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The South Korean opposition leader has been stabbed in the neck. What on earth has happened? Joined now by the editorial director of Korea, pro-Jin-Jim-Kim, who is in Seoul for us this morning, good afternoon where you are. What can you tell us?


The South Korean opposition leader, Lee Ja-Mong, he was attacked in Pushan earlier today, which is traditionally a conservative stronghold. He was holding a stand-up Q&A session outdoors, and a man in his 60s wearing a headband disguised as the supporter, he approached the asking for autograft, and then he stabbed Lee in the neck with an eight-inch long knife. Apparently, we can see in the video that the assailant kept pushing the knife towards the wall, being blocked by the guards. He felt bleeding, hospitalized, and pending surgery soon, but thankfully, it appears it was not life-threatening, a one-centimeter wound, but we're still waiting for additional details about the injury. There were around 50 police officers nearby with masquerading as a supporter. He was not suspected and police arrested the man for charges of attempted murder just a few minutes earlier.


Okay, for now, thanks very much indeed. We'll see you soon.