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So then more on our top story. British teenager, Alex Batty, didn't seem angry about being kidnapped by his mother six years ago, and now just wants to live a normal life. The French student who found him has told Sky News. Fabian Attudini offered the 17-year-old a lift in the early hours of Wednesday after spotting him walking alone in heavy rain near the southern French city of Toulouse. Fabian has been speaking to our Europe correspondent, Adam Parsons.


At first, I saw a young guy on the side of the road with a skateboard under his arm, backpack, flashlight, and just a normal guy. I look at it a bit confused What did he do? What is he doing in the middle of the night? It was raining at 3:00 AM, working alone here. I don't stop at first, but I know that coming back to the other pharmacy, I drive on the same road. I talk to myself that on the return that I will talk to him or to came with me to- To.


Check his safe?


To check his safe, yes. And if he wants to be the driver.


Oh, the passenger? He can be a passenger.


He can be a passenger. And I just deliver it to another village where I want to go just to help him. So that's what I did. I stopped by him and we spoke for two minutes. Hesat down with me. He came with me. We continue my work because I deliver medicine to the pharmacy at night. And all along during the drive, we talked about his situation.


What did he say to you had happened to him?


He told me that she was kidnapped by his mother and grandfather when he was in Morocco six, so it's more than two years ago. After he go to Spain, where he lived for three years with his mother, and after he was in France for two years. So we talk about his life in France. He told me that he was in spiritual community with his mother because he said that his mother, his mother, is a bit crazy.


How did he seem? Did he seem scared or tired? Or how did he.


Seem to be? He seems tired, but not very scared or a bit stressed to come with a stranger in a in a truck, but no, not shocked or anything like that about his life in the community. He was mostly relieved. Relief? Relief to be to be helped and to be... He really hope to come back to England with his grandmother after.


He wants to come back to see his grandmother?


Yes, yes, yes. That's all he wants right now.


How long did he say he had been walking?


For four days, told me, for four days. Four days? -yes. He start in the mountain, and four days after I saw him on the side of the road. But I don't know where we start his journey.


And he wasn't hungry or.


So he's been eating a lot? No, he got money, he got water. I give him water and food if he wants, but he wasn't hungry or anything. He was really fine physically.


Fabian, when you first met him, how did he introduce himself? Who did you say he was?


He talked to me in French at first, but he said me after that his French was not very good, so it was easier to talk in English. So we talked in English. And he told me his name was Zach at first, but after maybe 10 minutes when he was confident, he told me his real name, it was Alex Bachi. I didn't know that he was kidnapped or all the stories around him, but yeah. Even when he told me that he was kidnapped, I didn't believe it or I didn't really... I don't know to say that.


So at.


First you thought this is a crazy story. Yes, yes, yes.


And then when did you think, no, this is a true story?


We had all the details that they told me and after really when the cops came to us, but after I called the police to explain the situation. And when the cops arrived, that's when I just realized all the story because I didn't look at his name or everything before the cops arrived.


Did he tell you anything about where his mother and his grandfather are now?


No, no, no. But I think that they stay in the spiritual community, but no, I don't know where they are. When he was in the community, he told me that he wasn't chained or restricted. I don't know if he was free to live or he live by the night. I don't know, actually, he didn't tell me.


To be to be Cliffabin, when he talked about that community, did he seem angry about it?


Did he-No, no, no.


Did he say any regrets about.


Leaving it? No, no, no. He didn't have regrets to leaving it, but he just wanted to live a normal life to see his grandmother again and to have a normal future. That's the world that he used. I think it was a bitchoice to live.


So if I can add, you contacted the police and you phoned the police in Toulouse, I guess, or in Revel.




Revel. -in Revel. What did the police say to you?


Yeah, it was the same reaction as me. They didn't believe me at first, but they believed me. But they were very shocked about the complexity of the case. And after they called the embassy.


The British Embassy?


British embassy, but didn't have an answer. So they call all the administration in France, Magistra, I don't know the word in English. They just do the job and they took us to the police station.


How did you get him to the police?


The police come to me and after we drive to the police station.


-so they met you? Yes. Then together you went to the police station in Lavelle and you said goodbye to Alex.


To Alex, yes. -and thenI wish him good luck.


And then I imagine you looked on your phone for Alex Batty. What did you think, Fabian, when you looked on your phone and realized this was all true?


Yes, I was like that and... I don't know how to react. That's a wow. It's really... That's really him and it's a real story. Yeah, I didn't know how to react. That's a wow. That's really him and it's a real story. Yeah, I didn't knowto react.


If Alex watches this, what is your message to Alex?


My message? If you watch me, Alex, again, I wish you good luck for your future. I hope that you will be a great engineer. I think that he wanted to be an engineer, and we talked about it. I hope that your grandmother will be happy. I hope. I'm sure of it. And if you want to that we meet again, I'm here to talk about it. Or if you want to work with the delivery of the pharmacy again, you can call me and...