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Caught on CCTV just half an hour after he went missing. But for over 48 hours now, Michael Moseley hasn't been seen. The Greek island of Siny is only small, but right across it, they're searching on land, at sea, and from the sky, too. Glucose is an essential fuel for your body, but it's also quite toxic. Dr. Moseley is a familiar face on our screens and on the radio, known for presenting programs about healthy living. The very sugary drink to simulate a carb-loaded meal. And famous for the 5-2 diet, which encourages intermittent fasting. Dr. Moseley is understood to have left his wife on St. Nicholas Beach at 1:30 on Wednesday to go for a walk. Took, back to their accommodation. It should have taken under an hour, but he never arrived. The route he took was reportedly along the coastal path past the Peddy area, where he was seen on CCTV at around 2:00. He didn't have his phone on him. At 7:30, his wife raised the alarm after he failed to return to their hotel. She spent the next day searching for him, looking near a local supermarket.


She was asking if we saw him, if he came into the shop to buy something, but we didn't see him at all. Actually, the path from St. Nicholas Beach to our shop, it's about one kilometer, and it's very easy to come. It's not dangerous.


Since yesterday, emergency services from nearby roads and Athens have provided assistance, and today, divers join the effort, too. Simi has a population of just over two and a half thousand people. It's a sixth of the size of the Isle of Wight, and it's hot. Temperatures of over 30 degrees on Wednesday, nearing 40, raising concerns among locals and with Dr. Moseley's colleagues in the UK. Bbc Presenter Jeremy Vine said he was praying for Dr. Moseley and his family, and co-presenter Saléha Ihsan said she was sick with worry. A feeling familiar to Gary Tossall, whose father, John, went missing on a neighboring Greek Island five years ago.


When I read the story, it was a cut and paste of my father. It is, he went for a walk, a vanishing in the thinne. And obviously, as a family, we on a phone, we got together. We were like, going, this is surreal. I know exactly what they're going through, and it must be awful for them out there at the minute.


For Dr. Moseley's friends, his wife, and for his four children, the wait for the news is undoubtedly unbearable. Their hope and the search efforts to find him still going on.