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For weeks, Israel has claimed Hamas has a network of tunnels under Al-Shifra Hospital in Gaza City. On Sunday evening, the Israeli military released the first video of a tunnel that they claim to have found. It was discovered under a garage. The exposed passageway is 10 meters underground, and it ends at a blast-proof door with a small firing hole in.


We've found an underground shaft very well concealed in that complex. Over the past few days, we've investigated the shaft, and today we've documented the findings, and we've exposed the documented materials to the whole world.


In what they say is further justification for their operations at the hospital, the Israeli military has also released this CCTV from the morning of the seventh of October attacks. They claim it shows an Israeli military Jeep used by Hamas to bring some hostages to Al-Shif, a hospital. The CCTV then shows a man being hurried through the main entrance, followed by gunman. Another clip shows what Israel says is a second hostage, again surrounded by gunman and on a stretcher with a bloodied hand. Israel believes they are Thai and Nepalese citizens, but they don't know where they are now. On Saturday, Israel allowed a team from the World Health Organization access to Al-Shif, a hospital for an hour. They described the hospital as a death zone and said it is no longer operational. This, they say, is a result of the Israeli military operation. Although most patients and staff have already fled the hospital, the critically ill have remained trapped there. Including 31 premature babies in need of specialist care. Those babies were finally evacuated from the hospital and taken by the Palestinian Red Crescent to the south of Gaza. Some of them are orphans, their parents, killed by Israeli airstrikes.


This kid is from unknown variants. He's found after bomb in the street.


The babies are suffering from septicemia, dehydration and hypothermia. The most seriously ill will soon be transferred to a hospital on the Egyptian side of the border. They will never remember their ordeal, but their young lives have already been forever shaped by the last few weeks. They're still searching for the dead after two schools were bombed in Northern Gaza on Saturday night. A young girl covers the body of her brother, killed in the attack. He is now in heaven with my father, she cries. The IDF says it is still investigating who is responsible. International calls for a humanitarian ceasefire are growing almost by the day, but Israel is standing firm for now. Images like this though, will only increase the pressure on them. Alistair Pankal-Skyne news in Israel.