because I just shouldn't have gone. The flight time didn't get me there until So I just landed for context. I just landed in Gatwick Airport. I didn't even leave the airport, and I got straight back on the flight to Sweden. You men were already there. I didn't get there till 06:00 PM. We left at 07:30 PM. So by the time I got to the... I think I got to the hotel at 10:07. We left at 07:30, went to the event. The alcohol hit me like that. I don't know what they're doing in that country. I don't know how they're fermenting the alcohol over there or distilling it, whatever they're doing, aging it, brother. It hit me like that. I was drinking from a bottle with no label. It was fat. It was clear. It was clear content. It was a bottle with no label. I couldn't open the thing. The island bottle. Yeah, I had to pop it for you. Pause.


Pause indeed.


Then we went to the event and then I went to bed and that was it. I woke up groggy and tired this morning to get straight back on a plane and my back's killing me.


Do you know why... Obviously, you said you shouldn't have gone, but do you know why it was a good thing you did go?


Go on.


For the story, bro.


The story I just told?


No, for the story in general.For.


The plot?For.


The plot, for the twist.


The plot was thick. Exactly. Yeah, the plot was thick and creamy. I'm not going to lie to you. Exactly. That was cool. It was cool, man. It was cool. It was actually all right, man.


We haven't been to one in a minute. I think the last time we went to, was it in London or was it in Brom?


Rnb Slow Derms The last one we went to was in Wembley.


Wembley, you're right. Box Park.


It was cool. Bro, the events are always cool. Chuckie and Tazer, them man, are doing-Shout them out. Shout out Matthew as well, obviously. But Well, I'll go on. They're not going to see me on a plane.For another one.Again for another one. Yeah. And over and over. Period or for a while?For a long time.Okay, cool.


Because that's insane. Yeah. We're seeing locks at 11.


Yeah, fine. Let's keep it UK. Let's keep it UK.


But for us, Yeah, but I heard they're doing a Christmas. They said they're doing a Christmas one. I don't know if that's released yet.


It's not. Oh, is it not released? No, the venue isn't released.


He told us on a hush. My bad. So we know the scoop. My bad, my bad, my bad, my bad, my bad. Lock away. All right, cool, man. Throw away the key. All good. We know the scoop. My bad. I nearly spill all those beans.


Yeah, but fair play to him, man.


Yeah, they're killing it. I love that. I love that so much. Yeah, man, yeah, man, yeah, man. But anyway, guys, let's get straight into the question of the week. I don't feel like I've read or listened to a question of the week.


In ages. Ages. It feels like. Ages. The question of the week this week is, what's the worst way you've been scammed? I've got two, four, six. I've only got seven today.


I've only got four.


All right, I'll start first. What's Which is the worst way you've been scammed when he smiled with his teeth?


That's a scam.


A catfish thing.Caviate.Yeah. Your teeth are looking clean.




Clean. Since America.


Audience, his teeth are looking clean. He's been on that TW journey.I love you, man.It's looking clean.


I love you, man. Safe. Stop, stop, stop. I just want to make sure there's no mutton in there. Oh, God. So, yeah. When he smile with his teeth, he scammed me.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's crazy. Catfish thing. Catfish. So clearly his Instagram profile or his grid is always like, just close mouth. That's harsh, bro. Close mouth, yeah.


Yeah, that's rough. Yeah, speak. Worst way you've been scammed. My ex asked me to pay him to come back into the house after an argument.


My ex asked me to pay.


Oh. Yeah, he left the house stormed out and she was like, Are you coming back or what? A man's like, What's it worth? Pay me. How badly do you want me back?


Run me some pee.


Yeah, run me pee and I'll be back. Wow. That's soft white era.


That's very audacious. What's the worst way you've been scammed? I paid two bags for a flat deposit during COVID. Turned out to be teenage Spanish hackers. Peek.


But hackers in this day and age will be taken over. My mom nearly got swindled My mom nearly got swindled by that old text, the one that your mom got.


Yeah, when it's like, I've lost my phone.


Yeah. Oh, man. I've lost my phone. My new number is whatever. Donut, man. Peace. Yeah, bro. I don't know how they keep getting these mums, bro.


My mom was stressing me. What the fuck happened?


Nothing. They stay scamming these mums, bro.


It'll be literally be like, I'm lost in town. I need a tenner to get a taxi home, mom, please. And stuff like that.


It's crazy. Brother, it's nuts. My thing is I keep seeing real estate TikTok, basically. Okay. Bear Yards on my TikTok.


That's my Instagram more than anything.


Brother, I'm certain 50% of these are CGI.


Because they're huge.


They're immaculate and they're huge, of course. I'm looking at it and I'm thinking, I'm zooming in like, Is this a real yard? If I just lived in fucking Abu Dhabi and I'm trying to drop five million a yard and I'm seeing this yard, this thing could not exist. This man could be like, Yeah, run the holding deposit, yada, yada, yada. Valid. They could show me a walkthrough video and I'd be like, Oh, that's a real yard. Bro, it's AI. It's not a yard.


That's so true.


Damn. Yeah, they could be like, Give me 20K holding deposit right now. I'll be like, Yeah, it's safe. Hold that. That's gone. Yard don't exist. Anyway. Damn. Scams. Right. Worst way you've been scammed. Oh, God, I remember that. Excuse me. I was at McDonald's and a guy in his 40s asked for a pound to get the bus to the hospital. I I gave him it because he looked well-dressed and I just assumed he had nothing on him. He walked up to the counter and bought a mayo chicken and then laughed in my face.


The laughed in my face.


Laught in my face. That's disrespectful. While eating a mayo chicken.


He knew there was no repercussions.


Yeah, 100%.


He knew there was not going to be repercussions.


What What are you going to do? I'm eating this mayo chicken in your fucking boat. There's nothing you're going to do about it. What are you going to do about it? Give me another pound. Immediately. Because this time I do want to get the bus. You're a donut. No, that's horrible. When I was reading that one, that reminded me specifically of the petrol station time.


I remember the worst way, not even the worst way I got scammed, but how I got scammed. I didn't even realize I got scammed until it was too late. So I was in Paris last year.


Subtle flex. And That's not what you said. That sounded like a flex. I don't know why. Do you get that, Ellis? I didn't. Sorry, my bad.


I was in France last year. I was on that side of Europe last year, right? I think it was the day I was going to Disneyland Paris, but obviously, well, not obviously, taking the train there as opposed to Uber or whatever, because there's a direct train that takes you to Disneyland Paris. And underground thing, I don't really know how the thing, obviously, it's in French as well, blah, blah, blah. I didn't see if there was a breader in the service thing. So I just used the machine. Obviously, don't speak French, doing what I was doing. But there was a breader that came up. You need help? Where are you going? Blah, blah, blah. I know exactly the thing. I've met that same guy, bro.


I met him.


What do you need help? I was like, explain the situation. Day trip, Disneyland Paris and back, say less blah blah. He said, Cool, cool, cool. 8 euros, cash, a little soy. I was like, Cool. I was like, Obviously, go to the ATM, get money. And this spreader went onto the machine. He showed it to me, said 80 pound or 8 euros. I was like, okay, cool. I gave it to him. He did a thing. Ticket, ticket. Went there. Had a good time. Didn't think anything of it. Ticket worked, blah, blah, blah. On the way back, put a ticket in. You know when it goes in, comes out, and the gates don't open, I'm thinking, huh? And again, huh? In the Disneyland Paris area, went to that cashier, whatever, or the store. I was like, Bro, I bought a return ticket. This thing ain't working, waaguan. A man looked at it, flipped around and said, This is a kid's single.


It's just in French.


