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Elon Musk is increasingly being courtered by foreign government, a reflection of the power he wields in technology and communications.


But the billionaire is now under fire.


For endorsing anti Semitism.


On his social media platform X, Musk.


This week reposted an anti Jewish conspiracy theory, replying you have said the actual truth.


The conspiracy theory appears similar to that.


Echoed in the final written word of Robert Bowers. He killed eleven people at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh in 2018.


America's worst antisemitic attack.


IBM, which is one of the heaviest.


Spenders on X, was the first to.


Pull its advertising money after his comments. Apple, which spends tens of millions of pounds a year on X, has pulled its ads too. So have Disney and Lionsgate, some of the biggest media companies in the world now abandoning ship.


It's another blow to the bottom line of X.


Formerly known as Twitter, it's now worth less than half of what it was when Musk took over last year.


We're seeing really big marquee advertisers like IBM pulling their ads from the platform that is sort know, the last pillar that is keeping this company afloat. And it is particularly dire right now as again they're trying to rebuild that trust and rebuild their relationship with advertisers who have already been skeptical for the past year.


Musk's comments caused anger even in the White House. A spokesman calling the conspiracy theory a.


Hideous lie at any time, let alone.


One month after the deadliest day for the Jewish people since the Holocaust. But Musk and X were remaining unapologetic. In a statement, a spokesperson saying x wants partners who share our goal to protect freedom of speech, and will work with us to protect it in full stand with X to protect free speech. But if its biggest advertisers keep pulling their money, there may not be any X left to defend at all. Martha Kellner, Sky News, Los Angelis.