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The Israel Defense Forces have been telling Palestinians to evacuate parts of Rafeh in Gaza, where it's been threatening to launch an offensive for many months now. The IDF released this animation telling civilians to move to Almoasis, an area Israel has declared as a humanitarian area near the Coast. Well, these are images from that humanitarian area, which is called, like I say, Almoasis. You can see that it is being filled with tents of people who fled fighting elsewhere in Gaza. Well, let's cross live now to our international correspondent, John Sparks, who joins us in Jerusalem. John, what more can you tell us about this development?


Good morning, Gareth. As you say, senior Israeli officials have been threatening a major military operation in Southern Gaza, in and around the city of Rafeh for some weeks now. The defense minister yesterday said this operation could take place imminently, and it does seem like they've taken a major step towards it now. A statement this morning from the IDF, the Israeli Defense Forces, encouraged residents in a pocket of Southeast Gaza to get out and move towards what they are calling an expanded humanitarian area to the north, centered around the city of Khan Younis and a coastal community called Al-Mawassi. I can tell you that they have just started to drop leaflets telling civilians to do exactly that, to move to these humanitarian humanitarian areas that they claim have additional field hospitals, food, water, medical supplies, that thing. But I have to say international aid agencies will greet that claim with real skepticism. They say the Israelis have not done enough to supply exactly these things to facilitate the supply of humanitarian supplies so far in this conflict. I should also point out that the IDF is telling people to move back to areas that have been badly damaged in the war, like the city of Khan Unis.


That was laid siege to in January. Much of it is destroyed. But, Gareth, the significance of this, I think we are standing at the brink of what is another mass migration in Gaza. A lot of the people in Southern Gaza at the moment, they have come from Gaza City, they have come from Northern Gaza. They are now being told to return, to move back up north. And I think what Israel is doing, what the IDF is doing, is going to test to the limit the support that they receive from the international community, certainly from their key backers in the West. Last week, the Americans said that the Israelis didn't have a credible plan to support civilians in the event that they went for an incursion into Rafeh, into Southern Gaza. They said they wouldn't support it. So now that it seems that the Israelis are about to launch this operation, what to the Americans? What to Joe Biden? What does the Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken? What does Lord Cameron? How do they respond? How are they going to deal with this crisis?


John, for the moment, following those developments for us from Jerusalem. Thank you.