It's a kid's single.


Kids would spin me. I would grab someone's collar, they say, Kids. I said, Pardon? A kid's single.


I've never been... I told him to check again because I saw what that Donny input it and it said A Bones for a Return. And this man is telling me it's a kid's single.Wow.


He spun you.Yeah.


And I was like, Oh, it was the Donny in it. He was like, Oh, was he wearing the, for lack of a better term, TFL uniform? I said, I don't remember now. He's like, Oh.


He's a bro. He just gave your money to a guy. Oh, bro.


I was so angry.


And it was nothing I could do. I remember I was also in Paris years ago. This motherfucker, he scammed me. I was with my girlfriend at the time. I think I was 19. Went to Paris. One guy, same typical, not even typical, just a normal street guy. I was like, Do you want a bracelet?




To my girl.


You said it to your girl, not to you.


Yeah, not to me. He's like, Do you want a bracelet? She was like, No, I'm okay. And he was like, No, like typical bullshit. Beautiful wrist deserves a beautiful bracelet. Beautiful girl. All this thing. I was like, Chill out, man. Chill out.


I haven't got the money. I didn't have anything.


Stop. I was like, Relax. He was like, No, he's like, Okay, I'll tell you what. He was like, Look, I just want you to see my profession and see what I do because I tie the bracelets in a very special way, and I'm going to make the bracelet here in front of you. You don't have to give me any money or anything, but I'm very proud of what I do. I was like, All right, cool. So he took her a wrist and he kept saying, Hakuna Matata. Random, as he's spinning and twisting this shit, he said, Hakuna Matata. He weren't even singing it, he was just saying it. Just saying it. He said, Hakuna Matata. Hakuna Matata. I was like, What's going on? Then he was like, See how pretty this is? A cool number, Tata. That's witchcraft. Yeah, brother. Then at the end of it, she was like, Oh, yeah, that's cool. He was like, 30 euros. She was like, What? I was like, What? It was like, 30 euros. We were like, No, we said we didn't want it. He's like, It's on her wrist. She obviously wanted it. I was like, What are you about, big man?


You heard her say no. He was like, She's got it. My girl was like, Take it back. He was like, What am I supposed to do with it?


What am I supposed to do with it? I made it for you.


I made it for you. €30. All right. And he said, I'm calling the police. Oh my God. I gave him the thing, kiss my teeth. That's all I had for the day. I had zero money on me. That's I had for the day. This fucking Hakuna Matata guy. Pissed me off, bro.


Are you French, Donnie's?


Yeah, stop.


Stop it, man. Stop it. Fuck sake. Anyway, what's the worst way you've been scammed?


Kids single.


The kids Single.


Tell me, Raza, this is a kid's single. I'd be mortified.


I wish I could have seen my face as he said that. That's how spun I was.


Ask him to check again.


Ask him to check again. It didn't make sense to me. Kids, single.


Wow. Fuck. All right, I bet. All right.


What's the worst way you've been scammed when he said he'd change, Nigerian strike again?


Brother, I was streaming one time. I was streaming one time, and I was doing this. I told you, I started doing a Caramal Converse segment on stream, right? Yes. Basically, what we do is these girls will send us in their hinge conversations and shit. On a hinge, you can send in a video. But it's on your bio. You don't send it in. Sorry. It's on your bio. It's a video on your bio. Every time people scroll on it, you can do a voice note or a video or whatever. There was a guy on there, one African guy. His bio video was like, Please, for the love of God, give me a second chance. ' My God. The brother was pre-entering the cheat before he's met the girl. He said, Please, for the love of God, give me another chance.


' 'Give me another chance. ' Yeah. Wow.


He was apologizing before he's even done the act. Wow.


Yeah, say less.


I was like, wow, certain men are just... ' He's tapped in. Yeah, he's locked in, bro. Jesus Christ. I'm going to hurt you, but just give me a second chance. Just give me a second chance.


It will be worth it.


Right. Worst way you've been scammed. Plane, simple. Being attracted to men. Cool. Heterosexuality, she deems a scam. Cool. Which I hear, to be fair.


Cool. Yeah, because on a VV, on a vice versa.


Yeah, brother, I could never be with a man. Pause. Outside of the obvious reasons? Yeah. Just the disrespect. It's just the disrespect. I want to firm it, Big man.


That's hilarious.


Wow. I want me to firm it. The disrespect is hilarious.


What's the worst way you've been scammed? I bought a $100 rice cooker, and the motherfucker sent me a picture of it.


Yeah, these Facebook marketplace things. Yeah, dangerous place, man. Yeah. I remember seeing a thing one time where someone said they ordered a PS4. They ordered and paid for a PS4, and they They got sent two PS2s. Dude, a mouth. They got sent two PS2s, bro. Bro, I'll scream because you're actively trying to mock me off way more.


I would be chuckling at the post office.


Yeah, fat.


Chockelling, the person behind the two of you be like, what are you laughing at?


What are you laughing at, bro? If only you knew. Scam, scam. If only you knew.


My mate ordered a fucking lens once and got sent two bags of sweets and something to weigh it down to make it seem. I can't remember what it was. Something to weigh it down, two bags of Paribos.


He's taking the fucking fish. How is this happening? No idea. Where's the ombudsman? How is this happening? Where's the fucking ombudsman, bro? Where's the trade? I don't even know. How does that happen? Sweet.


The ombudsman. That's a joke.


Fuck. Oh, God. Let it go. All right, Ben. Right. Worst way you got scammed is my last one, right? Starts off. Perhaps I'm just too naive. I've been hit twice by pyramid schemes. Just as soon as I join, they disappear. Can't I for once be on the top tier and benefit from the scam as a way of convincing the other losers that it's legit? I've been hit twice. Twice. Every time I sign up, they disappear. Bro, I will never, ever, ever forgive one of our boys. I won't name him for inviting me and Rem to join the pyramid scheme. He belled, bro, after Uni, I was at my lowest pointfinancially. Yeah. My lowest point. I really, really was. Everything's sweeting me today, bro. You got the giggles today. I was at my lowest point financially. My lowest point. I really, really was. Everything's sweet in me today. You got the giggles today. I was at my lowest point.


It's funny because I know what that looks like.


I was desperate. Somehow he just knew it. Yeah. And he belled me up. He never rings me. He belled me and he was like, Brother, what are you doing on Sunday? I was like, I've got this, that, this, that. I've got work at five o'clock on Monday. He's like, Right. I can't tell you what it is, but I need you to drive to Birmingham on Sunday, 07:00 PM. I've already warned Rem, you're going to pick him up, and I need you, man, at this location. I was like, What is it, bro? He was like, You're going to be fucking rich, bro. You're going to be rich, and I want to bring all my boys in with me. I was like, Damn, bro. What is this? He was looking out. Yeah, I was like, Bro, you have to tell me something. He was like, I can't tell you nothing. You just have to come. It's going to change your life. I was like, I bet, bro. Filled up my car with petrol, money I didn't have.


Money you didn't have, yeah.


Drove, picked up rem, went to this thing like, What's all this money? What's all this money? Went in there, brother. Fucking pyramid. In his scheme. They said for a small fee of £500 signing up fee, you'll start at whatever tier they said it was, worker B tier, something like that. Then they'll bring in the Senior Vice Assistant President of the Midlands, twice removed, to come in and be like, I make 8K a month just from the pyramid trickles. It only took me three years of graft. All you need to do, I think what they were doing is they'll ask if they're basically selling cheaper utilities or some shit like that. So you're door knocking. You're door knocking and convincing people to change over their water, gas, electric, and internet over to their thing, which was slightly cheaper. Then you get paid commission of it, and a certain percentage of your commission will go to your little leader, which would have been our boy. He would have been My little Line Manager, my little line manager, my little scienceology fucking dad. And he was like, Yeah, cool. And then everyone that you recruit, same thing. So once you've got enough worker bees under you, you get promoted to this, which means you get an extra commission or whatever.


