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In the next half hour, we'll see what's making the headlines with journalist and author Christina Patterson and political and pr consultant Leon Emirale. Welcome and great to see both of you. So, as ever, let's check out the front pages, shall we? Starting with the front page of the observer, featuring new government plans to overhaul planning rules to get more houses built. The Sunday Mirror leads on the same story, billing it a pledge to kickstart the construction of affordable homes. Daily Mail leads on new CCtv footage showing the fight moments before a police officer kicked a teenager in the head at Manchester airport. Telegraph leads on an exclusive that the prime minister, Keir Starmer, discussed a free movement deal for young people with the spanish premier earlier this month. Front at the Times says the chancellor is set to accuse the Tories of presiding over a cover up of the state of public finances and that she will scrape unfunded rail and road schemes. The Express leads on former home secretary Priti Patel throwing her hat into the ring to be the new Tory leader. She says she'll breathe new life into the party. And the star says mafia bosses have turned their backs on murder, extortion and drugs to become cow farmers.


A reminder, by scanning the QR code you'll see on screen during the program, you can check out the front pages of tomorrow's newspapers while you watch our guests. So let's head straight to Christina and to Leon. Welcome to both of you, Leon, Sunday Times. First of all, we are brokers. Britain is broken and broke, it seems, as well from this article.


Indeed. I thought the election was over a few weeks ago, but we're hearing some of those same lines from labor about the state of public finances. And this is effectively Rachel Reeve, the chancellor, saying that there is a 20 billion black hole in the public finances that have been covered up by the tories. And I have to .The whole thing is horrific. I remember when I saw on X Twitter the initial footage of the man having his head kicked by a police officer. It's utterly shocking. Utterly shocking and inexcusable. But when you see the footage that leads up to it, which is of the police officers, including a woman, being.Really broken nose as well, with a.Broken nose, there is no justification. But I suppose, as in a war situation, when, you know, people do, you know, kind of go mad. And I presume that the level of violence just triggered some primal reaction where of kind of punishment and anger. Clearly, the police officer shouldn't have done that. And they are now being investigated.Yeah, we shouldn't respect. I mean, it's a criminal investigation, you know, police authorities investigating as well, so. But as you say, I mean, shocking new footage which we have seen obtained, I think, by the Manchester United Evening News. Serious incident as well, in northern Israel, in the occupied Golan Heights. Eleven dead, ages between ten and 20 of this attack. And Benjamin Netanyahu returning to Israel, taking it extremely seriously, Leon?He is. And there's some quite interesting rhetoric. The israeli government are saying that this attack has crossed all red lines and that we are approaching the moment of an all out war against Hezbollah and Lebanon. I think that is quite worrying. And the rhetoric is incredibly intensified after this. So it all eyes on what the next moves are.Yeah. And just very quickly as well. Sunday times from back fracture to a bronze. Scarlet Mujensen thought her olympic dream was over when she suffered a partial back fracture three months ago, but her partner, Yasmin Harper, and she won a bronze and synchronized swimming. Congratulations to them. Certainly. Absolutely extraordinary. They've chopped off the photograph. Lots more still to come in the next part of our program. All the top stories coming up next.




The whole thing is horrific. I remember when I saw on X Twitter the initial footage of the man having his head kicked by a police officer. It's utterly shocking. Utterly shocking and inexcusable. But when you see the footage that leads up to it, which is of the police officers, including a woman, being.


Really broken nose as well, with a.


Broken nose, there is no justification. But I suppose, as in a war situation, when, you know, people do, you know, kind of go mad. And I presume that the level of violence just triggered some primal reaction where of kind of punishment and anger. Clearly, the police officer shouldn't have done that. And they are now being investigated.


Yeah, we shouldn't respect. I mean, it's a criminal investigation, you know, police authorities investigating as well, so. But as you say, I mean, shocking new footage which we have seen obtained, I think, by the Manchester United Evening News. Serious incident as well, in northern Israel, in the occupied Golan Heights. Eleven dead, ages between ten and 20 of this attack. And Benjamin Netanyahu returning to Israel, taking it extremely seriously, Leon?


He is. And there's some quite interesting rhetoric. The israeli government are saying that this attack has crossed all red lines and that we are approaching the moment of an all out war against Hezbollah and Lebanon. I think that is quite worrying. And the rhetoric is incredibly intensified after this. So it all eyes on what the next moves are.


Yeah. And just very quickly as well. Sunday times from back fracture to a bronze. Scarlet Mujensen thought her olympic dream was over when she suffered a partial back fracture three months ago, but her partner, Yasmin Harper, and she won a bronze and synchronized swimming. Congratulations to them. Certainly. Absolutely extraordinary. They've chopped off the photograph. Lots more still to come in the next part of our program. All the top stories coming up next.