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Earthquake in the province of Ganu happened just before midnight. Xichang, there you go, country, I should say, was the worst hit area with freezing temperatures of below -13 degrees hampering the rescue effort. Here's Tom with more.


In China's cold and mountainous northwest, the devastation of this earthquake is starting to become clear. Buildings are now piles of rubble. Emergency services scramble to find survivors, and we're making sense of the scale of the disaster.


At 23:59 on December 18, 2023, an earthquake of 6.2 magnitude happened in Jixixha County, Linxah Prefecture. The depth of focus of the earthquake is 10 kilometers.


People are now struggling with no power or water. Roads have been destroyed, making it more difficult for rescue workers to reach the areas most in need. China's state broadcaster has reported that President, Xi Jinping has called for an all-out search and rescue effort, and 5,000 rescue workers have been sent to the region. In sub zero temperatures, survivors have been forced to make fires outside as they struggle to stay warm. The first trickle of aid has made its way to the area, and Taiwan's President has offered their support in the disaster recovery. That recovery looks set to take some time. Tom Chesher, Sky News.