Long story short, I kissed my teeth and drove back home.


What a waste of petrol.


Waste of petrol, waste of time. I was so cross. I For the lack of a better word, I was so crossed with him.


Yeah, I can imagine.


You let me drive all the way up here on my Sunday evening for this bullshit.


Fuck that, man.


Fuck that. He was like, Bro, I know. I was like, 500 bucks is all I got.


Yeah, literally.


That's every penny I have in the world. You know what he said to me? It's worth it. It sounds like a joint deal. Yeah, he said it's worth it. I was like, Fuck you, man.


All right, I've got three left. I'm just going to read them off back to back. What's the worst way you've been scammed? This man told me he was a six-foot A dreadhead. Turned out to be a five foot nothing manipulator.


Wow. You know what's actually insane? Claiming to have dreads when you don't. It's fucking nuts. Fuck the height thing. Claiming to be a dreadhead when you don't have dreads is the funniest thing I can imagine.


That's insane. You just went up to her and said, Oh, yeah, I cut him off. But then the height thing is You're a liar anyway.


Long story short. If I fit nothing manipulator.


Manipulator, yeah. Facts.


You know what? At random, you know what I realized in America? Well done. Average height is not a thing over there. There's either short guys or tall guys. There's no middle ground.


Yeah. Fair. Or kids. It's one of the three. Yeah.


Bro, did you find that?


Kind of. I thought everyone was quite small out there, to be fair. I don't think there was many tall people. But I did see many tall people.


The ones that were tall were fucking tall, bro. But everyone was offended because all the guys would come up to us and be like, You, man, are just liars, isn't it? And we were like, What are you on about? It's like, You're not even short. This whole short king, woe is me, little Pety Part of you, man, have been doing for the last few years. It's all bullshit because you're not even short. I was thinking, no, but you're short. You're short, big man. You're short. It was weird. Also, if you want to feel tall, Seattle, that's where you want to be. Really? I was the tallest man there. That's it. That make no sense. Seattle is where you want to be. Fair.


Yeah, man. Influx of Asians.


Yeah, Japanese influx. Cool. There.


So you're just towering over.


Bro, and you broke sushi off the chain in Seattle.


I had sushi for the first time the other day.For the first time?You never had sushi before? It was Australian sushi. I went to Travis Center in Manchester. There's a new chain starting. It's like Australian sushi. It was banging. It was really good.


It's the first time you had sushi? It was the first time, yeah.


It wasn't traditional sushi, but yeah. I never had it before. I can't even remember. To be fair, there's a class of sushi. It wasn't even fish. What was it? It was like teriyaki chicken. It was the same thing, like rice, cucumber wrapped and stuff. But then it had teriyaki chicken in it instead of fish.


I mean, that's still sushi.


Yeah, I guess that is sushi. It's still sushi. It just wasn't fish.


It was good, though.


What did you have when you went to Nobu that time?


I only had the breakfast.


Oh, yeah.


I've only had breakfast.


Yeah, fair, fair, fair. Damn, bro.


I need to have it more.


Yeah, sushi is fucking banging. Yeah, the sushi I had in Seattle was fucking unreal. I had another place in America I had sushi, which was like, Yeah.


I can imagine a lot of Whole Foods being good for sushi or something like that.Probs.No.


I didn't. You know what I fucking saw on TikTok the other day? A couple of these men are doing chicken sushi.




As in Sashimi. What? Yeah, I seen it. They were doing raw chicken Sashimi.




What? Yeah, it was vile to look at. No.


Yeah, it was...


No. Vile. Yeah, there you go. Second one down. Yeah.


This can't be a thing. No, no.






Yeah. No. No, no, no.


That can't be a thing.


Yeah, it is, bro.


Too fair. Do you know that guy who did the raw chicken experiment, what Rem did on the Trust News? He's still doing it. He's on day fucking 110 or something. Just eating raw chicken. He said it's a fucking myth. You don't die from it.


It's a myth. I have heard that-That's fucking insane. Salmonella-that's insane. Salmonella can be mitigated. I can't remember the process, but you can mitigate Salmonella quite effectively.


Because it was doing it to prove it wrong. Like, Mate, you're fine.


Yeah, but I still am not doing it. I'm still not eating that. Look at it. I'm still not eating that.


The chew on that bitch.


Yeah, it'll be disgusting. Grainy. It would be disgusting. I know a raw chicken bite whenever I get it. I know it. I spit it out.


It's the worst.


It literally is the worst. I can't even have that much raw fish, to be fair. When I'm eating, salmon nigiri is my bag, I can get about, I think eight pieces is my limit before my brain is like, You're eating raw fish. For some reason, the texture starts to change in my mouth and I'm like, I'm eating raw meat. Pause. Yeah, okay.


I hear you.


A lot of it. Stop. That's what it happens. Yeah, there's only so much sushi I can eat.


All right. Worst way you've been scammed. My dumb ass husband bought weed, but they gave him a bag of oolong tea and took the money. What?


There is a show or a film. I can't remember what it was. Caviar.


Sorry. I love how you've got something for everything I said. No, don't be sorry. It's good.


I enjoy it. I'm sure there's a thing where a guy's like, I can't remember what fucking film it is. A guy's trying to buy weed, and then one bread just like, he gets a...


I know what you're going to say. It's the office, though.


Is it the office or maybe the in between us or something? It's the office.


In between us. Did he get a tea bag or something?


Yeah, he gets a tea bag, rips it. Rips it, opening. Yeah, I remember.


I thought you were talking about the office one.


Yeah, I remember. He literally just rolls it, splits a tea bag.


Oh, and he makes him smoke it, didn't he? Didn't he make him smoke it? He makes Jay smoke No, he just rolls it up and he's just like, There's your weed.


He's like, What do you mean? He's like, That's weed. That's weed, mate. He's like, What? He's like, Five pound.


That man was such pussy in that show. That man was such pussy in the show. They would let every man do whatever they wanted them.


That was the funnier show back in the beginning.


In between us, it's likeIt was brilliant. Got to be top five funiest shows of all time.


Yeah, it really is. You're being hysterics watching that. Histerics, bro. Fuck, what a good show.


And Homeboy Sister was a fucking baddie. Yes, you was. Oh my God.


Neil's sister.


Immediately came up. Immediately came up. That one. Yes, that one, bro.


That wasn't fair to see back in the day.


Oh my gosh. I forgot about that. She was always wearing that silk, isn't it?


What's the worst way you've been scammed? Subscribing to the Patreon and never seen James topless.


Did I say I'll do it on Patreon? Fuck knows. I don't remember. Hands up. That is a scam. That is a Lagos level I'm not going to scam if I've ever said anything in my life. Yeah. I really did say those things.


You have. I can't remember if it was a page.


But people just don't let stuff go. That was three years ago.


They really don't.


I was on a health mission and I thought I was going to be shredded, shredded. Then And then, yeah, I'm not... I don't know, man. I don't know. I think I'm just going to talk myself into a circle if I carry on. You are. Maybe one day, isn't it? Let's not bury the hope. Okay. Maybe one day. Maybe. All right. It was a... Maybe... Actually, no.


Let's not. Anyway, guys, welcome to the show.


Next live show. I'm going top token.


Don't set a precedent, please.


