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It's the child's room.


Detectives knew there were guns somewhere in the home of Danny Butler, armorer to a South London gang. They didn't expect to find them hidden in his children's underwear drawer. Three handguns, one of them loaded. And that wasn't all. A sawn-off shotgun and two others were hidden elsewhere in the house, along with lots of ammunition. Police, get on the floor. The Metropolitan Police says its blitz on illegal firearms has led to a record drop in gun crime in the capital.


We seized 386 firearms last year, but we also saw the lowest levels of gun crime in London for the last 15 years. We detected over one in two gun crimes. 52% of gun crimes were detected last year. Highest figures for 11 years.


A year ago, Tyrese Miller, 22, was shot dead on his way home from a night out with friends.


No firearms. It's got no place. It's got no place here. All of us need to get together, work together. We need to stop this. And it's not about black on black crime. This affects everyone.


The number of gun-related murders in London was down to eight last year.


Gun crime in the capital may be down, but the national picture is rather different. Our Up nine % last year, according to the Office for National Statistics.


For all its success, the Met is still failing to solve almost half of its gun crime. And that includes, for the moment at least, the drive-by shooting of four people at a London restaurant last month. A nine-year-old girl is still critical in hospital. No one has been arrested. Martin Brunt, Sky News.