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How would you sum up what this feels like right now?


You know when Atlas had the world on his shoulder it must have been pretty weighty. And then the gods came along and said, oh, you can have a rest atlas, and we'll take over from you. That is the feeling here. Tremendous relief from an onerous and ongoing burden of having Julian banged up for year after year after year.


What do you think has been so key to your son enjoying freedom?


Once Australia represented Julian as a state and then the parliament passed a motion. The australian parliament passed a motion 84 to zero of support and the delegation went to Washington of Australia. Mixed across the aisle things changed.


How important do you think Prime Minister Albanese role has been in this?


Prime Minister Albanese promised a result and got it.


What do the days ahead look like for your son?


I guess you know, for me in my imagination the divine essence and beauty of ordinary everyday life. To walk bare feet on the cold winter sand. It's winter here now. To watch your children gamble and play at the water's edge and worry if they're going to get too cold to get back in time for lunch to feed them as they want to continue to play. Little things like that to sit and share a glass if that's your mood with the mother of your children and your companion. Pretty sweet, huh?


He pleaded guilty to one charge. Do you think he will have found that hard?


I don't know. He's upright and brave so I can assume it wasn't easy. And I can also assume that if you want to get out of here that's what you'll do. If you don't do that it'll continue until you drop dead in your cell. So I think that that understand. I guess that that understanding was made very plain to him.


The US has long maintained that your son endangered lives. Do you accept that that that is now part of his legacy?


Those executives of state who utter those things, those same people directed organized the destruction of an entire country Iraq. And they stand and say he may have endangered lives. It's grotesque.


And Julian? Do you think he'll settle here with his children and his wife?


I don't know what the future holds. I can't tell. I hope that he's not far away so I can pop in for a coffee. But you know, whatever.


What do you think is the key, key reason that you've got this result?


The people of Australia and elsewhere have taken it upon themselves to write an injustice.