Yeah, whatever our next show is, buy tickets. That has got to topless.Right, guys, welcome back.Welcome back indeed. I feel like we haven't done one of these introductions in a while. We haven't. We're so happy to have you guys. Fax. We've been so busy and so like, this is our first, first, first episode that we're just back to normal. Everything is done. We're fully, fully, fully back to normal. This is the first proper one. So I'm really excited. In months, and I'm gassed. This episode is coming out today, but it's going to be late because we fucked up our schedule a little bit, but that is fine. Ellis is told us he's going to get it up same day, which has never happened before.


Editor Menace. Yeah. For a reason.


Guys, please, here are cries. Because if you do like Shits & Gigs, and you like Friar and I, and you like what we do, and you like extra shit that we might be doing, you might have seen episodes where you were like, Oh, did Friar ever take James on that food tour in the US? Maybe. Maybe? Do you remember that time when they were saying that they wanted to try skateboarding and stuff? Did they ever do that?




Maybe. They always love to talk about they can cook and they can do all that shit, but no one's ever seen it. Maybe some people have.


Maybe some people have, yeah.


If you haven't, that's because you're not on Patreon. Facts. What you need to do right now is go on over to Patreon. Com/schitzinggigs. Then you can digest all the extra content that we do over there. You can have a normal Schitz and Gigs episode every Thursday just to wet your peak. Then every Saturday, you have a nice Log Cabin episode where you can see Fouad and I do cook You can. Do skateboarding. Yes, sir. Jump out of planes. Come on. All the other fun things that we've done over there that I can't remember. Go on the US Food Truck tour. Yes, sir. That came out recently. That was fun. But anyway, guys, Patreon. Com/shits & Gigs. Go over there and enjoy. Please. If you're watching on YouTube, please subscribe to the channel. If you are listening on any audio platform, please, please, please, please, on the agenda is I have some recommendations.


Oh, let's go.


I have some recommendations.


S, plural. Plural. I'm excited. Let me set up.


I actually had so many recommendations. I had to push it. Part one, part two it? Yeah, part one, part two. Oh, my God. I've got more to come the next time we're going to call it. Oh my God. I'm so excited.


I love a recommendation.


Don't we all? Okay, cool. I'm locked. Right. So first one, I watched this on the plane on the way home. When the fuck did I watch this? I watched it on a plane at a time in my life. Cool, cool, cool. Monkey Man.


Dev Patel. I You know that's going to be heavy. Okay.


It's a movie. You, man. Okay. It's a movie.


What? Yeah, that's me tonight.


That's me tonight. On the way back, it was on the way back from New York, a guy, a few rows down from me was watching it. Every time I would catch a glimpse, man was just fighting. I was like, How much fucking fighting is going on in this movie? Every time I look, they're fighting. So I was like, I have to watch it. Brother, watched it. God damn it.


Locked in.


Wow, it's a movie.








Fuck. Monkey Man is a fucking movie, bro.


Say less. Because I remember seeing it when it was obviously earlier this year around summertime. Obviously, it came out in the movies. I saw the trailer, blah, blah, blah. I was thinking, okay, this looks good. This looks good. It's got that John Wick-esque feel to it. Yeah, man.


It's good, bro. Say less. Right. This is not a recommendation. We've touched on it briefly, but I think everyone needs to hear I know you don't feel this way, but I feel like I owe the people an apology. It's a bit overdue. My hero is actually good.


I'll let you land.


The first three to four episodes of this most recent season of My Hero were some of the worst anime I've seen in my life. I'm going to put my hands up and say- More than three to four episodes? Yeah. Way more. Some of the worst anime I've seen. And so at that point, it felt appropriate for Phil and I to come here and be like, I'm fucking done with this show. It's bullshit and I hate it. I'm over it. When we were in Scotland recently, I binged the following nine episodes back to back that day. That was an experience.


I could imagine.


That was a fucking experience we had. Wow.


The thing is, I am completely It's like a Venn diagram in my head at the moment because I understand where you're coming from in the apology, but I also still stand by what I said. Because I watched it week by week by week, it wasn't as gripping pause as it has been for you because you watched nine episodes in one sitting. Yeah. But don't get me wrong, the arms was finally arms in. The storyline was getting better. I'm not even up to date. I think there's an ERP or two out at the moment. But yeah, the fight scenes were cool. The reason why I feel like I wasn't really exclaiming about it is because every week I was watching it, they were going to a different part for a different fight, so there was no continuity. So I was thinking, I have to watch this. Yeah, I hear that. And I have to not go watch that. But watching it in one sitting, I can imagine like, Juicy, Juicy, Juicy. Brother.


Yeah, hella juicy. Guys, shut up for a second.


Girls, listen up.


As you know, your boys love a side hustle. We do. This podcast in itself started off as a side hustle. It did indeed. And if you know your boys, your boys can be Lazard It's a fair at times. We can. We don't like admin, especially financial admin. It's just long and it's boring. It is. But you guys don't need to worry about that. Factual. Because there is such a thing as Anna.


Tell me more.


Anna is a business account that helps manage your financial admin as well. Okay. Imagine this for a second. Talk to me. You've got a business account that can sort your invoices, can remind you when you need to pay HMRC, can remind you when to do your taxes, can do your taxes for you.


Okay, we're talking. Yeah, bro. Anna. We're cooking. Anna, sign me up.


Yeah, a little financial assistant in your pocket. In your back pocket.


Say less. So speaking of taxes, Anna uses AI to handle all of that for you. You know that? Because I've been doing a bit of my research as well. Did you know that? You did know that? Obviously, I knew that. So we're locked in.


We're locked in, bro.We're locked in to Anna.


You think I'm just chatting about something?We're locked in to Anna.We're locked in to Anna.Okay, we're locked in to Anna. We're locked in to Anna. Okay, say less.


Guys, what you need to do... Talk to me. Is sign up for Anna, unleash your business side to to see how easy managing your business finances can be.


Use code shits33, that's S-H-X-T-S-3-3, for three months free when you sign up. Guys, follow our link to open the business account with Anna You can get three months free using code shits33.


Right, guys, we're going to take a very, very, very quick break to talk about your beard and to talk about your balls with manscaped.Let's do it.Okay, so, fellows, listen up. Do you want your grooming routine to be a one and done deal? Rhetorical question. Obviously, you do. Obviously. Well, the days of using the same trimmer for your face and your private parts are over. Thanks to our friends at manscaped. They've come up with the ultimate package to keep your hair trimmed from 12 to 6. Introducing the beard and balls bundle featuring the Lawn Mower 5.0 and the beard hedger, a trimmer for the moneymaker and another for the boys downstairs.Let's go.Get 20% off plus free shipping with the code, S-N-G. Sierra, November, golf.@manscaped. Com. That's 20% off plus free shipping. Pay attention. One more time. The code is S-N-G. Sierra, November, golf. Website is manscaped. Com.let's go.For the premium grooming experience trust manscaped. Yes, sir. Right. The next recommendation, which is a rogue one I didn't expect to be a thing, Yellowstone.


It's on Paramount. Paramount Plus. I'm not seeing it, but I've seen it.


Yeah. Really? I watched it on the plane home the other day. I had rinsed all the movies because I also watched Challenges, which is okay.


I watched that on the plane.


What did you What do you think? It's okay, right?


It's okay, yeah. It's cool, but I expected a bit more. Were you left a bit empty after?


I was a bit like, first of all, not to give too many spoilers, I hated that they didn't finish that match at the end.




That fucking pissed me off. It's what the whole movie is based around.


The movie just...


Yeah, it just ends. What I found interesting about Challenges, though, is that I'm pretty sure Zendaya wrote and directed it.




Yeah. I don't know about directed, but I'm pretty sure she wrote it.


