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I don't like any alcohol. I'm just used to jd. That's a fact. I hate spicy drinks, bro. I love it. It's fire in it. I think maybe the ones you tasted didn't have a good honey balance. That's probably why it didn't sit well with you. Do you see what I'm saying? You do this a lot. I've had, like, spice every time you like something and I don't like it, there's a reason why I don't like it. No, I'm just saying it could be x. I don't like spice in my drink. You're my friend, brother. I know you're my friend and you want the best of me and appreciate it, but if I don't like spice on my drink, there's no chili drink or honey balance that's going to get me to the point of liking it. It's got chili in it. I beg to differ, bro. But say less. Say less. Okay. Say less. Okay.