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A hybrid national anthem for a hybrid government. South Africa's seventh National Assembly has convened. For the first time since 1994, the ANC is no longer dominating the room.


As South Africans, we get an opportunity to look back at the road we have traveled and see where we We have made mistakes and see where we have done well.


This new administration is calling itself a Government of National Unity.


I have said to him.


Inspired by the one Nelson Mandela formed to peacefully usher in the end of Apartheid and white minority rule.


I greet you all.


And a young Cyril Ramaphosa, here holding his microphone, was then tasked to negotiate the transition on behalf of the ANC.


I accordingly declare, Honorable MCAP Ramaphosa, duly elected President of the Republic of France. Ramaphosa.


Three decades later, Cyril Ramaphosa has been reinstated as South Africa's President.


A number of parties that had opposed each other, but that represent the majority of South African voters, have decided to work to get together to deliver this result has given a new birth, a new era to our country.


In his second term, he's bringing the government of National Unity back. Without the third largest party, a former President, Jacob Zuma, who've left their 58 MP seats empty, and the refusal of the fourth largest party, the Economic Freedom fighters, to join in partnership with the main opposition party, the white-led, business-centric Democratic Alliance.


The DA will no longer only be an opposition party at a national level. Instead, the DA now becomes the second biggest party inside a multi-party national government.


A new era of governance for a Black-majority country led by an anti-apartheid Liberation Party for 30 years. This new coalition may be force for the financial markets, but disorienting for a nation already on edge. Yusril Báhr, Sky News, Johannesburg.