Produced by Zendaya.


Sorry, she produced it and she started it. Considering that, I found it quite interesting the role she plays in it, considering she produced it herself. Okay. Because she plays a role which isn't too actually dissimilar to a lot of the law that people put around her. Basically, a lot of people love to chat shit to her about her and Tom Holland and her and Timothée Chalamet. Okay.


She's done interviews before where people were like, Oh, so who's the better kisser on screen?


Tom or Timothée. Tom's a man. Her man-man. Stop, man. Tom's a man-man. And then obviously, Timothée's just like fucking on-screen man. And Tom's also her on-screen man. But it was interesting that she did that in Challenges because in Challenges, she's basically... Are you going to watch it or no? I'll watch it. Okay, well, I want to.


No, you can. I'm not that invested.


You can watch it. Basically, the plot is obviously around tennis. She was like an up and coming tennis star, and she injured herself. She basically has this... There's these two guys who are best friends. It's like two guys are best friends, and they're best, best friends, and they're also tennis players, and they're also brilliant at tennis. She basically says they both want to fuck her. She says basically early on, they have the juniors US Open finals against each other the next day.


Yeah, because they're usually a team.


Yeah, they usually they just won doubles, and then they're doing singles, and they both made it to the final, they're playing each other. Basically, she said, Whoever wins gets my number. There's one of them who's One of them basically is just like, he's talented, he is like, lazy, he's a Joker. He doesn't take himself serious. Then the other one is like a hard worker, stringent, like But always. The second guy, Mike, who plays a guy called Art Donaldson. Or Ars, okay. Then the next one over from him, Josh O'Connor, who plays Patrick Zwaik. They're the two best friends. Essentially, It just follows their careers. Whereas Josh, he goes pro really early, really young and just struggles because he's so lazy and all this stuff. He struggles to achieve true greatness, but he's incredibly talented. Then you've got Art, who is a hard worker, also very talented. Early on, him and Zendaya and Patrick, the guy with the brown hair, they do a ting. Basically, she gets injured, they break up, and Art just slides in there. So her and Art end up getting married, but he has no fire in his belly. He's talented, but he has no fire in his belly.


Okay. And, Brother, when I say, basically, the boys stop being best friends, Zenteya cheats on Art with fucking Patrick. Cheats on him. Over the course of eight years, he's cheats on him two or three times, isn't it? And it's heart-wrenching when she does it. Damn. Heart-wrenching. Damn. Imagine, yeah, Because how do I put this so it really brings it home? Imagine me and you, right? Yeah. Imagine me and you in a situation, and I'm like, this is probably the opposite, but for the sake of it. Let's say I'm super straight-laced. I want stability, a family, and all that stuff. I offer this to the love of my life. You, you're the A guy who maybe you met her at a party one time, you were just a bit chirpsy, you were just a bit of a playboy, you fuck around, and all that stuff. She doesn't take you serious. You don't have much money, but you're just a cheeky, funny, fuck-around guy. We're best friends. We grow apart, and then you have big dick energy. Okay. You intermittently fuck my wife with just big dick I give her everything. On paper, I'm the perfect guy.


But there's something about you she can't resist. It's just your hapazardness that you just roll in there, I'm like a Wagwa, and you're looking fine. Then she can't help it. And she hates that she likes you. She never admits that she likes you. She's very just like, my man, my man, my man. Who the fuck do you even think you are?


But you double down.


Yeah, you just sit there and smile at her because you know. And you fuck her and dip.




And that keeps happening.


No, that's not okay.


And because I love her so much, I glimpsed it one time. And you charged it? I didn't say nothing.


Mentally, you charged it? Yeah.


So there's one thing, yeah. So Basically, the plot is he's got no fire in his belly. He just wants to retire, be in there, have their child, and just be married, and just, I don't want to do this. Patrick has never achieved the greatness he thinks he deserves, and he's chasing it, chasing it, chasing it. So Essentially, Zdeya is so... She plays tennis vicariously through her husband because she never got to make it. She plays tennis through him. When she sees that he doesn't have that fire, she resents him. It's something that she finds attractive about Patrick, even because he has so much fire for it, but he's just not serious. Basically, the whole movie is based around their backstory and then art is very successful in tennis. Patrick is not, but Patrick always beats art when they play. Even though art has achieved way more in his career, whenever they actually play, Art has never managed to beat Patrick, and it's all a mindset thing. Patrick, Art's actually better than him. Zendaya says it from when they're kids. You're better than him, but he manages to get into your head. The same way he gets into Zendaya's head and managed to keep fucking her, he gets in Ars dead in just in terms of like, he little bros him all the time.


Zendaya is like, Find your fire, find your fire, find your fire. Basically, spoiler alert. When they're playing, they've managed to play. This is the first time they've played as professionals together. The only reason they play is because arts lost so much confidence and so much fire. There's a day I was like, let's just do a baby tournament just before the US Open. Let's do a baby little tournament. Get your confidence going, and then we can go into We can go into the US Open with confidence. Patrick, because his career is not flourished, these little baby tournament is all he has. So he pulls up to the baby tournament, and then they see each other, and they haven't seen each other in years. When they were younger, because Patrick and Zendaya were doing a ting first, and Patrick was like, I'm not telling you anything about this relationship because I know you like her and all this stuff. I don't want to hurt you. So I was like, No, tell me, you have to tell me. Basically, Art has a very specific tennis Okay.


I remember that.


Yeah, it's a very specific tennis serve. He always puts the ball in the little where the handle connects the actual racket? That little space there. Before he serves, he always puts the handle there. Art says to Patrick, Right, just tell me this. If you fucked her, serve like me. Put the ting in there. Or Patrick says, I'll serve like you if I fucked her, and if I didn't, I'll serve like me. Then their signal from then was put in the ball in the middle of the ting. Then they'll make eye contact. In their last match, it's so juicy the way it happens. They're playing, playing, playing, playing, playing. Zendaya is watching, watching, watching, and she's thinking, You have to beat this Patrick guy. You have to beat him. Like, he's been in your head all along. She thinks that Art doesn't know that he's been trying to tingle, all this stuff. And the funny thing is they fucked the night before that tournament.


Patrick and Zaneya?


They fucked the night before that tournament. When they're playing, it's getting tense and Art is just losing a bit, losing a bit, losing a bit. It's getting intense, it's getting intense. You can see, though, the embers are burning a little bit, and it's looking like Patrick, good old Patrick's, come back again with his mind games. Art can't find that fire. He sees himself as lower than Patrick, even though he's a teeth more than Patrick. Brother, they're playing, playing, playing. And then towards the end, just to put salt in the wound, Patrick looks at him and does that. He puts the ball in the thing.




Art says, Fuck off. Straight face, fuck off. Zadeh doesn't understand. She's like, What's going on? And he's like, Swear, big man. Patrick serves. Art doesn't move. The ball goes flying past. Art doesn't move, bro. Square's up. It's a square. Say less. They play tennis after that. They play tennis after that.


This is a movie you said it was average. You're locked.


Yeah, because they end the film 10 seconds. They end the film. When they start playing tennis, they cut the film there.


Okay. It was juicy. Anticlimactic. Say less.


They play tennis after that.


Say less. Okay. Sorry to cut you off. Is this the movie where they had that camera shot where they throw the ball in the air and the camera went round it?


Useless. Really? That is the movie and they were bigging it up and it was just the most useless thing.


Wait, the angle where when they're hitting it, you're the ball. Yeah. I found it quite interesting.


I can see why you were.


I was also I was actually trying to figure out how they did it. I think it was a 360 camera, but I'm not sure.


