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Eric, how is President Trump doing after what happened at the weekend? He's doing well. His spirits are high. Should never happened. Incredibly scary moment. I watched her from the couch with my two young kids sitting on my lap. I almost saw my father get assassinated. It's unthinkable. I mean, it's just unthinkable. But 48 hours later, I was here at the convention. Unbelievable convention. You see the love in this room. I cast a exciting delegate that put him over the line and made him the Republican nominee for President of the United States. You want to talk about highs and lows in a 48-hour period of time. That was certainly it. But I'm incredibly proud of the man. He stands up, he has blood running down the side of his face, and puts his fist in the air and says, fight, fight, fight. And that's exactly what this country needs. It's exactly what the Western world needs right now, if you want to know the truth, including, frankly, the UK, where I spend a lot of time. And I think you know that we have a lot of great properties over there and absolutely adore the UK.


But we need real strength in this world right now for the benefit of the Western world. We need.