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I know that you will be anxious not to rush to judgment, but does this extended footage showing an assault on police officers change your view about what took place?


No, because I had seen the footage when I commented at length on Thursday, and I said then that it's a complicated situation, a very violent situation, actually, and that there were issues on both sides. And that's why I asked other people not to rush to judgment, because of the complexity of it. And simply nobody out there, everyone who's having their say, nobody has got all of the facts. Nobody is in possession of the complete picture. Although this morning, Trevor, at least we've moved forward to some degree, and there is a fuller picture out there. And actually, that's helpful. I asked the question, could more be released than because it's linked to a criminal trial? That or potential trial that couldn't be done, but obviously it's found its way into the public domain. I don't know how, but at least that gives everybody a fuller picture. What I would say now is there's two parallel investigations here. One into some potential assaults at Manchester airport, another into police conduct. Both need to move forward. And I would just ask people now, let them move forward. Let them come to that complete picture, make the judgment on what needs to happen, and then at least we can all move forward.


You are actually a political authority, as it were, for Manchester. So when will we, can we expect to know something conclusive or an interim conclusion of either of those inquiries?


Well, I know it's a frustration, isn't it? In the world we live in, everybody wants instantaneous conclusions. But life, life's not like that, is it? You know, we have in the last few days, you know, people making complete judgments on the one side or the other, you know, picking a side in this, in this whole thing. And the truth always lies somewhere in between, Trevor, doesn't it? Is. Life's more complicated than sometimes people portray it to be on social media. So the investigations will have to move forward. Great. Manchester police have issued an appeal for witnesses because there are three stages to this. There was what happened on the plane because that was where it would seem the whole issue began. And then in the baggage hall.


So there's more to come from even before this, this footage?


Yeah, there was a prior incident that took place, it would seem, led to a dispute on the. That led from a dispute on the plane. There was then an incident in the arrivals area in Manchester airport. And the footage people are seeing is then the subsequent police intervention. So, as I say, it's a complicated story. And, you know, it's just frustrating for me in the middle of it, seeing everybody rushing to judgment, everyone thinking they know everything about it, and sadly they don't.


The thing is though, Andy, that we can say that there's context, but the truth is that the bit that people saw to begin with, in and of itself, irrespective of what might have happened around it, surely cannot be justified for somebody who has the responsibility and weight of being a police officer, carrying the warrant card and so on. Those actions in and of themselves tell a story which is, as many people, I think are saying this morning, unacceptable.


It's why I said a moment ago, Trevor, that there are two investigations and one of those is into police conduct and that will need to move forward. I think it's difficult in the heat of the moment when everyone is commenting, to come to a rush judgment on that. It's properly now to be done by the IOPC, and that's the fair way to do it, isn't it?


The independent office of Police conduct.


Will need to look carefully at that whole issue and that will be done.


Okay, just one last point then. This of course, has started to take on a political hue. What is your reaction to the tweet by the reform MP Lee Anderson last night, and I'm quoting here, these animals need locking up. Over to you, Andy Burnham.


Well, what I would say is, for the reasons I've given Trevor, you know, this is such a complicated situation. No one yet has got the full, the full story. We've got to allow the authorities to do their job. We can't live in a country where we just have summary judgment and summary justice on social media. Life can't be like that. We'd end up in a very dangerous place.


I think Mister Anderson, I think Mister Anderson was referring to the chap whose head was stamped on when he wrote about animals, not the police.


Well, he's, well, he's obviously talking about the individuals who were involved. But what I'm saying is there's an investigation, a criminal investigation going on into that, as there is into the police conduct side of things. And both of those investigations need to do their job, particularly without members of parliament, might I say, prejudging those important investigations. You know, it's one thing, isn't it? People seeing clips on social media and the public reacting to those clips. I understand that. But it's another where members of parliament who should be applying more judgment to these matters, letting the police do their job, you know, piling in and making statements, you know, coming down on one side or the other and that's the problem these days, isn't it? People are picking sides when as I said before, the truth often is more complex and it lies, it lies in between and we've no hope really if MP's are just going to kind of join, join in and sort of, you know, add to the, add to the ferrari. We need to step back this morning, Trevor. I would have liked more of the footage to come out earlier but because it's linked to a potential trial it couldn't.


But at least it's out there. People can see it now. They can see that this is a complicated situation. It escalated very quickly. It's a very violent situation. The authorities now need to be given space to do their job. Please can that message, if nothing else, get out this morning? Everybody take a step back, let them do their job and hopefully it will be concluded as quickly as possible.