Yeah, they made a big deal about like, this has never been shot like this and all this stuff. But like...


It's in it for two seconds though.


Yeah, they did it. I was looking out for it the whole film. They did it twice for a couple of seconds each. It's not that I thought it was bad. I just didn't think it... Because they bigged it up, I was expecting something. It didn't bring anything to the table. And I was like, Oh, it doesn't actually bring much. And you can't see what's happening because the ball's just spinning like that. You can basically make out some figures and stuff like that. You can't see the match.


She's a fucking psychopath, though. There's one scene where it's not even a spoiler, but she's literally riding him, and she's just like, You need to work on your back end.


And he's like, What the fuck are you doing? She only talks about tennis.


She's riding up.


No, she's riding. This is when they were together. She was riding Patrick. She was like, You need to do this. You need to do that. You need to do this. You need to do that.


Literally, I was fucking, and he's just like, Are you serious?




Stop this.


Oh my God. He's like, Why are you talking about tennis? She was like, What the fuck else am I going to talk about?


Facts. Facts.


I'm living by a case with both of you. I'm not going to lie, I was locked into the movie, but I just think it could have been a lot better.


Okay, cool. You said you have one more recommendation.


I have one more recommendation.


Okay. Monkey Man is me tonight.


Monkey Man is amazing. I've watched two episodes of Yellowstone. Oh, yes. I forgot about that. It's given succession. Okay. Yeah. It basically revolves from basically, I know there's a few seasons of it. The first episode is an hour and a half. It was juicy. Say Basically, it is. It's based around... Is it Kevin Costner, the lead? Yeah. Based around him, he owns 30,000 acres of land in Montana.Cold.


Yellowstone, I'm assuming.Yeah.


Yellowstone Ranch.Okay. Obviously, he's caked. He's got all this land, and he's a powerful figure in that community. He's got kids. All his kids are very similar to succession where all his kids have roles in in their adult lives that only he allows them to have that. For example, one of his sons is a lawyer. He's only a lawyer to help with the Ranch. Everything revolves around the family. Everything revolves around the Ranch.




Yeah, it's actually... I've only seen two episodes of it. I'm enjoying it. It's just a lot of... Not a lot of politics, but it's basically it's all about this land is all we have. There's loads of battles he's trying to fight about people trying to either do this with his land or take his land or sell his land or do this or do that or do this. And he's trying to constantly battle. It's good.


Fair play.


I had heard it was good. Five seasons, fucking hell. Fair play. I had heard it was good before, but I see a cowboy hat and I'm like, I don't think so.


I hear that.


But that's the beauty about being on the plane sometimes. You got fuck all else to do. Valid. So I put it on and I was like, Bro, I really enjoyed it. 8.7 out of 10 on IMDb.




It's good, bro. There's There's one scene in there. Turned me on. I'm not going to put my hands up, bro. Turned me on. The door, it's a slight smaller, but it's very early on. It's not really a spoiler. One of the guys, Rip, the third guy in. He works for John, the main guy, but he's his bad guy. Every mob boss has a guy who gets his hands dirty.Cleanes up. Yeah, Rip gets the hands dirty. He does the shit no one else can do. The daughter, Beth, the second one. There's one scene in there where Rip's looking for John walking through the house. Beth is in there. She's like, Oh, my dad's not here. He's like, All right, Beth, she's wearing just a dressing gown. As he's about to leave, he turns around to say bye to her. Dressing out was undone. It's I'm done. And he's like, What are you doing, man? And she's like, Nothing, bro. Like, nothing. I'm not doing anything. At the end of the day, she was like, What are you doing? Because you can either... Out of the blue, by the way, you can either walk... You can even carry on your day doing what you're doing, or you can fuck me.


That's what she said. You can either walk down the hallway like you just were, or you can fuck me.


My heart will triple beat.


Yeah, yeah, same. Same, bro. Oh, my God. Same, bro. I think the change of blood pressure will make me dissy. The change of blood pressure will give me vertigo. I have to grab furniture. I'll get you. Bro, it'll give me vertigo. My heart won't know which way to pump to my brain and my cock, bro. It wouldn't know which way to pump. Yeah, Fuck. It would make me dizzy. You could fuck me. Bro, next scene, he's banging her. When I say bang, they're banging, bro. I'm saying he's got her face, she's sat on in the fireplace or whatever, and he's got her face smushed like this against the wall. He's railing her, bro. I was like, This is my dream. Fuck. Yo, this is my dream.


I already know that's going to cause some drama in the rush.


Bro, to be fair, it's interesting as well. Yeah, because basically after that, she gives an insight to say that this is not their first rodeo. They've been fucking... But she just wants cock from him. She doesn't want anything else. She turns to him. After that, he loses himself in the tom. And he's like, let's go for a drink later. Let's do that. She was like, You always ruin it. Do you know what she said? You always fucking ruin it. And then she said, You know what as well? Every time... She said something along the lines of, I'm paraphrasing, but she basically said, the nostalgia in me always makes me remember your dick's bigger than it is. And then I remember. And she walks off. Wow! I was like, I'm not hearing that, especially when I've just not had an invulnerable.Vulnerable is the word.Yeah, when I'm vulnerable.Vulnerable is the word.Yeah. When I'm vulnerable because he didn't even get undressed. So his trousers are his ankles. His trousers box is at his ankles. He's got his bare ass out trying to clean up. And she's like, I always remember your dick to be bigger than it is.


Must be the nostalgia. I couldn't hear that. Wow.


He needs to stop ruining it.


Yeah, facts.


He needs to stop ruining it.


Because you got a good situation. I know. Sometimes you are more. I know you need more. Because you're perfect for me. Fam, we belong together. Fuck, am I a carry, John, man? You can't just keep giving me fantastic pussy and expect me to just act like I don't care because I do care.


I love you. I want you and this ranch. Yes, bro. I want it all.


I want it all, bro. I might have to lock in.


I might have to lock in.


Yeah, it's good.


I have to apologize about something. It's not that deep. But I made a statement a few... God knows how many episodes ago now. We spoke about this yesterday. I don't know if you remember. I slated Party Next Door number 4. Oh, thank God.


Yes. I'm glad you brought this up because I forgot. You did mention it yesterday and I forgot about it and I'm ready for this conversation.


God knows how many episodes ago, I said, well, James said he was listening to Party Next Door 4, and I was like, you know Don't like the album. Terrible. It's not like his old stuff, this, that, and the other, blah, blah, blah. I think I remember you saying, I must have best been the mood you were listening it to in or maybe it wasn't the right time or blah, blah, blah. I was like, No, no, no, no, no. Heard all that song and dance before. It's terrible, it's terrible, it's terrible. It's terrible. I hate it. When we were in America, it was around the time... I like to pack early, so I know that I'm sorted. I don't need to rush blah blah blah because I prioritize my sleep. I prioritize my sleep. For some reason, my mind went to PND, but I didn't go PND, let me play number 4. I just went to PND, hit shuffle, and press play. Obviously, it brought back the memories of all these old stuff because I was a huge part of Next Door fan. I was thinking, fucking hell, this motherfucker had bangers. Yeah, bro. Bangers. I'm just there, I'm just dancing, phoning my clothes, just dancing, dancing, dancing.


Then I'm hearing songs I've never really heard before. You know them ones where you run to your phone and like, what is that?


Yeah, 100%.


I've got four. I I think I can read them off from here. Four main ones that stuck with me.Lose.


My mind.Yup.Yup.Make.


It in the morning.Yup.I think stuck in my ways.Yup. Keep going, keep going, keep going. There's one more. There is one more that's on my liked. Jesus wept. It's unfair how good it is. Is it for certain?


