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I'm a fool, fool, fool believer of train hard, fight easy. So I would get a bunch of people in the room that would ask me unfair questions, that would ask me questions that were personal, that would absolutely rip me to shred.


Ayesha, you did it with Ed Miliband in 2015. Where did you start with it on these debates?


The amount of prep is phenomenal. If you're taking this stuff seriously, you start doing your prep months and months and months months before. We actually had loads of Americans flying as well. And the one thing I would say is, I think sometimes we, in British politics, always look to Americans for these TV debates because they do them more regularly. You can actually make a mistake just trying to make it too American. We have this one guy prepping us who kept saying to Ed, Happy warrior.


Like, your face should be happy warrior. And we were like, what the fuck does this.