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We are going to go to Paris now live with our correspondent Adam Parsons covering the Olympics with some breaking, developing news on those arson attacks on the train network from Friday. Adam, what can you tell us?


Yeah, in the past few moments, it has been confirmed by Gerard Darmanin, the french interior minister, that a person has been arrested in relation to this attack. Let me tell you exactly what we've just been told. This is what they call an ultra left. So we would probably say an extreme left militant arrested on Sunday at a site in St. Martin. And the items found with that person included were told access keys to technical premises of SNCF, that is the front french national railway network, wire cutters and a set of skeleton keys. So this person was told, arrested at, on Sunday at an SNCF site in Riesel, according to a police source who has been quoted by the AFP agency with access to technical premises as well as literature that has allegedly linked that person to the extreme left. Now this follows on from Mister dominant earlier this morning, saying that the investigation had already led them to the conclusion that it was extreme left activists who had carried out this attack, that they thought they had identified a number of people, and interestingly, saying that the tactics used in this attack mirrored those that had been used previously by groups from the extreme left in previous attempts at sabotage.


Now, just to remind anyone who has forgotten that this was a sabotage, coordinated attempt carried out on Friday, the day of the opening ceremony, at a number of sites that pretty much paralyzed the parts of the french high speed rail network. With trains going to the northeast, northwest, out towards the atlantic coast. An attempt to sabotage the line going south was foiled when people who were on the line without authorization were spotted by railway workers and the police were informed. But three of those lines were hugely affected. Work had to be done over the weekend to get them back to normal. On the day, it was estimated that 800,000 travelers had been affected by that attack, police, as you might imagine, have been looking, spent days now hunting for those people. Initially, there was plenty of speculation linking this with Russia, which had carried out a cyberattack in the 2018 Olympic Winter Games in South Korea. But now the french interior minister linking these attacks, in fact, with far left groups here in France.