It better be for certain.


Lose my mind, stuck in my ways, make it in the morning. No, sorry, but I'm outside. For certain, it hasn't reached a But I love for certain. Probably because I'm deep in the other ones more than I'm deep in that one. But those four?


Yeah. Bro, every morning, I'm there, just lose my mind. Yeah.


You all going to make me lose my mind.


Up in here, up in here. Bro, you all going to make me lose my mind. Yeah, tune, man. I'm two bitches at one time. Tune, tune, tune, tune. One half Spanish and one half white.


Oh, come on, man. Yeah, it's a good album.


It's a It's on my body.


So I apologize. I take it. It's just the way, again, he glides on these beats, bro.


When she's on that body. It's so good.


It's actually so good. I'm glad, bro, because I fucking love it. When I first, first, first, first, first heard it, I charged it.


I was like, I'm not feeling this at all. You're swindling us with the album art. You gave us the album art thinking, Oh, this is going to hit, and we haven't seen you in years. Then I breathed through it the first ever time, and I was like, No, not feeling it. Then randomly, Spotify was just gifting me tracks. Before I added anything to my liked, I was just going on a random playlist, and I think for certain was on there. Stuck In My Ways, Her Old Friends I Like as well, and a few other ones. I was like, I think it was similar. Once you hit four bangers on an album, you're like, This is a good album.


This is a good album. Hold my hands up. I can't remember which one. It's one of the liked ones I've said. He's He's saying stuff along the lines of she got down in her ear, damn in her ear, even got to... When he says that, I'm thinking, come on, man, this bangs.


This bangs, bro. It does bang. It fucking does bang, bro. I'm really happy you said that.


I take it back, man. But yeah, PnD, man.


Before we finish, you said you got some united stuff to talk about. Get off your chest.


So the climax of this episode, right? Man United. Well, first of all, I'm happy the Premier League season is back. The Premier League started at a perfect time because we had landed back from America on the Thursday. The Premier League started on the Friday. Our game was the first game of the Premier League season. It was a Friday, 08:00 PM. I was like, okay, boom, let's see what our new signings have to offer to bring to our table. So we've signed, I think five people in pivotal positions where we've needed them. Our first game was against Fulham at home. It was a scrape of a win with our new striker coming on at like, 80th minute scoring line, like the 87th. It was a scrape of a win.


What's your manager's situation? Has that changed at all?


No, we'll get there. We'll get there.


Cool. I know nothing.


Yeah, cool. We'll get there. Eric Tenhaag is his name. Well, after that match, I was like, This isn't convincing, but I'm still happy with the three points because it's a good way to start the season. Momentum, motivation, yada, yada, yada, yada. Right. Now, our second game is against Brighton, and Brighton are at home. We're away. We lose that game 2-1, but the way we play is better than I've expected us in the past, in the previous season. We actually started to win that game 2-1 by the last goal got called offside, and then Brighton won it in one of the last minutes. It was unfortunate, but we could have and should have done better. We actually had two goals given offside. We could have won the game, potentially won the game 3-1, but it was given offside. Neither here nor there. Right. Yesterday, obviously, this episode comes out today. Yesterday, we were in Sweden. I couldn't watch the game, so I tried to treat him on my phone. United at home versus Liverpool. Those that know, know. That is Clash of the Titans, biggest rivalry. I think it's a bigger rivalry than Man U City.


Oh, damn. Scousers and they hate each other. When it comes to the football, they hate each other. And we're at home, and we have started our We started our new signings in the right positions, and we're like, Okay, let's see what we do at home in front of the new lights, the new Ist Stadium, and the new owners. So from the stream I'm watching, the first 10 minutes, we're playing decent football. We're passing possession, tiki-taka, boom, boom.


Don't ginge me too much.


I'm liking what I'm seeing.


Say less. All right, I can already see. I can already see. I can see the score. Yeah, say less. Yeah, the score.


We lost three now. We lost three now. I'm thinking, yeah, we're playing all right. We're playing all right. Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. A mistake happens and they end up scoring. But luckily enough, Liverpool's goal got called offside. They were like, okay, cool. We're calm. We're calm. We're calm. I've said this to you, or I've said this to us, you. During last I've been talking about Casemiro, how he is or has been such a pivotal player in Real Madrid for Brazil, and I would say some stages of his first season at United, he made two blunders that caused Liverpool to score two goals. So he's a central defensive midfielder. So his position is just in front of our four defenders. He's the spine to either A, help us attack forward, or B, protect the defense. There are times where this guy would hold onto the ball way too much or give a dead pass away. This happened twice. Casimero lost the ball twice in the first half. They scored twice from that goal. From that point, I charged the stream. Because apart from it frustrating me, the stream wasn't good enough anyway. I was like, I'm not even going to watch a haphazard United match.


I'm just going to charge the whole team. I'm like, okay, cool, cool, cool, cool, He plays left wing. He scored twice in the first half of the day. I was thinking, damn, and it was back to back as well. So yeah, it was at Old Trafford as well.


It's so jarring. I'm sorry, dude.


So jarring. Three zip. Three zip at home is brazy. What's annoying is the delusion of what Eric Tenhaag says, post-match. And it's like, how... He's reverting back to last season or the last couple of season or his tenure in United. He's won two trophies in two seasons. He's saying, behind Man City, we as United have won more trophies than anyone else. Basically, 10 of all the reporters to shut up. I'm thinking, I get where you're coming from, but that's the wrong argument right now. We're talking about today's performance, big man.We.


Want to win matches.We want to win matches.


We're not talking about medals and honors we've won last two seasons.


Yeah, fuck that. We're here to win games.


We signed five, six people. We've scored one goal in three games. Two goals in three games. What are we on? What are we talking about, Big Man? Yes, we have injuries. Everyone has injuries. But I was saying this to Tobi not too long ago. I feel like there's a guy called, you might know him, Ruud Van der Rohe. He used to play for United back in the day.


Oh, I remember. That's when I was supporting the United. That was the United. That was my childhood. Yeah, that was the United.


Yeah, it was. Solidarity was there.


Wow, Vanessa was my hero. That guy could score. Fuck, in my childhood. Couldn't he Dutch? Dutch King. Anyway. Dutch King. He is now our assistant manager.


So he just won under Eric Tenhaag. Oh, man. Hall of Famer.


My prophecy is they're going to let Eric Tenhaag as well. Yeah.


He is now our assistant manager. Oh, okay. So he just won under Eric Tenhaag. Oh, man.


Hall of Famer.


My prophecy is they're going to let Eric Tenhaag soon. I'm bringing up Vanessa. And they're just going to bump up Vanessa because when he understands the... I think he knows how to galvanize the team. Pure because he's an ex-player. He's one for United. He's got respect. He's got respect of the fans. He understands what he's doing because he was a striker. So there are certain things where you can see, okay, boom, boom. A managerial change can bring about greatness. And that happens with pretty much almost every Premier League team. If you change your manager, you're expecting a change. And when you do change your manager, the first game that you do play is always very, very insightful and good to watch as the fan of the team or as a neutral. It's always fun to see. I saw a tweet. It must have been yesterday because it was post the Liverpool loss. Someone said, for context, they can fire managers at any given point. But sometimes they give you to Christmas just to see how you're going. Or if it's just after Christmas, they length you off. So man said, Forget Christmas. This Donnie ain't going to make it to Halloween.


Who said that? It was a tweet. Oh, sorry. It was a tweet.


He's not going to make it to Halloween. That's next month.




Not going to make it to Halloween.


I was like, It's plausible because Three games in, score two goals, one-one, three points.


