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Even the experts find this too hot. At nearly 40 degrees, staying out longer isn't an option. How long were you up there for? How many hours or how many hours?


. Two hours.


Two hours? The morning search has yielded nothing, and this is the only ground team we encountered all day.


Is it dangerous to walk on? Yes, man. Very dangerous. Okay.


So you wouldn't recommend someone to go there?


No, absolutely not. Without a commitment and specific shoes, no.


The local mayor insists it is a large-scale operation.


. We're doing all humanly possible to find him.


But he admits he's still waiting for a thermal imaging helicopter and says the sniffer dogs can't work in this heat.


It isn't easy with these temperatures, and it isn't easy with that type of terrain for him to be Michael Moseley has now been missing for more than three days.


These last sightings of him caught on video, now integral to the efforts to find him. After he was seen on CCTV footage, Dr. Moseley is believed to have walked north. So this has now become the site of the search. We can't see any ground teams here, just a helicopter worrying above. On land, it's business as usual. Holiday goers know the search is underway, but everyone says the same thing. This island is so small, how can someone simply vanish? Dr. Moseley's family remain desperately hopeful. In a statement, his wife thanks the search efforts. She called these the longest and most unbearable days of her life. Sadia Chhabri, Sky News on Simi in Greece.