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I don't need to tell you how we feel close to the families, the families that have undergone this loss. Of course, what's even more painful would be, in fact, if the development of the inquiry were to demonstrate that this tragedy, this terrible tragedy, was caused by behaviors that were not perfectly in order with regard to the responsibility that everybody had to have with regard to managing the ship, in particular as far as this case is concerned. I'd like to officially communicate to you that the prosecutor of Termini Maresi has We hypothesized that there could be, in fact, a question of homicide. But this is just, in fact, the beginning of an inquiry, of the inquiry. Generally, a prosecutor is never satisfied to give this information at this stage, precisely because, in fact, the developments as far as the inquiry are concerned could, in fact, change. We We cannot exclude anything at all. But of course, there's been a lot of media interest and international interest with regard to the people who are involved. So, of course, we had to organize this press conference, but at the same time, I believe that it's right for me to anticipate the developments.


The developments of this inquiry can be very variable.