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Whatever happened we as a government we condemned the killing of civilians whoever they are, wherever they are in the Middle east or all over the world. Second thing, we condemn whoever did it, be it somebody lebanese or somebody or israeli or whatever. You know this is very important to us. The Quran is nothing, is not Israel, Guran is syrian occupied by Israel and therefore it's not self defense. And therefore it doesn't mean give them a license to kill and destroy like they took in Gaza. This is not. It shouldn't be. The world should not give them a license to kill. The people who were killed were not Israelis, they were Syrians. And there is no way that this is I don't know who did it. And we asked for an investigation, UN investigation. There is an. So there is unifil, there is all of these. They can do investigation and we're ready to accept the result, you know, so we don't know who did it. I know Hezbollah is accused by Israel that they did it. Hezbollah refuses. My feeling is that why would Hezbollah do it? To kill Arabs, to kill Syrians. And Hezbollah has been, you know, always targeting military positions of Israel, not civilians.


The number of civilians killed in Israel less than seven while in Lebanon over more than hundred killed by Israel in Lebanon. So I cannot understand why would Hezbollah do it? There is no logic in it.


Nevertheless the US and Israel appeared to be convinced that Hezbollah did do it and are threatening all sorts of retaliation.


Israel said it from first minute, first, 2nd that Hezbollah did it without any investigation, without any research, without anything. They said it. And usually, usually I don't know what do they have, the Americans? They may have information, I don't know but usually they support what Israel said.


The next 48 hours could possibly be crucial because prime minister of Israel has threatened massive retaliation. What do you think is likely to be the reaction, the response in Lebanon if that does happen?


Look, any attack on Lebanon is attacked on the Lebanese. There would be no difference between Lebanese and Hezbollah. I mean we don't have. We are not well equipped for defense or for attack or offense in the cigar and most of the fighting is going to be with Hezbollah but it will be supported by most Lebanese. Not because we like the war, because Israel is attacking Lebanon. We cannot accept it.