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Gazans were told by the Israelis they would be safer in Han, Younus. But that didn't help the Tabatebi family. Eleven of them killed in two Israeli airstrikes.


We were in Gaza City, and as a result of the conflict, we were moved to Khan, Younus. All my sisters died, and my son and daughter also. I wish I had taken her in my arms and my twin sister also died..


There could be many more families like the Taba tibis to come in Khan, Unis. Israel is mopping up in the north of Gaza, the area it's ordered more than a million Palestinians to leave. But it's now threatening to turn on the south, the place it made them.


Move to. You saw what happened to the city of Gaza. Khan Younus is a center for Hamas activity as well. We're asking civilians, please vacate the area for your own safety. We don't want to see you caught up in the crossfire.


Israelis have yet to find the tunnel complex. They'd claimed Hamas built under Al-Shifah Hospital, but nearby they did find two Israeli bodies. Draped to the Israeli flag the coffin of a soldier and hostage. Intelligence Officer Noah Marchyano was seized as Hamas overran her base, now brought out of Gaza to be buried by her family.


I'm glad at least you're here. I will bring my grandchildren. I will bring the family. I won't give up on you. Everyone will know about Noah Marchyano..


She was one of two dead Israeli hostages to have been found in Gaza in recent days. The Weiss family was informed yesterday their grandmother's body had also been found near at the house, Schiefer. Judith Weiss had been taken hostage in Kibbutz-Beirie near Gaza. Her husband, Schmulik, killed. Their son, Omer, told me of his family's heartbreak, of being told first about his father's death and then his mother's.


Tell us what it is like, what it has been like for you.


To live with this uncertainty about your parents.


It's unbelievable pain. Every day passes, every hour, every minute, and we don't have information. We're our father. We buried our father and we weren't able to mourn. We kept ourselves busy and we did everything we could to bring my mother home.


At the end of the sixth week of this war, the UN is warning that some Palestinians in Gaza face the immediate possibility of starvation. Western diplomats say the risk of an outbreak of disease, killing many people is very real because of disastrous sanitation.


Sky News filmed in a hospital in Northern Gaza, where doctors say the lack of fuel is only getting worse, and now they're running out of oxygen.


My daughter is in need of oxygen. There is no oxygen nor electricity. There is nothing. She is suffering and struggling for oxygen. They cannot help her.


Israel has agreed to a little more fuel being let in and some more aid. The UN says the fighting must stop for several days if there's any chance of getting enough help to the people who need it. Instead, Israel is parking its tanks in the yard of UN schools and appears to be on the verge of expanding its campaign further south.