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We are now going to play a pick of poison. James has two cards, I have two cards, and everyone is going to decide what poison they would rather take. Pyp, be forced to smoke crack before any family function or be forced to lick every door knob you ever use.


You're doing the door knob thing, isn't it?


I don't remember the door knob thing. I think they-Smoke crack. Forced to smoke crack before any family function.


Every door knob. Every dawn, my immune system will be up. I'll be sick a good few times, but then eventually, my immune system will be up, up. I'm not smoking crack once. I'm not doing it once. Do you know how scary? I've got a heart condition. Do you know how scary that is to me? Smoking crack cocaine.


If there was... Caviate. If there was some Any form of muscle atrophy that happens when you smoke crack.So.


You get bigger? You mean hypertrophy?Hypertrophy, sorry. There is atrophy.Hypertrophy..


You see small positives and benefits from it, but you don't do it. You just see through a looking glass. If you smoke it, this is what happens.


Crack heads are just wham in this universe.Yeah.And their bodies look sculpted.


Greek Goddesses, or gods, rather. Thoughts.


Do I have to consistently upkeep... Let's say crack is the steroid in this example. Do I have to consistently, even if it's few and far between, if I want to maintain the physique, how often do I have to smoke crack?


One every six.One every six months?Monds, not weeks. All day, it's months. Good Lord. But you have to finish a pipe.


An entire pipe?


An entire pipe. It lasts you six months.


No, bro. I don't know, bro.


You said you do anything for games. Yeah, I did.


You said that was why you do anything. That's why I'm entertaining this conversation. But what's that fucking Wesley Snipes' movie, bro?New Jack Cee.New Jack Cee. You might see New Jack Cee.


I don't think so.


Chris Rocks a crackhead in it. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wesley Snipes. Pooky, that's a crackhead name. Wesley Snipes plays a guy called Nino Brown. Yeah. Her drug lord.


I was going to say Nino Brown is a drug lord name.


Chris Rock's a fucking cracker called Pooky. Yeah.


When I say it's not fucked up. Yeah.


Bro, I don't think. Bro, crack makes people leave their babies in the street. I don't think you're going to deepen what's going on of it after smoking it once every... A whole pipe. Yeah. Not just oneIt's not a hit. No. No, that's really scary.


But you're in a safe space. You're in a confined space where people are looking after you.


How long is this trip?


The trip is as long as it lasts. Oh, God. I I don't know how long a pipe of crack would last.


It sounds like it'll last for ages.


It does.


Because I've never seen someone... Obviously, I've only seen it in movies. But even in the movies, they don't smoke a whole pipe. They take one hit and they start punching walls. A whole pipe of crack every six months. I don't think I'll make it to my next six month appointment. Because if I've survived the addiction for the first one, I'm not sure I'll make it because the anxiety, when I've got a month to go, the anxiety will really kick in.


When I say, James, you get wham. When I say the first gym session, when you've calmed down, when you're on base level again, you hit the gym, you're hitting PBs you've never seen before.


How long until I start seeing the benefits? Because it last a month.


A month. But you're banging gym and you're feeling great, but you start to see the benefits after a month.


What's the negativity? I just might get addicted to crack.


Of course.


I might have serious heart problems. Of course.


But this is one every six.


I'll probably smelt the crack. Cool. Would you?


Pause. It depends on how big I get or I can get.


It's perfect. Yeah, not too big, not too small.It's perfect.It's God. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. For some reason, your beard's just shinier.


The hairline just craze everything.


Your hairline goes from here to here. My 40 goes from 40 to three. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So there's benefits. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's benefits in this bitch. There's benefits. Yeah. Then you wake up sometimes and your knees hurt, and if I'm growing pains, yeah.I'd.


Have to take it.Yeah. I'd have to take it. I'd have to take it. I've got no choice. Yeah, I'm taking it. Yeah, I'm taking it. Yeah, I'm doing it.Facts.Rem?Rem.


Take it, too.


Two hits, two pipes. In that scenario, yeah, I'm down.Yeah?Yeah. No hezzy, no questions?


No hezzy for gains, no.

[00:05:17] Fair. All right, you're up. Fair. To be fair, I'd pick... Like I said, I'd obviously pick... No. In this actual scenario, I'm picking Dawn, but in the scenario I just created, crack cocaed me up. Yeah. Fair.