Transcribe your podcast

What is the latest there, Adam, and what official word have we had on it all?


Yeah, good morning to you. In the past few minutes, I've just had a conversation with the French Sports Minister, Amalia Dior-Castel, who has herself just come from a meeting with the government. She has provided us with the information that she says that this is sabotage. She said that it was, if people have done this, a playing, she said, against the side of the athlete and described it as large coordinated sabotage. She said that she was angry, stressed, but said that we will not allow ourselves to be destabilized. I asked her whether or not this could be the actions of a state actor, whether this could be the actions of are they doing it? How can they be stopped? How can the effects of this be mitigated? Let's be honest, how can visitors to Paris today be assured that they are safe?


are they doing it? How can they be stopped? How can the effects of this be mitigated? Let's be honest, how can visitors to Paris today be assured that they are safe?