I think we're 14th in the table. Yikes, bro. All of our peers are winning.




All of our peers are winning. And this is the same story I've been preaching since last season. I can't die like this.




Fourteenth, James.


After three games. Three games. I'm sorry, bro. That's vile.


It is vile. I'm sorry, dude. It is vile.


Well, one thing I would like to say is, is touch wood, it can only go up from here. I know we've been doing this show for a long time now. Touch wood again, just to make sure. We've been doing this show for a long time now, and as you should, as a red bleeding United supporter, you set expectations for every season. Facts. This season, you haven't done that, and it's clearly for the best. Every Every season you come in and be like, we're going to win and here's why. I appreciate you being present in the moment and just saying it as it is. You're disappointed and you deserve to be disappointed. But I'm hoping, yes, it's up from here.


It has to be, man, because all I'm doing is hoping and praying at the moment because I can't remember the last time before a United kickoff where I was confident, regardless of who we play, because the Premier League is so tough. It's been getting tough every year. You've heard. Every single year. So regardless of who we play, I'm thinking, Oh, they might spin us today.


That's a horrible way. Brother. That's a horrible way to experience sport. Every weekend.


Every week. I'm looking at the lineup thinking, on paper, we should clean up. But on the other hand, the team are facing, they've got ballers.


Speaking of, this is way... When it was happening, we weren't recording, so I couldn't speak. It happened a while ago. That's how I feel in the UFC now. It doesn't happen every week. It happens once a year, maybe twice a year. With my brother and favorite fighter of all time, fucking stylebender. I can't go through this anymore.


When was the last time you fought?


Two weeks ago.Okay. And he lost.


Okay. He's not got a belt anymore. He lost him last year or earlier this year, no?


I can't anymore. Who did he lose against?


Drikus Duplece.


Duplece. Duplece. Say less. So basically, right? Israel Adesonia. My boy, my favorite fighter of all time, ride or die. His career has been sensational in the UFC. His love of anime, again, is a sensation His just style and everything, his technique. He's my favorite fighter. And again, like how you felt in Man U glory Days, is you just turn up and expect a dub.


Yeah, expect You expect victory.


Always. You expect victory and you're just like, you're not even wondering, oh, I hope he wins. It's just, How fast are we going to win? Yeah, how many goals are we going to score?


How much are we going to win by him?


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, He fought the first bad loss, basically, he was the middleweight champion for ages. He was reigning supreme for ages. No one could touch him. It was becoming a joke. Then I told you, they had to recruit that fucking Brazilian bastard. What the fuck is his name again now?




No. It was Alex... Pereira? Alex Pereira.


Pereira, yeah. Well done. He was a piece of him, yeah.


They got him in there to take my boy out, and he did take my boy out, and I nearly cried. But then they had the rematch, and it was one of the best comeback stories of all time. Okay. So Starbender, bang, got it again. Gasped, gasped, gasped, gasped, gasped. Then out of nowhere, he fights Sean Strickland, who's been a strong I've been a competitor in the middleweight for years. To this day, I've not watched that fight, and I refuse to watch that fight because Strickland put a workshop on my boy. Really? A workshop.


When you say you refuse to watch it, that's how I feel when United lose and I'd watch match of the day. I fast forward that bitch.


I skipped through the highlights. Yeah, I fast forward that bitch. And I couldn't believe what I saw. I've not watched that fight, and I refuse to watch that fucking fight. It was, oh, my God. It was horrid. This now... So then, Sean Strickland then gets smacked up by Duplice, and they've had a bit of rivalry. They've had... Stalbender and Duplice have had a bit of rivalry because Duplice is South African. Yes. And he said something. He made a comment a little while ago basically saying all the African champions at that time, there was three African champions.Oh, yeah.Stalbender. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Stalbender, Usman, and Nganu, and none of them live in Africa. So at the time, he was like, It's time for a real African to have... He's basically said something along the lines of, It's time for a real African to have the belt and bring the thing home to Africa. So Soulja Boy is like, Swear, real African. Are you mad, bro? So they had this whole rivalry for ages. So this fight has been cooking for over a year now. And then I expected my boy to go in there. He knows he's had a rocky couple of years now with all of this stuff.


I was like, right, let's go get this belt back once and for all because it's too much back and forth, back and forth.


So not obviously, but do police Prior to this match was already the champion.


Yeah. So Starbender's coming in, lost to Strickland. He's now down. He's lost to Strickland, so he's down. Then Strickland loses the belt. Strickland gets the belt. Strickland loses the belt. Duplees is now the champion. I see. Okay. When they were having this beef, Duplees wasn't even the champion. I'm with you.




Alex Pereira has moved up to light heavyweight now. Okay. He's doing stuff over there. He's a champion and it's scary. Okay. He's doing stuff over there. Okay. So he's doing his thing over there. He's left the middleweight division alone, and we're all grateful for it. We're all one of them ones where it's like, Yeah, my boy smacked you up, but please just go. You did what you came to do. Just leave us alone. It's too much. So he's gone up to heavyweight, and he's just been starchy everyone up there. So we've got our division back. Strickland fucking did something unforgivable to my boy, but we're like, all right, cool. He's not the champion anymore anyway. We don't have to deal with that anymore. So Izzy, let's get in there. Let's get our head right. Let's deal with this guy who's talking smack on Africa now. Let's put some pause on him. Let's put some pause on him and get a belt back. It's time, bro. It's time. He went in there, and it was in Australia, I think they fought as well, which I'm pretty sure was when he first won this belt. So I'll be in the first one in Australia.


So this is a big deal. Okay. And my boy went in there, trained well, executed well, and he was put in on a clinic. And I was like, We're back to regular viewership. Let's go, Izzy. Put this boy in his grave. Third or fourth round, I can't remember. They had a little tussle. Everything was fine. Had a little tussle. Ddp put my boy in a rear naked choke. I said, Get out. Get out of here. You're screaming at the TV. Get out of there. Because that's not his strong suit. He can take care of himself, but wrestling and grappling is not his strong suit. So as soon as I saw it with that arm around his neck, I said, Izzy, please get out of there. Get out of there. Brother, it was locked on tight. And my boy tapped, man. He tapped. And again, we have to go through this. We have to go through this again, bro. This rise to glory again, bro. And he's getting further and further away from it. And what pissed me off even more is the next day, the South African community were in my DMs talking shit. Really?


Bro, because they know I love Izzy.




They said, DDP DDP, DDP, fuck you. Bear South African flags. I hadn't even had time to process what happened. I'm opening my DMs, DDP, fuck you. Me? Why did I do? I'm a fan of the sport. Man said, Fuck you, bro. Bair SA flags. I was like, And I love South Africa. Facts. Come on, man. That's hilarious. It upset me.


What was his postmatch review analysis?


He was a very humble in defeat. Okay. He always is. This is why we love him, man. He was very humble in defeat, gave all the props to do police. And I was just like, But I I just can't anymore. I can and I will continue to, but it's really... I'm in the position now where I'm like, Now what? Every fight, I have to be scared? Is there no comfort? Can't I just... What Can't I enjoy a main event and just be like, This is a fun Sunday evening. This is how I like to spend my evening.


At least it's not weekly.


Yeah, that's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. This is twice a year for me. This? Weekly is impossible. I couldn't see him go through that every week. Every week. No, that's impossible. I would jump in the ring. I would say, enough is enough. I can't sit through this anymore.


It's a lot. It's a lot. But yeah, thank you for sticking around, guys. That's the end of the show. That's the end of the show. That was a very good episode. I enjoyed that one a lot. Laught a lot. Hope you guys did, too. But yeah. That's about it. That's about it. Bye, bye, bye.