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You might be in the House of Lords with her. Oh, my God, they're definitely going to ennoble you.


I hope so.


Oh, my God. This is amazing. I'll just have a podcast with Bara and Esses on. Jessica never comes back. Sorry, can I just say- You might have a carriageway Drive, but you're not posh enough for this pod anymore, lady.


Hey, Beth, pipe down. There's an actual news line just happened. Harriet says she wants to be. She said, I hope to be. There you go. I know. Actual news line.


That would be good, wouldn't it?


It would be brilliant. It would be such an addition to the house.


I'd like to. I can follow in Ruth and Ayesha's footsteps in there.


I think that the mother of the house- I think you'll eclipse both of us, I have to say.


Let's not count our chickens.


Before they hatch, Baron of Pecham.


There is already to be... But don't temp me. This is like people measuring up the curtains for Downing Street when they haven't won the election. I've got to be like, coyly, modestly waiting for that moment if it comes. The dissolution honors, it's called.