Transcribe your podcast

I remember I was in Paris years ago. I was with my girlfriend at the time. One guy was like, Oh, do you want a bracelet? To my girl. She was like, No, I'm okay. And he was like, No, like typical bullshit. Beautiful wrist deserves a beautiful bracelet. Beautiful girl. All this thing. I was like, Chill out, man. Chill out. I haven't got the money. I didn't have anything. Stop. He was like, Look, you don't have to give me any money or anything. So he took her wrist and he kept saying, Hakuna Matata. Randomly, as he's spinning and twisting this, he said, Hakuna Matata. Then at the end of it, she was like, Oh, yeah, that's cool. He was like, €30. She was like, What? I was like, What? It was €30. We were like, No, we said we didn't want it. He's like, It's on her wrist. She obviously wanted it. I was like, What are you about, big man? My guy was like, Take it back. He was like, What am I supposed to do with it? What am I supposed to do with it?I made it for you.I made it for you. €30.


He said, I'm calling the police. Oh, my God. I gave him the third and kiss, my dude. That's all I had for the day.