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Emily Hans, because her story is extraordinary. Her father, Thomas Hans, gave an extraordinary interview in the days after October the seventh, saying that the fact that he thought his daughter had died because her remains were thought to have been found, was a cause for him to be relieved and to be happy because he said he knew what happened inside Gaza, and he couldn't imagine a worse fate for his daughter than falling to the hands of Hamas. And then the Israelis said they believed, so they had intelligence, believing, at least them to believe that Emily was in fact alive. And she has now emerged from Gaza, one of the 13 being released, 13 Israelis being released by Hamas. And the other name that Israel is highlighting today is Hilla Rotem-Shashani. She's 13. She's from Barry as well as Emily Hand. But her mother, Ria, has not been released, not in the terms of the truths. Families were not meant to be separated. So the Israelis are saying that the fact that she's been released, but not her mother, is Hamas breaking the terms of the truth? So that may cause trouble tomorrow.