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It wasn't a military target. It was a football pitch with a playground attached where a group of teenagers were having fun. The victims between the ages of ten and 20 years old. Their home, Majdal Shams, is located in the israeli occupied Golan Heights, the majority Arabic speaking from the druze faith. But it will be seen as an attack on the state of Israel. A military spokesman blaming Hezbollah.


This evening, the Hezbollah terrorist organization in Lebanon fired a rocket at children playing soccer in a soccer field in Majdul Shams in northern Israel. Hezbollah then lied to the whole world and claimed they did not carry out this attack. This is a lie.


The evidence is clear, say the Israelis and Hezbollahs response. We had nothing to do with it. Questions will be asked. The youngsters didnt have time to find cover. Israels air defenses failing to intercept the weapon. But the countrys prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, will demand a response. He's seen here with a military advisor after the attack. It was a wretched day across the region. This girls school in Gaza struck by the Israelis some 12 hours before. Our team saw a blur of bodies extracted from the classrooms and the look of terror on a young girl's face. We were struck. She utters Khadija school was full of displaced people and they used some classrooms here to treat the sick. It was also an israeli target. The premises playing host to a Hamas command and control center, says the IDF, and their missiles punctured concrete floors, the walls blown into the neighborhood. Gaza's health ministry says dozens of people were killed, including a significant number of children. More than a hundred have been injured. Others have been left under the concrete. People say there were thousands living here, some sort of refuge from this brutal war.


Why were these people targeted? What are they guilty of? I go downstairs, I find a head, a leg and an arm. I can't comprehend what's happening.


Were there displaced people here? He's asked.


People don't know where to go. Where are people supposed to go?


In all too familiar scenes, the casualties were taken to a nearby hospital. Children covered in blood, adults grimacing in pain where they waited on the floor for treatment. The health ministry said twelve people had been killed in other strikes around the strip. The attack comes one day after ceasefire talks are expected to convene in Italy. But peace in the region seems an unlikely prospect.